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Black baby

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What do you tell your family and hubby when the baby comes out black?Has this happen to anyone?
Habib Maamria


Posts: 321
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It has happened to many white families that I know and 9 times out of 10 they should just say "I am so sorry. I made a mistake" and after the initial huge shock the whole thing is eventually accepted and life is moved on.

No worries.


Posts: 140
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thats why i am pro abortion. it also helps lower crime.


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Habib Maamria
Someone in your family been knocked up by a black man?


Posts: 116
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RedNeck- We are taking a break to reevaluate but my wife did spend the better part of a year trying to get pregnant by one of four different black men. Of course, hubby knew, and we had a plan in place for family and friends. We started to talk of wanting to adopt a baby. Had she become in a family way, she would move in with the daddy before she started showing too much and stay until she gave birth. Fortunately she had taken long term job assignments away from home in the past and the family and all would be led to believe she had taken another one. The "adoption" would coincide with her return home.

imgudnuf- How can you know that the permister aborted might not have become the policeman who stopped crime, or do you assume that all black people are criminals?



Posts: 140
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its a fact blacks commit way more crime than any other race period! its not worth the chance of having a little niglet when 99 out of 100 will commit many crimes. pro abortion!!!


Posts: 108
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I could really get into a deep debate with dickheads like imgudnuf and any one like him (or her). I am a white male brought in a very predjudiced country, "Australia" but I beleive with all my heart that there is no place for this cuckolds brownie (racialism)anywhere. Racial or religious intolereance is the curse of this world. Sorry for getting off subject but I cannot tolerate total cunts. (Is that being racialist?)


Posts: 116
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wallrob57- I too am tempted to get into it with imgudnuf but it would not be constructive since it would all go over his/her head/heads anyway. It is embarrassing to know that there are still such people. I cant help but wonder if imgudnuf is interested in ***ing only black babies or is his/her thing genocide accross the board.

Brenda- I agree with you to some extent. It is a shame that these things have to be a big deal, but to many they still are.


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"its a fact blacks commit way more crime than any other race period!"

That is nonsense.

We commit less crime than the white man and white woman and most of the crime we do commit stems from white racism.


Posts: 80 Pictures: 2 
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Hey "black_man_loves_Dog_Pecker" , you are full of crap, but, you already knew that didn't you. Racism comes in every color, idiot, as does stupidity. Your facts regarding "who commits more crime" and "why" is really off, but, people, like you, live in a fantasy and have a tendency to try to switch blame and or pass the buck. The facts are that blacks do commit a majority of certain crimes, because they want to, and whether this offends you or not, means little to me, but, you aren't going to lie and get away it. Leave the lie-department for your new El Presidente Obongo!


Posts: 80 Pictures: 2 
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Hey "black_man_loves_Dog_Pecker" , you are full of crap, but, you already knew that didn't you. Racism comes in every color, idiot, as does stupidity. Your facts regarding "who commits more crime" and "why" is really off, but, people, like you, live in a fantasy and have a tendency to try to switch blame and or pass the buck. The facts are that blacks do commit a majority of certain crimes, because they want to, and whether this offends you or not, means little to me, but, you aren't going to lie and get away it. Leave the lie-department for your new El Presidente Obongo!


Posts: 525
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You say:
"Ladies and Gentlmen, I give you the President of the United States!"

Obama's parents may or may not have actually been married, but his dad was already married in Africa, which makes him illicit product of interracial lust in my book. Go Pres!


Posts: 65
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Skin color does not cause criminal behavior. However, socio-economic status is associated with commission of crimes. Minorities do commit more crime (or at least are more often prosecuted for more crimes) than whites.... BUT >>>>>>> Within the same economic standing there is no difference in crime rate between whites or minorities groups. Wealthy blacks have no higher crime rate that wealthy whites and poor blacks have no higher crime rate than poor whites. In other words... it is not race, color, or ethnicity that is associated with crime.... it is clearly poverty that is the important variable. It can mislead some morons because there are more minorites living in poverty than whites. Thus some whites mistakenly think that in some way skin color is associated with crime.
There you have it.


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I had come here to check out some porn and get my J On...but now I can do all that and be educated at the same tme
This really is a Great site!!!!!


Posts: 516
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I hear stuff in here that I dont hear anywhere else.....who are all these great thinkers in here and why are they not out at the great institutions enlightening all the rest of us???? Missy


Posts: 455
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Back to the original question, one good escape route from undesirable questioning is to hide the pregnancy as much as you can, then later take a trip to some far away country and come back with the 'adopted young'.


Posts: 1284
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Very creative idea! My wife says what first made her thrilled about being with a black guy was his skin colour; second, the way he performed in bed (not gentle at all and capable of satisfying her for much longer time); and third, the possibility of getting pregnant by a black man. After some time she started increasing the probability of that happening by not taking the pill and not letting Mark wear condoms, besides letting him cum into her soft vagina, of course. Can you guess?


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the truth will set you free


Posts: 1284
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Now she's been saying to me that sharing sex with her tough black lover will get her worn out faster. Go understand women!
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Interracial Cuckold / Interracial Cuckold /
Black baby
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