Posts: 744
The scandalous details are revealed in the highly-anticipated tell-all "The Rogue: Searching for The Real Sarah Palin," written by best-selling author Joe McGinniss.
Palin bedded future pro hoops player Glen Rice while he was playing at the University of Michigan , and Palin was described by a friend as the aggressor, with the pal reporting "she hauled his ass down," .
An excerpt from the Miami Herald today:
“Quoting from the book, that at the time, the 23-year-old Palin had a “fetish” about black men."
What do you think folks ? True ? BS ? Rice supposedly has confirmed the story .
Hawaii 5 O
Posts: 907
Heard about this, reported on the morning TV show The Buzz
Posts: 241
Well I guess that means she would get my vote !
Posts: 744
She sure looks like she fits the bill in this photo ! 
Posts: 744
She's 5' 6" and he is 6'8" ! Can you imagine ??? 
Posts: 744
Here is Glen with his hot white wife .
Posts: 155
I feel SO vindicated! I knew it! Back when Sarah P came into public view in 2008 I had an argument with my best gf about her. I told her SP had the "look" of a woman with a thing for black men. You know what I'm talking about - sometimes you can just look at a white girl and you just KNOW she likes it black . . .
My gf told me I was imagining it, that I was just "projecting" my own permisterality onto her. Now who has been proved right? [cackle!]
I can't stand SP's politics or anything she stands for. But permisterally, she just went up a few notches in my eyes! SP and a black b-ball player - a very pretty picture in my imagination! lol!
Posts: 13315
Sarah for President. The day it all changed for white men, as soon as she gets power laws are passed that little dicked white boys are feminised and placed in chastity and that any white girl could avail herself of black cock. And that is just the start The Tea Party is just a cover for sexy Palin her real aim is to lead the BLACK COFFEE PARTY HAHAHAHAHAH
Posts: 46
We liked Sarah Palin before and it's even better if she is into black cock. Mmmm....
Posts: 101
Sarah certainly shows how far you can get in life with nothing going for you except being a white beauty queen. And we all know most of those girls are black-exclusive.
Posts: 106
Maybe her and Obama could 'work together' and get a bit of cross party unity going on in Washington :D "We reveal ourselves through the language that we use."
Posts: 3376
YES, I knew it 
Posts: 20
It gets better. See this article which includes a well known story in Miami:
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Glen's wife cuckolded him with her trainer. This went on for a long time and one day Glen caught them together, the trainer was hiding in the closet. Glen assaulted the guy and was arrested for it. They ultimately divorced but she certainly had her fun during that marriage.
Posts: 1459
At least we know Glen has a little bit of taste and judgment! Judging by Palin and his own wife, I guess Sarah, Michelle Bachmann, Kristi Noem, Nikki Haley, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, etc are his type. Don't hear about these guys with any woofers like Wasserman-Schultz, Hillary, Napolitano, Whoopi, Joy Behar, Sheila Jackmister-Lee, Maxine Waters, Pelosi, Boxer, etc. Wait a come the conservatives have all the good-looking women? And if the liberals are so in favor of affirmative action, how come they're not fucking the black guys?? Must be a conspiracy.
And enough politics - this is a sex site!
Posts: 744
We need someone to do a nice photoshop job of Sarah and Glen getting it on . 
Posts: 1273
This story has now gone mainstream media. Because of this, her popularity among her mpronic fans and followers will drop like a rock on Jupiter. Republicans and the Tea Party, is stocked full of racists. Rice was quoted as saying some very nice things about her which was a gentlemans way of saying, "yea, I threw a fuck into the skanky whore because I made her get on top and I was to tired to jerk off, but I'm not going to confirm it." Anybody who would vote for this empty head because she is "hot" is as stupid as she is.
Posts: 542
I beg to differ with you drdneast, her popularity will not drop like a rock because the people that support her don't believe in facts, science or intelligence. She'll deny it ever happened and dismiss it as a liberal "lamestream" media attack. Doesn't matter if the book is wrong or right, bottom line it ain't white. Having said that, I'd fuck the cuckolds brownie out of her too. Sexy and smart don't have much to do with each other. Vote for her? Please......
Posts: 241
So much for the TEA Party being led by racists.... Case Closed!
Posts: 744
#19 · Edited by: sushiman
The real racists are in the so called Democratic Party ( should be renamed Socialist Party ) . In fact Obozo and his wife are . Hey Geecrizz - I bet you believe in Global Waming , too , huh ?  Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder . 
Posts: 526
When asked she said it was
Posts: 241
Kittensucker: When asked she said it was this big this big Now that cuckolds brownie is funny!
Posts: 101
"Hey Geecrizz - I bet you believe in Global Waming , too , huh ? Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder . "
So you think that the overwhelming majority of scientists, who are constantly, independently checking each others' data and running new tests, are either all stupid or are participating in a vast global conspiracy to lie about global warming? And you think people who believe in global warming are the ones with mental problems??? I bet you don't believe in evolution, either.
I'm not even a liberal. I just hate anti-intellectualism.
Posts: 452
Sarah for President !!
Posts: 744
smartissexy The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Posts: 1273
She is about as sexy as a butcher knife (the one she would use to cut morons balls off like you) and about as smart as a turip. Savvy, yes. Smart, no. Rick Scott, is the next mornoic right wingnut Republican favorite mister. Talk about anti-intellectualism, Scotty boy could be the poster young. His state is in a drought, suffering from record 100 degree temperatures and going up in smoke yet he stil thinks the facts are still out on global warming. How long do you want to wait Scotty, till the flames are reaching the governors mansion. Scott also talked about the federel government having to much power, state rights and seceeding from the union. But who did he go to when his state was burning up and he neededed extra firefighters and money. You guessed it, the feds. These clowns are such hypocrites that pander to the right wing idiotic American public.
Posts: 44
Posts: 241
You mean Rick Perry.... And The only people that like Rick Perry are the moderates. Nobody that like Palin or Ron Paul for that matter can stand Perry. He's a lying bible thumping hypocrite. Perry can suck my dick. And so can Sarah Palin..
Posts: 542
Settle down sushiman...all I said was that she is not intelligent (fact) and that the people that support her for president of anything aren't either. If you can't tell by listening to her talk then you're stupid too. Cmon man...have a little more self respect than that. I mean if you apply yourself, you might really be something someday! By the way, I take it back, she'd get my vote for president of the black dick suckers club...for LIFE!!! I might even change my coat and go back and vote again!
Posts: 155
Just sent SP a fan letter. I said that ever since I first heard of her it seemed like she and I had absolutely nothing in common. But I'm so pleased to find out that she and I share a "fetish for black men." I told her welcome to the sisterhood!
Can't wait to read her reply!
Posts: 2504