Posts: 103
#1 · Edited by: MWC26
Please tell me your permisterel experiance, thanks
Posts: 1916
There is always some jealousy and a tinge of regret because you can never take it back. I had to talk my wife into cuckolding me just as I had to persuade her to dominate me back when we first met (30 yrs ago). Once she got into dominating me she began to enjoy it. When she started cuckolding me she was scared at first but over time began to enjoy that as well. Once she started with BBCs she loved it and has never gone back to other bulls. It has been 5 years since she started cuckolding me and I can honestly say we are closer as a couple now then we have ever been. She has had about 6 black lovers over that time period and they have done things to her i just could not. She has cum like you wouldn't believe, and even squirted for a couple of them, something she never did for me! We have sex whenever she wants, and i have never been cut off. I enjoy being her submissive when the urge stikes but it is by no means 24/7. We have real lives with kids, jobs, families and all the other crap everyone else has, so we understand that real life comes first. Most of the time we have a "normal" relationship and only play maybe once a month at the most. When we do play it is like a release valve to let off the pressure of work etc. She has never even considered leaving me for one of her bulls, in fact she says she loves me more than ever for letting her explore this side of herself. I would say, however, that you must communicate a lot before entering into this type of play. It should not be taken lightly, and i think tends to work better with couples wh have been together a long time, are very secure in thier relationship and trust each other. If you are newly married, or in a rocky marriage to start with, i think that it could be a recipe for disaster. Finally, we both tend to view the bull as an invited guest into OUR marriage and the play, while mutually beneficial for all 3 of us, is primarily a way for my wife to further her dominance over me; it is for her enjoyment primarily..but it is only sex, not a relationship. The relationship she has with me. Hope i haven't ramred too much and that some of this is helpful to you. I have enclosed a couple of that hopefully will show we are real.
Posts: 103
thank you subchard, your experiance is the type I would hope to have.
We have been married for 10 years now, no kids, and a very good relationship. I would like to think things would turn out for us the way they did for you, but you never know. Very nice pics btw
Posts: 151
there are many realtionships that are destryed by this lifestyle, make sure you both want this
Lee and I are not into BBC as coming from Australia it's just not the thing.
But we are into the cuckold lifestyle basically new to the "real" cuckold as in doing it ....not playing ...the conversion was at 2.09pm 2.06.09 so vey new she has been with 2 guys since and mainly one she has offically cuckolded me 6 times and I have had 2 cream pies.
So being relatively new to this I can only give you a limited view. {been married 15 years}
The jealously the 24 hours before is the stage of being destructive.....
But the sex and relationship during and after is amazing ...
the highs are very high.....but the lows well they are cuckolds brownie....and to be honest I wonder every day if it was the right thing to do...
But we are still in the lifestyle but are trying to sort out the 24 hours is not easy..
Good luck
Posts: 236
#6 · Edited by: jimz
I think you are doing a good job fantasizing all these years and talking about it. You have not rushed things and the fantasy has grow in you. It comes a day in your life when you have to decide if you want to take a step further. If you decide that do exactly the same. Do things one at a time and see how you both feel about it.
It's a good thing that you are jealous of her, it shows you are into her and you love her. You should wish to REALLY like it because that's the reamister she will do it. She will do it to get pleasured and find lover(s) who make her feel different (better?) from you. If she goes black and her lover(s) perform the same as you then there's no fun.
All the other things are between you two and what serves your relationship better. If you want to be equal in your relationship you should make the rules together. If you want to be a sub you let her make the rules and be prepared to accept the consequences. By the way, nothing wrong to be a sub, just decide your role in the relationship.
Watching your wifes pics (and I know it is a cliche) but she has the body black men love to use...
Good luck and keep us posted. Excited to see young black studs + mature white wives!
Posts: 103
Thanks for all the replies so far, it has been just a fantasy for a long time now. I really feel I am ready to take the next step and I truly believe she is also, even though she does hesitate at the idea a bit now and then. She has been very open lately about telling me Black men that she has seen that are hot. She has also had recent conversations with her friends about black guys, who thankfully also share her opinion, one of them dated a black guy in high school and says he was "yummy".
There was one guy she interacted with at work last week that she was REALLY hot for. She talked about him alot and I asked her if he had wanted her number would she have given it to him? She smiled and said probably! (of course he was married) We had some good sex that night!
This would be the best type of scenerio in my mind, a black guy flirts with her while i am not around. This would probably be way more comfortable for her than some "lets hook up for sex" ad.
Any more thoughts on this are welcome.
btw- your right jimz, her body was made for black.
Posts: 1514
If she ever wants to try a white bull I'd love to fuck her. She is built for fucking and fucking hard. The best pussy is always married pussy
Posts: 97
#9 · Edited by: for_fun_and_games
No regrets here. I have been a willing and encouraging cuck in two relationships. My ex-gf was a true size queen and BBC Slut and some of my memories with her are still the hotest sexual experiences I have ever had. Our relationship didn't work after a few years due to a lot of other stuff, but the cuckolding stuff was a lot of fun and never became a problem. With my wife, I really encouraged her to cuckold me and still do to this day. If it was totally up to her, she would probably not choose the lifestyle, even though I suspect she would have strayed a little at some point. I am still in the process of having her become much more adventurous sexually. I agree with others that you can't push, but at the same time, I think you need to express in no uncertain terms that is is something you want or need if you want her to feel comfortable with doing it. As for the jealousy, I think that is normal, maybe even necessary. It probably would not be nearly as thrilling or fun, if there was no jealousy.  My wife sucking the other guy's cock
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Posts: 103
Cmon guys, I need more opinion from you
Posts: 124
the reamister white wives are always hesitant is because they know they will become hooked on black cock and cum once they get started, and they are not sure if you (the husband ) will be able to handle it. the black bull will fuck them bareback in the pussy, ass and mouth, and will train her to be their slut, and if she is any good he will share her with his friends to show her off, and they will screw her bareback, too. so once white wives get started, they know they've made their decision to be a bbc slut and do what will be expected of them from their bull. their hesitancy has do do with their concern over the reaction of their husband to his wife becoming an out of control bbc slut. she may even want to get preg by her bull.she may even be expected to recruit her girlfriends and sisters for her bull, too. r u ready for all this? phredd2003
Posts: 265
Well my wife has not gone black, but has gone big. We are both VERY happy the way things are and more in love than ever and all I see is things getting better between us. Is there jealousy there? Hell yes! loads of jealousy so make sure you can handle it and keep communicating with your wife because otherwise it is a risk.
From what I read and the people I've known, the marriages that fall apart are the ones that were not strong to start with. I can't picture any guy black or white would be able to steal away a wife just by fucking her far better than her husband. There is much more to a marriage, just make sure you keep it all just sexual. That is why I'm always a part of everything with my wife. The one time she went on her own and kind of dated another guy we had problems. None sense.
HOWEVER, I do believe once you start you may not be able to go back. Although my wife would stop if I asked, it would be terribly unfair for me to ask her to. I could never dream of being able to please her the way her other guys do, so why try?
It's a wonderful life for those in a great marriage to start with. Good luck.
Posts: 208
It all depends how trustworthy and permisterally substantial your wife is, as well as how secure you are. If you have any doubts or negative instincts, that's probably a red flag.
vital buzz
Posts: 39
My wife has had a hard time giving up her black lover. We had a 3 some with her boyfriend, and i though we were going to stop, but she had other ideas. she continued to have sex with him for the next two years without telling me. we are now seeing a marriage counselr, and working on our relationship.
MWC26In the final analysis, it's not up to you it is her choice... 
Posts: 163
my wife and I have the same arrangement as mred, and absolutely love it. She enjoys keeping me chaste and locked, only until and whenever she wants my cock, which is becoming less and less. Her current bf is really well hung and she "saves herself" for a week or so before seeing him, and it takes her a week or so to recover from their sessions, so I easily go two weeks at a time between releases. The incredible thing is that he doesn't like going down on a lady, so she says she has the perfect arrangement, between his cock and my tongue. He also gets a kick out of me eating the creampies he leaves after he's done. I'm in absolute paradise.
Posts: 103
Thanks for all the replies, I love hearing about the reality of this lifestyle. With some of you it sounds almost like an addictive have; overall, the habit is bad, but the highs are amazing.
Actually I believe that even if I decided its not a good idea and didn't search out to make it happen, that the "damage is already done" so to speak.
Heres what I mean, say I decide its not a good idea and/or I never get the balls enough to pursue a Black lover for her. No harm done right? Ok, but what if she is hit on by a Black guy while I'm not there (which is more and more likely in her newish job). I have years invested in "planting the seed" about her trying BBC, and she has liked the idea and gone along with it. I gave her approval to do this a long time ago, and lately she talks more seriously about it. If she was hit on by the right guy today, she would absolutly give her number to him, her words the other night.
The only way to prevent that would be to tell her now, I think we should drop the idea and it would be bad. (even then I suppose it could still happen behind my back) But the problem is, I could never tell her that! The fantasy is too much for me to ever tell her she shouldnt do this. Crazy?
So thats where I'm at, kind of a rut really, but she is primed and ready to go if the right guy came along. Thanks for all your insight!
Posts: 124
since he's ready, you should control the situation and look around and find a good BBC who has trained and broken in white wives and get it going. you keep control by finding the guy, rather than have her get seduced by a stranger from work you won't have any influence on. just do it now phredd2003
Posts: 168
#19 · Edited by: dicklet
Been in the lifestyle 8 years. Been cut off-for 6. My wife started with casual dating, made it to gang bangs, and has returned to dating---but with very alpha men. She now has a long term BF and spends weekends away very often. She is looking for new head of household and a man for her kids. It hurts more than you can imagine. I regret becoming a cuckold. However, all the replies above are right on. One, you can't go back. Asking her to stop and reset doesn't work because you both know the feelings are still inside you. Before you are cucked, the feelings are dark fantasy. After, the truth comes out. "Going back" means living a lie. Two, communication is important, but you better be prepared for some unpleasant realities. Before cucking and soon after you get your horns, you feel in control. They are your fantasies and she is helping you. When you become a third-wheel and lose control, it statrts to hurt. In the swinging world, many couples deal with this by enpowering full-swap rules; they don't take the plunge. As a cuck, no amount of communication is going to save you from agony when that communication includes her saying, "He fills a place in my heart that has been empty for so long. I feel like a girl in his arms." So, yes, I regret becoming a cuck. But, now that I am, the choice between old, lonely wanker and chaste servant in a poly household is clear.
Posts: 103
Latest update from this weekend-
So while takeing she opens up the most sexually and will talk nasty dirty to me, we end up takeing 1-2 times a week. These have been the best times for progressing my "agenda" because she usually is a bit shy talking about it sober. Last night was one of these nights, and coming off our last "takes sex" encounter I wanted to push it just a little further. Well, it ended up spilling over.
First I should say, last week was a good session with all the usual, with the new addition of her telling me my dick was too small (I was very happy about that one). Last night I was sorta hoping to continue where we left off. We started off watching a newer IR porn DVD, she made comments on a few good scenes and masturbated with a thick 7" black dildo which she takes all the way. After she had a nice orgasm she wanted me to fuck her, well, I wasn't actually hard enough (even though I was horny) so I encouraged her to talk nasty to me. Then she got turned off and said she didn't want to talk about that (sex with other men) and wondered If I can still get horny for "just her". Dammit. I did my best to encourage her that I am fully turned on by just her without all the fantasy and I didn't NEED to involve it everytime we have sex. I patched it up ok but the mood was lost, along with a long string of steps in the right direction.
So last night and today I have been pissed off about the whole setback but I am trying to learn what I can from it. First off, I believe it was me who was actually hornier than her yesterday, she may have been in the mood more for my sake. In that case, I should NOT have initiated any sex yesterday, or at least, just had basic sex It seems she is very horny once a week and it is these times she is most into the "fantasy", yesterday was not it. She is also mad that I have trouble getting hard lately, which is true, but deep down I thought is a step in the right direction to becoming a cuckold. But I think she thinks its cause I dont find her attractive, which I try and tell her is not the case.
Gotta go for a bit but thats most of my latest, thanks for any comments!
Posts: 103
So guys, any ideas of how to pick up where I left off?
Posts: 106
#22 · Edited by: SalP
To me she sounds like she is unsure that she really wants to go black. Talking about it is one thing, but to actually do it is another. I think you may need to slow down for awhile and not bring up anything about BBC. After things seem back to normal, maybe you can bring it up again.
My wife Linda seems very similar to yours about being unsure what she wants. One night I had a black friend from work over for dinner. Linda had never met him before. After dinner she asked him to spend the night saying it too late at nite to be driving. But he had reamisters he had to go home. After he left she said,"I don't know why, but I just got so horny for him at dinner. He's so handsome, and I saw the bulge in his crotch. I was dying to straddle him right there in his chair and ride his black cock, while you watched." In our 20 years of marriage she had never spoke like this before. That's why she wanted him to stay over.
I was sure that the next time I invited him over I would be watching her ride his BBC, but I guess she knew she would do it too, because she told me not to invite him over again. That was over a year ago, and she is still reluctant to have him over again. She knows she wants his BBC, but for some reamister won't let herself do it. She says that her doing someone else is wrong and would be bad for our marriage.
I am still so fucking annoyed at myself for not realizing that she wanted to fuck his brains out that night. If I had only known, I would have asked if he wanted some white pussy for dessert. He had already told her how attractive she was, so I know he would have loved it. Damn I was so close to having it happen.
She said she might fuck someone on vacation, so I'm working on vacation plans now. If she enjoys fucking some stud on vacation, and sees that I still love her as much as ever, she has to see the benefits of having a loving husband while also being allowed to enjoy great sex with any attractive man that she wants to seduce. Then she will be glad to invite my black friend over again.
Posts: 103
Quoting: SalP I think you may need to slow down for awhile and not bring up anything about BBC. After things seem back to normal, maybe you can bring it up again. Unfortunatly, I think your right and thats what I have been doing. I do believe though, that SHE will bring it up again, she has been more and more lately. How long till she does is the question, a week? a month? I think it is best that I wait for her to mention it...but for now it sucks. Sucks about your "near Black experiance", so close huh. I had a similar story with my wife and a friend, he was not black but it still would have been cool. Almost.
Posts: 106
MWC26 - tell us what happened or almost happened with your wife and your friend when you get a chance.
Posts: 103
Quoting: SalP MWC26 - tell us what happened or almost happened with your wife and your friend when you get a chance. To make a somewhat long story short, we had a mutaul friend for a few years. He was recently divorced and began to spend much more time with us. Him and I would take and do some occasional haves together, during one of these times I showed him some nearly nued pics of my wife and he liked them. Besides that, they had always gotten along well. During his divorce, money was an issue and he could no longer afford the house that him and his wife had shared, he was going to need a place to stay for awile. He had said that he could move in with us for a little bit and would pay his share of rent. Well, for some reamister I was reluctant about it and my tone to him was "ya, if you have nowhere else to go, you can stay here, for a bit". I knew he was hot for her and she had always been attracted to him, and I pussied out. If I had been more open to the idea it WOULD have happend, but I wasn't, and it didn't. We more or less have lost contact with him over the last two years but my wife still brings him up and says she would have fucked him. This was a missed opportunity in my book and it would have been a major help in my overall goal. I still have his number though.
Posts: 77
#26 · Edited by: dino
My experience. (and accept my bad English) You have to know on beforehand, we had already a very good marriage. You have to know too that before our marriage, my wife liked to tease me with other boys/men. And I liked it. Never, I was jealous. One year ago now, we had a wonderful Holiday. We told each other the secrets we had still for each other. Then we started to talk about our dreams. F.e. how I would like to see her lips covered with semen. We decided to visit a swingerclub (in the Netherlands) where men are allowed at some evenings. From then on, our life (-style) changed completely. During the first evening she was fucked within 10 minutes and loved it. There was a man who waited patiently for her during the time other men were 'busy' with her. He was nice and there was a click between him and my wife. To make a long story short: they were like just fallen in love for the rest of the evening. My wife was forgetting that I was there, denying me all the evening. I was cuckolded. But I liked it to see my wife moving so freely, being very happy. We decided to visit that club at least once a month. After every visit we have a hot talk about what happened, how we both enjoy her having sex with other men. Our marriage became even better because it wasn't only sex. It was more. She likes the attention of men, I like to see her being happy with that. And, we are always communicating about it. We are now very open to each other. And that makes us even more happy. The third time we were there, there was a black man who was continuously watching her, I saw. He disappeared but fifteen minutes later, once again he was there and couldn't keep his eyes from her. I winked him to join in. He accepted. Once again my wife had her evening, now with a black man!!! It appeared that he was from the USA but visits Europe 5 till 6 times a year. We started to send emails. Soon thereafter, he seduced my wife with erotic emails. First times she blushed, so hot they were. In January 2009 he visited us at our home. After 5 minutes he dived between her legs and began suck her pussy in the living room. (Yes, this a really story.) Then we went to our bedroom. She insists that I'm always in her neighbourhood when she has sex with other men, then too. They sucked and fucked each other for some hours and I had to watch. The only thing I could do was making pictures and to masturbate. No, that is not true, my wife powerd me to suck his dick too. However, she kept this evening enjoying herself. A second visit was in April. After a wonderful day in our town, they made love for almost 4 hours at night. Once again, the only thing I could do was making pictures, to masturbate and of course sometimes sucking his cock. In September he will be our guest for more days (in July we couldn't meet him). Yes, she likes him very much but isn't fallen in love. Yes, she likes to have sex with him, but I'm her man. I'm mainly only a cuckold when other men are involved. Yes, she likes to excite me with other men. All this is only possible when you have a strong marriage and BOTH want to have this lifestyle. If your marriage isn't strong, it is better not to get in this lifestyle. But the question is then, if that weak marriage will stand long without cuckolding... I don't agree at all phredd2003 (2009-07-10). What he is telling, exists mainly in stories. Perhaps in reality too, but I'm sure that is an exception. See attached pictures.  In the living room (January)
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Posts: 308
the only caution i would give anyone is once you try will never be quite the same...even in my normal relationships i often wonder what it would be like for another man to have sex with my girl...its a trigger for me to cum...esp since i have "ED" and i actually feel very comfortable being denied sex so my gf can have it with whoever and wherever she wants and using my mouth on her only
Posts: 1285
#28 · Edited by: MrsBlackBlowupDoll
I think many posters have made good observations about the the jumble of feelings that can go with being fetish cuckolded by your wife. (Those feelings are why we do it, right?)
The one note I would make is that I don't think the IR angle will necessarily play as big for her as it does for you. Obviously their is no biological or anatomical difference between white and black men when it comes to sex, so the impact is really all about psychology. Each person's psychological baggage and architecture being unique (if often similar) it is hard to predict what impact a first IR sexual encounter will have.
I've known women who were really turned on by the whole IR thing before they ever did it, but were blase afterwards. Like any "forbidden fruit" fantasy, some get off on it so much they want to do it again and again, and some people just do it once, shrug and move on.
In your case, she has expressed a thing for black guys. But whether this is a lasting preference or just a fascination that will eventually pass as she indulges it (after once? twice? two-dozen times?) is impossible to know.
Good luck! Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 239
With me and my wife, it was a no brainer. While dating, I became aware of the fact that my future wife loved variety in men and their cocks and was wild about having a guy flood her womanhood with his hot cum. I witnessed one of her male school chums fucking her one afternoon. That incident enared me to overcome whatever jealousy I had in me. Needless to say, I developed one of the biggest hard-ons of my entire life. And when I saw him unloading in her, my own cum shot out of my cock with such power I could not believe that I could experience such an orgasm.
I knew what I was getting into when I proposed. We had long open discussions and eventually we developed a set of cuckolding rules. Rule 1 was that neither would ever leave the other to shack up with someone else. I knew I was marrying a woman who would take as many different cocks in her sweet love tunnel as her heart desired. I also knew that there was a good chance that some of these cocks would plant a bastard in her belly, which I would raise as my own. For my part, I could either participate in the moresomes or just watch and jerk my self off.
I was first cucked on the second day of our honeymoon in Barbadoes, when my new bride eagerly spread her thighs for one of the native black guys and screamed with pleasure as his cuckolding cum shot deep into her welcoming, married (to me) pussy.
That was 37 years ago and we are happier than ever. Over those 37 years, thousands of other guys have seen my wife nude, fondled her tits, ass and pussy, and eaten her pussy out. At least thirty different guys have fucked my wife on hundreds of occasions, always bareback. Several have knocked her up.
Humiliation is part and parcel to being a cuck. Rare is the alpha-male who does not fantasize about leering into a husband's eyes as his baby-makers shoot out of the business end of his cock into the unprotected, fertile womanhood of the wife while she screams in orgasmic bliss.
I would not worry about your wife falling in love with one of her bulls and moving in with him. That will only last until he can't pimp her out anymore or she utters the first bitchy comment and she will find her ass out in the street with NO support. As I say: "A true alpha-male will fuck any married woman; so long as she is married to someone else."
I think your wife is sending you a veiled message when she told you that your dick is too small. That message is that you are already a cuck or that you soon will be. And you can either come along for the ride, or get your ass out of her bed.
ALL THE BEST TO YOU AND YOUR WIFE! A man has not lived until he watches another man fuck his wife!
Posts: 16
While the stories, captions, and all the other sexy bells and whistles are what keeps my pathetic ass coming back here, its the social networking that really turns me on about this site.
This thread is golden - thanks to all for sharing!