Posts: 321
Hey guys, I'm a male into cuckolding. I have a couple girls that would fuck black guys on cam, and stuff. I was trying to get a feeler on who would be willing to donate, you know for hotel room, expenses, etc.
In return u get to watch her getting fucked live on cam. Which is great cuz you can almost be cuckolded without even being there.
Let me know what you guys think?
Posts: 321
Well these girls are cool with me being a cuck. I just figured it would help u guys out if u got to see it. I mean i wouldnt be posting these or doing this if she didn't make any money off of it. So if people wanted to see soemthing they never were going to see in the first place then they will pay if not they wont see it. I guess its up to people how bad or not they want to see it right?
Posts: 209
I'm in!!! Do you want my bank account number?? Its F8U9C0K Y7O6U
Posts: 321
smoking I dont know if you guys are reading it wrong or what. But what were doing is providing some people something they never will get to see either because they can't find a woman into this, or because they want to stay annonymous.
But you guys are making it sound like I'm asking for millions of dollars. I'm saying with a few people pitching in a few bucks it would really make a difference. I mean I'm sure some of u spend what, 10-15, even 20 bucks on a porn website?
That money or even half that money u guys couldn't donate to paypal to see REAL STUFF?
Posts: 131
i like the concept. build the architecture with your own funds, and then recoup it with paid subscriptions.
Posts: 78
It sounds like you want to make money out of us, nothing else. Go away.
Posts: 209
Actually i dont spend a dime on porn sites. I used to when i didn't realize how much free cuckolds brownie there is on the internet. Only suckers pay for this cuckolds brownie anymore.
Posts: 233
Does this guy have any clue what the word cuckold means? I mean, try to make a buck creating porn, go for it...but don't call it cuckolding if it is not cuckolding!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: skellyf Does this guy have any clue what the word cuckold means? I mean, try to make a buck creating porn, go for it...but don't call it cuckolding if it is not cuckolding! I've been cucking my hub for 23 years, in the last 3 years or so cucking has gotten noticed by mainstream, and has more fans than ever, the only problem is,,,nary a one has any idea as to what cucking is all about, some think it's interracial sex, some think a wimpy white guy has to be in the room, some even want to cuck ME??? I can't wait till it goes out of fashion and is left to us who actually practice it.
Posts: 321
NOpe see you guys are looking at it wrong. You think of it as us trying to make money.
Think of it this way, should I spend the time and energy to find girls that are willing to do this on camera, spend my own money just so some annonymous people can watch it online for free?
Yea that makes a lot of sense. What I'm saying is in return for you to watch this, I shouldn't have to be out money at minimum I should break even if not get a little extra for spending, time, effort, and money on doing this.
And trust me I knwo tons about cukolding. So don't try to make me look stupid by trying to say I don't
Posts: 187
You Don't
#12 · Edited by: snowballboi
Quoting: littlewhitedick I just figured it would help u guys out if u got to see it. Gee thanks, what a once in a lifetime offer.... gimme a break. This whole scenario is bullcuckolds brownie and it insults our intelligence...... go back to selling cuckolds browniety cars.
#13 · Edited by: snowballboi
Quoting: littlewhitedick And trust me I knwo tons about cukolding. So don't try to make me look stupid by trying to say I don't You obviously don't know cuckolds brownie about cuckolding OR typing. First of all Mr. Know It All, it would NOT be, for "us" .. cuckolding... it would be called voyeurism... Hell, give us your address and we'll take up a collection for you not to come up with any more stupid-ass ideas.
Posts: 42
What a fukin Looser, These Crackers have no shame at all.
Crakka, LOL... sorry, but that made me ROFLMAO.. !
Posts: 321
wow the submissive side of u guys really leave once u get mad huh? I dont care im allowing u to see a part of my cuckold life. If you want to see it COOL if you dont COOL.
But I dont see why you guys get so bent out of shape. If u want to see it then thats fien if not thats fine to. It seems like your only getting bent out of shape cuz you cant see it for free. sorry.
Posts: 3
littlewhitedick I think your idea pretty hot. I can see why people think it's a stupid idea because it's just like watching a porn, but i think it's kind of hot watching an amateur fucking a black guy live on cam. Let me in on some details.
Posts: 321
I decided im not going to do it. I'm going to just do it but not put it on webcam. Just video tape it and keep it for myself and the other people that participate in the sex.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: littlewhitedick I decided im not going to do it. Here's the thing, it's not a stupid idea, if you want to tape your wife doing some black guy, it's well done, condom free with an internal cumshot, then that's something I'd buy. But I'm not gonna watch porn in the guise of cucking. You want to make videos of different women, great, but it has to have THEIR husband's, not you, those would be cucking videos. If you want to fake it, use different men as the husband's of different women, and make sure they're wearing wedding bands, at least that way people can buy into the fantasy without it being ruined by the obvious reality,,,got it, that's the formula for success, otherwise the likes of Candy Monroe and Spring Thomas have already produced the train wrecks you're thinking of.