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Election Night Preview

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OBAMA '08!


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Tonight is not election night.

What are you talking about?

Beautiful video though. Thanks so much for that.

And regarding politics, why is it that every single brown permister I speak to (Mexicans mainly) say that they will not vote for a black man, or even a half black man? What did we ever do to the damn Mexicans?


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a mexican friend of mine in a moment of candor basically said that hispanics will never trust a black leader due to long history of mistrust and cultural differences. i don't get it either, but the latinos will never vote for a black for president.


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Who cares what Mexicans say? They're all getting deported once McCain steps into office.


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Will America let an afro-american be president? Nobody forgets the cuckolds brownie in presidential elections in Florida, Supreme Court akward ruling, etc. etc.
By the way, that video-scene is very hot.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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All the blacks that are putting their faith in Obama are making a big mistake, I've got nothing against a black prez, or a woman prez, in fact I'd like Condi Rice to be the next prez. But if Obama gets in, it'll set the black cause back 50 years, since it'll take 20 years to fix everything that Obama will fuck up,,,he's not even black, he's mulatto.


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what about mccaine? very difficult choices! almost impossible ones ...


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By the way, did you know that the USS Reagan carries 1.000.000 litters of gasoline, to suply 80 combat aircrafts? It has costed some BILLION dollars and it's primary mission is "(...) to drop bombs to change people's way of looking at the world" - words from the 1st man in command. Isn't that 'fucking weird'? ...
p.s. wonder that money being used to provide health, food and shelter for the needy, instead of fulfilling the afore said 'primary mission'.


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Don't you feel like we are being 'cuckolded' ***ly by those world leaders who spend our money this way and promote this cuckolds brownie?


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I'm looking forward to 8 years of Michelle Obama as first lady. She is as hot as any porn queen I've seen here. God would I love to fuck her.

Maybe someone can do a fake of her riding a big white dick.


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scubarogue.....although when the polling numbers indicate slightly over 90% of the blacks will vote for doesnt really mean anything....since they have historically voted almost 90% for the democratic party there is not really any change.


Posts: 25
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It is being said, daily, by the press that a historic number of black folk will take part in this election. I would ask, why now? We each have our own opinions why this may be.
"Opinions are like watches; none two go the same yet each believes their own." -Alexander Pope.


Posts: 315
#13 · Edited by: DaniSubTV
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A lot of the conservatives hate McCain because they feel he's not truly conservative and sides with the liberals too often. The fact is, he doesn't side with them, he's just able to strike a reamisterable compromise with them....he's the voice of reamister. One of the far rights big complaints is that they feel his immigration policy is amnesty. Like me he's from Arizona (a border state) and his immigration policy (like many things he does) is just realistic. It allows those who are here a way to stay but, it's not a pardon...there are requirements and a procedure to follow to reach them.

I have nothing against a black or female president.....I'm with Multi_Orgasmic Mary, I wouldn't mind seeing Condi Rice run the next time.

The reamister a US senator can make a good president is because of the respect he has already achieved with many of the members of congress from the time he spent serving and working along side of them as a senator. That respect builds over time and a junior senator like Obama just hasn't been there long enough to have attained's his first term and with his early announcement to run for president, he's spent a lot of the time absent fron congress while campaigning.


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It's very significative that some people would indicate a woman who's been in charge of lying to the world about WMD, and yet, would trust
her for president ... Anyway, either candidate would keep the same external politics about israelis x palestinians, Cuba, a.s.o. Nothing really changes, and the power of capital goes intact, of course. For capitalism to exist, there has to be poverty, competition for jobs, low salaries, profits, interests and the whole bunch of things that contribute to make this world what it is today: the quintessence of inequality. (I'm just practicing my English, sorry)


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Q How do you know when Condi Rice has stopped lying?

A Somebody shoved a big white cock down her throat.


Posts: 401
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Q How do you know when any Republican has stopped lying?

A No really, I'm serious. ------ It could happen. -------- Theoretically --

Maybe ----- Someday ------ Damn it Stop laughing!! ----

OK, just pretend.


Posts: 762
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us americans will mostly always support the most openly deceitful,and seemingly 'dumber'
one candidate could be seen as an academic under achiever and is professionally conditioned to follow orders of the great and powerful....
but the rest world can be assured for the highly informed us that are not easily led by media hype and economic conditioning to make an un influenced decision that makes a make a difference... 'p


Posts: 516
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Senators have a leg up on becoming President, really????.....????...well the present President was gov of Texas, before him of Arkansas, before of cia.....then gov of Ca,....before him a peanut farmer.....So I am not sure that senators have a leg up on Govs making it to the white house....but one Senator will this year....anyway....As John Adams useless man is a discrace....2 is a law firm.....and 3 or more is a congress....such as it still is.......Missy


Posts: 315
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*****"the rest world can be assured for the highly informed us that are not easily led by media hype and economic conditioning to make an un influenced decision that makes a difference"*****

The problem there is that they don't realize how much their media (which may or may not be biased) relies a great deal on the US media (which depending upon the source can be extremely biased) to inform them about the US. Even worse are the countries with state run media that rely on our media to intentionally misinform it's citizens about the US (and themselves for that matter).


*****"It's very significative that some people would indicate a woman who's been in charge of lying to the world about WMD"*****

What are you referring to, when Wolf Blitzer interviewed her on CNN? Her exact quote was, "The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud".

She didn't lie, she explained it perfectly when she used the word "uncertainty". It's just that the Washington Post which is extremely liberal and biased used the fact that no WMD's were found in Iraq to claim that she (and the entire administration) intentionally mislead congress (only the Democrats were mislead regarding them. That's just the usual bullcuckolds brownie the Post writes about (based on the usual sources they use for their information...."anonymous") when it comes to the current administration. They weren't mis-informed, they had the same intel to look at as everyone else at that time (which was very poor and has been ever since the Iran hostage crisis) and like everyone else, signed off on the war.

When the war started it was popular (80% approval) and then as it lingered on, it became clear that it was naturally becoming unpopular (what was doesn't). Since all of this was prior to the 2004 election, the Democrats started distancing themselves from their original decision by claiming that it was all the current administrations fault that they made the decision they did because they were lied to. Give me a break...they all just took Bush's word for it and signed on the dotted line....right. If they did, none of them deserve to be where they are! It's all about politics, the fact is there was a lot of "uncertainty" just like Rice said.

Besides that the whole thing about the yellow cake was true...a Canadian company confirms having bought all of it for several million and they just recently completed secretly (so as not to get ambushed while doing it) shipping it to them.


Posts: 315
#20 · Edited by: DaniSubTV
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I didn't say they have a leg up on it, I said the reamister they can make a good president is..... Governors can make good presidents as well because of the experience they have running an executive office and are actually better accepted than a US senator because of that. State senators....I'm afraid not....maybe that gives them experience to become a US senator (or even Governor) but, not the US president....the relationships they built with their fellow State Senators won't do them any good working with the US Congress.


Posts: 1284
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The oil, they knew exactly where it was! (And now they are exploring it! How 'lucky'!)


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On a totally unrelated note, I have just been told that Jessica simpmister is fucking a brutha.

It is not really news - just another white hoe gone black.

But I thought ya'll might wanna know.

And the source is somebody who works at her record label. A good and very reliable friend of mine who has told me shocking things about celebrities in the past that have turned out to be true.

He just saw her smooching with a brutha on a stairwell and feeling his ass etc. My friend walked past them quickly and embarrassingly.

And yes, I know she is officially dating Tony Romo. But so what if she is going out with a cracka? Ever heard of cuckoldry?


Posts: 516
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The News good at reporting the real important stuff....such as..."Obama has breakfast with the troops"............PLEASE.....such as it is....Missy


Posts: 516
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I do so enjoy reading all the rants and ravings of the Socrates and Plato contenders....however....I do believe most have very little objectivity....and as Plato said...."A wise man has something to say, a fool has to say something" which might you be????........such as it is....Missy


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“A foolish man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that her mouth is extremely beautiful when her lips are closed”


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Posts: 401
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Quoting: vanilla_thrilla
A foolish man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that her mouth is extremely beautiful when her lips are closed”

Especially when they are closed tightly around a thick cock!!


Posts: 516
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VT.....and any smart lady can tell both are saying the same thing to her....It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,,,,,it was the seamister of light, it was the seamister of darkness,,,,,we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,,,,in short, it was a period much like today,,(from CD).....such as it is.....Missy


Posts: 1284
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Not much of a choice, is it? However, conservative voters seem to back the white candidate, as it should be expected. President Obama or President McCain ... what sounds more 'american'? Difficult choice! Only to take the weaker side, I'd vote for Obama if I were american.


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Elections shoud be considered null if a certain quorun were not achieved. If so, I'd vote null.
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