Posts: 68
I see "her" posting all over this forum, with nothing but a pic of some manga character. She'll comment on someone's photos about how real people don't use condoms, and all this stuff about owning cunts or whatever... but she doesn't have any proof of her own existence!!!
I mean, am I just being an asshole? Is anyone else suspicious? Has she actually sent anyone anything? Come on, now...
Such as it is...
The $64,000 dollar question........
Posts: 827
#3 · Edited by: Brutus2
Why would she need to PROVE anything ? What would be the purpose ? To deserve the forumers consideration ? And couldn't there be people who don't want to show their picture to the whole bunch ? Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine
Posts: 1096
No, obviously not.
Posts: 1461
she is as real as any online (a fat guy pretending to be a 19 yr old super model whore) mwc for bbc
Posts: 762
its probably normal to be apprehensive… a lot safer than trust don’t you think???.. missy is either.... MoM... MickyD... V Naila T... a character in a play or nov.... etc etc etc or who she says she is.... such as it is
all posbull... who knowes? truth is often stranger then fiction and usualy right in front of u what would you like the answer to b?pornoshakespeare
Posts: 762
but hey...for som reamister i thought stiky wa a fem... so thats the lvle of my real detectr capilaties lol 
K McDonald
Posts: 411
pornoshakespeare Who knows who anybody is here. I could just be some middle aged wannabe cuckold for all anybody knows.
Posts: 315
Just out of curiousity, I noticed that the two comments she made that you referred to were from two different posts she made back at the end of June. She's left over 400 posts here so, why did you pick just those two that are several months old I said, I'm just curious. BTW, after reading them and a few others, she does sound a little more like a cuck wannabe rather than a young female college student.
Posts: 1461
Quoting: joranc but hey...for som reamister i thought stiky wa a fem... so thats the lvle of my real detectr capilaties lol I am all things to everyone mwc for bbc
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: joranc missy is either.... MoM... MickyD... V Naila T... With my lifestyle name being "Multi-Orgasmic Mary",,,it's no surprise many have taken to referring to me as "MOM",,,I hope you're not one of them, since unlike Missy, I have several hundred pix on this site, and tons more floating around the web and my clubs, I have videos, long established fans, and am still in direct contact with many of my lovers. I also don't think she is "Vanilla", since he posts pix of himself,,,however, "Vanilla" may be her as an alternate identity created just to agree with him, she never seems to disagree,,,and if he isn't, that would mean there is actually another permister out there with the same mindset as "Vanilla",,,and I think something that offensive would tear a hole in time and space and destroy all life as we know it.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Brutus2 And couldn't there be people who don't want to show their picture to the whole bunch ? I agree,,,just like I agree people with a fear of flying shouldn't be pilots,,,if getting *******ed in a high speed crash bothers you,,,stay off the track come speedweek. But when you come to forums specializing in highly charged sexual banter with hopes the end result is some form of physical contact,,,well,,,if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Between fakes, wannabes, cyberers and the like (especially people like Vanilla, who come here to hi-jack our forum with the intent of turning into a "swingers" forum,,,he is to this forum, what al-qaeda is to Islam), it's really best to ignore them in hopes they'll move on to more gullible pastures.
Posts: 650
#13 · Edited by: submisboi
ya i don't really care if she's real or not, not here atleast. although i do think some people have multiple permisteralities on this site, i think this for some reamister i don't know. and i could say i'm not one of them but would you believe me? and would it even matter?
ROFL! M-O Mary is *******in it! Well spoken, thank you!
Posts: 645
My question is:
Who gives a flying fuck? This is a forum, an online way to communicate and share and all that jazz.
Does it really matter who is who? That's what the "Real Permister" tag was made for. If he/she or whatever doesn't have it, then who cares? If they do... WHO CARES?
Why start a mini conversation / intended argument, for the sake of having this argument on a forum?
My next question is:
What the hell is a flying fuck? How did that become a term of waving something off?
Posts: 762
Multi_Orgasmic Maryi do not understand… am i in trouble? please believe me….i appreciate you n admire u Multi_Orgasmic Mary ….. meant to cast no doubt as to your realishnes in any way….(if that is what you think) i merely attempting to compliment your intellect and state you as a favorite poster…how? i am glad you asked….  i crumble in shame @ stupidishnes which usually leaves me mis understood by most… chockeri agree mostly... i am interested in the multi permisteralities/nics and points of view on this (not to expose any) just m wondering...??/// no argument here 
Posts: 1461
Mary- I really respect your opinion about vanilla he is a royal pain and belongs nowhere near any interracial forum. He somehow is a mod over at dc. That is just one more reamister to avoid that place.... mwc for bbc
^^^^ Exactly why we left there. Him and him alone.
Posts: 650
#19 · Edited by: submisboi
chocker very well put in regards to the real permister forum. outside of that forum who cares indeed.
It's incredible people bring me up in threads completely off topic of me. Talk about obsessed. Sad, pathetic and ugly. Green is the color of envy to most losers such as m.o.m. and stink mon.
Posts: 71
this has gone off at a tangent... so back to the subject at hand ... yeah theres no face behind the mask but wheres yours. .. its am matter of choice.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: joranc i do not understand… am i in trouble? No,,,you're not in trouble, I myself was confused when you wrote what appeared to be, that Missy could possibly be me. Let me assure you, whoever she is, it's not me, I have one screen name, and that's how the world knows me, I have no need to create fictional names in which to play games with,,,if it's important enough for me to comment on, it important enough to me that everyone knows it's me saying it.
Posts: 762
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary whoever she is, i notice you choose the word she instead of it ..or perhaps they are.... plase forgive me , i am not persisting here am just expressing an out loud thought i myself genrly read post b4 the name..... 4 me this tend to give a voice 4 me Missy's voice was a girl with a style that to sme degre fits in with my sister in law,... who if she would b visiting a site such as this it would not surprise me in the least(i am not expecting this to be so however) i am also extra suspended as i am one of the lucky ones who has a wife that visits also... so it sort of fits in with my journey here even if i do not agree with her 100%.... to answer poster  it is a shame she is a sub 
Posts: 827
Sounds like a least this last lawyer is sensible...however, amongst all the posters, no one can deny that Missy is an oasis of intelligence and...yes...freshness. If I were her, I'd take this topic as a compliment... Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine
Posts: 1096
Quoting: Brutus2 Missy is an oasis of intelligence and...yes...freshness.... ?? HUH ??? I have yet to see the troll contribute anything even remotely interesting. Have I missed something?
Posts: 51
MOMS got it right - and a load of other worthy comments too - everything but that pimple character whose in the same vain
Posts: 1461
Who? ohhhh do you mean the choad licker? mwc for bbc
Posts: 827
#28 · Edited by: Brutus2
" long as you want to remain anom...dont complain about anyone else wanting too...that is my wisdom for the day....I think...enjoy...such as it is" (signed : Missy) this the reamister of your agressivity toward someone whom you therefore call a troll ? Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine
Posts: 762
huh??? how did u get into and even post in real permisters forum?? nice Brutus2 are you magic??  just asking .. what is your secret hmmm????( Quoting: stinky69 I am all things to everyone that is the kinda answer i spexted lol.... but it got me thinking..which is sumfink i dont realy do
Posts: 91
How miserable you all are.
Just to add more grist to the mill. I am a cuckold - but not a "real permister". Online, I am only me. I am really me - but I haven't posterd any pics of me or my wife.
The only secret I have, which I now share with you all, is that although I am a real cuck my indulgence on Cuckoldplace is a secret from my wife. Its hard to explain, but she just couldn't be bothered with all the cuckolds brownie that goes on here and would be puzzled by involvement...such as it is.
I don't know if Missy is real or not, but I know some pretty odd people in real life who, should they get online, would cause a lot of confusion to all you who think you can discern real from fake. For instance, I have a colleague in the engineering field who is a guy in a female super-model's body. I mean, she (she is actually a woman, and fucking gorgeous) takes beer, argues and fights - and if she were to express her views in here she would have a hard time convincing you lot she was real!! Such as it is...