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i miss niggerworship

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i love it here but man i miss that site! like too many of my old faves, it faded.


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You and me both. 1


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start a new nw


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if i knew how i would!
mr otis


Posts: 2
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Nigger Worship was the greatest interracial porn site I've ever seen.They had it right.Does anyone know what happened to them?They were beyond great!I would give anything if they came back
mr otis


Posts: 321
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I agree it was the best, I like this site to.

Only problem i have with this site is that NO ONE EVER comments on my captions i hate that.
Bill mgee


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mr otis
They got it wrong and it died ha.

monetarily problems.

Seems NW was more for white people to get off IR as opposed to everyone else.
Robert Hudson


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I hated that name. I did not know it shut down,[b][/b]
Robert Hudson


Posts: 1284
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I had it closed precisely because of that racist name, so we shall no more tolerate this use.


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Posts: 762
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so are you admitting to you being a racist? name?

Quoting: name
because of that racist name

there is always still same cuckolds brownie isn it? cuckolds brownie?


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Posts: 315
#13 · Edited by: DaniSubTV
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Quoting: name
I had it closed precisely because of that racist name

It had plenty of members regardless of the was my understanding that it was a money problem.....I liked the site myself but, I had only been a member for a month or two when it closed down.

Quoting: joranc
there is always still same cuckolds brownie isn it? cuckolds brownie?

Maybe I missed something....did you go look at that site....pure ignorant hatred.


Posts: 8
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I was a big fan of the niggerworship as well, and I loved that name.


Posts: 19
#15 · Edited by: stfu
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From my point of view, both sites expose/imply a deep seeded racial identity crisis within much of todays society. Fed by the manipulations of fears and the education of ignorance.


Posts: 208
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Maybe a different name would have helped. There's no need to be offensive or backwards. The name negated the quality content. It degraded everyone involved, whites as well as blacks. I think we can all be edgy and get totally turned on without such prejudice. I understand the point of the taboo name, but it really ended up detracting from the site. There are better ways, and in fact more appealing ways, to convey the site's sexual purpose.


Posts: 1352
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Quoting: blackside999

Maybe a different name would have helped. There's no need to be offensive or backwards.

We agree. Being from the Southeast, we have many black friends. That term is racist and derogatory. I'm amazed at the number of people that claim to "worship the nigger cock"... but I can tell you that the black men I know would kick your ass and put your head through the wall if you used that term around them.

If you "worship" something, you don't call it a derogatory name...

cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


Posts: 1352
#18 · Edited by: SheDatesHeWaits
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deleted - double post - sorry folks
cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


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Robert Hudmister

Now that I think about it, if you went to the home page ( and not directly to the forum, right at the top of the page there was a paragraph that went into the reamistering for the name they chose. There was a link in it that brought you to a detailed history about the "n" word. It explains that the origin of the word meant "God". The site is gone now but, I found an archive of that page using the Wayback Machine so, if you want to read it yourself here's the URL:

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

After looking at this again, I can understand what they were trying to do when they chose that name but, I don't know if many members (or vistors) ever found this page and if they did, if they took the time to skim through it.....I didn't really read much of it when I initially found the page. After reading the objections about the name, I just remembered that there was something about it on the home page and thought I'd go check it out now to see if it actually had anything to do with why they picked that name. Their intentions were good, they just didn't make them well known enough.


Posts: 12
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I miss reading about kristina (from wa state) the most...


Posts: 1352
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If you read the article... it was written by a black man to help take the sting out of being insulted when called the N-word, and prevent himself from getting angry. Like he stated, although the word "ngr" may have originally meant "God", it has been corrupted since pre-Roman days to be a derogatory term.

It's still a derogatory term today, and there isn't a black permister in America that believes you're honoring African-American history when you call them the N-word. In fact, it will get you beaten or worse in the wrong place, spoken at the wrong time.

cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


Posts: 1352
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A better saying would be this one: "Don't piss down my leg and tell me it's raining."

Black people hate the term. THEY consider it derogatory, and some white boi on a website isn't going to change that. If you feel calling a black man the N-word is a "sign of respect", you need to go to Harlem and utter it a few times.

Just be prepared for a major attitude adjustment...

cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


Posts: 1352
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Quoting: restitutor

By the way, what gives anyone the right to justify the demeaning of a term just because it true meaning is misunderstood.

It's not me... it's Merriam-Webster! Kind of an authority on the English language...


Main Entry: nig·ger
Pronunciation: \ˈni-gər\
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of earlier neger, from Middle French negre, from Spanish or Portuguese negro, from negro black, from Latin niger
Date: 1786
1usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a black permister
2usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a member of any dark-skinned race
3: a member of a socially disadvantaged class of permisters <it's time for somebody to lead all of America's niggers…all the people who feel left out of the political process — Ron Dellums>
usage Nigger in senses 1 and 2 can be found in the works of such writers of the past as Joseph Conrad, Mark Twain, and Charles Dickens, but it now ranks as perhaps the most offensive and inflammatory racial slur in English. Its use by and among blacks is not always intended or taken as offensive, but, except in sense 3, it is otherwise a word expressive of racial hatred and bigotry.
cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


Posts: 97
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That was a very illuminating article. Who says all we perverts do is read nasty stories and jerk off.

We only do it 95% pf the time. The rest is all cultural enlightenment.


Posts: 161
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Just ignore the haters on here who want to turn everything into a racial war and cry racist every time anyone so much as looks crosseyed at a black.

I think the name niggerworship is hilarious and wish the site was back up. Why not start your own nigger worship site?


Posts: 51
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Its a taboo word- which is what gives its potency just like how everyone gets off on the undercurrent of the taboo actions of black on white.


Posts: 8
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Who really gives a damn what the site was called? Probably not the best choice to name its site, but I'm sure it helped generate buzz and ultimately traffic to the site. Hollywood types LOVE controversial stuff because it gets them free media attention.
I'd rather it had been named something else less controversial, but that does not take away from the FACT that is was one of the best sites up. And it was Dark Cavern use to be.
Some good points made here. Probably most visitors to NW were white guys, but still I'm sure it attracted curious white females as well. Besides, who do you think instigates white wives with hung black men? That's right! White boy husbands...The same ones that went to sites like NW that fueled their desire to get their wife to try BBC.
To much criticism over FREE sites. If you don't like it, don't visit it! I would like to see a site like NW come back in similiar form but with different name and would be willing to pay reamisterable fee for good updated content.
To the haters of NW, remember that just like you are here on this site for a reamister. Those reamisters of cuckold etc. Same is true for those who are sub or admire BBC with white women. Quit being so each is own!
Maybe I might should start up the site renamed?


Posts: 8
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I've enjoyed reading all the different opinions, so I'm gonna throw mine into the mix.

I really enjoyed the "nigger worship" site because of all the great content. The name of the site did not bother me in the least bit, and I never read that long winded explanation of the name that the site owner came up with.
I just enjoyed the site till it was gone, and I'm happy I found this site, as it is something of a substitute, but to address the use of the word "nigger" I'll just say this.

As a 40 year old black male, I find the word "nigger" highly erotic and stimulating in sexual situations involving white women and myself.

It's almost like a role playing thing. Me, a black male/nigger stealing the historically forbidden fruit aka white pussy. I have had white women spur me on during our love making, by using the word nigger, and frankly I love it.

Now of course, when the love/fuck session is over, my white lovers would never address me as a nigger, because they understand that is never appropriate outside of our bedroom sessions.

Also, I think censorship and political correctness are driving more and more people to the internet, (and sites like this one) where they can feel some small degree of freedom to express their opinions, and indulge their interests, without fear of reprisal or prosecution. Pretty sad situation...

...when you consider the hardships the founders of this great country went through, to give us so many freedoms, that we seem to be losing more of everyday.

I'll now step down off my soapbox, and breed any hot, married white sluts in the audience, so please form a line.


Posts: 84
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If some of you feel strong about missing a site because it doesn't exist anymore, why not start your own website? It's quite easy these days.

1. Buy domain name & webspace (about $50 - $60, example The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!).
2. Get a free, reliable forum and put it on your new site (Example The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!).

That's all it takes. If you really feel passionate about something, you should do it. And if anybody intends on following my two steps above, I'm happy to give technical advice. PM me if you have any questions.


Posts: 1696
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Sadly N..... Worship ceased to exist a good few months ago. I used to be a regular contributor to the site. But no I contribute to this site,
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! and The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! . The spirit of NW lives on.
Black women should rule the Earth.
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i miss niggerworship
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