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Biggest Dick in the world. Real Study finds it.

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#1 · Edited by: superswinger
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How would asian and black girls like to sit on this??

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This Man Has the Largest Penis in the World: 13.5 in (34.29 cm) Erect!

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January 19th, 2008, 09:17 GMT| By Stefan Anitei

We may not be so impressive as other species with our physical abilities: powerful muscles or weaponry like fangs, claws, horns and so on. But we have evolved to excel in one issue: sex. Not regarding sexual activity - as it has been shown that the bonobo (which is also wrongly named "dwarf chimpanzee") has more sex and much varied than the human being - but penis size.

Man is the ape, the monkey and the primate with the biggest penis! Gorilla males, which dwarf humans in body size, have minute penises compared to ours, no thicker and longer than a pencil. Other apes do not reach even this size. In some African countries, 'hanging like a gorilla' is considered an insult.

So, in the end, who is the owner of the largest penis in the world? A 2006 UK Channel 4 documentary called 'The World's Biggest Penis' solved the mystery: it appears to be the New Yorker Jonah Cardeli Falcon (born July 29, 1970). His willy is 9.5 in (24.13 cm) flaccid, 13.5 in (34.29 cm) erect! The average human penis is 6 in (15 cm) long...

Jonah is not a nameless permister: he is an American actor and talk-show host, which appeared in some sitcoms, British television shows and Hollywood movies. He was born in Brooklyn and identifies himself as bisexual.

But the huge penis is not a blessing. It rather condemns him to loneliness: there's no match babe. He lives with his mom and his whale penis, without a girlfriend for 12 years.

"When I meet people they find it hard to look me in the eye, they just see what's in my trousers. It's become a real problem. When I was younger I went out in tight pants and would relax with a different permister every night, but I became burned out and disillusioned. My last relationship ended in 1996. Now I just want to find a steady girlfriend who doesn't think I'm a freak show", Jonah told "The Sun" two years ago.


Posts: 59
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No intrest because he is white?


Posts: 233
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the article has no pic. Hell, I could write some fake-ass article about a guy with a 20-inch weiner....if no pic is there how can you contradict me? Who cares?


Posts: 38 Pictures: 4 
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While it would be nice to see a pic of it, how do they really know this is the biggest penis in the world? Did they measure every man on the planet and this guy had it? they didnt measure me so I know they didnt do that, I would have finished a distant second anyway Just saying, there is no way of knowing who has the largest penis in the world but I am sure he is in the top 100 anyway!
D. Lowe


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anyone have his email address for my hotwife


Posts: 104
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9 inch flaccid. I've seen some guys in locker room that I would swear are at least 7" falccid (all black) but 9" is stretching it (pun intended).


Posts: 315
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I don't see why he be getting the title.....that's big but, I expected it would be something like 18". There are porn stars that are bigger than that. The guy stopped dating because it probably doesn't go up the way it used to....the bigger you are the more important it is for you to have good circulation. He stopped dating in 1996? shrunk, that's why there's no picture probably. Use it or lose it, is's just a question of how much you lose and how quickly.


Posts: 59
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Bump! One last time for the biggest dick in the world putting everyone else to shame. The white man cometh!
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
Interracial Cuckold / Interracial Cuckold /
Biggest Dick in the world. Real Study finds it.
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