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Allenna Ward - interracial cuckoldress (rapist) goes to prison

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blah blah blabbity blah.....just another republicant hiding behind the moral superiority they failingly try to espouse while being the most heinous of all psyophants


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Quoting: vanilla_thrilla_2
blah blah blabbity blah.....just another republicant hiding behind the moral superiority they failingly try to espouse while being the most heinous of all psyophants

I love it when someone makes my point for me...
The only one of us that shows any sign of being a drone is you. Once confronted with the knowledge that your arguments have no foundation in reality, you sink to insults and party line dogma. You seek to point out someone else's intolerance, but in doing so only highlight the fact that you, like most of your bent, are intolerant.
I make no argument to 'moral superiority', I do, in your case, make an argument for mental superiority.
A. Just because you own a thesaurus, and can pick a word from every other page, doesn't make your arguments cogent.
B. 'Psyophant' isn't a word. I think what you were looking for was 'sycophant', MORON.


#33 · Edited by: vanilla_thrilla_2
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No, I simply tire of constantly engaging in arguments with imbecile's who post nothing more than opinion and conjecture. Post facts or don't post at all.

Facts: Bush awarded government contracts to Dick Cheney's company which is what the "good ol boy" party does-they swindle, cheat, cover up, lie and do whatever necessary to not only keep the gap between the rich and poor but widen it. They are only interested in self-service and lining their already fat cat pockets. They pardon criminals, obscure facts, enact illegal wire-tapping policies and espouse moral serpitude while soliciting homosexual blowjobs in public restrooms. They have illict affairs with interns, cover them up by ***ing said interns and skate.....they jury tamper, they refuse federal dollars to public schools who teach anything other than abstinence yet cavort with hookers and use illegal haves. They use the black population like puppets by playing up to them with typical campaign rhetoric then cast them absently aside when pressed to honor promises they never intended to keep. They ban cell stem research that could save lives because it's a threat to their Bible thumping code yet are guilty of playing the God they supposedly honor. They rig elections and appoint justices for the sole purpose of furthering their agendas.

Those are facts (and they don't even begin to cover the innumerable "sins" they are guilty of) you cannot refute but yet you'll try with typical far right bullcuckolds brownie that spews forth from your mouth like so many other half truths, misrepresentations and bald-faced lies spoken by facists and neo-nazis who fool no one by parading around under the thinly veiled screen of conservatism..


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Vote Obama in 08 and send rev to the back of the line. Nice verbage you two.
mwc for bbc
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: vanilla_thrilla_2

Oh boy,,,I actually agree with part of what you're saying, but you draw the line too soon (apparently at your own party), why not condemn them all? If not a criminal, then a criminal mindset in such a high position that the get away with it. Andrew Jackmister openly defied the law of the land, the Kennedy's, from Dad, to John, to Teddy,,,and even the attorney general (argueable the best of them), broke the law or had a criminal mindset, Nixon, Agnew,,,Jesse Jackmister's a bigger crook than Don King (at least Don is open about it), Rangle,,,sheesh! Marion Berry,,,toot toot, Clinton was president, yet he didn't know the definition of "is", Edwards,,,quite possibly the anti-christ, Dean, certifiable,,,we offer them all this power, buy the premise that we have checks and balances, and wonder why they're ALL crooks. So what exactly is your arguement? That YOUR crooks aren't as bad as the conservative crooks! The best politician we ever had (Washington), was the only one who didn't want the job,,,and even he owned slaves in the beginning. I guarantee whoever wins this election is in for 4 years and that's it, donkey or elephant, none of them is what this country needs right now,,,balls is what's called for, till we find them it'll be statis quo. I'm not talking anarchy, but I like omelettes, and you can't make an omelette without,,,


Posts: 40
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Oh, and Mary, your pictures are awesome! Your posts even make you sexier!

..and stinky69, I'm too good to be in your line in the first place; stand in the back yourself...


Posts: 40
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You chose the venue. Be a man and deal with it.

It seems that in the 11 hours since I posted last, you haven't had the inclination, desire, intelligence, or even the balls to investigate anything that I wrote. As always, you rely on party line dogma and invective, and then have the nerve to take it somewhere where no-one else can see you for what you are.
You are nothing but a coward, and a base one at that. Like a good android, you refuse to believe, or even think, about something that doesn't jibe with your narrow political beliefs.
You would have made an excellent Nazi. Come to think of it, you already are.
Oh, and Communists are also leftists. You really need to learn about what you talking about before you start writing this cuckolds brownie. Read a book, then get back to me.


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No, I'm not going to subject members who do not wish to be exposed to political subject matter on a sexual forum. I'll not address you further in this thread (as it does little good anyway as you just continually spew forth party line dogma from your mouth--how do you know if a conservative/republican is lying? If his lips are moving!). If you wish to engage me further you will do so through the means I offered. Otherwise you'll be talking to yourself and given who you are you'll not be able to hold an intelligent conversation in such a way.

WRITE a book & then get back to me!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Anybody reading this thread should see it makes my point,,,*******, Kill, KILL THEM ALL!!! All the muslims, all the communists, anyone who disturbs the peace, all the religious zealots, the leaders of all religions (and their seconds),,,oh yeah, and all the lawyers,,,I don't really know why, but everybody always suggest them, LOL. Permisterally, I think onced we've *******ed all those others, most of the lawyers would have to find new jobs, cause there'd be a whole lot less conflict in the world.

P.S. If the NSA or Homeland Security has been alerted to this thread because of some buzzwords that it may or may not have picked up on, please be advised of the LOL in the statement, this anagram may ( or mat not) be on your list, it means "Laughing Out Loud",,,signifying a "tongue in cheek" approach to this subject matter. Therefore please refrain from spending my tax dollars on storm troopers and black helicopters to invade my domicile and send me you know where,,,go ******* the bad guys.


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she would have had brotha's linin up at the club to stretch her, she should have resisted the temptation they boys full grown dicks arose


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I'd like to stay clear of the whole left v. right thing that's going on here. Just like to point out that it would have been better for all involved if she had just owned up honestly to her taste for black guys. Then she could have just gotten down with adult black males and had her fun. Maybe it would have been tough on her reputation in a backwards town like that. But better that than what she did!

Seems to me like she is the victim of her own hangups and repressions. (Sort of like Larry Craig in the men's room, huh?) Let this be a lesmister to us all: if you like interracial, just go ahead and do it right in the open. Being sneaky and trying to conceal it just leads to stuff like this.
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Allenna Ward - interracial cuckoldress (rapist) goes to prison
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