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Election Night Preview

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Perhaps qualified voters should be only as the constitution originally stated, but then what could candidates and those in office promise people....if you vote for me, I will give you this.....such drivel.....such as it is.....Missy


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Quoting: Missy19
Perhaps qualified voters should be only as the constitution originally stated, but then what could candidates and those in office promise people....if you vote for me, I will give you this.....such drivel.....such as it is.....Missy

You mean white male landowners only? Why Missy, you sound like a Republican! Say it ain't so!!


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Quoting: name
The oil, they knew exactly where it was! (And now they are exploring it! How 'lucky'!)

Modernizing and repairing it's current equipment and drilling new wells to tap into Iraq's huge reserves will only help the country financially by increasing it's daily production but, because of it's lack of technical know how, it needs help from big oil in order to do it. Iraq needs big oil just as much as big oil needs Iraq. You can't expect foreign companies to invest billions into Iraq's oil fields without becoming partners with Iraq in the oil it helps produce (which would never happen if they had to be partners with Sadam).

Quoting: name
Not much of a choice, is it? However, conservative voters seem to back the white candidate, as it should be expected.

It's always not much of a choice once it's been narrowed down to one candidate from each party....that's what the primaries are for.

Conservatives are not at all happy with McCain because he's not conservative enough (he supports stem cell research, he opposes a federal ban on gay marriages, etc.) but, come election day whether completely happy with him or not, they'll back him because he's the republican candidate. If Condi Rice ran and ended up being the candidate, (who is not only black but also female) they'd be backing her because she would be the republican candidate. Regardless of what race Obama is, he's the democratic candidate which makes him even less conservative than McCain. Conservatives vote republican and liberals vote democrat because, voting for the other candidate will mean that they're voting for everything they're against.


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As for Iraq, how much of the oil income stays in the country? I guess (and I'm only guessing) almost all of it goes to those who made a tremendous effort to put their hands and feet there. The rest of the money is to pay for an unwanted and unasked war. I remember when CNN presenters announced with great joy that the whole infrastructure of the country had been destroyed, such as dams, power plants, roads, airports, oil refineries, industries and even schools, mosques and hospitals. It all has to be rebuilt now, of course, and Halliburton is there, of course, among other big sharks. Obama just said he'll send the troops home in 16 months time. The oil companies, however, will stay ...


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Quoting: Missy19
gov of cia

True but, more importantly he was the VP after that.


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CNN is very biased, just keep that in mind while you watch it. I prefer Fox which is also biased and I keep that in mind when I watch it also but, in general though they're a lot better at getting two people to interview when possible (and applicable) from opposite sides and the reporter stays in the middle rather than just have the reporter interview one permister (from one side). I've seen CNN actually gang up on people when they interview them (3-4 reporters all interviewing (attacking) one permister at the same time). A lot of people hate Hannity (I'm not crazy about him myself) but, next to Hannity is Combes and he gets just as much time as Hannity to talk on their show (it's 50/50) and he's very liberal.

Read this article about where the money will go and the law that's already drafted:

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Newsblip 2038,,,Grandpa, what's a computor? Those are some of the things we had back when there was electricity, back before the "Obama of the United States" (Websters,,,O bomb uh: to bring about the utter destruction of a progressive govt), which let our enemies set off some pulse bombs and drove us into the dark ages,,,then came the "Great Liberal Culling",,,when the survivors of new depression drove them all into the sea. But hey,,,they left you a pristeen section referred to as ANWR, if you're up for an eight hundred mile hike we can go there someday,,,afterall, we saved it for you, hope you appreciate it.
Quoting: name
Not much of a choice, is it? However, conservative voters seem to back the white candidate, as it should be expected. President Obama or President McCain ... what sounds more 'american'? Difficult choice! Only to take the weaker side, I'd vote for Obama if I were american.

A weak president is YOUR choice, no surprise there,,,I wouldn't use my "NAME" either if it was Bin Laden. Hey,,,did you know there's a bunch of people looking for you? Let me tell you, winning the lottery is about the only thing that would please me more than knowing you're NOT an American.


Posts: 1284
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hohoho - conservative America speaking!!!! As landless movements in Latin America, America's only real vanguard now seem to be Codepink women and Michael Moore! God bless them!


Posts: 1284
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If u vote for a War-President, won't be able to say later that 'war was unavoidable' ...


Posts: 1284
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* Just for the matter of clarity, Mary, the weaker side means the one that does not have the strongest support from media and capital.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: name
hohoho - conservative America speaking!!!! As landless movements in Latin America, America's only real vanguard now seem to be Codepink women and Michael Moore! God bless them!

Take away the repurcussions and put them in front of me and I'd club them like seals.
Quoting: name
If u vote for a War-President, won't be able to say later that 'war was unavoidable'

Americans are basically reactionary, even when we go pre-emptive,,,Iran is telling the world they're gonna destroy Isreal,,,did you miss that part?
Quoting: name
* Just for the matter of clarity, Mary, the weaker side means the one that does not have the strongest support from media and capital.

Just for a matter of clarity NAME,,,Obama DOES have the support of the media, and the capital is not the White House, it Washington DC, and Congress holds the real power and it's Democratic, so Obama is not considered the underdog,,,any referrence to weakness when it comes to Obama is in regard to charachter and cohones,,,webos, balls, bollocks, spine, and any other terminolgy you can find to describe someone who acts inherently un-American. The problem isn't really Obama, there's been plenty of them over the years, it becomes a problem if more than half of us vote for him,,,that would mean the country's rate of stupid versus intelligent people had gone too far to the other side, in which case we'd deserve whatever we get. Nature has a way of dealing with things that become too stupid to survive.


Posts: 315
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Quoting: name
America's only real vanguard now seem to be Codepink women and Michael Moore! God bless them!

You've fallen hook, line and sinker for those that are violators of exactly what you're critical of. Moore's last movie exposed what he's really all about so much, that even CNN ambushed him and called him on all his sensationalized BS and drama (that makes him a fortune while having no regard for his country when the rest of the world watches his movies and buys into it).

He was doing his rounds promoting his latest movie "Sicko" back when it first came out and when he got to CNN, he was expecting Wolf Blitzer to give him an easy (probably scripted) interview about it when he instead got caught off guard and Blitzer started asking him critical questions about his past movies. Moore lost it and just went ballistic. It wasn't like he even accused him of anything....all he had to do was relax and answer his question but, he instead threw a temper tantrum because he wasn't getting what he wanted.....which was to just promote his movie so he could really cash in this time (more than ever) without being held accountable any of it's content from his past or current movies.

I offered to consult on his last movie when I heard he was going to do "Sicko", thinking for once he might do a movie that raises some issues that really need to be looked into and scrutinized (where if any where, you may actually find some real conspiracies) and to my surprise, his people contacted me. There's two sides to ever story and I told them both sides of it. When you hear and understand both sides of all the "hot" topics that get in the media about the healthcare industry, it becomes very ordinary and pretty much boring.

There are many areas that are NEVER in the media, that even when you're told about both sides of the story, would make a great documentary (and true too!). Then again, that's only my opinion because, that's what I do, it's my career. When news articles pop up, talking about someone that's in the hospital and getting railroaded by some insurance company, that's a story one reporter investigated, spending a relatively a short period of time researching and really just wanting to point out how that permister needs help....that's the story they want to write. They don't spend a year or more looking into every aspect of it and researching the big picture to write it.

Moore and his staff of many, do get to do exactly just that when it comes to deciding what to do a movie about.....after being able to look at the big picture, what to put in it. What they decided on was to talk about one side of all the "hot" topics. Why, because the uninformed are not going to know the wiser and create a lot of controversy, which is what Moore lives for (along with all the ticket sales he gets from it). All he does is make movies....he calls them documentaries and because of that, they're non-fiction. That's just the for format he uses for his movies....the genre.....there's no law that requires them to be accurate, true, complete or's just a's just Hollywood!!!


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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Websters,,,O bomb uh: to bring about the utter destruction of a progressive govt

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Let me tell you, winning the lottery is about the only thing that would please me more than knowing you're NOT an American.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Take away the repurcussions and put them in front of me and I'd club them like seals.

Back and on top of your game as always! I don't know what to say....I'm truly speechless.....

I think I'm in love.


Posts: 40
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I know I'm in love...... go get 'im Mary!


Posts: 516
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and to think that there is something wrong with the idea that only those that actually pay taxes should have the the only right to vote for those that decide how to spend it.......sounds too fair and logical to me.....such as it is....Missy Oh and by the way....perhaps it should be only those that own land and have an educational perspective about what they are voting for rather than voting for what might be given to them......oh well


Posts: 1284
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Conservatives never act or speak alone ... (they have their croonies to say 'how great, righteous and wise' they are - probably they need that - and are always very supportive of each other, of course). Condi backs Rumsfeld, who backs Wolfowitz, who backs Bush, who backs Powell ... ops, someone has fallen from the edge of the slope! And their admirors just do the same!!! Cheney hasn't got any money! Neither does Bush! They do not represent the capital of white America, of course! ... (and they are not republicans, either!)


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As about Iran, Israel already has all the nuclear equipment they need to smash all islamic world, with the 'strong and permanent support of the US' ... They have got the ogives and the rockets, and modern aviation.
They have got money to spend on wars and expensive american war equipment. They have military interchange programs with the US. And, at least 50% of the money american stock market is jewish. So, Iran is like the barking dog that can't really bite. However, israeli pitbulls have been *******ing palestinian youngren and women like rats. In many cases, they use american weaponry. It's normal that you tend to defend your country's business. (war industry is one of the most profitable in the world today)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: name
As about Iran, Israel already has all the nuclear equipment they need to smash all islamic world, with the 'strong and permanent support of the US'

With the density of the population of Isreal one nuke would ******* 6 million,,,if we could go back to 1938 and ******* Hitler we'd save 6 million, yet here we stand at the same juncture and are expected to sit back and watch? The only difference is instead of one insane dictator witth a population of sheep living in a bad economy as a result of WWI, we're dealing with an entire population of insane maniacs, half that want to destroy everyone who doesn't think like them, and half that wants it but would rather let others do it just in case it goes wrong. They say we have more oil just in the shale in the Rockies than all of Saudi Arabia,,,I'd pay $8.00 a gallon if it meant we could turn the middle east into a giant pane of glass. Ooooh,,,that sounds terrible! Let people live free,,,we leave you alone, impose your beliefs and we melt you,,,in the long run the planet will be a much better place,,,when was the last time you heard of people complaining about the Carthaginians?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: DaniSubTV
Back and on top of your game as always! I don't know what to say....I'm truly speechless.....

I think I'm in love.

Quoting: revmagus
I know I'm in love...... go get 'im Mary!

Thanx Guys,,,just weeding through the BS and telling it like it is.


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Election Night Preview
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