i was out doing my errands today and saw the hottest little blonde slut and her bull. they were probably married as they had what looked to be a 12month old love young with them and she had a ring on her finger. ( i assume she was married to him cuz if she had a cuck he would have been watching the baby, right?)
anyhow i was at the shop next to the barber shop they were in she was petite wear high heel sandles a mid length flowing summer skirt and a tight silky camisole top she looked sooooo hot a very petite girl. when she bent over i saw no panty line so either she was wearing very thin skimpy panties or maybe he didnt allow her panties at all because she wore no bra. he was in typical baggies and B-ball jersey.
i was so enjoying watching them standing there in my sissy white low rise girl jeans and pink crop top the lace trim of my silky panties showing that i didnt see all the brothers looking at me. i was holding my dry cleaning ( skirts and dresses i had to have the cum taken out of) they ran me off calling me names like sissy and faggot and sperm burrper.
i wish i had the chance to tell her how beautiful she and her baby were and maybe ask for her panties to sniff or at least had the chance to ask if they needed a sissy maid!
anyway they were hot and i was so hard allthough no one could tell! reno sissy cuck