Posts: 109
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
I don't mind a clip here and there, but 20 minutes is too much, so don't be surprised if it's gone by the time you get there.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Ya know,,,now that I think aout it, that video (whoever posted it), got almost half a million viewers in one day, 10% of that would be about 50,000, 1% would be about 5,000, 1/10th of a percent would be around 500. That means if only 1/10th of one percent of the people who watched that video purchased it instead, I would've made about $7,500.00. Now I wonder how the permister who posted that video would feel, if he went to his bank one day and he was missing that much money. And before we all say that the original poster was the culprit, lets not overlook the fact that most of the viewers came directly from here. So when you go to pick up your paycheck next payday, think how you'd feel if your boss said someone from CuckoldPlace came by and picked it up, so you'll just have to tell your kids there's no money for food this week,,,oh yeah, they said they'd be by from time to time to do it again and again, but hey, if you're living in your car, you don't have to drive to work, right? Well,,,you DID ask what I thought, now you know.
Posts: 25
Mary I cant agree more with you, but does it really surprise you ? This site had over 100000 members when it was free. Now its down to 134. The vast majority wont see anything wrong with stealing someones material and posting it for free everywhere so that they can feel bigger then they are when they get all the KUdo's for " finding that one"
The amazing thing is if the owner had posted it they would have been accused of being fake and wanting a website because they would be charging for it.
The people who surf for free porn feel they are entitled, they are to cheap to get the real thing and probably dont need a full clip since 30 seconds will probably do. they are pathetic losers who may find themselves in very hotwater as people start cracking down. I wonder if the thieves know the amount of primister time they can get for posting and distributing porn without the SIGNED 2257 on file in a records department with a custodian. DO YOU THINK YOUPORN WONT GIVE YOU UP, ITS ALL TRACKABLE.
If that was me, and I do post my own videos on streaming only sites now or my own(lesmister learned the hard way). I would pursue it and press charges and sue for damages, which I did when I found a 30 second clip of myself for sale on another site. It took me over a year but that worm got 5 years. So think about that the next time you steal someones material.
The video is now down so my guess is the poster accomplished what they wanted, or got scared. What exactly the rational for posting it on YOUPorN was is the real question why not here in this forum or on this site That video was made by someone for a purpose, the poster had no right to use or show it. Maybe pimpmywife could answer that question.
The other thing is who ever posted it knew what they were doing I have tried numerous times to post on youporn they never show up, you get invalid id just like the link above. I liked the video, I feel sorry for the owners they could have made more then $7500 now its out there and its old news.
Thats really all I had to say but glad someone else was upset by it. It ticked me off so bad I joined only to respond.
Posts: 762
forgive me for speaking please Multi_Orgasmic Marylike many in this forum i often follow what you have to say with real enthusiasm. filled with many facts and figures, what you say above has left me a little muddled and confused.... having not viewed the above mentioned presentation to youporn,..... i am presuming that this was a video of yourself.....and you are thus not happy with this poster onto youporner blahh blah blah... to the point and in relevance to me i suppose is that, if i were to purchase a vid download and stored it within the pages of this forum...... .......would that be wrong??? i know i am not to bright but this is a sincere question that i ask in hesitant blindnes and humility in fear of you reputable wrath please note i have never posted and and not familiar with you porn so am a bit lost as to the mind sets on these issues.
Posts: 1513
invalid video !!!
Moody Mulder
Posts: 94
oh here's a thought, to those of you who object to your material being plastered all over the internet, don't film it in the first place or DON'T put it on the net ..... simple really !!!
Posts: 101
#8 · Edited by: rain_maker1963
Moved on
Posts: 209
Multi_Orgasmic Mary You know we posted a few videos on here and now they are ending up on Youporn.com. It is very frustrating to find this out although we knew it could happen my wife and I didn't give our consent for someone to post it on there. If we wanted it on youporn we would have put it there ourselves. Can anyone help or give us advice on how to have them remove them, we also noted 2 links on our video too.
Posts: 25
Happyman I feel for you and went thru the exact same thing in fact mine were being sold. The jerks who do this dont understand that once its on YOUporn anyone can see it your neighbors, kids pastor you name it. So big deal they could see it here as well correct. The difference is this is a member site and if they see it then they are into cucking and didnt happen to see you on a search say for cock sucking which may be one of the tags the thief used to post your video. You need to mail them repeatedly at [email protected] in your subject line put stolen video and illegal content you also need to click on the 2257 link for compliance. Not to discourage you but it took 6 months for me to get mine off the site. As a side note you may want to water mark and copyright any public videos you post. I also have started DRM encoding teh software is only about 200.00 and prevents sharing in any unauthorized way. It also uses tagging so you can track down the thieves. When you think about it you tried to be nice share your life and got burned. I would also maybe contact the authorities in regards to pipmmywife or see if this site can give you his info he posted it didnt he, there is one culprit sue them. For the record not to make you feel bad. Referals to pay sites from youporn have a 87% conversion rate of teaser video's. You lost a lot more then you think even at $1.00. There are many ways to link 1) they allow you to enter your site url 2) you can link to each video if you post a link on your site and send 3 hits. I still question why that link showed up here and this site was your top refering site. Makes you wonder who pimp your wife is and his affiliation with Cuckoldplace
chris gunn
Posts: 48
This is the internet......I guess if you post something on a free site.....Then you have to live with the outcome.....The idea is to sell your vids to a paysite and get the one off payment.....or better still do as we did and start your own paysite....Welcome to the real world i say
Posts: 25
Chris but then you are accused of being fake, but I do agree. Whats your site would luv to see it
Posts: 25
chris gunn Hi what is your site please mail me at [email protected]
Posts: 1287
invalid video_id: 149147
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#15 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Quoting: joranc forgive me for speaking please Multi_Orgasmic Mary To answer your question,,,yes. Here's the deal, most content providers (us people doing it and taping it), don't mind a 1 or 2 minute clip, aalthough many may get off on the clip, it does have an ad value to the serious buyers. It's when you get extended clips posted (the video in question was 20 minutes of Vol#8, a 48 minute video), that the loss out weighs the gain. Just like Cucktrix pointed out, 2257 will cut their balls off in a heartbeat, it starts out with a minimum of 2 years right off the bat, if you can show profits have been made, they get more, and then there's the civil suit, with the 2257 conviction that's a slam dunk. The Supreme Court has put a cap on it at $100,000.00 per infraction,,,THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS PUBLIC DOMAIN IF YOU HAVE SOMEONE WHO PRODUCED IT!!! The only way you can post it is if you're in it, you filmed it, or you have a signed release for it, and now you have to produce two pieces of ID for everyone in it. If you don't have all that cuckolds brownie, and you come across someone willing to press the issue, you're screwed with a capital F. All it takes is one phone call to the Attorney General of the state of the offender, and that doesn't let the site off the hook. That's why I'm surprised to hear what Cucktrix said about YouPorn,,,my video was posted on the 25th, I found it on the 26th, I contacted YouPorn, about two hours later I got an E-mail telling me it would be removed in 15 minutes, half an hour later I checked and it was gone. Quoting: chris gunn This is the internet......I guess if you post something on a free site.....Then you have to live with the outcome.....The idea is to sell your vids to a paysite and get the one off payment.....or better still do as we did and start your own paysite....Welcome to the real world i say I've been on the net for 12 years, the name "Multi-Orgasmic Mary" is synonomous with the interracial cuckold genre, and I virtually started the entire Glory Hole craze, don't know how long you've been on the web, but I venture to guess I could teach you a few things about the "real world". I also have my vids on PPV, besides selling them in VHS & DVD. The very fact that you'd suggest a "one off" payment tells me you're not as savvy as you think, I have never relinquished control of any of my vids, whether on PPV or on websites,,,and that's why my rent has been on time since `99. I've posted 1.3mb clips that run 15 seconds, the indivdual that posted that 20 minute clip made his own Mpg, I've never put anything that large out there. So this wasn't a matter of "I found this clip and posted it",,,no, they made it. Quoting: Moody Mulder oh here's a thought, to those of you who object to your material being plastered all over the internet, don't film it in the first place or DON'T put it on the net ..... simple really !!! Here's a thought, don't walk down the street if you don't want to get shot!!! This is the mentality that lets people think they can rip people off, blasting their stereos without consideration of their neighbors, "chill out" is their battle cry. These are the kind of people that make us all buy aspirin,,,unfortunately they're never the ones walking down the street when the driveby's are taking place. Lke the sign says, "How about a nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP"! Quoting: jrswing Multi_Orgasmic Mary You know we posted a few videos on here and now they are ending up on Youporn.com. It is very frustrating to find this out although we knew it could happen my wife and I didn't give our consent for someone to post it on there. If we wanted it on youporn we would have put it there ourselves. Can anyone help or give us advice on how to have them remove them, we also noted 2 links on our video too. Just do like I did above, write them and let them know you're aware of 2257, it'll be down in a jiffy.
Posts: 2270
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary besides selling them in VHS & DVD VHS... looks like you are up to date with your marketing still shame some one did that to you. kimcanttype.tumblr.com/
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: kimlane VHS... looks like you are up to date with your marketing still shame some one did that to you. Okay,,,this one IS directed at me, which makes me wonder, you're kidding, right? I mean, you're just messing with me. Just because we have the WWW, doesn't mean the real world has disappeared, a world where not everyone can afford, or has the ability to get a DVD player, so I "offer VHS", and believe me, that won't be for much longer, since once those machines die, I won't be able to replace them. Since I already stated I'm on PPV (argueably the cutting edge of internet porn), what is it that I missed, has someone come up with a way to make crystals, ala Star Trek? If so, I stand corrected. I've been thinking of taking some wave files and loading them onto 8 track tapes,,,oh yeah, and for the real connoisseurs, I'm working on Super 8 versions. LOL
Posts: 2270
yea just joking It is not that bad I had a client ask me if i would do a job on b&W film yesterday. kimcanttype.tumblr.com/
Posts: 762
i am sorry to persist Multi_Orgasmic Mary and am apreciative that you take the time to respond. again i say i am not an avid video poster here so please forgive my clueless desire to not do the wrong thing and thank you for your kind patience and understanding in what may seem to be pressing an issue... if i were to record an episode of Dr Who...or Battlestar Galactica of the the the TV and then were to upload it to stage6 of veoh for a friend to see...is that then also wrong? would it make a difference if i purchased the dvd then uploaded? if i have some fiends over and i put on a cheech and c`hong movie in the old beta max video player or listened to some recently purchased itunes...that also?
Posts: 25
Quoting: joranc i say i am not an avid video poster here so please forgive my clueless desire to not do the wrong thing and thank you for your kind patience and understanding in what may seem to be pressing an issue... if i were to record an episode of Dr Who...or Battlestar Galactica of the the the TV and then were to upload it to stage6 of veoh for a friend to see...is that then also wrong? would it make a difference if i purchased the dvd then uploaded? what dont you get stealing is stealing let me put it into plain english for you. The last time you had your friends over to watch the purchased copy of Battle Star, did you invite 500,000? Who got the money from the purchase of that video? If you uploaded the dvd yes it would be breaking the law and able to be reported to the FBI read the warning I beleive it says something about public viewing or showing is against the law and punishable. If someone buys a video they have the right to watch it, Mary was ripped off in more ways then one. Now thanks to pimpmywife (and I will continue to point the finger till they say they didnt do this) awfully silent arent they!!! This is their thread. 500,000 people wont need to buy that video, 500,000 people know that this site has those types of videos (youtube shows refering links and this site was the top one) Most sites offer payment for membership referals ranging from $35.00 to $100.00 per signup lets say 20 people signed up theres another $700.00-$2000 lost plus residuals Someone paid for that hotel room, someone put time into cutting it editing and converting it time is money. Thsi is the whole reamister everyone who has a brain is going to PPV DERM encoding , and streaming that and the 2257 will put an end to it and you will all be left whacking to the same old stuff over and over. What really gets me is how so called fans and freinds are so willing to rip off the little guy. Check out the video vault or whatever its called its 90% amateur why is it no one posts the studio stuff for free not willing to share what you paid for with YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY!!!! or is it because you knwo you may get busted now.
Posts: 25
Quoting: blizzard invalid video !!! do you a brain, did you read the posts why would you still look for the video why not PM Mary and pay for it she clearly states she didnt want that out there.
Posts: 25
I will probably get kicked off this site after this one. But as a site owner this stuff really ticks me off.
Mary its your choice but I would point the finger directly at pimpmywife and this site. They may be one in the same.
When this site started it had a policy that you could not reference a site at all without a link back to this site . Any posts that didnt comply got deleted they strictly enpowerd it. Since they are no longer free they have lost most of what was here and the membership is barely on the radar. That equates to less membership revenue, as well as less click thru's on the banner ads'
Since your video appeared there have been 4 new members not counting myself. If I owned this site and wanted to give it a boost inexpensively and reach a target market who was into cucking what better way then to post a free 20 minute video.
I dont know if you have tried to post anything on youporn. I have it is difficult . I have uploaded no less then 10 videos and not one has ever shown up. Even when searched specifically.
Your video was found amoung the 100's of thousands already on there and got 500,000 views. There are videos on there that havent been viewed as often in 6 months that were produced by professional studios. Your meek video( not the content) was vaulted to the top with cuckoldplace as the top refering site what a coincidense.
I really think it was done by someone trying to boost this sites rep
Just my thoughts
Posts: 2270
cucktrix you just joined on the 26th march this year and you have made only seven posts al to this subject and no others. pimpmywife joined 3 oct 2007 with 71 post in 21 topics most were links to vids on other sights (not just youporn) but enough were not to make them look legit if any one seems suspect I think it is you. cucktrix I don't mind being wrong but maybe you should hold off on the cuckolds brownie stirring and name calling till you look around some. who ever you are. kimcanttype.tumblr.com/
Posts: 209
Multi_Orgasmic Mary cucktrix I would like to thank you both for the info I did as you suggested and youporn responded within 1/2 hour and said it would be down in 15 minutes and they were true to their word. I am not sure how uploading videos to youporn works but I can tell you that whoever uploaded our must of known what they were doing as it was really easy to find. I go on you porn occasionaly just to see whats new and yesterday afternoon I went on and was looking at new videos and there was our video to our dismay it was uploaded March 24, sometime in the evening I was pretty shocked. I even typed in the key word "Eve" and there it was again with a number of other cuckolding videos. It had 150,000 views and still going up I also noted that it had to other links attached to it and I cliked on them and they also had the video. I wish I would of wrote down the link info because since youporn took it down I can't contact those other siteds to tell them to take it down. Any suggestions?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: joranc i am sorry to persist Multi_Orgasmic Mary and am apreciative that you take the time to respond. again i say i am not an avid video poster here so please forgive my clueless desire to not do the wrong thing and thank you for your kind patience and understanding in what may seem to be pressing an issue... if i were to record an episode of Dr Who...or Battlestar Galactica of the the the TV and then were to upload it to stage6 of veoh for a friend to see...is that then also wrong? would it make a difference if i purchased the dvd then uploaded? if i have some fiends over and i put on a cheech and c`hong movie in the old beta max video player or listened to some recently purchased itunes...that also? Okay,,,I see you want me to be precise in explaining it all, so here goes,,,first of, you've now moved over to mainstream, so since it's not porn, the 2257 law doesn't apply. However,,,copyright infringement does, this usually doesn't carry jail time (unless blatant and an ongoing money making concern, then you open yourself up to conterfieting and RICO charges). I know when we buy the latest DVD, we're just interested in watching it (so does the Govt., that's why the "next scene" function on most DVD's doesn't work till the FBI disclaimer is through running), but all the info one needs is right there. I'm sure a lot of the confusion is due to the proliferation of stuff that gets posted, it becomes an "everybody does it" syndrone,,,which is fine, until you're the one prosecuted. You can invite your friends over and show them anything you want, but if you have a bar, and decide you'll bring in more customers if you offer things like "Star Wars" night, or Battlestar Gallactica night, where you run your home copies of your permisteral video collection,,,make sure none of those customers are affiliated with the govt., the networks, the video manufacters, in fact anyone with any amount of authority or an axe to grind,,,cause you'll lose that bar. You cannot "DUPLICATE ANYTHING" and display it in a public manner without the fear of repercussion, and if you do it on the net,,,it can come back and bite you in the ass a year down the road, just like peolpe say, once it's out there, it's out there forever? Well, the same thing applies, once you put your ass on the line by posting it, your ass is out there forever. Somebody finds a video you posted a year ago, decides to press the issue, charges the website (who immediately wants to unload some of the burden, so they give you up), next thing you know, that house you were just getting ready to buy flew out the window, cause you've got an injunction, and the next 3 to 5 years is going to be spent in courtrooms and paying for lawyers,,,and since you were wrong in the first place, it's all gonna end with you losing. All this so you can get props for posting a video that doesn't belong to you. We've all been told that auto theft is against the law, yet people do it all the time, that still doesn't make it okay sometimes. If it's not YOURS, and you copy and display it, you're breaking the law,,,can't be much simpler, we all know what we own, right?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: jrswing Multi_Orgasmic Mary cucktrix I would like to thank you both for the info I did as you suggested and youporn responded within 1/2 hour and said it would be down in 15 minutes and they were true to their word. I am not sure how uploading videos to youporn works but I can tell you that whoever uploaded our must of known what they were doing as it was really easy to find. I go on you porn occasionaly just to see whats new and yesterday afternoon I went on and was looking at new videos and there was our video to our dismay it was uploaded March 24, sometime in the evening I was pretty shocked. I even typed in the key word "Eve" and there it was again with a number of other cuckolding videos. It had 150,000 views and still going up I also noted that it had to other links attached to it and I cliked on them and they also had the video. I wish I would of wrote down the link info because since youporn took it down I can't contact those other siteds to tell them to take it down. Any suggestions? I noticed the same thing, I don't know if it was my browser, or just the way the site works, but those other links didn't show up until I clicked on another video, then hit my back button, they showed up for a second, then disappeared. I was quiick on my keyboard and did a screen capture that gave me the time to read the stats, but the links were clickable and the full thread didn't show up, one of the was fantasy something or other, I'm going to try and hunt it down since it was the second biggest violator.
Posts: 1352
Mary... you're a wealth of information! cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: SheDatesHeWaits Mary... you're a wealth of information! I got online in Feb. `96, been taking it up the ass from these sorts since then, early on I got myself a lawyer and learned all about it, from Playboy vs Frenun (the big Supreme Court ruling), to Alyssa Milano vs the world,,,and I've found one thing to be true, I can fuck up all day long, I can miss stuff for weeks at a time, but I only have to catch you once to ruin the rest of your life.
Posts: 762
respectful and sympathetic to your view Multi_Orgasmic Mary and a touch enlightend by your kind and cordial replies to what may of corse seem to you as repetitive and annoying incidentals. cucktrixalthough i got lost amongst the facts n figures you mention i know its not rocket science ... i feel more permisterally at ease if i pay for things i enjoy..... like this site much like yourself, indeed from music all the way to legit software on all our computer systems. i would only have but one flaw and that would be the occasional copy of a movie to a friend....... unless i seem immodest...then that would be 2 flaws...and so on i often sit atop mt moral alone in my stubborn cloths lol ..i hope i am seeing your pint of view however.. as Multi_Orgasmic Marystates Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I'm sure a lot of the confusion is due to the proliferation of stuff that gets posted, it becomes an "everybody does it this is the motivation as to my persistence. ( on assuming 'proliferation' means 'loads of the cuckolds brownie out there"..'happens all thr time' with the ever increasing availability of technmonological advancements such as blutooth to the common people; is war on video piracy viable and will it ever be truly effective?
Posts: 2270
joranc I guess the bottom line is changing as is the distribution model. It is harder to sell media when it is so easy to steal CD sales are way down and online sales of music are up but don't come close to making up for the numbers. It will sooner then latter come to a point where either there will be no professional content because no one can recover the expense of making a quality product or a entirely new way for content providers to make money will have to be discovered kimcanttype.tumblr.com/