Posts: 462
Nope. She is. 
Posts: 155
Um....she's not married. She's single. Janet Mason
Posts: 11
Rick, I'm confused. How is this "pro-western government cuckolds brownie"? If you are referring to the prurient interest most people in the United States have in stories like this, then ok. Bear in mind that 90% or better of the members on this site haven't actually participated in a cuckold relationship, nor would their partners consent. This site is largely based on fantasy So the posting of this news story, while sensational in the actually reporting (oh my sensational, not Fox News, egad!) does feed into the fantasy of some of the members on here.
As to the "pro-western" slant, bear in mind that Fox, which is the unofficial mouthpiece of the current administration, would love to be able to report that all sex-related websites on the Internet would shut down and all such purveyors of this "smut" imprimistered. I rather doubt that luceiia would post in here if they were supporters of such nonsense. Remember, you have to register for this site, so there is no such thing as true anonymity on the Internet anymore.
My point: relax and enjoy the ride my friend. Read through the morality hype on Fox and enjoy the concept of a pretty 23 year old married white female putting herself out as a sex toy for a group of black teens. Perhaps not a mainstream fantasy, but for the purposes of this site, a cool fantasy nonetheless. And last time I checked, thinking about such things is not a crime (yet). So enjoy it while it lasts.
Take Care.
Posts: 25
wow!  amazing
Posts: 462
Quoting: janetsteve Um....she's not married. She's single. Your statement is not correct. She is most definitely married. Please refer to: The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!"The married teacher is accused of having sexual encounters with the 14- and 15-year-old boys at the school, a motel, a park and behind a restaurant, according to arrest warrants." and The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!"Authorities say the married former teacher had sexual encounters with five teenage students at Bell Stree Middle School." and The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!"Ward, 24, married young and became a teacher - two steps her family expected." (also, note the following section - unrelated to her being married) "Ward is one of two Laurens County teachers recently sent to primister for sex with students. Wendie Ann Schweikert, a former elementary school teacher, was sentenced in June to 10 years in primister after pleading guilty to having sex with an 11-year-old student. The two cases brought cries of lingering racism to this county - one of the most conservative in South Carolina. Both women are white. The boys - six in all - are black." Three major news sources agree, she was definitely married. -Luceiia
Posts: 17
Nice. Thanks for posting, luceiia! 
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#8 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Quoting: bobnyc43 Bear in mind that 90% or better of the members on this site haven't actually participated in a cuckold relationship, nor would their partners consent. Also bear in mind that the other 10% are the spark of sites like this, the ones that make the fantasies possible, since we proove that the reality DOES exist. You also might try watching FOX news, rather than swallow and repeat the liberal line, I know this, because if you actually watched it, you'd see they really do call both sides out,,,so to make a statement like that makes it obvious you only scanned it at best. Shit like this makes me seem like I support this administration (just like it does to FOX), but truth be told, they all have their agenda, and I'd rather have the party system abolished, let the people vote for quality, not party affiliation. McCain,,,even his own people don't want him, Hilary,,,anything to get the job,,,Obamma,,,you're kiddin right? No matter how you look at it, the country's gonna be on hold for 4 years, then Iran will nuke us and we'll finally put an end to all this crap,,,like I said before, the Carthaginians terrorized Rome for a hundred years,,,and that was the last time they bothered anybody. So until the pussies get the cuckolds brownie scared out of them (no waterboarding, the poor enemy, etc.), the liberals will be pulling at our ankles and nothing will be resolved,,,WW II all over again, wait, talk, wait, talk some more,,,then get bombed, then bury the innocent, then ******* the bad guys,,,when statements like "those who don't learn from history, are doomed to repeat it" become just cliche`s then we deserve everything we get (or at least the left does), unfortunately Iran's nukes won't know the difference.
lol blame the's the easy (and en vogue) thing to do. Truth be told liberals are no more the devil than the right wing moral hypocrites and holier than thous who wish, to not only keep the chasm between the rich and the poor, but widen it. We are solely and individually to blame for whatever ills face our society today and to put the onus of our failings and shortcomings on any one group is both unjust and near-sighted.
Posts: 11
Also bear in mind that the other 10% are the spark of sites like this, the ones that make the fantasies possible, since we proove that the reality DOES exist.
No doubt, but the point that I was making was more about the "pro-western government cuckolds brownie" comment. I make no claims to one group or the other. I thought the post was ok, in view of the content of this site. That was and remains my main point. It was also my point that we Americans tend to freak over the whole sex thing publicly. Obviously, if your on this site, you do not. And since Internet pornography is a multi-million dollar business, apparently what happens on-line is at loggerheads with the public stance of most Americans. As to the Fox Network: yes they often present both sides, but then again, they also bring Bill O'Reilly out to beat topics like Allenna Ward into dust. And of course I expect Nancy Grace of CNN to beat this one to death as well. My comment about Fox was merely a hook; my gal Nancy would probably love to see censorship of the Internet as well, Fox is just more direct about it.
Sorry Marry if I offended you, this was not an attempt to start a political debate, merely to point out to Rick that the topic wasn't all that negative as he interpreted it. Hot for teacher has been the fantasy of every school kid since the dawn of time. Obviously, in this case for the parties involved, the fantasy should have remained just that, simply because there were kids involved. For the rest of us, this is pure fantasy fodder That was my main point in total, not liberals versus conservatives.
At the end of the day, thank you Luceiia for a cool post.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: vanilla_thrilla_2 lol blame the liberals Don't put too many words in my mouth VT,,,true I blame the liberals, but I blame them for their shortcomings, as I blame the the far right for their lack of compromise. If you check back at my post you'll see I think BOTH parties (and that includes the centers, lefts, and rights of both of them) should be deemed obsolete. I would rather have a mandatory draft among the business worlds brains, the university professors, and the best legal and socialogical minds available. 2 years mandatory and then you go back to your old life, no lobbying, the people vote on everything, after explained by the pros and cons made up of these draftees. Oh yeah, this would all be taken with the gravest of seriousness, accountablility just this side of a firing squad,,,this is our country we're talking about, our people, the only way to make sure it survives is to treat it seriously,,,right now we've got a bunch of self serving scumbags, and the idealist find themselves dealing with the devil just to make headway,,,in no time at all they become scumbags too. If I was a stupid permister I might suggest we drag them into the streets and beat them with rakes and shovels,,,but I'm not stupid so I wouldn't suggest that,,,I'll be dead in 20 years anyway and it'll be someone elses problem. Nice to know they'll have most of it fixed by the time little Jimmy Kirk grows up though, at least on Earth.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: bobnyc43 Sorry Marry if I offended you Sorry if I came off offended, it just sounded like a lot of stuff I hear, it came off like a street interview FOX ran with homeless vets, and all who were asked what they thought about it said that O'rielly was an asshole, when asked each one admitted never seeing him, but that's what they heard, and what they heard was the exact opposite of what was really said. The other thing people don't take into consideration, is that his show is an opinion show, not news, his opinon is this is a God fearing nation that should abide by a certain decorum,,,I'm an agnostic, and think that 85% of all the conflict since civilization began, is a direct result of organized religion. So he can take his opinion and stuff it, but when a subject comes up he does cover it evenly before he gives his stance on it. Peace,,,
Posts: 1696
Sexual relationships, regardless of IR, cuckolding, gay, lesbian. or whatsoever should be a thing between consenting adults.. Teachers have a responsibility towards young kids. These two teachers ***d the trust the kids had in her, and therefore their convictions are justified. I have no sympathy for young-worryers black or white , male or female. Black women should rule the Earth.
Posts: 161
She'll be out in 2 years or so after serving in a minimum security primister. She'll go into medium at first but then be downgraded after a month or so.
If she were a man and having sex with 6 middle school girls, she would do at least 20 years solid.
Posts: 161
Quoting: Slavetoebony Sexual relationships, regardless of IR, cuckolding, gay, lesbian. or whatsoever should be a thing between consenting adults.. Teachers have a responsibility towards young kids. These two teachers ***d the trust the kids had in her, and therefore their convictions are justified. I have no sympathy for young-worryers black or white , male or female. So, the boys were 14 on up. Big deal. I bet they had a good time. Did you know that the definition of 'minor' varies from state to state? It's legal in a few states to fuck 15 year olds (in some cases 14 and 15) and 14 year olds and in all of Canada. Look it up: In fact, the world wide average is 15. I always wonder about people who are sexually repressed and think that sex only kicks in at the magical age of 18 and never before. Did they all forget their own youth or are they pedophobes? I mean, seriously, what's the damage to a 15 year old boy in fucking a 24 year old woman? None. It's probably the greatest day of his life.
Posts: 1822
I wished my female teachers fucked me when I was a teenager I can remember a few that had great bodies.
Posts: 315
#17 · Edited by: DaniSubTV
Oh, huh....Mary's back and she's getting all worked've got yourself established as a power to be reckoned with and then at the same time you got us wrapped around your finger.....bobnyc43 went for the immediate surrender and an apology (so....Bob, how many years have you been married Mary's so sweet, you get an apology back (good thinkin' Bob....sorry about the last wise crack I made about you)....that's like make up Oh cuckolds brownie, I just realized I apologized to Bob.....Hey Bob, no problem, no problem, don't mention it. Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary You also might try watching FOX news, rather than swallow and repeat the liberal line, I know this, because if you actually watched it, you'd see they really do call both sides out,,,so to make a statement like that makes it obvious you only scanned it at best. They usually try to make some sarcastic remark about, "Fair and Balanced" without understanding that it's not a said it right, they literally call out both sides with a split screen and someone qualified to speak for each side every chance they get....even O'reilly does that if he's doing investigative journalism and when it's something he has an opinion about one way or the other, he'll find someone that will come on the air to speak for the other side that he can debate with. He's not nearly as conservative as the people that never watch him think he is.....he calls himself a switch voter. He used to be a school teacher (you probably know what gradeor subject he taught, Mary...what was it?) and I think that's why he gets all over the pedophile thing a lot . He can be a real bully at times when he's interviewing someone but, you'll always here him say at the end of it, "OK, go ahead, I'll let you have the last word". My 86 year old lady has the hots for Shepard Smith...she even gets jealous when Skinner does the next hour after him and she flirts with him for a couple of minutes before she starts reposting the news. On the othr hand, I've seen CNN and MSNBC interview somone and they'll have 3-4 liberals attacking 1 conservative. Look at how Bill Maher does his show, he's far left, he'll have a guest that's far left, another that's conservative (but, not far right) and then usually celebrity (that's always liberal too) and then the entire audience is liberal, there's one Republican on the stage that has to say his words carefully and has to listen to endless jokes being made about the administration and republicans in general and of course if he tried to make a joke about the liberals, he'd probably get booed (or it would get uncomfortably quiet).
Posts: 17
Here's the phsycho-babble news clip about Allenna, it's just a nice way to say that she is a "black cock slut teacher". She will be out of primister in 6 years at the latest, and is there any question she will go right back to the black cocks once she's freed? Sorry white boys!
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
"Citing the testimony of forensic psychiatrist Donna Schwartz-Watts, Ward's lawyer had asked for home incarceration, fearing physical and emotional use from other inmates in a primister setting. However, the sentence places Ward in primister.
The psychiatrist had testified that Ward was not a pedophile, despite her actions. The psychiatrist said that Ward was suffering from a repressed younghood and permisterality disorders. Schwartz-Watts called Ward a "free spirit" that had led a sheltered life in the household of her minister man."
Posts: 462
Quoting: sloopy luceiia: Your latest URL's did not seem to post properly, can you please repost them as URL Links which we can click? Odd, when I left click on them they work fine for me - but I did have to give them time to download before they started playing. Perhaps try right-click and then Save As or Save Link As. Save to your desktop or whatever and play the videos from there. Alternatively, you can download them from the Video Bank at this URL:
Posts: 26
Sure, Ward was punished as it should be, but then again if the boys were 16 or 17 no one would have too many objections at least over here in Europe. At age 14 and 15 it is a border-line case for the judge to decide, depending on the development of the boys. But then again boys that age especially black boys can be extremely horny and mature beyond their age, depending on their neighborhood, background etc. And I'm sure she was a nice white prize for all five of them.
Posts: 462
Quoting: Sam01 At age 14 and 15 it is a border-line case for the judge to decide, depending on the development of the boys. Here in the states there are two principles at work, as have been discussed: 1) Age of consent. This is a hard cut-off that is decided by each state. 2) Breach of a position of trust/power. She ***d both of them 5 times. I'm certainly open to some interpretational grayness as far as the age thing goes. There was a boy who got railroaded (in my opinion) for having sex with a girl when he was 17 and she was 15. He went to primister, and that's absurd. (see The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! for more info) But I'm not open to grayness between an obvious adult and an obvious young. 24 to 15 is nowhere near a gray area. It's statutory ****. A good rule of thumb (but not rule of law that I'm aware of) is the Half Plus Seven rule. Take half of a permister's age and add 7 and the answer is the youngest reamisterable age for them to have sex with. So, a 24 year old (such as Allenna) would be reamisterably ok with anyone 19 and older. (24/2 = 12 and then 12+7 = 19) Genarlow's youngest would have been 15.5 (17/2 = 8.5 and then 8.5+7 = 15.5) A 46 year old can reamisterably look towards 30 year olds or older. An 80 year old's youngest is a 47 year old, etc etc. -Luceiia
Posts: 63
Quoting: luceiia Here in the states there are two principles at work, as have been discussed: 1) Age of consent. This is a hard cut-off that is decided by each state. 2) Breach of a position of trust/power. She ***d both of them 5 times. While I fully support interracial and intergenerational relationships outside of the marriage, I still think adults and teenagers should not mix. I sympathize with her struggle, but her husband should have been getting her sex with at lease college aged black men instead.
Posts: 315
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Nature has already decided the proper age for all it's beast to copulate, man simply decided nature was wrong. As much as some may disagree with this, she's right....if you go back in time, even here in the US ( 150 years or more, when the west was the wild west), youngren were pretty much thought of as nothing more than small people long before their teen years. They didn't have a minimum age to be allowed to do anything. They didn't have elementary school, it was just called school. Psychology dealt with mental illness for the most part...there was no such thing as younghood development or any kind of couseling. Our social s*******s which are constantly evolving from one culture to another, affect or moral values. I know you may think it's the other way around but, if you think about it, it's not. Although our moral values are suppose to be set by god, religion which is run by man, has influenced and changed them from day one. Laws (which include things like the age of consent) vary throughout the world but, are all based on the social s*******s that exist within each culture (even it's governed by religion and it's laws are said to be established by god).
Posts: 40
Quoting: vanilla_thrilla_2 lol blame the's the easy (and en vogue) thing to do. Truth be told liberals are no more the devil than the right wing moral hypocrites and holier than thous who wish, to not only keep the chasm between the rich and the poor, but widen it. We are solely and individually to blame for whatever ills face our society today and to put the onus of our failings and shortcomings on any one group is both unjust and near-sighted. Vanilla, you are so funny... you end your comment as if you lay the blame on us all, yet you go out of your way to vilify the 'right wing' without commenting on the hypocrasy of those on the left; and it's there, you just aren't capable of seeing it. You've done nothing else but to show that you are the real hypocrite.
How did I do that? I am perfectly aware scoundrels exist on both sides. I was just speaking out because of what I perceived, rightly or wrongly, as villification of solely one side. And you calling me a hypocrite doesn't bother me in the least. It doesn't change any of the facts.....not a single one.
Posts: 11
Wow, I really did not want this to blow up! Working for a couple of days, and I come back to brickbats!
I conclude with this: I just wish my 7th grade music teacher had taken me home and threw me around the room. I and the rest of the teen horndogs in that class would have loved to have seen what Ms. S looked like nekkid! It's a wonder none of us ended up in the nurses office with blue balls. I know this only because we all compared notes on what a fox she was.
Thirty years on and I still remember her and those tight jeans...
Posts: 40
Quoting: vanilla_thrilla_2 How did I do that? I am perfectly aware scoundrels exist on both sides. I was just speaking out because of what I perceived, rightly or wrongly, as villification of solely one side. And you calling me a hypocrite doesn't bother me in the least. It doesn't change any of the facts.....not a single one. It doesn't? Then why the return post? If you're not bothered by something you ignore it, you don't react to it. You, like all ultra-liberals, show you true colors whenever you get the chance to make some snide comment about the other side, while dismissing the actions of your own side, which are legion. The difference between the two is that when one sides impropriety is exposed, they make every attempt to explain away the transgression by vehemently denouncing the accusers and do everything to keep the information from the public (liberals), while the other denounces the transgressor and does everything they can to remove that permister from their ranks (conservatives). In your post, you take the feeble shot at conservatives, and then when called on it, you post some banal, hackneyed 'well, there are problems on both sides' response that is indicative of all liberals. This certainly makes you a hypocrite.
Posts: 40
Quoting: bobnyc43 I conclude with this: I just wish my 7th grade music teacher had taken me home and threw me around the room. I and the rest of the teen horndogs in that class would have loved to have seen what Ms. S looked like nekkid! It's a wonder none of us ended up in the nurses office with blue balls. I know this only because we all compared notes on what a fox she was. Thirty years on and I still remember her and those tight jeans... I took 3 years of Spanish and I can't remember a word, but by god do I remember the Spanish teacher. For 3 years all I cared about was that blue knit dress she would wear; it fit every curve, every contour. I swear that is the one thing that brought me through puberty. Rumor was she had slept with a student, but nobody ever found out if it was really true. Thing is, if it had been true, it would have been wrong. It doesn't matter what was acceptable in the past, it's what is acceptable now, and now it isn't acceptable for an adult to have sex with a young-woman with boy, man with girl. She belongs in jail.
Posts: 17
Yah, I know, but when she gets out in 6 years -- she can go back to gobbling and fucking the big black cock for which she sacrificed so much, right? Clearly, she needs it!
Posts: 315
Quoting: bobnyc43 I conclude with this: I just wish my 7th grade music teacher had taken me home and threw me around the room. I've always been better at math and science rather than english. In my junior/senior year I took an english class that was basically an advanced vocabulary class. Since I have a great memory and you learned all the obscure words they would ask you on the SAT test, I figured it would be helpful and easy an A. The class ended up being not nearly as easy as I had hoped for but, nothing I couldn't handle.....I thought. The teacher for the class was new that year and she a really cool about everything. She was probably 24-25 years old, married, extremely attractive, very petite and she dressed really hot every day....I still remember these white leather fuck me pumps she would wear once a week (and I mean fuck me pumps, they were at least 5 inches). To put it mildly, she was a total fucking distraction....every guy in that school must have fantasized about her when they jerked off. At the end of the semester she let us know our final grade for the class. I was pretty much an A student but, I already got a B- from the first quarter. When she called me up to tell me my grade, she was looking in her book and just said, "you got a C- for the class" (which meant I must gotten a D/D- for the quarter).....then she looked up at me and smiled and said, "but, I'm going to make it so that you get a B+....I don't know why...just because". She knew exactly why but, couldn't come right out and say it......she did the same thing for every guy I asked that was in the class with me and she said it the same way to them too. I never met her husband but, he must have been around her age and must have told her that she's got to give the guys in her class some kind of mercy grade for being 17-18 years old and having look at her and pay attention to what she's teaching us at the same time.