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Wife's night out at an interracial club

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I set up a "girls-night-out" for my conservative wife to get her to enjoy herself for a change. With kids, work, and everyday stress, she needed to get away and I knew that if I could get her out with the "girls" she would be like a new woman again. This was also a way for me to subtely encourage her to let other men flirt and dance with her if she desired and that it was OK with me. I told her to loosen up a bit, take a few beers and let herself go for a change. Forget about being a "mommy" or a "wife" for the night and live a little. I was excited about her going out while I watched the kids and when she told me the club they were going to, I was a little shocked but very happy and filled with hope. You see, my biggest fantasy and desire is to share my lovely wife with another man or men, especially a black gentleman. We hadn't had much of an exciting sex life but changing my approach with her about sex, things have been heating up and she has been doing things that she used to not like or said she doesn't do. I've never told her my fantasy because she's not ready for that yet, it'd be too much of a shock, but I so much want to lead her into it and slowly work her up to the idea. Well, the club she was going to was known for being quite interracial. Mostly black men and white women. Defintily a place for a white wife to find a black lover for the night. We had been there once before with some friends to listen to a great band and noticed the ratio of black men/white women. Well, as you would guess, I was very happy to hear she was going there again with her sister and friends.
She stayed out very late that night and didn't come home till around 3 a.m. I actually told her earlier to go home with her sister and not worry about driving home. She wanted to come home anyhow. I stayed up waiting for her waiting to hear how her night went. Well, it wasn't all that exciting but I do feel there were some promising evovements that had taken place. Over the next couple days she slowly released more and more info about her night out. First, she had a great time and really enjoyed it. There were a lot of black gentlement there she said and her and her sister ended up talking to the one black 45 yr old gentlemen most of the night. He even danced with them most of the time. My wife kept mentioning how "nice" he was. She also said her sister was given numbers by two different black gentlement but that she didn't but I think she was just telling me that so as to not upset me which it wouldn't have.
The next day on a drive to see a relative, she and I got into this conversation about black men, then interracial couples, then even interracial youngren by white women and black men and how common it seems now. She totally agreed.
I know it doesn't seem like much but it's a start and I'm wondering if she does have interest in black men but just waiting on me to give her the OK. She has found my "bookmark" to this website ( but told me then that she's not that way and didn't like that stuff. But, when we had first met and were dating, she stayed at my house one night while I was working and found an ad I had written long before she and I had met but left it lying somewhere on a desk in a pad of paper. She needed paper for some reamister and found this ad I had written that stated I was bisexual and looking to be had by two men preferable black men, and well endowed. She was upset about it, not mad, just scared that if she stayed with me, I would leave her for another man. Not the case. I explained it was me experimenting and being curious, I never did anything other that have some encounters with a married couple whitch she found interesting. She married me anyhow. So now, my question is, do you think she has some interest in black men and would possible entertain the idea of a threesome with a black gentlemen or at least sex with the guy while I watched?
Would love to hear your opinions.


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Anything is possible, but she is a long way from what you are driving at. You will have to be very careful just pushing her out on her own and giving her the go ahead because she will take it as a sign you don't really want her anymore. I would suggest role playing once she is good and hot during sex, or if you have ever used toys you may incorporate some darker versions if you know what I mean. Then if you've ever been into porn you could get on an interracial kick there...but I believe that just sending her out there to score on her own will only get you left behind in the end. Because once she gets that black dick and it GOOD 2 her she's gone. I'd at MOST just talk about how hot it makes you during sex for starters and maybe then have her work on a big black dildo while you take her from behind "for your benefit" and excitement. Anything to heat her up and cum harder than usual before moving on is what I think.


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i think she is , i would let her go to the night club again and say if you wont to dance with the guys do ,as i think when she is they will get her hot and she wont forget that . let us know how things go
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Wife's night out at an interracial club
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