As an experienced black man who has himself had poor results with craigslist, I would recommend a different forum for finding a potential guy. One problem is you want an experienced guy, and though you may find a guy on craigslist, you have three problems you want to manage.
First you need to find a guy you are SURE will show! This may mean that you need him to meet with you first. Just so you can see he's reliable to actually show up. There is NOTHING worse then getting the wife dolled up and then having her wait for a guy who never shows. That will KILL her desire for the game quickly.
Second, if you have a guy who claims to be experienced, ask for some pics of the woman he's been with - I have never understood why more hubbys don't do this. Think about it, if you find two black bulls one with a huge cock but all the woman he has been with are old fat and ugly, and a second with a decent cock but the woman he services are hot bodied and attractive....this should be a STRONG indicator for you that one of these guys is creating an experience that attracts woman who can be selective.
Third, if all that matters to you is dick size, you may end up very disappointed. Guys lie, and if your dealing with a liar, what are the odds that he'll show up - which brings us back to reamister ONE.
Find a guy who's creative, experienced and has a track record with woman at least as attractive or hot bodied as your wife. Especially if you think you only have one shot.
That's my advice as an experienced dominant black bull with 7" who has his choice of hot wives. There are plenty of 9" guys out there who for some reamister can't deliver the "experience" that keeps woman and couples coming back.
If I can offer any additional advice let me know.
[email protected]