Posts: 83
Looks like they are making a serious movie about cuckolding. This doesn't look like a regular porn movie but rather a serious look at interracial cuckolding!
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Very exciting!! [email protected]
Marc williams
Posts: 689
I can't wait to see it!! I'm sure i speak for everyone here!!! marc-br549
Posts: 33
i dont understand some bi guy made some short story so whats the meaning he was scare to show his face, lionellbrown
Posts: 5
Quoting: NJ_Cpl Looks like they are making a serious movie about cuckolding. This doesn't look like a regular porn movie but rather a serious look at interracial cuckolding! The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! Very exciting!! I viewed the trailer. Most of it has a speech given by this black guy about how the earliest and greatest civilizations were built by blacks, e.g. the pyramids being a black creation and black men cracking the whip etc. and that somehow the whites took over. I get very tired of that kind of ahistorical rubbish. I know it massages black feelings and gives them pride and so on but it is all false. Egyptian civilization was a white thing no matter how one looks at it, except for the very last dynasties of pharoahs which were in a period of terrible decline and fall. The ancient Egyptians were known to literally lord it over the black Nubians to their south and to test their swords on them. They held them in great contempt and didn't even appreciate them as slaves. Mary Lefkowitz's book NOT OUT OF AFRICA takes on many of these black pride myths and deconstructs them one after another. She too got very tired of the lies and misrepresentations. It is just sad to see the same crap regurgitated in a move that is supposed to be about sex and not racial politics. Or is it?
Posts: 3
Some of you are taking all of this waayyy too far. The black on blonde gig, is fantasy. Sure, some people live the fantasy and love it. That is good for them. BUT anyone who seriously thinks one race is superior over another is completely goofy. Society moves forward, it changes. You move forward, you change or you become history. We, in this country, have developed, even though few citizens even care to think about it any more, a social system whose original hypocritical beginings, because of its inate truth, continues to grow into one that benefits those who demonstrate superiority in action. I would like to believe that that superiority was one of character, but then I would be deceiving myself. The point is, in this society, if it is indeed going to survive and grow is going to have to continue moving forward, providing reward for accomplishment, not race, not parents, not religion.
Let's all hope that happens. And in the mean time, here in our special place, lets leave the race for the fantasies. I enjoy the black on my blonde wife fantasy. Mostly because I have a Modonna/whore complex. I don't feel the least bit inferior. I enjoy the fantasy that she is my submissive cock loving slut and she enjoys being one. However, I never forget that the little slut who is servicing my thick seven inches and our black friends at the same time, in real life is a very responsible and intellligent doctor. We just like to have fun.
Posts: 68
For many of us, the whole "cuckold" fantasy has notihng to DO with race.
That's just a vocal minority that seems to have taken over the discussion (like conservatives).
meanwhile, more specifically, the "film" (if it IS anything more than that trailer) looks like crap.
could the couple be any more porn stereotypical?
Dick Diva
Posts: 314
Here is a real woman talking about it on her blog at this link
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! Vancouver BC, Canada
Posts: 170
Does anyone know when the movie will be released?
Posts: 25
Quoting: marvin2001 Does anyone know when the movie will be released? Its not. They are a group of homosexual racists .
Posts: 720
#10 · Edited by: Turkish_Master
I am laughing this bullcuckolds brownie discussion so loudly. Men, you are into sharing your wives or gf, ok. Thats all. Lets deal, Please stop talking about races and other craps, here there is an enormous BULL market for you and just choose the right one for you huh ? Black, Turkish, Italian, "even" asian BULLS -no I am not racist but you know reality about this matter - So take it easy and go on wanking by dreaming how we will fcuk your sexy wives, gfs ;) Skype: Turkish.Master...Life is Life la la la la la....
Posts: 1
Why didn't they release the movie?
Posts: 265
For me its simply size and endurance and how well the bull performs with the women. However the race issue does play in if you fantasize about the bull getting the wife pregnant. At least if your in the same race the husband could claim it is his. If its mixed that would be pretty hard to claim. So the act of a black man having sex with my wife adds more risk than just losing my wife to him, but also her getting pregnant. Does that make me racist? I don't think so, just into the risk always present in the cuckolding lifestyle.
Posts: 1132
Having said that, I could fuck your wife, make her pregnant, she could have my baby, and you would never know. Which is more teasing?
Posts: 1210
there is no denying the black skin on white skin taboo and the underlying american slave history fuels the flames. you know damn good and well there were slaves fucking the white women and at least a few of the white husbands were getting off on it.
Posts: 209
Just to add my input to this, for me its a color contrast and size issue. I enjoy seing large dark skin cocks going into white pussy. Black pussy does nothing for me....its not attractive. And yes I realize pussy is all pink (most of the time) but the skin color is the kicker. I certainly don't think the black race is superior, but there are many people who do, and I might add that those people are mostly black. Examples....the black panther party, Oprah, Jesse Jackmister, Kanye West, Barack & Michele Obama. I would gladly run them all down with my car but I'm just saying there are people who are still angry at whites and are looking for payback and harbor racist feelings.
Posts: 1132
Yep, that's what it boils down to. But some people are less able to understand that their fantasies are just fantasies. I don't think that is altogether healthy.
Posts: 6281
Iys probably not - I know its not But I'm a weak man when it come to the flesh Poor Scarf
Posts: 15
this movie ever going to come out ?
Posts: 677
isnt it a bit degrading to enter the racial thingie into cuckolding? stupid questions dont exist...
stupid answers however....
Posts: 6281
Quoting: luvpain isnt it a bit degrading to enter the racial thingie into cuckolding? Your right it is - and there is absolutely no room from degradation in cuckolding!! Here! Here!
Posts: 1852
for me its all about power and vulnerability. its a spiritual thing to be totally vulnerable and see how much i can endure. the more i can endure the better permister i become and for Women and Alpha Black men exerting their power and dominance makes sense to building up their self esteem. now its true the Alpha male doesn't have to be black but i don't see anything wrong with serving a Dominant Black Man and any woman of any color or anything wrong with them degrading us submissive white boys. either