luceiia - Thank you for posting all the discord links you have thus far (including your older post). I did not intend to be dismissive of them and rude.
It is just (like I stated previously) that most of discord links in this thread end up with little content. The best one I have experienced is "The Blackening". it is real busy.
I am currently a member of about 8 or so discord sites. I have joined and left probably 20 (or more) other discord sites after exploring all their content and then seeing there is not much.
Your latest offering (Subtle BNWO) is intriguing.
However, after joining when I tried to get their content to be seen/revealed, I keep getting a "you don't have permission to see this content" type error message on every category I select.
Many of these discord sites are like this...they want a person to jump through some hoops first before revealing their content. Items like answer some questions, declare roles, etc. before their content is fully revealed. I am familiar with the concept.
But this site, will not seem to let me select roles. They have like 6 questions regarding your roles. And no matter what I select for these questions, the site just does not like it. I started randomly selecting whatever they had just to see if anything would take...nothing yet.
I gave up trying for a while. I may try again later...if I can think of what I may be doing wrong? I would take any good advice to get this to work if anyone has any?
Anyway, long story. Sorry.
Bottom line, thanks for posting your links.