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News story: White wives heading to Africa for sex

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OMBASA, Kenya — Bethan, 56, lives in southern England on the same street as best friend Allie, 64.

They are on their first holiday to Kenya, a country they say is “just full of big young boys who like us older girls.”

Hard figures are difficult to come by, but local people on the coast estimate that as many as one in five single women visiting from rich countries are in search of sex.

Allie and Bethan — who both declined to give their full names — said they planned to spend a whole month touring Kenya’s palm-fringed beaches. They would do well to avoid the country’s tourism officials.

“It’s not evil,” said Jake Grieves-Cook, chairman of the Kenya Tourist Board, when asked about the practice of older rich women traveling for sex with young Kenyan men.

“But it’s certainly something we frown upon.”

Also, the health risks are stark in a country with an AIDS prevalence of 6.9 percent. Although condom use can only be guessed at, Julia Davidmister, an academic at Nottingham University who writes on sex tourism, said that in the course of her research she had met women who shunned condoms — finding them too “businesslike” for their exotic fantasies.

The white beaches of the Indian Ocean coast stretched before the friends as they both walked arm-in-arm with young African men, Allie resting her white haired-head on the shoulder of her companion, a six-foot-four 23-year-old from the Maasai tribe.

He wore new sunglasses he said were a gift from her.

“We both get something we want — where’s the negative?” Allie asked in a bar later, nursing a strong, golden cocktail.

She was still wearing her bikini top, having just pulled on a pair of jeans and a necklace of traditional African beads.

Bethan sipped the same local take: a powerful mix of honey, fresh limes and vodka known locally as “Dawa,” or “medicine.”

She kept one eye on her date — a 20-year-old playing pool, a red bandana tying back dreadlocks and new-looking sports shoes on his feet.

He looked up and came to join her at the table, kissing her, then collecting more coins for the pool game.

Grieves-Cook and many hotel managers say they are doing all they can to discourage the practice of older women picking up local boys, arguing it is far from the type of tourism they want to encourage in the east African nation.

“The head of a local hoteliers’ association told me they have begun taking measures — like refusing guests who want to change from a single to a double room,” Grieves-Cook said.

“It’s about trying to make those guests feel as uncomfortable as possible... But it’s a fine line. We are 100 percent against anything illegal, such as prostitution. But it’s different with something like this — it’s just unwholesome.”

These same beaches have long been notorious for attracting another type of sex tourists — those who use youngren.

As many as 15,000 girls in four coastal districts — about a third of all 12-18 year-olds girls there — are involved in casual sex for cash, a joint study by Kenya’s government and UN youngren’s charity UNICEF reported late last year.

Up to 3,000 more girls and boys are in full-time sex work, it said, some paid for the “most horrific and abnormal acts.”

Emerging alongside this black market trade — and obvious in the bars and on the sand once the sun goes down — are thousands of elderly white women hoping for romantic, and legal, encounters with much younger Kenyan men.

They go dining at fine restaurants, then dancing, and back to expensive hotel rooms overlooking the coast.

“One type of sex tourist attracted the other,” said one manager at a shorefront bar on Mombasa’s Bamburi beach.

“Old white guys have always come for the younger girls and boys, preying on their poverty... But these old women followed ... they never push the legal age limits, they seem happy just doing what is sneered at in their countries.”

Experts say some thrive on the social status and financial power that comes from taking much poorer, younger lovers.

“This is what is sold to tourists by tourism companies — a kind of return to a colonial past, where white women are served, serviced, and pampered by black minions,” said Nottinghan University’s Davidmister.

Many of the visitors are on the lookout for men like Joseph.

Flashing a dazzling smile and built like an Olympic basketball star, the 22-year-old said he has slept with more than 100 white women, most of them 30 years his senior.

“When I go into the clubs, those are the only women I look for now,” he told Reuters. “I get to live like the rich ***mzungus*** (white people) who come here from rich countries, staying in the best hotels and just having my fun.”

At one club, a group of about 25 dancing men — most of them Joseph look-alikes — edge closer and closer to a crowd of more than a dozen white women, all in their autumn years.

“It’s not love, obviously. I didn’t come here looking for a husband,” Bethan said over a pounding beat from the speakers.

“It’s a social arrangement. I buy him a nice shirt and we go out for dinner. For as long as he stays with me he doesn’t pay for anything, and I get what I want — a good time. How is that different from a man buying a young girl dinner?”

tess ann


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The past 6 yrs., hub. and I have been going to Jamaica 2 or 3 times a yr. for "golfing" vacations, there are always a huge number of fems from Canada, Europe, and the U.S. who travel there for this type of recreation, we have seen the "boys" at the airport passing out their "business cards". Have also been to clubs and bars there that are known spots for this activity, and a single fem alone on a public beach is always approached by the "boys". No, no, I havn't permisterally, but super tempted.


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posted by a freind in another blog

Interesting to see this in Kenya. This has also been going on in other countries. Some of the Caribbean countries are known as locations where female "sex tourists" like to go. Phuket is known as a spot where relatively well off Japanese lasses go looking for relatively poor Thai "beach bums".

I'm hoping if more people realize both sexes are known to go abroad to seek a vacation of affection with sex (and not JUST men), that it will be "less frowned" upon. .... But for some reamister society seems to think this is bad, and for the life of me I really can not figure out why. .... unless, of course, its a fundamental disagreement on the evils (or merits) of prostitution.

We all prostitute our selves in various ways, during our lives. But IMHO by society stigmatizing prostitution (for sex) as being bad, society has pushed a pandora's box of evils on unregulated prostitution. I have (a possibly naive) view, that if prostitution would only be more accepted, the evils that may go with it could have a better chance of being cleaned up. .... Needless to say, that view of mine would be considered a fairy tale view by the majority in today's society.


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Prostitution has always been around and always will be, I think it should be less stigmatized and possibly legalized and regulated so that it is safe for all involved. People who think if you make it illegal, that will make it go away are naive and obviously do not study human nature and history.


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We need to send a photographer and a videographer to this place immediately...


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Pretty picture......YES?


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Pretty picture......YES?


Posts: 296
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A nice pic

Habib Maamria


Posts: 321
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so beautiful



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How about engineering a fight between your husband and some such guy, then creaming up while they fight ready to fuck the (black) winner?


#11 · Edited by: hubbylostthefight
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Here's another news item from earlier this year:
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(extracts below)

MONTREAL -- In winter, a tourist woman's fancy lustily turns to thoughts of sex.

By the thousands they descend on the Caribbean every year, women driven by one urge: to spend a week or two relaxing with local "beach boys"

On the screen and DVD, two movies dealt with the subject: Vers le sud, a French film based on stories by Quebec author Dany Laferriere, starring Charlotte Rampling as a British sex-seeker in late-1970s Haiti; and Rent-a-Rasta, a 45-minute U.S. documentary about women who flock to Jamaica in search of the "big bamboo" and the young Rastafarians who cater to them.

In Jamaica, the name depends on the woman's colour: "Milk bottles" if they're white, newly arrived and, to put it crudely, "in need of filling" (as one Negril man put it to British writer Julie Bindel in 2003).

Canadians have made it into the slang lexicon, too. In Barbados, female sex tourism has been dubbed "Canadian secretary syndrome."

By some estimates, 600,000 Western women have engaged in travel sex sometime over the last 25 years - many of them as repeat customers, returning to the tropics every winter for some sun and some action.


Posts: 285
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Story here is "Dan Rather" incorrect......These are single old women..
"Nice asses only,please"


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Ah that part....too true, but then the majority of men sex tourists are not young either.....
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News story: White wives heading to Africa for sex
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