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Should I just flat out ask her to do it?

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#1 · Edited by: MWC26
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Any advice is greatly appreciated, I might tell her tonight.
Jeanne and girlfriend Jess


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I told my wife she was free to fuck who wver she wanted. She did and now look at me I am a sissy faggot cuckold locked in chastity and denied ever fucking my wife again. I havent touched her pussy in a year except to clean cum from her. Tell her she needs a real man to fill her needs.
I have finally decided to take control (total) and have sissy in panties daily lock sissy in her CB 6000s for good. No more feeling sorry after a few weeks and no more giving into her pleas for mercy! Welcome the NEW MISTRESS!


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You need to tell her. (She likely has a clue anyway)


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Quoting: MWC26
She knows of the fantasy and goes along with it

Well, since she already knows of the fantasy...just go ahead and ask her. Be nice about it,and try not to show your frustration. One of the biggest things is to reassure her that you want sexual freedom for her...and this is not for you to use as a way to relax with other women.


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Well, it did not go well.

We went to a bar like we sometimes do, she was in a good mood. I brought it up in a somewhat serious way telling her it was my biggest fantasy and it could happen for real. I told her things like, "I know you would like it" "it would make us stronger as a couple" "I can NEVER relax with another woman, but you are free to do what you want". I think I said everything "right".

She is of course already aware of the fantasy and she admits to liking it as well...but just as a fantasy. She is afraid she could develop feelings for another guy. We have a strong relationship and I mentioned that, but she says even if theres a slight chance that its too risky for her. That was really the only reamister she had for not wanting to do it but she stood firm. I reminded her years ago about how I talked her into trying pot for the first time. She was totally against it and very angry that I brought it up with her. Well, I stuck with it, got her to try it and to this day she enjoys it and will occasionally ask me to get some of it, but we dont do it very often.

It became awkward, and she was upset because she felt like I would resent her now because of it. I told her I wouldnt but its just something I thought about alot and had to mention it. I also told her if she agreed to do it, it would all be setup very casual, and only with someone we both liked and had fun with. She still said no.

I am frustrated and not really sure if it will ever happen, I just hate how she is able to tease about it and never want to actually try the real thing. I still dont doubt that if the right guy came along she would do it on a casual level and like it.


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I just think I am going to have to put the idea away again...dammit!! It really is frustrating but I do my best not to show her just how frustrated it makes me. I cant power her to do it and I'm not going to try.

I was nearing a "chance encounter" attempt but it would likely be too suspicious right now. I have been talking with a couple of guys who are interested, who are our age, and I'm sure she would like but I think it would be too obvious right now.

If I could take back last nights conversation I would. I still think if I stick with it one of these days you will see a post from me like "wife finally did it!!"


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Do not bring it up again. She is your wife and if she doesn't want to do it for real, you are very fortunate that she goes along with the fantasy. She only goes along with it because she loves you and you need that a lot more than a sexual reality where she will resent you for pushing her into something she doesn't want to do.


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Definately put this on the back burner. When I first started bringing this up "for real" wife would sometimes get very upset with me. I would let it lie for some time and would only bring it up rarely...or only if she mentions/teases you about it.

Look at it this way, you were able to bring this up with her, communicate with her, and she communicated back to you...just not with an answer you wanted. That is still a good thing...don't regret bringing up your fantasies to her and asking her to follow through. You dont' know if you don't ask.

Will she ever do it? My wife told me that she would "never" relax with another man..."thats cheating". Never say never, my wife did relax with antoher man, and she loved it, I loved it, and I assume her lover did as well.

You wife is right about the emotional attatchment. My wife did develope feelings for him. She told me she didn't think it possible to be in love with two people at the same time. Thats part of the risk, she may fall in love with him. She may stay with you and love you both, or she may leave you for him. He and my wife are no longer seeing each other, in fact he basically called it off not that long ago. And right now she is hurt inside, like being dumped by a gf or bf.

This can be such a high, but be prepared for and equal low. Good luck and hopefully some day we will see that post "wife finally did it"


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#9 · Edited by: chillincuck
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Posts: 103
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thanks for all the response everyone. I realize I need to let it go, at least for awile. I just know she would like it, but maybe she does to and thats why she doesnt want to do it.


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you know what sucked for me - i finally opened up and got told i was a disgusting human being


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Some things are better left as fantasy.

When you do it for real, all the ugly little details and complications can combine to ruin it for everyone involved.


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so what is your point?


Posts: 103
#14 · Edited by: MWC26
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Ok, heres why I dont want to give up on this thing, check this out-

I have since laid off of the hotwife/cuckold idea with my wife since she reacted negatively. I had kinda put it out of my mind for the most part but two nights ago SHE brought it up in a big way.


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You're onto something. I'd be willing to bet if you had a few takes in her while you were out at a club and let her flirt she'd take some black cock for you. You need to set a little more ground work and then get the situation to be right but she'll end up fucking black cock. Just be ready, she may end up liking it so much that you'll have a wife that's hooked on fucking black cocks.
The best pussy is always married pussy


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This is a huge step forward. I think you are may be right that she remembers the night before, however, might be embarrassed to admit it. Exspecially since she came down hard on you when you brought it up.

I guess keep things on the lighter side, and if she brings it up again just before, or during sex...tell her "wow, you were extra hot..." "oh my god you were so wet..." etc.

This could be a great start to a wonderful cuckolding. Good luck and can't wait to read what happens next.


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We are going to take tonight, at home, I hope to get to the point we are talking about it again. Also, she is liking this girl who also works in her company as a friend. She is the one she was flirting together with. Sounds like getting these two together more often is a good move.I dont know a whole lot about her, but she is also married.

Any ideas for tonights take fest?

Thanks for all the input guys, this is VERY real and I appreciate real advice.


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Ever consider going through a period of underperformance (pretend not to be able to get it up or train your hair trigger (or learn to fake it))? If she's not getting it from you maybe her horniness will take over. Maybe you will have talks about "her pleasure."


Posts: 335
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go with cosmos. good takes to get the girls going. tell her you wonder how good chaz's cosmos are? lead her to suggest a trip to the bar to see chaz.


Posts: 156
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Yes I have some suggestions. First it seems when your wife has a few takes and relaxes she is a bit more open to her desires. You have to not push so hard! Stop swinging for the home run and take a few base hits.

For example tonight when you are out - if "she" brings it up - don't say - yeah go take the guy home and fuck him.
Say - your too much of a chicken to even take a pic with him on your phone. If she does - then you can make fun of the pic and say- you didn't even give him a kiss? Wow - you took the easy way out.

If you provoke her by pointing out that she really chickened out and could have had a lot more fun - you will find she will start pushing things on her own to show she is not afraid. Soon she will be bringing home pics of guys dicks that she took with her phone- then you tell didn't even hold it? Wow... guess you chickened out again.
She will embrace the fun of it and move forward without feeling pushed.

Finally - and I don't know how to say this more strongly. Don't EVER EVER EVER tell your wife to do what she wants when she comments about going off with another man, unless you are interested in her not doing it!

When you say that - she now has ALL the responsibility for what happens, and if you get upset - you will say - well that is what you wanted to do now isn't it. She alone assumes the responsibility for how it goes when you say this - and it is a guaranteed way to have a nervous wife withdraw.

I have a couple where the hubby and I were tying to get his wife to take my BBC for 7 months. Finally they were at a baseball game and I was texting her making bets on the game. I wanted to make a bet that if my team won - I would get to spank her at their house, and we would have our first meeting! (I have posted what happened on that meeting on popular interracial site)
She turned to hubby and asked what he thought - and he gave the proper response of I would like to see you lose that bet.

She texted me back - said forget the bet and invited me t meet three days later. It took 7 months to get that invite, and before that hubby always what you want , or whatever you are comfortable with. As soon as he said - I would like to see you lose that....she gave it a try.

Your wife has already expressed her concerns of how this could affect your relationship. Everytime you tell her to do what she wants - you reinpower those fears! Tell her instead, it would mean a lot to me if you would flirt with that guy - I like knowing I have a desirable wife. That will turn her on...she gets to win TWICE. Once with the guy she is flirting with...and secondly with you will be all over her later!

I can help you if your interested, you can email me at [email protected] if you need additional guidance.


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If you told her to do it and she did it just to make you happy.... would it be the same?


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bbc4 sounds like he has good ideas. I like the thought of daring her. THat's good as it apparently comes from a bull. I would have never thought about it. I suggested poor performance because that was how it happened for me.


Posts: 103
#23 · Edited by: MWC26
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Ok, update after our night of takeing. Not much in the way of progress, but a little bit I guess.

After some takes I casually and playfully brought up the night at the bar and that guy chaz. She didnt really talk much about it and still claimed not to remember much. After she took a shower I told her I hadnt had one yet either but she said "dont bother, I'm not going to suck your dick anyway". I ended up eating out her pussy and I used one of her BBC dildos on her which she can take all the way. After she came, she bent over for me but I couldnt get hard (a bit too much to take). She only gave me about a minute to try to get my dick in her and the she put her underwear back on and said too bad! So I didnt end up fucking her, but she had her pleasure. The next day I mentioned I was horny and she said "you had your chance but you couldnt give it to me".

So thats pretty much it. Thanks for the replies-bbc4mwf_ I like your dare ideas, I will try to work something like that in when I can.

fastfive yes the underperformance is somewhat regular, and she knows she can cum from big dildos. I am a thin 5.5" and dont last all that long.


Posts: 103
#24 · Edited by: MWC26
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have, its obvious. For instance, the other night after the work get-together and she came home going on about the black bartender, she FUCKED ME. Like I barely did any of the work, she was riding my dick talking about him. She just not usually that passionate. It seems like a good thing to me


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Quoting: fastfive
Ever consider going through a period of underperformance (pretend not to be able to get it up or train your hair trigger (or learn to fake it))? If she's not getting it from you maybe her horniness will take over. Maybe you will have talks about "her pleasure."

Regarding underperformance, be careful with this!

If you're going to do this, it's highly recommended that what you do it in the selfish vein (cumming too fast, not giving her enough time to get off), and *not* pretending to not get it up (or secretly jerking off in order to be spent). If you fuck up here, not only could you end up not getting cucked, you could end up alone or in a miserable relationship!

Remember, your woman is real, not your fantasy cuckoldress. If you repeatedly can't get it up in her presence, chances are that she will take it as a reflection on her sexiness (or lack thereof), and feel ugly! How much cuckolding do you think she will be doing if she feels unattractive?

At least if you cum after ten seconds, she will not feel unsexy, just unsatisfied.


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She has not done the deed yet...but she is most likely thinking about it.

She seems to be getting into this idea more and more, the fantasy is getting hotter for her. Hang on...hopefully she will realize for her...oh, and for you to.


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Thanks Allen
I want to believe she is getting close, and I think she is. But looking at my prior posts, I have thought she was "close" for a few years now! But I think if a black guy actually flirts with her to the point where he wants her number I think she would give it to him (assuming shes attracted to him).

Point well taken. I realize I cant ignore her, nor do I want to. When we are takeing I sometimes have trouble getting it up, but not always. I can still get hard and fuck her, even though it may be for less than 5 min 90% of the time we have sex I go down on her to the point she has an orgasm first, then I will fuck her. I will often use one of her dildos while licking her, and all of them are longer and thicker than I am, which makes her feel loose afterwards. She rarely goes down on me anymore besides the occasional 69. Our sex is not bad, but I know she likes bigger for a fact, and she wants me to go for longer. She has said that if I lasted longer, she might be able to cum from it.

Basically I know she could be getting better sex, and I'm pretty sure she does to. Problem is, she has always said I am the best lover shes had, all others (3 not including me) have been the sime size or smaller and have not lasted long. I think the big difference is that I spend a lot of time going down on her.


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Sticking with the baseball theme, you have been the only guy up at bat and you have been striking out. Time to let the alpha-males take swings at your wife.

First off, why does it have to be a black guy to cuck you? A white guy with a thick, 8" clit pleaser will be more than enough to bring your wife over to the hot wife side. More so, race is unimportant to the whole issue. Alpha-males come in all races. Furthermore, your wife may be more at ease if a guy of her own race uses her to make a cuck out of you.

You need to let the alpha-males do their thing. Getting her tipsy at home is not going to get another guy between her thighs. A bar/ night club is still a good idea. However, choose one that offers entertainment: billards, darts etc. work well; however, what works best IMHO, is one that has a dance floor. What woman doesn't like to dance? Don't think about seeing her get laid, just concentrate on showing her a good time. Let her dress however she wants, a hot wife sends out the same vibes if she is dressed in a pants suit just as she does dressed like a whore. Any alpha-male will zero right in on her; once one (or more) gets her on the dance floor, any resistence on her part will be futile. Be pro-active, when he brings her back, offer him a take at your table. Let him keep swinging away at her. She will eventually go to the ladies room, that's when you make your pitch to him. He may tell you what a hot wife you got. Even if he does not, use the time honored cry of the cuck: "My wife wants to be screwed and I want to watch. Are you game?"

I suggest a hotel (at your expense). What ever you do, don't go to his place. If his place is "better" than what you provide for her, you are on the way to losing her. Remember this fact of life, after he (they?) fuck her silly, she will be going home with you. Alpha-males don't want your wife to cook for them, clean their home, etc. They have professionals do that. I repeat what I have said many times: "A true alpha-male will fuck any married woman, so long as she is married to someone else!"
A man has not lived until he watches another man fuck his wife!


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Don't give up!


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mwc26 do you have a yahoo messanger account? what is your name there?
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Should I just flat out ask her to do it?
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