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THis guy is right!!! Audio on interracial porn!!!!

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Check it out if your into interracial porn.



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We dont just dominate white women, we dominate women of all colors. Dominating white women is just the most fulfilling sometimes. We are not deminized, we are glorified... bigger, stronger and more fit for breeding.

And yes, I should be gettin paid to black your wives. I could take this dick and go put it on any young, hot girl my age (maybe your daugher or niece). Why should I give this to you, mrs. hotwife or your wife mr. shrimpy lil cuck?


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I will have to admit that SrgtWilliePete's video was thought provoking to say the least. He's on to something there....

When I have sex now (very little) with my wife, it appears that her mind's off somewhere. She's just not into it anymore; well, at least with me.

She does however, still get excited and anxious to visit her BLACK boyfriend time and time again

PS. BMORESTALLION: You are quite gifted there, but at the same time, quite intimidating!


Posts: 24
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am I intimidating or am I demonized? lol

Maybe for your wife its more of the fact that being with him is a change of pace, a breaking of routine, somethin exotic, somethin taboo and not just the fact that he is black?

Maybe he is just better at pleasing a woman through experience or some other sort of knowledge. Do you know where the skene gland is?

Maybe it is just nature taking its course and your wife's subsconcious, naturalistic instinct to choose a more dominant mate with better genes that could possibly produce stronger, more dominant offspring. Remember Darwinism? Survival of the fittest...

I'm quite physically and mentally gifted, wouldn't you say?

from what I read about the description of your wife in your other posts, she seems pretty fit and I might black her for free and let you watch. Be thankful that you are at least dominant enough to have married an attractive woman while some guys have had to settle for subpar or have none.

... It is was it is


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Dear "bmoreHUGEstallion, YES, you are very physically & mentally gifted, that's without a doubt whatsoever!!!!!!

Also, just viewing your impressive manhood makes me think that you might hurt my wife. Something in your writing makes me also think you're just as tender in your love making as you are rough. But, I certainly wouldn't demonize you.

I will continue this tomorrow though.... I find you very interesting, probably my wifey would too


Posts: 209
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I think this guy makes some good points in his speech. One other thing that I would point out is that what he refers to as "being dominated" is also a taboo subject. There are white women who have not had sex with black men and therefore are curious because of all the rumors and hype. However this does not mean they are looking for any type of relationship. So while he is not wrong in his theory of domination of white women he may be confusing it with a lesser "curious taboo" approach.

Also something disturbing I found while looking up USA black population reports:

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Looks like whoever fucks a nigga these days better double bag it.


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From our viewpoint, my wife likes sex with black men because they are more naturalistic and it's more degrading to her.

We have found no difference in the way they have sex or that they are any better but it makes her feel like a slut that she is having sex with a Negro man. And I know she's not going to fall in love with them, that's for sure!

If anything, we find them to be flakey and not reliable and prone to sending fake pics and exaggerating about themselves.

We at first tried it with a white guy but it was boring. Doing it with a Negro was more slutty and taboo.

It's nothing more than that.

We just think of him as the walking dildo for our games. Nothing more.


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Quoting: BlkISbetter
Also something disturbing I found while looking up USA black population reports:

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Looks like whoever fucks a nigga these days better double bag it.

That's very true and it pays to be careful when swinging.

Don't let all this fantasy nonsense get the better of you and bear in mind who you're dealing with.


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James, who are you dealing with!?!?!

Animalistic unreliable, flakey, demons, with STD's that no one would want to be in a relationship with, does that sound right?


Honestly, I can't argue the STD stats it maybe just be a product of poor education and lack of provisions. It could just be irresponsibility. I know I'm disease free... can't speak for everyone.

Everyones sexuality is different, everyone expresses themselves differently. If you wanna see us as a walking dildo, do you! I find it kind of degrading but I'm not here to judge anyone.

I'm would never hurt your wifes, just make them feel great pleasure, I physically make her feel it no different than you could. Just remember the biggest sex organ in the body is the brain. You get turned on more by doin things that you think arent normal and acceptable hence the term freak in its many different yet similar definitions/connotations. Sex becomes boring and routine if you do not introduce new things like young, strong, dominant, sex hungry, big penis, black cocksmiths

In order for me to dominate, the other permister must eventually submit, right? Your wife was curious to find out what the hype was all about so she had to submit to the black man in order to experience that which is the dominated by a black man experience. Dominating is just a taboo word that stimulates the imagination. Sometimes its fun to roleplay where I would submit to an older, more experienced woman. Like being ravaged by a female school teacher longing for an encounter with one her young viral students.

It's naive to believe that any of your white women would not want to be in a relationship with a black man. Women enter relationships lookin for a combination of emotional fulfillment/support, physical/financial support and fulfillment and romantic/sexual fulfillment. It seems in most of your situations you provide the emotional and physical/financial fulfillment while they are goin elsewhere for romantic/sexual fulfillment. Imagine what would happen if your wife discovered that the man who was her source of romantic fulfillment was also capable of the emotional and financial support also.

In the end it is what is it.


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Bmorestallion, at the same time i think its naiive for white women to believe that blacks want any type of commitment outside of sex. Blacks are the same as puerto ricans....that is to say about 98.5% of them just want to fuck as many women as possible and dont care about anything else. And like the dude on myspace says "YOU CAN ARGUE DAT FACT BUT...."

In the end we're all just havin fun so whatever. My girl and I have a great sex life and we talk about her fucking a black guy while I watch. Most of the time tho she loves my big white dick and nothing else.


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Quoting: jamesriske
We just think of him as the walking dildo for our games. Nothing more.

LMAO james you are the cuckolds brownie


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I dunno where you got that percentage from, but its very inaccurate. Interracial dating and marriages are steadily on the rise. At least here in maryland. I have several black friends who have dated or are currently dating white women. I also have white female friends who have dated, are dating or are even married to black men. My brother's last 3 girlfriends have been white girl, asian girl, white girl. I have a cousin engages to a white women. We are all mixing these days. You even have the phenomenon of the white girls who have sworn off white guys after being blacked and no longer date white guys because of their supposed inferiority. I have white male friends who constantly complain about that.

"Man I cant even approach half the chicks I see when I'm out now because I'm always wondering if shes gonna say 'Nope, I only date black men, sorry' "

Maybe its 98.5% where you are and with your generation. I dont know you but I'm assuming youre an older white guy in your 40's or 50's based on you wildly inaccurate statements and views on the subject. Everybody is mixin these days the only real difference in us is that our skin is darker than yours. we have the same needs and desires in life. Youve got a long way to go to realize that. And youre gonna be real suprised one day if your walking dildo walks away with your wife or your daugher.

... You've got a loooooooooong way to go my friends. Best of luck in your journey to the truth. You're tryin to pretend that what you see isnt reality but deep down you know and youre strugglin to accept the fact that you just might be inferior after all. All the years of oppression and now this. ooooooo tough pill to swallow. Enjoy


Posts: 51
#13 · Edited by: blackhorn
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interesting thread and always nice to keep an open mind isn't it


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I think you've explained yourself very well BMORESTALLION. Your words are very thought provoking to say the least. I'm a white male in my fifties, and my petite wife just turned 38 in February. I will admit that I've been wired to perceive black men a certain way (lump them all together). Well shame on me for not seeing through that earlier in life. I guess it's just most of the interracial porn I see, shows these big black bucks almost tearing apart the petite blond girl. You know, slapping the ass, saying dirty words, mean facial expressions, pulling her long blond hair, and not slowing down or showing mercy. It's very intimidating. But, at the same time I've seen white guys do that too, but not as much.
It wasn't until my own wife wandered to black that I really began to consider all sides & view points. Sorry for babbling on here, but it is very different and quite the wake up call when your own wife needs and desires the private & discreet company of a younger black man. It humbles you and makes you not so opinionated.


Posts: 1096
#15 · Edited by: jamesriske
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I don't think that it's a misconception that their white husbands provide the financial support, stability, emotional support, and man to their youngren while the Negro men are nothing more than a walking dildo for their swing nights. That's all it is.

It's funny to see the studs on here with their bloated egos thinking that they are anything more than fuck toys.

When over 32% of all Negro men will end up in primister


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And over half will be arrested for a serious felony at least once in their lives,


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That's hardly a group a woman would consider settling down with and raising a family.

Sorry to hit you guys with reality but it is what it is.

The cuckold interracial sex going on isn't due to superiority or romance, it's just fucking and the ''studs'' who want to argue this point just have too big of an ego.

If a high-class Beverly Hills socialite or celebrity hot chick saw me one day and thought that it would be fun to have sex with me on a regular basis with no strings attached because it was slutty and more taboo to fuck a 'commoner" I WOULD NOT COMPLAIN.


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Quoting: bmorestallion
Maybe its 98.5% where you are and with your generation. I dont know you but I'm assuming youre an older white guy in your 40's or 50's based on you wildly inaccurate statements and views on the subject.

That percentage was a guess, and you are WAY off with my age. I'm actually quite younger. But let me tell you I've seen first hand and talked with enough people in my life to know what da brothas and the ricans think about women. Fuck toys....bitches aint cuckolds brownie but hoes and tricks....right? You know the words...COME ON SING IT

Anyhow, I don't deny there are plenty of white girls fucking black dick. I'm just saying its more out of curiosity and rebellion over a percieved racist background for white people. As Jamesriske notes, many more brothas and ricans will end up being criminals and bad parents as compared to white men.


Posts: 315
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The thing is, this whole thread is from men talking about what they want....the way they say it is with their significant other. Men and women do things for different reamisters, especially sex. There are a lot of things women don't communicate with their partner about when both are happy with the results their getting and the man is happy with why he thinks they're getting those results. In other words, there's no point in rocking the boat with details when you're both happy (especially that he is).

A perfect example is need to have one every time...there was a time when men were not concerned so much about whether or not their partner had one too but, now it's very important for a lot of men.....they want to be great lovers and they want their women to think they are too....that's not necessarily what makes a great lover though but, if a woman doesn't care too much about having an orgasm from time to time when they're having sex, it's better to fake it if necessary than let him think otherwise....they're happy their partner care about them having one too....why rock the boat....why go into detail about how it's not a must....why make him think make him think he didn't please you because you didn't have one's better to fake it and he doesn't need to know all the details.

Women do that all the time with their significant other and you'll never know the wiser.....they're not going to go there, that's why they did what they did in the first when it comes to IR sex there are a lot of things husbands/boyfriend don't actually know or understand and don't need're not going to hear all the details.....just the way she'll talk to her lover when her partner's present (or will hear it some how) is going to be different than when he's not there....when over, she's going to leave and go home with her partner not her lover so she's not rock that boat.

The one thing that it's all about but, everyone sees it differently (or calls it something different), is dominance and presentation....that's what the guy on YouTube keeps saying over and's not superiority, it's not romance, the lover doesn't have an overinflated ego, he's being dominant because he's all laid out for him on a silver plater for the one's that are up for it because the couple is empowering him to be able to do's all what an individual couple and the bull make of it and with that it can be superiority or romance for them because it doesn't matter what others think it is, just what they want it to be.


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*****"When over 32% of all Negro men will end up in primister"********

Statistics are a compilation from the past up until the present....they allow you to make estimates based on past and current rates.....they do not predict the future......there are a trillion factors that play into what the future holds for us (laws, penalties, population, education, etc.). If you want to, you can say based current rates, there will never be a black president or vice-president.....I wouldn't bet the house on that but, it's a true statement.


Posts: 1096
#19 · Edited by: jamesriske
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Quoting: DaniSubTV
*****"When over 32% of all Negro men will end up in primister"********

Statistics are a compilation from the past up until the present....they allow you to make estimates based on past and current rates.....they do not predict the future......there are a trillion factors that play into what the future holds for us (laws, penalties, population, education, etc.). If you want to, you can say based current rates, there will never be a black president or vice-president.....I wouldn't bet the house on that but, it's a true statement.

You would not say 'based on current rates' there will never be a Negro U.S. President but you would say 'based on current trends' there eventually will be.

The statistics that I posted do not necessarily attempt to predict the future, they reflect the status quo. And frankly, I see nothing in the black community that is changing, only getting worse.


Posts: 59
#20 · Edited by: superswinger
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Quoting: bmorestallion
We are all mixing these days. You even have the phenomenon of the white girls who have sworn off white guys after being blacked and no longer date white guys because of their supposed inferiority. I have white male friends who constantly complain about that.

White guys are not comlaining guy. They have plenty of pussy to choose from. Some now are even dateing more black women. Thats a new twist I have been seeing lately.

The number one interracial couple is White Men and Asian Women!! Look it up!

2nd is white men and other ( Other meaning, black, cuban, brazilian, and others)

3rd is Black me and other ( Other meaning, cuban,asian, brazilian , and others)

Black men and white women is #4 on the list.


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Quoting: jamesriske
You would not say 'based on current rates' there will never be a Negro U.S. President but you would say 'based on current trends' there eventually will be.

You're right, that is exactly what I would say but, what you would say (or actually did say) is, "I see nothing in the black community that is changing, only getting worse" so, you see no trend (or a negative trend) and from that there will eventually be a black US president?

*****When over 32% of all Negro men "will" end up in primister******
*****And over half "will" be arrested for a serious felony at least once in their lives*****

You're using the word "will" to refer to the future (it includes the future) but, status quo is a reflection of what is currently happening. What you should say is, "based on the past" 32% of a black men have ended up in primister at some time in their lives or "based on the past" over half get arrested at least once for a serious felony at some point in their lives. The last stat is a real BS one to mention's kind of like talking about the Duke lacrosse team and the members that got arrested for *********** arrested and being found guilty are 2 different things.

Frankly James, if the only thing you want to see in the black community are things that have gotten worse, that's all you'll ever see. In order for you to ever see anything different, the biggest thing that needs to change is you.


Posts: 244
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This man's opinions come right out of 'Black Male 101' studies. He's got some good observations to make. Toward the end of the clip though he says categorically that white women want to be dominated. Now, it may stand to reamister that the black male has been stereotyped as a dominator, but it doesn't stand to reamister that every single white woman will want to be dominated in this way. I do agree, however, that in a society where these stereotypes of the black male abound, some white women will indeed see themselves as targets and enjoy it. But it's not going to hold true across the board. Not every black male will want to dominate white women either. Hopefully that's obvious to any thinking permister, and so I think the clip is prone to generalisations. But excepting that tendency, it's interesting in its observations. There should be a lot more considered opinions like this posted.
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Interracial Cuckold / Interracial Cuckold /
THis guy is right!!! Audio on interracial porn!!!!
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