Posts: 132
I was wondering if there are really ladies out there who are single that are looking for white guys to be with to cuckold?
Posts: 176
They probably are "out there", but almost certainly not "on here".
They are more likely to be down at your local bar to be quite honest.
Posts: 5
Yes, there are actually women on here that are looking for a cuck. Now, I'm not trying to find one on here. But, I'm not sure where to find one. I've tried AFF and with no results. I have been looking for any kind of guy(asian, white, other) to be my cuck. But, I'm really picky. I want a cuck/slave to take care of me. An eventual hubby who I can love and get sweet kisses from. A hubby that wil know I need big cocks to satisfy me. A hubby who will obey me and my whims as a cuckoldress. Where is my cuckslave?
Posts: 44
the answer is no. I haven't found anyone to be real.
Posts: 83
I don't think there are many women who are innately (or consciously) inclined towards a cuckold relationship. That is to say, there aren't many women who are actively looking for a devoted man that will allow them to have sex outside the relationship. Most women WANT to find Mr. Right and stay loyal to him. Rather, cuckold relationships tend to happen to existing monogamous relationships after something happens, either she is frustrated or unsatisfied with the relationship, or maybe the guy asks her to indulge his cuckold fantasy. I could be wrong. It would be nice if I was! But I don't think I am. [email protected]
Posts: 44
I'd say you're mostly right. I was expressing frustration at finding ads from people claiming to be cuckoldress but most are not real. I'm sure there is an occasional one that's real but who can tell. If there are true cucks looking than on the other side there should be some, however small number of women looking also. ( but damn'd if I can find the real ones 
Posts: 195
Everybody's fake. Nothing is real. This is fantasy. If you believe in this website, you are wasting energy. Spend it on the tart at the bar S
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Okay,,,just to set the record straight,,,any woman looking for a cuck in real life usually gets one very fast, so the idea of advertising for one is moot,,,if 3 times a week people knock on your door and ask you if you're interested in selling your house,,,when you decide to sell do you waste time and money on a real estate agent? If I didn't have my husband, there is absolutely no one on the planet who isn't cuck material that I'd consider for a relationship. Seriously, I could never settle down with a man that didn't not only allow me all the cock I want, but actively helped me procure it,,,that's a life partner! As for it all being fantasy,,,this and other websites like this one do have a ton of visitors that use it to stimulate their fantasies, fantasies that they are too affraid to live or their wives wouldn't go for it. Take away all the pro porn on the subject,,,Thomas, Blackwell, Cotton and the rest, capitalizing on a popular genre,,,and you're left with the real ams whose videos are there to watch and learn from,,,they are NOT fake, and millions of people that have watched Jan B., Tonya, Karen Kay, Creampie Cathy and yes, even myself, along with about 70 someodd others,,,they will all testify that WE'RE not fake!!! Being fake is a POV,,,we're as fake as the last girl who gave you the cold shoulder is a "lesbo". If you're gettin some we're real, if you're not we're a myth.
Posts: 265
I don't think Shamusx was being serious, otherwise why in the world would he have 99 posts here?
Posts: 195
Thankx mred4682...Someone gets the point!
I sarcastically answered an obvious question with a wry answer.
Relax Mary, you got to learn to stop defending yourself. There's no need. We know you're real. Stop justifying yourself.
Ladies looking for guys for this lifestyle is plentyful, just not the accepted 'norm' Hence it is hidden away.
You can thank men in religious robes trying to adopt a proper moral code that has nothing got to do with Jesus for that ,just to control their 'wayward' wives because they haven't got the fucking balls to know how to handle a woman in the first place.
After 2,000 years of that, you think you can find a woman just around the corner?
To the permister who posted the initial question, try this...Stop wanking behind closed doors imaging things how you want them to be, and open up to a woman who you think is worth taking the chance to be real with; and you never know, she might get to thinking you have balls enough to make it work. When she sees how you can be a man and be on the level with her, she is treated equally, this encourages her to open up herself.
The biggest thing a woman wants out of this is TRUST by her partner, and she's placing a lot of it in a partner when she goes into this lifestyle. What does she get in return?
Usually a guy who has not thought it through and then throws it back in her face and she stops believing.
Remember JFK guys, It's not what your country can do for you, it's what you can do for your country.
So, in answer to the question are there any ladies out there. YES. But what is their dividend from YOU. What do you INVEST in. When you know those answers and can be honest with yourself, then go looking and you will find her quicker.
Rant over. I'm nice now. S
Posts: 97
There are some out there. I have an ex-gf who wanted a cuck relationship (that's not what she called it.) Her take on things was she could give any guy all the sex he wanted, but no one man could give her all she wanted. So, she thought only natural that she should be able to fuck around, while boyfriend stay faithful.
It was a vary exciting relationship. My wife cucks me now and it's really heating up in the last few weeks, but she does not come as natural to it and took a lot of encouraging. The ex-gf will always cuckold boyfriends, husbands whatever, with their knowledge or not.
I agree you will never meet someone like that through here, you have to date a lot of girls and be open about liking slutty girls to find those girls. If the slutty girls, think you are a nice guy that would be shocked if you knew about the dirty nasty things they've done, they will either, a. not fuck you, or b. fuck you but act like nice girls.
Go out there and be proud of your predilection for sluts. You'll be surprised, some sluts may manifest.
I would be interested in how someone does posting as a cuck on one of the dating sites. Anyone?
Posts: 195
Mary, regarding my Relax statement...I was being flippant, couldn't you see? No need to highlight the YOU part, my eyes are just fine thanks Unless your finger got stuck on caps an' all.... ...We're on the same side, I'm just a very, very savvy, ardent and dominant cuckold, (I'm only sexually submissive), I have to be, too many pricks out there just don't get it, and the women do. Being what you are and what I am comes easy, cos that's who we are. Didn't mean to strike a nerve, but you got to admit, should you come out fighting like that, there must be a reamister... Possibly the same reamister why I come out fighting at other people's comments too. So as I said Relax....;) I'm trying also. Q: Mary, you said you are 25 years in this lifestyle, (and I am not at all that familiar with you or seen some vids, maybe caught a glimpse.) But I need to know, during all of that time, did you ever think of saying 'no more'. I ask because (and I don't mean to be sexest), women tend to change over the years and I'm just embarking upon a new relationship with a lady who has a lot of potential and is interested. We are both 38, so were not naiive or kids, and although we would like to have a long time in this lifestyle, I just can't see us participating at all when after 60!!! I've 20 years on/off exp, and she's just starting, so for her it's all new. If I were to offer her some advice as to longevity, participation and mutual satisfaction, what would YOU (lol) say when she asks, 'Where will we go with this further down the line...?' I ask because I grant you the exp and knowledge, I can only speak from my perspective, and men are boys all their life until death. women differ. What say you? ;) S
Posts: 837
#13 · Edited by: victor_cse
Please stop the fight, Enjoy your life as much you can with god gifted SEX.
Posts: 195
I didn't start it, so Hmph! S
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Shamusx Mary, regarding my Relax statement...I was being flippant, couldn't you see? No need to highlight the YOU part, my eyes are just fine thanks Unless your finger got stuck on caps an' all.... ...We're on the same side, I'm just a very, very savvy, ardent and dominant cuckold, (I'm only sexually submissive), I have to be, too many pricks out there just don't get it, and the women do. Being what you are and what I am comes easy, cos that's who we are. Didn't mean to strike a nerve, but you got to admit, should you come out fighting like that, there must be a reamister... Possibly the same reamister why I come out fighting at other people's comments too. So as I said Relax....;) I'm trying also. Q: Mary, you said you are 25 years in this lifestyle, (and I am not at all that familiar with you or seen some vids, maybe caught a glimpse.) But I need to know, during all of that time, did you ever think of saying 'no more'. I ask because (and I don't mean to be sexest), women tend to change over the years and I'm just embarking upon a new relationship with a lady who has a lot of potential and is interested. We are both 38, so were not naiive or kids, and although we would like to have a long time in this lifestyle, I just can't see us participating at all when after 60!!! I've 20 years on/off exp, and she's just starting, so for her it's all new. If I were to offer her some advice as to longevity, participation and mutual satisfaction, what would YOU (lol) say when she asks, 'Where will we go with this further down the line...?' I ask because I grant you the exp and knowledge, I can only speak from my perspective, and men are boys all their life until death. women differ. What say you? Aw cuckolds brownie,,,here I go again,,,I love the ability to be able to express myself to thousands of people in these forums, but I do have one major complaint,,,I'm Italian, ergo I speak with my hands, I also have a dry sense of humor, so in order to be able to tell when I'm yankin someones chain, or being sarcastic, you have to listen for infliction in my voice and keep a close eye on my hands,,,wait a minute, you can't do that here,,,and there lies the rub. So if all that escaped you just make believe I never said a thing. As for Victors comment,,,there's nobody fightin here,,,nuff said. Now to your question,,,yes! And I'll tell you why, although most of the times I actually wound up in a room with a stud or two, it all turned out great,,,there are dozens of times of bullcuckolds brownie before it actually comes to that, I get posers that get off on chatting back and forth but never actually get in the game, I've got people that don't show (nothing more aggravating), and then there's the occassional disaster. I've actually told my hub I'm done on several occassions just because of all the cuckolds brownie that has nothing to do with sex. Women are born with short term memory loss, how else can you explain the fact that we stay with guys that use us, get pregnant more than once, and go through all the crap it takes to get a BBC shoved up in us, LOL. Oh yeah,,,some women have a problem with their concience afterward,,,so they start re-thinking everything the minute the dick is withdrawn,,,those guys are a lost cause, eventually they'll just stop it altogether, they'll content themselves by masterbating to the scenario rather than indulge. There you have it,,,25 years of experience. Last but certainly not least,,,"I am not at all that familiar with you or seen some vids",,,what??? I am thoroughly offended,,,if we were having this discussion on some amateur site, or any other kind of site for that matter, maybe it wouldn't be half bad,,,but we're on a site that specializes in cuckldry that didn't even exist when I was amongst the few that were elucidating the world about cucking and glory holes,,,and considering the name of this site it goes without saying. Imagine you just graduated from West Point, but you've never heard of MacArthur or Patton,,,or you're typing in a forum at PC World, but never heard of Bill Gates. Okay,,,maybe that's a bit of hyperbole,,,I didn't start this whole thing, but I was one of the few that was open about it and shared,,,after that is when the bandwagon got crowded. My stuff has been on the net since Feb. `96,,,Jan B., Deina and Tonya were already around, I remember when Janet Mamister came on the scene,,,when CJ and Jonathan decided to take the "Wetlands" black,,,when Raven from SexyCouple showed up,,,Bronxtails and Reel Dirty showed up after me, as did Dark Cavern (check the Dark Desires section, you'll find me there in the beginning, I virtually started the whole illustrated story format there). Of course I'm not really mad, it's just that I'm more used to people saying things like "I can't believe I'm actually communicating with you, I've watched your exploits for over a decade",,,as opposed to what you said,,,why don't you check my profile for my postings on this site and see what you've been missing. P.S. I'm guessing you're aware the Brits invented "dogging"??? Yeah,,,when I did it back in `85 we just called it fucking strangers in the park,,,at least their name for it is shorter, LOL.
Posts: 195
Mary, I love you to bits, but it's inflection, not infliction. Infliction is something nasty you apply to someone....You're certainly not that. Ok, I'm just being a smart ass now  Mary's gonna blow..... S
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Shamusx Mary's gonna blow..... Somehow it always comes down to that,,,guys have been asking me to do that since I was 15. Truth be told, I have a lefthanded keyboard and my "E" & "I" are right next to each other,,,wait a minute, my hub spilled coffee on my keyboard and when he took it apart to clean it he swapped those two keys around,,,fuck it,,,I mispelled the damn word,,,shoulda just went with "tone",,,LOL.
Posts: 132
Thanks for all of your help. I am going to check into the bar thing for a while and see what happens.
Posts: 104
I started in the 80's so permisteral ads and swinger magazines were the way to go. Now with the net it should be a breeze. plenty of ladies into BBC keep it quiet and need a "boyfriend" who just happens to have a lot of black "friends" who visit a lot. The good thing is you can work out good arrangements on how you want to participate to some degree.
Posts: 542
|'s official, you are the Little Richard of cuckolding.
Posts: 2
Yes, there are genuine Cuckoldresses that exist, and are searching... [email protected]
Posts: 48
cuckoldress13 where are you from Ma'am ?