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How my Princess cucked me

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While my wife and I were on our honeymoon, she had told me to post how we meant and how she has turned me into the ultimate cuck.

I used to live in Pennsylvania, and was going through some marital problems, so of course to deal with that, I used to go to the neighborhood bar. I went in on one particular Sunday and saw the prettiest woman I have ever laid my eyes on. She looks like Jessica Simpmister but much hotter. I didn�t know Jessica Simpmister at the time, so it was really hard to describe her to people. Anyway, I immediately struck up a conversation with her and found out that she was 27, which surprised me, I though she looked 21 or 22. I was 40 at the time, and although 27 may have at least give me a chance in fantasy land, I still knew I had no shot at her whether she was 27 or 21. She told me she bartends there every other Sunday and I joked with her that I am now an every other Sunday loyal customer. Over the coming months, I got to know her a little better and heard many stories about her. Anyway, a lot of guys in there had told me that she was a total cock tease and that every guy in the bar had tried for her at one time or another. The last Sunday I was in Pa. I went to the bar and told her that my wife was carbonsmudgeating on me, and that I was planning on moving to Florida to start a new life. I�ll never forget what she said to me, �what�s wrong with your wife carbonsmudgeating on you?�

My first thought was this totally hot chick wouldn�t even care if her husband was carbonsmudgeating on her, this woman is just perfect. Anyway, I was leaving that week, and if she ever wanted to visit in Florida, to call me a call.

Well, after some time I had called her, told her I had gotten settled, found a job, bought a house and whenever she wanted to come to visit, I would love to have her. She told me she was really getting tired of the snow and didn�t want to deal with another Pa winter, would I mind looking around for a job for her. I am a director in a company and told her I could definitely get her a job where I work. She asked if I would mind if she stayed with me while she got her feet on the ground in Fl., I jokingly said that she could live with me forever if she wanted. Well, 3 weeks later, she called and said she was leaving for Florida on Thursday. I couldn�t believe the luck I was having!!

She brings only her clothes, as I really had everything else that was needed, including unfortunately, another bedroom. She said to me that she didn�t want to give me the wrong impression, that we are just friends and if we were to work together, that is the most we could ever be, and if this trust was broken, she would find another place.

After she moved in and started working, we would drive in together, and if I worked late, I would get another ride home. As you can tell by my name, I have a foot fetish, and seeing those beautiful feet on my ride into work just made for a great day (when at home, she usually wore socks). After about a month, we got home one night and she said that her feet hurt and could I ma*sage them for her. I was on the floor before she could finish the question. This is when I thought she picked up on my fetish. After ma*saging them, I gave each one of them a quick kiss, really just to let her know that I cared about her. Which was the understatement of the century as I was totally head over heels in love with her, but never could let her know that. I quickly turned away from her to hide the bulge that was throbbing and quickly slunk into the chair

The next night, she again asks if I could ma*sage her feet. This went on every night for a couple of weeks. When we were home on a rainy Saturday, I went out to get some beer and cuckold water, and we did quite a bit of partying. She stuck her foot towards me and told me to a*sume the position, as I finished her ma*sage and kissed each one of those beautiful feet, she told me not to stop. I started to ma*sage again, and she said no, don�t stop kissing them. I started kissing them all over and she told me to use my tongue, that she is really enjoying this. I was going to town licking and sucking them. She then told me to stand up, I did, turning from her, she told me to face her and there it was, sticking straight out at her. She lifted her foot to my cock and told me, I knew I was doing that to you. She asked what I was doing about sex, since I hadn�t dated anyone since she was here. Being buzzed, I told her I had to beat it for the time being. She said, �we can�t break the rules, but I have never seen a guy jerk off before, I want to watch you jerk off to me� I told her she is the only one I jerk off to since the day I met her. She rubs her foot up and down my cock a couple of times, and tells me to get started. I pull it out and went to town and very quickly was ready to cum, she said to do it on her foot. I cleaned it up and we had a good laugh and a very open sex discussion. I confessed to her that I have to do that at least a couple of times a day, because she always makes me hard. From that night on, she allowed me to jerk off on her feet each night, she said that she loved watching me beat it, as it made her feel as though she had a power over me, which of course, she did.

Another month went by and she asked me if I would mind if she started dating, someone had asked her out and she was interested. She stated that she waited to ask me cause she didn�t want to hurt me, but we did have the rule that we would have to live by. Concealing my hurt, I told her of course not. She said they were going to go out the following night and I should meet him, just to make him aware that we were only roommates.

The following night, the doorbell rings and she hollers for me to get it, she�ll be down in a minute. I open the door, and this man, monster, whatever, is standing there. Trying to be cool, I invite him in. He is 6-5 probably 250 lbs of solid muscle black man. They leave together, his ma*sive arm around her.

I was in bed when they came in, but not arelax, I was just making sure she got home ok. By the time I went to go downstairs to see if they had fun, they were already in her bedroom. After a short period, it was obvious they were enjoying each other and didn�t care if I heard, as if I wasn�t already awake, their noise would have woke me up.

They continued to see each other over the next couple of weeks, and one night when they weren�t going out, I again picked up some cuckold water so we could party and hoped that I would get some balls to tell her how I felt about her before it was too late. After takeing for a while, I asked how she felt about him and did she see a future with him? She laughed and said there wasn�t going to be a future, she just really enjoyed the sex and went on for the next 15 minutes telling me about is 11 inch cock. After hearing about this, I was pretty much embarra*sed about my cock, and all the beating off I did in front of her. As the takes went down, she asked me why I wasn�t dating. We both knew that answer, but I couldn�t bring myself to telling her I love her more than anything in the world and only want to be around her. I didn�t want to break the roommate rule we had, because the last thing I wanted was her leaving. But she had already known I would later find out. That night, she told me to jerk off onto her feet, and I told her I wasn�t in the mood. �I�ll take care of that� and she proceeded to take her clothes off, I had never seen her naked, amazing small frame with "D" implants, totally flat stomach and a shaven pussy and the only thought going through my head was I am looking at the most beautiful girl in the world NAKED. She sits on my lap, and squirms around, felling my hard on against her. She takes off my pants and starts ma*saging my balls. She then proceeds to tease me like I have never been teased before. �Your balls are tight, I think you are about to cum�. She stands up and starts to get dressed, and I beg her for more, she lifted her foot and said that I know what I have to do. I stroke myself a couple of times and I am oozing all over her foot. As we continued to party, she asks if I would like to have a threesome with Darrell, her boyfriend. I eventually told her I would, as I would do anything to get into that pussy.

The following weekend, he comes over and again we are partying, I really need to get buzzed if this was gonna happen, and expose my 5 inch dick next to his 11 incarbonsmudges. While sitting downstairs with Darrell, she comes down in a pink teddy looking unbelievable on her tan skin. Darrell asks her what the hell she is doing and I realize he doesn�t know about this threesome thing. She tells him to relax as she sits on his lap and does her squirming thing on his dick. He immediately lightens up and I realize she has that pole at attention. She starts to stroke him through his pants and tells him it would be fun to let me watch them since I haven�t had any action in a long time. He agrees, and she undoes his zipper and a snake came popping through. He was huge, and really thick too, it absolutely looked like nothing that was in my pants. She knelt in front of him and started to give him a blow job and looked over at me and told me to lie underneath her and lick her pussy. I immediately obeyed without pulling my dick out. She was so wet, and her juices tasted like heaven. They both then got naked, he lays down, and she starts to straddle him. I used to wonder what position they used since she is only 5-4 and 105lbs. She started taking his dark dick inch by inch until she had him completely inside her. She was moving very slowly up and down his shaft, and it was obvious she was really enjoying what he was providing her and vice versa. At this point, I had no idea what to do, I am just standing there watching them and it was really hot watching her perform. She turned to me and told me to take off my clothes, I said that it may not be a good idea, and she replied if I don�t I will never see her naked again. I undress and am standing at total attention, and am still less than half the size of him. But, I�m thinking, at least I�ll finally be able to feel that pussy around it.

She continues to slowly ride his shaft, and I am so hard I can�t stand it. She looks over at me, smiles and said that she thought I would be jerking off by now. She doesn�t stop her motion and says to us that she owns 2 dicks, the one that rides her and the one that jerks off to her. I thought Darrell was going to get up and ******* me, but I think she had him in another world.

Come here she says, I obey, as she slides off of Darrell, his pole sticking out as far as it can go. She slides up onto his carbonsmudgest, and stated that the one thing she always wanted to see was a guy give another guy a blowjob. Thankfully Darrell intervened and said NO WAY. Her response to him was that if he didn�t allow me to do it, this will be the last time they ever have sex. Oh, great is my thought, I�m the one that has to deal with the mammoth cock? Darrell objected for another minute before agreeing, and now I am on the spot. I never had sex with any man in my life, and never really thought about it to be honest, but I was afraid of her losing patience with me and never having the opportunity for her. Go ahead and suck it she tells me, it tastes delicious. She tells Darrell to look up at her, then turns to me with a look of suck his dick right now. I started to take his dick into my mouth, I could only take a few incarbonsmudges and I hear her say to him, let me know before you cum. Well, truth be told, I really didn�t mind it, it was just so big and masculine and dark. As I started to move my head faster, she asked if I liked it, I shook my head no, but didn�t let his cock out of my mouth. She asked �why is your dick still so hard then?� Thankfully, I didn�t have to answer as He said he was about to cum, she told me to stop and gave Darrell a deep kiss as she moved her beautiful shaven pussy to his cock. She looked up at me and told me to starting jerking off to her.

I exploded and he wasn�t far behind me. After they were finished, he went to the bathroom and she had a really big smile on her face, �Your cucked�. �Come here and lick me, I did so immediately. �Your cucked, aren�t you�? I agreed I was, without knowing what it meant because it seemed to bring great satisfaction to her.

The next morning she came into my bedroom, at about 6 am and told me that she loved me. She told me that she loved me enough that she even moved to Florida to be with me. I asked her why she started dating Darrell then, she went onto explain that he is part of our relationship. She stated that her lady had cucked her man for the last 15 years, and she knew that she wanted to be part of the same kind of relationship. She said that very little about our relationship is going to change except that I will be allowed to have sex with her sometimes, when she didn�t want me to jerk off. She asked if I could handle her having sex with other men, especially black ones, and if I could, we will be together forever. I agreed on the spot!!

We then had sex for the first time and I knew my decision was right, I belong at this princess�s feet and she can have whatever she wants. We got married 2 weeks ago.


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nice story!


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yes wonderful story!
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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How my Princess cucked me
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