Posts: 53
now i'm wondering about: why dark skinned man have bigger cocks?
i not telling always, but usualy, black man have bigger dicks than other man from diferent races. i have some theories but i wanna see some diferent opinions here.
I'm guessing the black man is the supreme male, can anyone prove that i'm wrong?
dirty boy
Posts: 56
You're stupid. Do all races of people a favor and shoot your self.
Posts: 53
sorry i wanna kwow why woman prefer black muscular man
Posts: 3280
I agree....stupid
Who say women prefer black? A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women
Posts: 243
Just don't take that much holy water
Posts: 5
I know a lot of people seem to just lump all black people together, but there are actually many places geographically that someone with dark skin can be traced back to. Africa is a rather large continent. Isolation, among other factors, between tribes allows for a branching off of traits. These account for the diversity among black people, actually for the diversity of all people.
There is much diversity in cock size among black men, from what I can tell. It is clear that not all black men are hung. Studies have been done that seem to place black and white men together on average. I am not sure how much I trust that. Sure, black men have been fetishized for large cocks since long ago, but I'm just not seeing the representative # of huge white cocks. I have seen some very large ones, nearly as large as the largest blacks(that I've seen), but they seem to be so damn rare.
ANYWAY, about theory. It honestly could be as simple as the fact that people in hotter climates tend to wear less clothes and women are able to select based on cock-size. Also, think about this: is there anything important about the peacocks tail or the lions mane? Not really but the females of the species go for the big ones.
Part of this is what is called "run away sexual selection." Women that mate based on a trait tend to have youngren that do the same. The female youngren will look for that trait and the males will have the trait. When those youngren eventually go out to mate, their youngren will have a chance to have the same tendencies. The trait among males and the looking for the trait among females will spread through the population. Now, it certainly helps if the males exhibiting the trait also have other good traits. This may be where cocksize comes in. Men with large cocks may tend to also have better musculature, due to higher amount of testosterone.. or whatever. I would guess in a clotheless environment, making this association would be much easier.
It could also be that it is easier to get a woman pregnant with a larger cock. This "tactic" is used among other species in nature either by pushing out another males sperm or, I dunno, getting it deeper in.
Posts: 6246
Its all BS...just because so many...well, lots anyway - young white girls, and so many divorced white women are going Black, well that doesnt prove Anything! Its just a fad We've all seen the pictures and videos..the Black guys dicks arent any bigger...well, maybe a little bigger..and maybe a little longer...but not always..its just the "in" thing these days - white girls fucking Black will pass like all the other fads...soon probably..probably
Posts: 455
Actually, man who work out too much usually present atrophy in their genitalia. Women who work out too much become too masculine. So, having a muscular body does not account for sexual power. As about colour, some women may have interest and curiosity for black dick, just as much as white men have for black pussy. The size aspect may depend on many factors, such as hereditarity, health and use. A friend of mine said that black men exercise more their penises, especially on white vaginas, so, that's why they're hunger. Of course, he's black. 
Posts: 35
Actually working out does help increase over all hungness due to better red ciriculation. Either way being well hung or not really is besides the point it's all in how you use it.
Posts: 762
Quoting: DeathDuo It could also be that it is easier to get a woman pregnant with a larger cock i was reading somewhere that, yes indeed size, along with natural trait color selection increases the chances in many cases by up to 30% Quoting: kris i wanna kwow why woman prefer black muscular man aside from this fact that was revealed to me many years ago when i was a young boy by my then teen aged has a lot to do with what chocolate you like to eat......  which also answers Quoting: Scarf .it will pass like all the other fads...soon probably..probably like a yo yo  aside from that girls like dark boys because they are and have been educated by the "industry" and media hype tho idolize and pay tribute etc etc etc ...... and the abundance of poor *black afro american* was a cheaper source of labour for the..........?
Posts: 164
now i'm wondering about: why do you think dark skinned man have bigger cocks?
I not telling always, but usualy, guys who keep saying "black man have bigger dicks than other man from diferent races" have tiny dicks themselves and just "don't want to be left out".
Ihave some theories but i wanna see some different opinions here.
I'm guessing the need to say "the black man is the supreme male" comes from you not being able to stand the fact that "normal" white men have biggger cocks than yours and you want to feel that "you" are the norm, Norm...can anyone prove that i'm wrong?
Posts: 315
Quoting: whiteboy666 Either way being well hung or not really is besides the point it's all in how you use it. People say that a lot but, why does it have to be one or the in, if you're really hung, you probably don't know how to use it. What about two guys (doesn't matter what color they are, that's besides the and they both know how to use it well but, one is hung and the other isn't....between the two of them, size will matter....the hung one will be just that much better since they're equal in the knowing how to use it dept.
Posts: 24
I've been with alot of white women and they all agree. "Its just a fad"
Posts: 24
Its just a fad that niggers are bigger
Posts: 64
Thanks for bringing up the topic. If you read through these forums, you will see many theories as to why black men have bigger dicks.
One such would be breeding for superiority during slavery days. That leads into natural selection or women choosing the guys with the big package and weeding the little guys out by not fucking them or allowing them to reproduce. Agressive behavior on the part of alpha males claiming all the true thoroughbreds of the female species for themselves and producing superior physiques and athletic performance traits in their youngren. Curiousity of white women and the willingness of us cucks to share our honeypots with the big black bucks because we enjoy seeing the pleasure it brings our women. This often backfires into those women abandoning their husbands and only spreading their legs for the real man, thus repeating the whole natural selection process all over again, this time weeding out cucks and little-dicked white wimps who'll never have the courage to approach another woman for sex after pretty much giving their prized pussy away to a superior man. Many women regret this unfortunate event because they really loved their husbands, but couldn't bear how discusting it felt to know that their men no longer had the "take charge" attitude to dick them down when they really want a good fucking. I permisterally believe that black men spend a lot more time playing with their dicks, milking, jelqing, jerking and the like - which is proven to ad length and diameter if done enough and done right.
So you see it's a combination of things that got us where we are. Cucks really DO NOT want to give their women to another men (for keeps) they simply want their women to experience a heightened sexual experience because we think you deserve it. It's a pity that so many times we lose a woman just by giving her a little freedom to enjoy her body and her sexuality...but none-the-less, it happens. If I have a woman again that I really DO NOT want to lose, I will probably not even suggest sharing her, even if it is a burning desire of mine. If I love her and I want to keep her. I will probably just keep it to myself. UNLESS, she brings it up or makes it known to me that it's a fantasy of hers. Then I would likely role play and try and satisfy her on my own, learn some multi-orgasm techniques so I could keep going and going till she's satisfied - and if she REALLY wanted the experience for real, I would probably give in, but set some ground rules so that she and her lover could not conspire to cut me out of the picture. That's if I truly love her and care greatly that she remain in my life.
I bet there are a lot of other people that feel the same way. We all have out hot buttons and know how to push them - but most of us would feel very threatened and humiliated to have our lives altered ***ly.
Cheers! BW
Posts: 561
Hi, tinydick: when u watch a black stud just seconds away from dropping his abondant seed into your wife's cervix, that's when u realize it's no use denying it. With a small or just regular cock, u only reach halfway. Those men who spend their lives fucking both black and white women, besides all the physical exercises they practice, are no match for white, computer athletes.
Posts: 5857
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