Posts: 28
I'm wondering if there are a lot of white women out there who really get excited easier knowing they are making love to a black man. Are they really superior lovers, or is it more of a forbidden fruit taboo idea that fuels the fire. I ask this question because my wife has a passion for black lovers, but she won't tell me about her reamisters why she likes them so much.
Posts: 2
black is better
Posts: 233
There is no one word answer to this question. It's a combination of things. Tabbo for one thing; having sex with someone that is not of your race or culture makes the sex very exciting. I also find the men make an extra effort when fucking you; it's as if they are enjoying making a slut out you. Size is also an issue. It is probably a myth that black guys are bigger than white guys but with me, I have found that the guys I have slept with have been bigger that white guys I have slept with. Size does matter and sex is always much better with a biiger and thicker one.
Maybe in time your wife will tell you her reamisters for her passions for black guys.
tess ann
Posts: 133
Is that a joke????
Posts: 78
Black is usually bigger and better.
Posts: 65
I experianced my first black man at 18 years old. He was my sisters college friend and 25. I was sexually active with two white boys from High School prior to Him. First I must say he was a man rather than a boy. He was quite bigger than what I was use too. I remember it taking me a while to actually allow him to have me. Times were much different then. What started as a curiousity turned into a painful experiance. He was gentle and took his time. Two things happened that night. First he took me bareback and was the first pump un protected seed into me. Second when he started his orgasm he pushed all the way in. I expieranced my first real orgasm. This was something the 3 minute wonders never did to me. So yes I would say I enjoyed it even though I cried for days afterwards. I was never so happy to get a period. It tool almost thirty years before I had the freedom to experiance Black men again. I currently have three lovers two of them are black. I enjoy sex with all of them. Each has there own style and I react differently to them. One is very long a true 12 inches and the Other is about 8 inches but as thick as a coke can. My white friend is a bit larger than average white man but he is uncut. I enjoy his foreskin. So again Size does matter but it isn't everything. Edie
Posts: 10
Of course, Black Men are much, much better than those small white boys.
Posts: 6246
Its all just a bunch of malarckey - its like saying that asians are better at math and build better cars - its just not true!
Posts: 455
#9 · Edited by: Username
The fact is that black guys usually start fucking earlier and have more partners than white. So, they exercise their penises more, both with black and white women. That makes them more hung and confident, and it all restarts again and again. The curiosity of white women about black guys' sexual performance also takes part in this. Thus, the possibility of fucking more often makes them more attractive sexually (the same with pretty black girls, which are sometimes considered 'easier' and 'sexier' for many white guys).
Posts: 83
Quoting: Username The fact is that black guys usually start fucking earlier and have more partners than white. So, they exercise their penises more, both with black and white women. The fact is... you are full of cuckolds brownie. Don't quit your day job dude. A racial analyst you are not.
Hawaii 5 O
Posts: 907
It really is a preference thing. No one race is sexually more well endowed then another. The human male has the largest penis proportionally, of all mammals. I think in Interracial adult venues we are just subjected to more black male/white female material. Visual perception also plays a part. An average 6'0" tall white guy "covering" a 5'1" tiny black woman, he's going to look huge.
I mentioned racial size to a black female friend of mine and she almost scolded me saying "all that talk about black men always having bigger dicks is a myth. Besides a mature woman is more interested how she is treated in a relationship. The size of the man's wee wee is way down the list of priorities.... as long as his tongue works."
Posts: 455
hahaha ... what makes u so upset, bremenpetite? what I stated is an anthropological fact. that's all.
Posts: 53
for sure! 
Posts: 9
Quoting: Hawaii 5 O . The human male has the largest penis proportionally, of all mammals. I did not know that.
Posts: 208
Big dicks please easier. A big thick dick isn't everything, but it definitely goes a long way (no pun intended). Other things have to be there to fully satisfy and fulfill the woman, but a nice big cock is a great place to start.
Posts: 5859
flameable topic. locked.
thank you for understanding.