Well, I have been a lurker for some time, but finally have something worth posting. I am married to a beautiful, bl/bl 40 y/o school teacher. We have been together for 18 years, and have a decent sex life, but every once in a while it pops. Like last Sat. night.
A bit of background- a buddy of mine started a trend with his wife to get each other's wives lingerie as a gag a couple of years ago, for their b'days. Its worked out well. Last Sat. was my buddy's wife's (J) 40th bday party, so I decided to take this to a bit of a new level, by buying his wife a sex toy.
About 5 years ago, they had let slip that J had a black dildo nicknamed "Kravitz" (as in Lenny), but had gotten rid of it for some reamister. I called my buddy to see if I was pushing it too far, too replace Kravitz, and he told me that he just did a couple of days prior. I wound up getting his wife some kick ass, slutty boots, but took the opportunity to buy a big, black cock dildo for my wife- since I was already there.

Fast forward to that evening, we are at the bar all getting pretty takes. J opens her presents, and I tell her that I was going to replace Kravitz, but got beaten to the punch. She laughs. Next thing I hear, my wife is talking to another friend about black guys and says that she always found them "intriguing" with a sly look on her face. I of course ask her what she means and she gives me a smile and says "You knew that". I respond with "Hmm, that's interesting..." What great timing.
Fast forward to home later that night. We pay the babysitter, check on the kids and got to our bedroom. We start going at it and I tell her that I got something for her at the porn store today. She laughs and tells me she figured that I did. I then proceed to pull out an 8inch life like black cock dildo/vibrator and she smiles.
She starts rubbing it, and I go down on her and she is soaked. I then took the dildo and began fucking her with it. She goes absolutely crazy. Arching her back, moaning the whole nine yards. My wife is very soft spoken, and is not that into dirty talking during sex, but when I told her that she looked great with a BBC in her, she got totally into it.
She told me that she loved getting fucked by a bbc, and wanted to be filled up. I told her to tell me that she loved bbc and she did. I then told her to tell me that she was a bbc whore. She wouldn't say it first, but I asked her a couple of more times and she said " I am black cock whore" with a wicked smile on her face. She told me that she was SOOO turned on as she moaned to an orgasm.
I then had her fuck herself with the BBC and started licking her clit at the same time- she loved it. Then she said that she wanted to suck me, and sucked my cock while she fucked herself.
At this point, I couldn't take it anymore, so I pulled the BBC out and started fucking her. She then picked up the BBC off of the bed and began sucking her pussy juice off it. As I fucked her I told her how hot this was and how amazing she looked with the BBC in her pussy and mouth.
Then, I figured its now or never, and told her that I would love to see her with a real bbc, and if she would like that. She didn't answer, but kept sucking the bbc and we came together.
After, as we were laying in bed. She looked at the dildo and said "its about the same size as you", which is a bit if a stretch as I a ~7.5 inches, but not as thick as the bbc. I told her that there was a bigger one that I almost got (10 inches), but that I thought it would be too big. She just gave me an "oh please" look which blew me away. Wow.
One sort of bummer though, she then looks at me and says "Please don't go find a black guy." She knows me too well, and the moment seems to have passed.
Not sure where this goes from here, but she sure seems turned on by the whole thing. Any thoughts, comments, advice on how to push a bit more without being pushy?
Long story, but I hope some of you enjoyed it. It is 100% true.
Semi-blocked out pic attached.