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Opinions about wife getting black bred

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Me and my wife have been trying to conceive our second young for the last 5 years with no success. She had no problems conceiving our first young and everything has checked out fine with the doctors since. We have used obvilation kits in the past to determine when she is most fertile. Still with no success we have mentioned adoption. However, I have been thinking of another option lately that I would be willing to try, but not sure she would be or that I could even convence her to try. I know, for the most part, that black men are very good at producing babies. I believe the reamisters for this is because most of them produce large amounts of cum and the head of their dick is closer to the womb. What I would like to convence my wife to do is to let me gather 4 to 5 hung black males in their late teens or early twenties. I would love to get her five large football players, from a major university that we live near, and have each of them do her one day at a time, one on one. Of course we would have to use an obvilation kit so we would know when my wife was most fertile, in order to start the process. When the time was nearing I would request the black bulls hold off from ejaculaion at least three days prior to having sex with my wife, but not to go over seven days, as I have been told this is when a males sperm is at its highest count. When my wife is most fertile I would call the first stud over and let him have his way with my wife. If he had to come over after practice I would suggest that he take a shower at my house with the assitance of my wife. This way she could get to know him a little and she would get to see whats in store for her. From the shower they could go straight to our bed and she could suck his big dick while I eat her pussy to get it even wetter. When she couldn't stand it any longer, I would guide his dick in her pussy while holding her pussy lips apart. This would confirm the fact that this is what I want her to do, not that it would matter at this point. I would watch as they had sex for several minutes I'm sure, but would like to get behind her head when the bull is nearing ejaculation and help hold her legs back as he dumps her seed in her while in the missionary position. She could then hold him in her arms while he stays in her for at least five minutes. After he was finished I would be very grateful if he would let me taste his cum and my wife's juices on his cock. I would then eat the over flow of his cum out of my wifes pussy, and from this point on she would be hooked on black cock and would love to know she would be getting another for the next four days straight. After all five had their day, I believe she would have no problem getting pregnate and would be in ecstasy knowing she would have sex with black men several more times in her lifetime, regardless if she wanted a young. The hard part will convencing her that this is what she needs to do. Am I wrong for thinking like this or is this becoming more common?
wild viking


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This is exactly what I want. I would even tell the studs to breed my wife and kiss my wife telling her she is my perfect slut and thank you. I would also have all of the studs fuck her the same day. They could also come to our home anytime they want and fuck her till they can't fuck anymore.


Posts: 239 Pictures: 23 
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My wife has been knocked-up by four other men, including a black guy. So long as your wife is OK with the idea (If she is not, her resistence may produce a hostile environment in her pussy that may negate the bull's baby makers), so long as you are willing to put up with the humililation that the world will know that your white wife was knocked-up by a black guy (as a minimum, the people who attend at the birth will know) and so long as you are willing to take on the financial and emotional costs, I say go for it!

If you want to chat further, send me a Permisteral Message.
A man has not lived until he watches another man fuck his wife!


Posts: 401
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A big upside will be that seeing her with a black baby will tell other black males that she is available. She'll have black guys hitting on her all the time and, if you're lucky, she'll fuck them all.


Posts: 2117
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Skim I say go for it and encourge your wife to be black bred Keep us informed of progress!


Posts: 218
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Have any pix of your wife bred?
Marc williams


Posts: 687 Pictures: 1 
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I would first try to get her to fuck the BBC. It may be a bit much for her to handle w/ trying to convince her to have his baby. Let the black guys fuck her bareback and the rest will take it's course! Keep us informed as to your progress after you have mentioned this to her.
Tiffany Lee Marie


Posts: 19
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Encourage her to get some BBC and as I do, I always encourage BBC with no condom. Tell her that you have heard they have a satin softness to their cocks that white men don't. And that you want her to feel that wonderful sexiness first hand. Tell her you will be there to hold her hand and walk her thru it. Make her feel pampered and soft. You have to be willing to give her the perfect fantasy by doing the work to make it so. The first time he enters her, the first 5 storkes you may hold her hand and walk her thru. On stroke 6 she will turn your hand loose as he hits the spot and she opens up her pussy. From there she will hold your hand and walk you thru the valley of BBC.

We don't take plastic! (no condoms)


Posts: 44
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It's been a slow go of it for the last month. I have not told her yet, but we have started talking about fantasies more. A couple of different times we were watching tv when I noticed a light skin black guy that I thought she found attractive. I asked her if she thought he was black or mixed. She told me he was black and that he was a very handsome man. She then said even though she is not really into it, that is one black guy she could see herself with. This was a huge turn on for me. I told her I was surprised she had never been with a black guy in school since she had many black guy friends. She said she was not raised that way and that her dad would have *******ed her. I told her not if he had not found out and she said she just didn't have any intrest in it, but other girls at school did. The subject was dropped at this point.
Last night we were talking again and somehow she got on the topic of male celebrities she would like to hook up with. She named about six and all were white except for the same black guy. During our conversation she said they could just gang bang her and I asked her who would she let go first. She said it didn't matter and I told her maybe she should let the one with the biggest dick go first. She immediately told me it would be the black guy and I asked her why she thought this. She told me because she had heard that black men were much larger than white guys and I asked her from who she heard this from. She then said she had heard it from her white girl friends in school, when some of them had been with black guys and they told her how big they were. I asked if she had any other proof like seeing it for herself and she said no. We could not continue the conversation any more, due to an interuption, but I will bring it up again later and see if I can start hinting around to the fact that I want her to have sex with black men. I will let you know of the progress when I find out more.


Posts: 9
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i would think twice. i had a friend whose wife got knocked up by a black man. she eventually left him for a black man and now he is stuck with young suppport for her black baby which isn't even his.


Posts: 44
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I have thought about all that is posted in here, and have even tried to forget the whole idea, but I always come back to the same desire. The desire to have her sexually satisfied by a hung black stud is to much for me to overcome. I know there will be several risks involved, but I'm willing to give it a shot anyway. I know I would also have to let her have sex with a black man first, before I suggest she try and get black preg. However, I know if she has sex with a bbc, it won't take long for her to realize she should try to get black preg. Not to mention all she would want from this point on is big black cock anyway, without a condemn since she likes the natural feel of a cock inside her.


Posts: 239 Pictures: 23 
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Expanding on my earlier posting, there are also white bulls that have big cocks and big balls full of life creating baby makers. I think you need to tell your wife that you want her to be impregnated by another man (race is really unimportant when it comes down to the basics of reproduction) to realize the goal you both have, to add a second young to your family. As Marc williams points out, as soon as your wife is comfortable with the whole scene, nature will take it's course. And as a bonus, you will acquire a hot wife who will be all too eager to have you watch as other guys fuck her time and time again as you look on as a proud and proper cuckold should.

Note to MrMonkey: Click the "member" link under my name and you will see a list of my postings. Some of those postings include a photo of my wife after she was bred. If you want your own copy, send me a Permisteral Message and include your email addy.
A man has not lived until he watches another man fuck his wife!
Habib Maamria


Posts: 321
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This is becoming extremely common, privately.

Especially in the south actually.

The decision is yours, but really is it your duty.
been there79


Posts: 43
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select a black man who will be involved in the youngs life
jerry e. kuhns
been there79


Posts: 43
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hey caseyjones your friend should get an attorney he should not have to pay for that young
jerry e. kuhns
Habib Maamria


Posts: 321
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it is your duty

get it done



Posts: 2117
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any update?


Posts: 1284
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Well, I guess, if she likes black bread, why not? Some nutriotionists say that it's even healthier than white bread.


Posts: 44
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Sorry for the long delay but nothing much has happened until this week. I am still in shock as to what happen as I write this. I will start from the beginning. About two months ago I got up the nerve to send my wife an email with pics of well hung black guys. I titled the email "look at the size of these black snakes". I figured this is the only way I could get her to open it as she does not like snakes. Anyway, she opened it while I was at work. She called me after she opened it and said she could not believe I sent that and that she would not have opened it had she known it was pics of black guys. I told her it was just a joke.
Later that night she brought it up and we started talking about it. She told me that when she opened the email it was the first time she had ever seen a black guy(s) naked. She also said she did not realize dick(s) could be so big. We talked about it for awhile and she told me that when she was in high school she had white girlfriends that had sex with black guys, including two of her black friends named George and Ray. I had met both George and Ray as they live in the same county as us. We see George quite often out and about. Both George and Ray use to play on the football team as my wife was a cheerleader. George has always been muscular and Ray was tall and slinder. She said her friends always bragged about black dick and how big they were and how hot they made them feel when they were fucking them. She said George and Ray always teased her about sex but she never really considered it because she is to modest.
After we talked awhile I told her to be honest and then I asked her if the pics of black guys made her curious or excited. She said it did a little bit, but she still would not be able to do a black guy, and that she would'nt anyway because she was married. After we talked we had some great sex as she was very wet.
Nothing much happened for the next couple of months until this week. I thought my wife had forgot about the email but I found out quite different. This Tuesday was my birthday and my wife is a school teacher out for the summer. With the kids in summer camp I decided to leave work early and surprise my wife. I ended up getting a major surprise when I got home. When I pulled down the driveway I saw a nice SUV with chrome wheels parked behind the house. I knew right away that no one should be visiting my wife. I went ahead and went inside the back door which is at the opposite end of our bedroom. As I entered I did not see anyone but heard some music coming from our bedroom. I crept to the bedroom and the bedroom door was about halfway open. I looked in and saw something I have fatasized about for years. My hot wife was laying in the bed with a muscular black guy stradiling her face with his dick in her mouth. My dick got instantly hard as shock set in. I moved to the side and kept watching through the crack. I could not believe it finally was happening, even though it was not as I had planned.
I could not see the black guys face, but the back of his head looked like George. My wife continued to suck his dick for awhile but I could not see how big it was because his leg was in the way. After a few more minutes he got up and stood on the floor. I then saw it was George and saw his dick. Oh my god he was fucking hung like a horse. He was at least 10 inches long and 4 inches in diameter. His balls hung about four inches also. I was so horny watching his dick sway as he got off the bed. He then put on a condom and laid back on the bed. I could not hear them for the music, which was R&B, but they were talking. My wife then climbed on top of him and sat on his dick. I could tell she was very wet as it did not take to long to get his dick all the way in her pussy. It looked so good. After a couple of minutes of them fucking my wife was starting to yell. She then stopped and did something that shocked me even more. They talked about something and then started kissing. She then got off his dick, took OFF the condom, and then sat back down on his beautiful black cock. She started fucking him so hard and then yelled to him that she loved his big black dick in her. I thought I was going to cum in my pants. His dick looked so good coated with my wife's pussy juice. A short time later she started cumming. After she came they kept fucking and she came two more times.
They eventually stopped and he got on top. His dark black muscular body looked so good against my hot white wife. He started to fuck her mismisterary style and it looked so good going in. His big balls were slamming into her ass as he pounded her. After a few minutes he pulled out and then pinned her legs with his shoulders. This gave me an even greater view. He then entered her again and was fucking her so hard. She came some more and then it was his turn. I was hoping he would cum in her but I was a little nervous. He then did a few more deep strokes and told my wife he was going to cum. She then grabbed his tight ass cheeks and slammed them into her. He moaned as he came in my wife. I could not believe what had just happened. He stayed in her for awhile as they continued to kiss. I was not sure what to do but I knew I loved what I had just witnessed. I will write more later.


Posts: 13
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Keep it coming....


Posts: 1284
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The whole wheat bread is considered more nutritious than white wheat, generally ... however, some prefer rye.


Posts: 1284
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Is that relevant? Does that info help?


Posts: 44
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Back to my experience. I stood there in shock with many emotions racing through my head. My wife had just had sex with a hung black guy, who she had been friends with for years. Was this really her first time with a black guy, how will she react when she finds out I know, and will she let me watch at some point when she knows I'm in the room. I really believe this was her first time with a black man because she has always been honest with me, at least as far as I know she has. I also believe it was because George's dick was very tight in her pussy, and I know it would not have been that tight had she had black dick before. Her pussy lips were stretched to the hilt around his beautiful black dick. I wanted to walk into my bedroom so bad and eat his cum out of my wife's pussy and clean up his cock with my mouth, but I knew I couldn't at that time. Instead, I stood there awhile longer and was hoping he would hurry up and pull out of my wife. About five minutes later he finally pulled out and his cum ran out of her pussy onto the sheets, on my side of course. I knew I had to leave at that point or I was going to cum in my pants. I then crept back out and got into and left. I had no idea where to go or what to do.
I drove around for awhile and then decided to drive by George's business which is about four minutes from our house. The business is a small clothing store for blacks. I knew it opened late, but was not sure what time. I also knew he had been married to a black lady, but was not sure if they were still married. I drove by his store and saw it was only open Tuesday thru Sunday from 10 to 6. It was now 9:15 so I knew he would be leaving my house soon and going to work. I jotted down the phone number and then went back to work. When I got back to work I called m wife and talked with her briefly as if nothing had happened. She told me she was doing chores around the house, and mentioned one of them as washing clothes.
After I talked with her I got up the nerve to call George. I told him who I was and he sounded very surprised. I told George that this was very akward for me, but that I just wanted to tell him thank you for fucking my wife like she deserved to be fucked. He did'nt say anything at first but then asked if this was a joke. I then told George what I had planned to do for my birthday and he then knew it was not a joke. I told him I was not mad at all, that I had always wanted my wife to fuck a black guy. After I told George this he seemed much more relaxed. We then talked for several minutes. I told George I had not really planned it that way, but that I was glad it happened that way because it took the presure off me. I asked George to be honest and tell me if he had ever fucked her before. He said he had always wanted to in high school and after, but that she was not interested. He also told me his best friend Ray had tried talking her into it also but she never gave him any either. I told him she had said they (George and Ray) had fucked some of her friends but she could never have done it. I also told him as far as I knew she had only been with white guys. He then said he was sure she had only been with white guys to because if she had black dick she would have been addicted to it from that point on, and he knows he would have had her as well as Ray. George said it was well worth the wait though as my wife had some of the tightest and best pussy he has ever had.
I asked George how this came about and he said my wife called him one day at his shop. They talked for awhile and she told him about the pics of black guys I had sent her. She told him that since she saw those pics she cold not stop thinking about black cock and she had to try it. She told George she knew from her friends in high school that he was hung and knew he wanted to fuck her in high school. She then asked him if it was to late and George said he told her hell no. Then they set up a time and date. I told George I could not hear all they said but only pieces hear and there. I asked him what was said prior to her taking off his condom. George said my wife asked him to take it off because she did not like condoms and she wanted to feel his black skin against her pink pussy. He told her what if you get pregnant and she said she was not worried because she has not been able to get pregnant for years, plus she had just gotten off her period a couple of days ago. She also told him that he had her so hot and horny that it did'nt matter if she got pregnant, she was willing to take the chance just so she could feel his dick bareback. This made me very excited when George told me this, as I knew she was now addicted to black cock and would be wanting more.
I asked George if they had made plans to fuck my wife again and he said they were planning on Monday at his house. I asked George if he would try to talk with my wife about letting Ray join in as well. He said he would be glad to do this as her pussy was to good to have by himself. I then asked him if I could watch him, and hopefully Ray also, fuck her in his house. He said if thats what I want then he can make it happen. I also told him not to worry about condoms because she needed to feel black dick bareback, plus it makes me even more excited. He told me he knew there were white guys that loved to watch their wife get fucked, but that I was the first for him.
We then made plans to make this happen on Monday. In the mean time I'm not sure what I will do or say to my wife. I know I will be making more detailed plans with George in the next day or so. I will keep everyone informed.


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I forgot to mention one thing, I wish I would have sent those pics of black cock along time ago. I did'nt know the sight of hung black dicks had so much power over white women. At least it did for my wife thank goddness.
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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Great story! Can't wait to read more.
Peter C


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I talked with George today and he said he will definately be fucking my wife on Monday. He told me he had talked with her today and they made plans. He said she would be telling me that she had work to do in her classroom and that she was droping the kids off with grandparents. She thinks I will be at work so she is not concerned with that. George told me she was very excited and that she said she could not wait to fuck him again, this time all day long, because George does not open up his shop on Mondays.
I asked George if he was excited also and he said he could not wait to fuck my hot petite wife again. He said this time would be even better because he had all day to make her his black cock slut. I asked George if he had asked her about Ray joining them and he said he did but that she said she was not ready for two black dicks right now. I then suggested that once he got her good and horny, he should have Ray pop in like he had just come by to visit. Then we could see how it turns out. He told me he would think about it.
I then asked George if he could try to do two things to her that she refuses to let me do, and that was fuck her in the ass and cum in her mouth. He then guaranteed me that this would be done before the day was over saying that once he got her hornier than she has ever been, she will do anything he wants her to. He also told me that he was going to be more aggresive this time and that she won't be able to tell him no. I am not to sure what he meant by the last part of his sentence, but I did not question him. We talked awhile longer and planned how I would get to his residence and where I would be while he fucked my wife. Before we hung up George asked me if I was still sure that this is what I wanted, because Jennifer (my wife) was going to get fucked even harder this time, and that after this fucking she was going to get Monday she will never want my little dick again. I told George that this was what I wanted and that I thought she was already hooked on his big dick now anyway. He laughed and said I was probably right. I then asked him how many white women he had been with and he said Jennifer made it 17, and that she was in the top three for the best pussy he had ever had. I told him I was glad he enjoyed it so much and that maybe should would be his best after Monday. He told me it was very possible. I told George I would call him back Sunday and make the final plans. Until then I will just continue acting as if nothing has happened. So far it has been going good, but its getting harder each day not confronting her with what I know. I am still not sure when I will confront her, but I know it will not be until after Monday. I have to watch her at least one more time without her knowing I am there. I will post more later.


Posts: 97
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Hey Skim,

What is wrong with good ole fashioned baby making sex with a White guy?

Your concept of having your wife bred is similar to my ultimate fantasy except that I am the sole sperm donor!

Where are you located?


Posts: 44
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Hey pleaser6

We live in Georgia and to answer your other question there is nothing wrong with "good ole fashioned baby making sex with a white guy". Hell I've impregnated two women, one of them being my wife. I have just always liked black guys fucking white women. I started watching porn in my late teens and in one of the scenes in a movie I had rented there was an interracial scene with Sean Michaels and some hot white girl. Just the sight of his dark skin against her white skin was a huge turn on, and has been ever since. Once I saw that scene I was hooked on interracial sex. The only porn movies I would rent after that is those involving interracial scenes and then movies that only have interracial scenes. Now after all of those years of watching interracial porn, I finally get to watch it in permister with my wife being the hot white womann this time. I also much say watching it in permister with my wife being the one fucked, is a 100 times better than watching it in a movie with people you don't know. Also, if she happens to get pregnant then I will deal with it, this day and time more white women are fucking blacks anyway so it is becoming more common each and every day to see mixed kids.


Posts: 1822 Pictures: 5 
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I don't think race should matter either but I think skim720 likes the idea of his wife being bred by a black bull what ever makes you and your wife happy. Just make sure you have a plan and a idea of how this going to work out. People have been doing this for years there is nothing new under the sun so I say go for it I want to see your wife black bred. Now I want to see a thread where a black husband wants his sexy black wife bred by a big white cock that would be hot. Good luck skim720 let us now if your wife get black bred but post pictures to.


Posts: 13 Pictures: 1 
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This sounds kind of like one of those made up sex stories in a magain.

skim720 can you take pics of them fucking come monday? If so try to have the date on the pics that'd instantly prove it is REAL. i just see too much fake crap on here to sort it all out.
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Opinions about wife getting black bred
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