Posts: 41
Hey all, I want to pose a question to you guys, and gals. My wife and I have a good sex life, honestly. We have been married for 29 years. I am 48, she is 45. The past 5 years or so we have decided we needed to spice up the bedroom a bit. We have lots of toys, ropes, handcuffs, etc, etc. Her fav. is a very large black dildo...Black thunder. It really hits her in the right spot and she says she feels very "full" and stretched with him in her. She likes to alternate between using him, then having me eat her pussy, then Black thunder, or Kong as she calls him..then me eating, over and over until she explodes. The question is I have brought up her having a lover, you know, the cuck thing. She is basically the dominate one in our marriage. She isn't opposed to her having a lover but she is worried about getting feelings for the man and *******ing our marriage. I know this is real as I've read it on here a lot. I've read on some other sites and on here, that some white couples get black guys as the wife is LESS likely to get feeling for him, for various reamisters. I do not want to start a racial thing and don't mean it like that, however I have read that...I don't know if its even true. I have brought up the black lover theory and she says she wants to think about it. She says if we get black lovers and she really doesn't contact them outside of the sex she may be able to do it, but she still has concerns, as do I. Any ideas? Sorry for the long post, I type fast.  The wifes "Kong" as she calls him.
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Posts: 33
Have to ask where did you order Kong from?
Posts: 108
My advise is not to go for it. I have a friend who went for this type of a thing but couldnt handle it. He became full of jealousy and guilt and she started developing feelings for the lover. I a long marriage there are alot of ups and downs and the excitement of an affair causes one to loose true perception of things and it might lead to seperation.
Posts: 7
Quoting: cen Have to ask where did you order Kong from? The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Bought this for my girl and she loved it.
Posts: 41
cen, we got it online, shop around the prices varied by a lot and I mean a whole lot. Out of all the dildo's we've owned this one hits the spot big time. She doesn't want to use any other one.
FawazAli, thanks for the insight, you've been helpful. I agree about perception and I've read A LOT on here where women, and Bulls all say just about every wife will develop a relationship or attachment for her lover, even if the Bull doesn't want or encourage it.
That is a scary thought and my wife has even said so, she knows she probably can't have casual sex with a man without emotions being involved.
A Bull on another thread said he has a 3 fuck rule, if he relaxs with a wife 3 times she will fall in love or develop feelings for him.....some say switching lovers is an option and no addition contact except during sex.
I also read from someone on there where they said a wife will lose respect for her husband and only want sex with the lover or Bull and not want her husband anylonger for sex...she lost respect.
It really is a lot to consider.
Posts: 41
Quoting: whtcpl4bull 3.html Bought this for my girl and she loved it. 69.00 isn't bad but you can still get it a bit cheaper...I can't exactly recall the price however. It is worth 69.00
Posts: 41
62 bucks here.
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Posts: 282
We had a similar discussion before. Here.
Posts: 41
Thanks itsbbd, I will check it out.
Posts: 2117
#10 · Edited by: brainbox1
For every couple that breaks up because of cuckolding there are probably 10 more who stay together without to much difficulty. It depends upon so many factors -such as your marital relationship, the bull in question. To expand: if your marriage is strained and you are both fighting, it is not a good idea and will just finish the marriage off. If the bull just sees your wife as a fuck then he will not fall in love with her -you heard the expression 'fuck them and leave them' , a mantra many bulls endure too.
There is nothing wrong with fantasy so think carefully, and discuss the possibility with your wife; how you will both feel about her cuckolding you; what sort of cuckold realtionship (e.g. you denied; a more swingers arrangement) you will have and so on.
Good luck and keep us updated
Posts: 41
Brainbox, appreciate it. Yes our marriage is fine and there are no problems. I mean sex isn't really bad either. As you can see from my pic I don't have a large penis but we do other things, especially oral and her Kong of course, lol.
We've have teased and such about her with a lover. She will sometimes use Kong and make me sit in the chair in the corner and watch, wearing my chastity device. Sometimes she will have me in bed, and she uses Kong, then have me eat her, and do this over and over until she is satisfied. Then I get to have sex with her and I am usually done quickly but she has already cum, so it doesnt matter she says.
As far as the life style we'll that is interesting. It probably won't be swingers as I have no interest in other women and she won't allow me to anyway. It won't be hard core cuck either...not sure.
Posts: 64
Quoting: jetdoc She isn't opposed to her having a lover but she is worried about getting feelings for the man and *******ing our marriage. I know this is real as I've read it on here a lot. jetdoc, I normally keep my opinions to myself on here, but this is one instance where I'd like to interject. You have a great little situation here to start with, a woman who not only entertains your idea of excitement but seems to enjoy it immensely herself. You are already a blessed man. If you go bringing an alpha-male into the situation, you would first witness your wife becoming more submissive (but only to him), as this is the nature of most women. The notion that she may develop feelings for her black lover is a very real one and very likely to happen as women are more emotionally-grounded during sex than are men. Many woman like to be dominated, and since you are NOT the dominant one anyway, she is letting Kong (her pseudo alpha-male) fulfill what is missing from her sex life, while seemingly being pleased to dwell with the likes of you. If she is happy doing that, and you are visually stimulated by her enjoyment (and who wouldn't be?) then why take the risk? Unless you are not satisfied without being humiliated, desiring to clean her up after another man uses her body for HIS pleasure (and not necessarily aiming to please her), then I suggest you keep doing what you're doing. In all aspects, it's much healthier than bringing a third party into your bed. Maybe not quite as exciting knowing how toys can be cold and lifeless; but certainly less risky, and less complicated. Enjoy! Many men would love to have a wife who shared his fantasies as much as yours does. Take good care of her, she's a keeper! Cheers!
Posts: 41
Hey brunettewatcher, I want to reply in detail, I have to run an errand, back in a few.
Posts: 41
Quoting: brunettewatcher I normally keep my opinions to myself on here, but this is one instance where I'd like to interject. You have a great little situation here to start with, a woman who not only entertains your idea of excitement but seems to enjoy it immensely herself. You are already a blessed man. If you go bringing an alpha-male into the situation, you would first witness your wife becoming more submissive (but only to him), as this is the nature of most women. The notion that she may develop feelings for her black lover is a very real one and very likely to happen as women are more emotionally-grounded during sex than are men. Many woman like to be dominated, and since you are NOT the dominant one anyway, she is letting Kong (her pseudo alpha-male) fulfill what is missing from her sex life, while seemingly being pleased to dwell with the likes of you. If she is happy doing that, and you are visually stimulated by her enjoyment (and who wouldn't be?) then why take the risk? Unless you are not satisfied without being humiliated, desiring to clean her up after another man uses her body for HIS pleasure (and not necessarily aiming to please her), then I suggest you keep doing what you're doing. In all aspects, it's much healthier than bringing a third party into your bed. Maybe not quite as exciting knowing how toys can be cold and lifeless; but certainly less risky, and less complicated. Enjoy! Many men would love to have a wife who shared his fantasies as much as yours does. Take good care of her, she's a keeper! Cheers! Brunettewatcher....I want to thank you for your post as well. You guys give me different angles to think about thing from. The part about the black Alpha male being dominate over my wife is very true. I have learned on here that women, generally, like to be dominated. I understand that and you're right, she doesn't get it from me, but Kong fulfills that need. Interesting. It kinda hurt when you said, "by the likes of you" thanks, lol. I guess its true but I never heard it like that before. Being humiliated can be stimulating I think and maybe cleaning up would be fun as well but it would be a big chance so I will continue to think about it for now. Sometimes I think going to Jamaica the home of the huge black cock, and doing something there is an option, as she would never see those guys again, unless we went back down...just a thought. Thanks again.
Posts: 64
I meant no offense. After reading some of your other posts, I believe "you at least" are probably ready for more. I know that would be the logical step if I were in your shoes. Permisterally I would get a little bored with the toys. I know because when I had a wife that's what we did. I don't think she was into it as much as I was, but that was a very long time ago. The idea you had of a "fuck vacation" could be the ticket. I have also heard many times that women go to these desinations just for that purpose - husband along or not. So I am sure that you could find a native there to give your wife what she craves, and then come home and reflect. By the first post I read, I felt that losing her was probably paramount in your decision to share or not to share. But I believe that if you have a tight marriage and you can keep it casual, you'll probably do fine. I would certainly like to be in the position of being cucked, but not humiliated or deprived. My main goal in life would be to see that my partner had her needs fulfilled - even if it meant putting off my own. I believe sharing your woman with a superior man, is one of greatest and most selfless acts a husband can accomplish. I would hope that my prospective woman would see it as an act of love and not weakness, in that I'd only want to witness the site of her bliss as she reachess new heights of pleasure that I couldn't give her. Good luck in all you do.
Posts: 41
I know you didn't brunettewatcher, no problem.
I am not sure if I really am into the offense thing as much as I think I am....I would like a take charge black guy and one who can direct me to do some things, but I don't want to give total control to wife I would. Actually I kinda already give her control, lol.
We just used Kong last night and it was fun. Last night she did something she only does on occasion. Its like she is riding him from on top. She takes Kong and puts him on the bed and she gets on top, like riding him. To keep Kong in place she takes a bath towel and kinda does some folds and tucks to where her knees keep him in place using the towel.
Anyway I was sitting on the chair and from my vantage point it looks just like she is really being fucked....we'll I know she is being fucked, but it looks like a real black man fucking little weiner is sooooo hard when she does this routine...I LOVE IT.
She is a petite woman so she can usually only take maybe 1/2 to 2/3s of Kong anyway....but its hot.
She had several very intense orgasms, and she also has lots of smaller ones she says.
I then get to clean her out and then make love to her...its all good.
I do like the possibility of a vacation fuck fest....humm.
Posts: 64
Quoting: jetdoc I then get to clean her out and then make love to her...its all good. jetdoc, I wonder when you get to enjoy her afterwards, if you can tell that Kong has stretched her pussy and left her sloppy & gaped open for you? This would be an intense turn on for me. I love to see a pretty white pussy stretched to the limit, and especially how wide-open she looks the moment when he first pulls that black monster out of her well satisfied orifice. Don't you just love that? I could just stick my head up in there and look around!! Sounds like you two are having a great time! Thanks for sharing.
Posts: 41
BW, the word she uses most often is "full", and yes she looks stretched when he is in her. She has the most intense orgasms when Kong is fucking her and I am happy she is open enough to allow me to enjoy those orgasms as well.
When she pulls out and I eat her it tastes different for sure. The wife also likes me to stop when I am using my penis, then go and eat her, then fuck her again for a bit, then eat her, thats her thing and it tastes better when I eat her after a real dick has been in there I will say.
I have not done a cream pie..of course it would be my own cum, maybe thats why?
As far as me putting my dick in her after Kong, yes I feel very small then and her pussy feels and looks so different, her pussy looks different that is. My dick looks so small in there after watching Kong pound her for a while.
But I do enjoy going in after Kong has done his work, as I know she is already sexually satisfied and she won't be upset if I cum too fast.
Posts: 41
I would like to know what some women thought on the subject of having a real lover and keeping emotional attachments from the relationship...if its even possible.
My wife isn't the slut type, so it may be impossible?
Posts: 208
You're not bringing up a racial thing. It's clear where you're coming from. The question is how committed she'd be to your marriage. She can say she'd cut things off if she started to develop feelings for another guy, but once she's in that moment you couldn't be sure. She would have to be sure, and it doesn't sound like she is at this point.
Fucking a black guy might be a good way to go. That's not to say that she couldn't fall in love with a black guy and leave you, but most relationships are not interracial (even though there's absolutely nothing wrong at all with interracial relationships). It's just that differences in culture/background between people often prevent relationships. People tend to seek out the familiar, seek out what they relate to, at least when it comes to marriage/long-term relationships.
Your wife obviously cares about your marriage and about you, and you likewise. Just take it slow. Try it out. It sounds like you two could probably make such a sexual fantasy work, but just be cautious along the way.
Posts: 46
While I agree with the general "be careful" tone of the advice in this thread, I also understand the powerful turn-on of the next step you are contemplating. From our experiences, I can assure you that your wife will almost certainly develop feelings for her Bull if it is an ongoing thing. Whether the reward is worth the risk, is something every couple has to decide for themselves.
If you both have had some experience with this before, the risk is lessened. My advice would be to try it as a vacation fuck or an arranged meeting in a nearby town and take it from there.
The feelings will be intensified if the relationship takes on dominant and submissive roles. While that is probably a scenario you would enjoy, is that what she is looking for?
Posts: 282
Always remember, she is still a woman. Offer her love and security and no one will be able to compete with that. I never had a problem with this in my experiences. The other dicks were just for fucking. Our feelings were on a completely different level. Fucking is not love, if she realizes this, then you are gonna be fine. .
Posts: 41
Great responses...I understand Austin, and yes I am sure my wife would develop feeling for any lover she had. I've learned on here that it is indeed common, almost universal.
Except in some cases, such as iltsbbd. You offered some very wise suggestions....I really feel more secure is whatever we wind up doing.
Could be a vacation fuck, or out of town fuck?
Posts: 282
We both use the dildos since I am Bi. Sometimes the fantasy is better than the reality. When we play with the Dildos, we never have to worry about whether the black guy would fuck me or not, or worry about if the guy is a jerk either. Plus, the dildo is always ready. True, nothing beats the flavor of a real black dick, but sometimes we have to make compromises. .
Posts: 49
Hi Jetdoc, thanks for sharing your experiences. My wife and I enjoy playing with our black dildoes. I encourage you to keep exploring together. Trust is important. My wife just has had three black lovers over the last couple years. We have an ongoing thing with one of them. My wife and he get together when he is in the area. We met online at adultfriendfinder. AFF is something I recommend as a popular place to find others into cuckolding and more. If you can be comfortable with conversing back and forth online with her lovers then you will be ready for the real thing. I get to read their messages back and forth and he knows I am in the background. Keep everything upfront, honest and fun. Just got back from a vacation to Jamaica. She met her third black lover. I let her go out on dates several nights in a row and she came back with her cunt filled with his seed. She even kissed me after giving him a blowjob and pushed a big load of black sperm into my mouth. That was hot!...I can still remember the taste. I had to worship her pussy with my mouth, while wearing panties inbetween dates. It was fabulous. I can also recommend Jamaica for aspiring cuckolds. Negril is famous for its rent a rasta giggolos and we saw many interacial couples white women in the company of black men, eating dinner together, dancing, lying on the beach and undoubtably riding their BBC's to kingdom come. It was no big deal there! edmonton cuck couple
Posts: 41
cuckslut, great post!!! Wow. I hope we do make it do Jamaica....lots of big black cock down there.