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Posts: 285
Quoting: vanilla_thrilla republican dick sucking piece of hypocritical backwash that runs out of Dick Cheney's ass. HA-HA-HA  ....I knew i could get his "potato couch" ass out here on this one.You are as predictable as an asshole with five lbs. of prunes on the way....Yes,i got your number.....You leftwing Hillary lovin', "non-veteran","I'm better than you" type of asshole...Love the way your're always tryin' to impress everyone with your phony horsecuckolds brownie,...."Mr Wikipedia" "Nice asses only,please"
Posts: 285
Quoting: rain311973 Please tell me you are not from Arkansas!!!! No little Johnny,I'm from a state that is a true commonwealth.It's motto is in latin(hey Mr Ted Kennedy asshole... Yeah V.t. ,You should be able to read Latin)........"Sic Semper Tyrannis"....So "Drain",you will be happy to know that i'm not from a filthly welfare state,like...um..Ohio for instance.. "Nice asses only,please"
Posts: 248
Hey Toad
will she let me clean up her pussy after she fucks??How many guys has she fucked and how many came in her skinny pussy???
thnx creampieman
Posts: 163
were wanting to set up a trip either to the Black Hills in December or "anywhere she can get fucked" next July.
Posts: 285
Quoting: vanilla_thrilla always get downwind of you! OH NO!...Please no.... Mr. Rosie O'Donnell's,"Ass Crack Cheese Mac".....Y ou should be standing up wind,my boy!.....So all the real men you desire,can be standing accordingly to smell your tampax full of Channel 19....And i'd bet a box of Hillary's condoms against your plugs,that when one of your guy "friends" parks his "Brown Hound" bus right up your ass,you demand the reach around too....,or you'll have a "Hissy"...... "Nice asses only,please"
Posts: 285
HAAAAAAAAAA.....Hey,.......Let's write a book together..."Sex,Politics, and the American Taxpayer"....To be honest man,everyone of those ladyfuckers in D.C. are crooks.Clinton is a "behind the door pal" of Giuliani,which most people do not realize.....So anyway,go have a take.... "Nice asses only,please"
Posts: 671
nailhead please stop being a dick! I know its hard, but go somewhere else if your just gonna fuck with people..
Posts: 53
toad..ur wife is a hottie...pleez ingnore that dumb cretin of nailhead. nailhead- u are too much! i seriously doubt u have any notion of what is beautiful anyway. u are one seriously stupid ignoramous. piss off will ya sparrow
Posts: 163
Thanks Sparrow...here's one for you
Posts: 285
Quoting: sparrow1978 what is beautiful anyway Hey kids,....Guess what!My wife is comin' down for a four day visit(in a mode of moving) starting tomorrow......And...And....AND.....I'm going to show you(cause she's really got the ass like my ex,at "48 years old")ladyfuckers what a real woman looks like and why they CAN control.....I've just come to the conclusion,...."Fuck it"(after listen' to so much horsecuckolds brownie and bullcuckolds brownie),i'm go to show you the reamister why the Black(gentlemen)cock exists....You know the misterg,.."Betty Davis Eyes"...get my drift?You'll never see her face(she modeled in Dallas in the early 80's....was on airport billboards)....but,she is a cross between Sharon Stone and a Sandy Duncan grille(smile with teeth).......... "Nice asses only,please"
Posts: 285
Quoting: vanilla_thrilla I'll betcha few things here and now; 1) he gets a pic off the net...........2) whoever the woman is, even his real wife....they don't fuck him. ........3) he sends her out to seduce black men home so they can fuck him, not her. HAAAAAAAAAAA....You know our party is actually,"THE FORGIVING" ones,right?Well,i know that's bullcuckolds brownie from the start,however they've stuck to the hardcore "values beliefs system"(In our south).Yeah i know,that senator out west is a sorry excuse of a Fred Astair cockgobbler cuckolds browniehouse dancer..But would you have me say to this?I'm not a "red is thicker than water" joe,so oh well.....But i do know that WWII vets' horror is our reamistering in failure in the aftermather(in raising liberal fucking kids)of that event.....Go think on that one....I can't speak for others,but i'm as an honest mister of a bitch your ever gonna meet.And when i tell you we're not gonna 'round the Cape Horn,then you can kiss your good(gay,in your case)ass goodbye ....So you'll find the Colgate shortly here,in due time,in your reference above..... "Nice asses only,please"
Posts: 671
Nailhead... I guess this is your hobby huh??? Fucking with people who are actually here to discuss our lifestyles and get info from others to help enhance our lives. Please go fuck yourself with a riding lawnmower!!!
Posts: 285
Take it easy Tonto...We're all combined for a similar desire.We may all be different in other aspects and beliefs,but i believe in the same cuckolds brownie as you as far as this site........ "Nice asses only,please"
Posts: 671
Fuck You... Your beliefs are to take every relevant chat here and add your retarded fucking ramblings. I understand you have as much right as any of us to contribute here, but you do it in a negative, fucked up way... You must be a cop because they are the only group of people capable of being such pricks non stop... Why don't you go do something productive like getting blowjobs from lil kids at the School crossings! I know your one of those sick fucks that hangs your pud through the chain link fence at the preSchool! Sick twisted fuck!!!
Posts: 285
Quoting: rain311973 Fuck You Hi lil' buddy!...You are failing to understand how this all came about.I am a firm believer in minding my own business....However,there have been some,including yourself,if i remember correctly,that DID NOT.....So lady fucker,if you take a first shot at me,you can rest assure on your sorry assed lookin' skanky(she is probably a nice lady that does not know that her photo is here-I am a fair permister)wife,i'm gonna fire back with both bores.....Now shove that fuckin' thumb back in your mouth,asshole..... "Nice asses only,please"
Posts: 671
I don't believe I made any attack on you other than to agree with someone else on here that you apparently enjoy fucking with. I'll tell you one thing though... I think almost everytime I have ever gotten on here all I see is you making fucked up (stupid actually) comments about other people. or their story, or their pics. Who da fuck are you to judge anybody???? It pisses me off that other people have actually stopped posting because they get up the courage to actually post a pic and then you swoop down to tell them their wife has an eating disorder, or their gf is a fat hog, or go off on one of your stupid posts that make no sense at all. I like this site, and have spent more time here lately then ever before. I think it's a damned shame that people can't just act like humans instead of like the prick that you are. You get off on running your head... I know guys like you, and trust me... You ain't cuckolds brownie and you know it so the only way you can feel any control or power is to try and be a dick over the computer... Thats where the cop comment earlier came from, becasue I haven't met a cop yet thats worth pissing on. I have never ever had any problems with the law... Only ever had 1 traffic ticket, but the kids I picked on in high school are just like you and cops! No class wannabees that never were, aren't now, and never will be... Now pull that thumb out of your dirty cuckolds browniehole and shove it back in your mouth cuckolds brownie burgler!!! I'm out of here... C-Ya Loser... LOL!!!!!
Posts: 285
Quoting: vanilla_thrilla .......most Republicans are in the higher tax brackets and can afford a good education And a good late afternoon to you my good friend.Correct me if i am wrong here,..if you please.....Was or was it not,that William Jeffermister Clinton was one of the most educated presidents ever to serve?....I think we all know the answer to that one don't we...YES!....And from that,we can state......"A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE"....That stupid ladyfucker couldn't manage a cash register at Winn Dixie.You know what gets me though(and i'm no Bush man by a long shot),is there makin' fun of Bush's speaking abilities...Well,for the record..I doubt Slick Willy could fly a F15 jet(who do we know that could do that?)....Hey,i guess a liberal Berkeley school can produce more cowards and criminals like Clinton to sell snake oil to the public.......... "Nice asses only,please"
Posts: 671
More political talk!!! Clinton was the best president we ever had as long as the qualifications for "best" include cheating on your lesbo wife with a big fat intern and fucking her with a very nice (& illegal) Cuban cigar! Bush can't find his ass with both hands and waits on the crooked fuck Cheney to make the decisions for him...
Posts: 285
Quoting: rain311973 Clinton was the best president Rainman shossh up....Do as your told or i'll call your wife on you(and she ain't gonna like the fact you been puttin' photos of her on here concerning black dicks)and all hell will come down...... "Nice asses only,please"
Posts: 457
You want to set up a trip you should come my way over to Hawaii. I live a block from the beach in a two story house. Me and your wife could relax upstairs while you slept downstairs.....I think she is beautiful man...thin...but beautiful
Posts: 285
Quoting: vanilla_thrilla best president America has had in MY lifetime. Reagan was mine....Now that ladyfucker had balls...Instead of lettin' terrorists get away until they scored a TD,he'd try to ******* 'em quick.... "Nice asses only,please"
Posts: 53
thks for the pic toad...wish i was near u. would love to fuck her sensless sparrow
Posts: 53
nailhead....u dont know much about ur own cuntry do u...reagan was a cuckolds brownie actor & even worse president - wot a moron - u and him would have made beautiful love together...bet u jacked off a few times over his picture ha ha sparrow
Posts: 23
Feed her some hamburger or something. Sick sick sick
Posts: 341
First off: Hey Toad, ur wife is lovely, with a dammbootiful pussy. why this nailheaded prick chose ur thread to run smack, who but for that nekk will ever know. But thanx 4 sharing her; she definitely has her own look.
2nd: For the nailneck, hey, dipcuckolds brownie, Nancy OWNED Ronny's balls -- where the hell were u in the eighties?
3rd: Are u seriously trying to run your weak-assed, quasi-political, sycophantic takes here, on a mudderfukking CUCKOLD LIFESTYLE WEBSITE?? U r joking, right? Why donchya get a blog? Then u can attract some of ur own kind -- morons willing to bend over and take it up the sphincter from a bunch of grown-up privileged brats w/out a clue about world diplomacy or constitutional governance, and who willingly send others to die, although they themselves received deferrmetn after deferrment.
4thly and lastly: join the 2000s hillbilly
out droogs
So why don't we get back on topic here? I find toad's petite wife far more interesting than pub talk about a few men that I wouldn't want my wife to relax with if they were they only men alive on this planet. If I wanne listen to bullcuckolds brownie, I'll watch a few Cheers videoes. At least that's entertaining.
toad, I love your wife's body. Please, please, pretty please post more pics!
Posts: 248
Hey Toad, I agree with renebe please show more of wife I luv her hairy pussy does she like to have it licked and sucked???I would luv to clean up a creampie from her.How many guys have cum in that pussy????
Posts: 163
Thanks for the kind comments on my wife. Dropknee...Don't know that we can afford that trip but it sure sounds fucking hot!! Sparrow...you can fuck her senseless then let creampie eat lick and suck her pussy. SHE LOVES TO HAVE HER PUSSY LICKED AND CLIT SUCKED!
I will post some more pics soon. Just would be nice to not have them in the middle of the bullcuckolds brownie that's going on this thread.
Posts: 53
sounds great toad...id fuck left her left right & centre - does she like it in the ass? i aint a cum sucker but i can leave a huge load for u. whats ur email? sparrow