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Damn straight I am an asshole! I will not deny it. You are also right that I am not the pope. Congrats on figuring out that mystery. I was kinda confused about that. Now, granted, I have no idea what that has to do with anything. Do you commonly go off on tangents in an attempt to derail the subject? The original subject being that you where acting like a bitch to the nice lady that posted her stuff here.

I also know an ignorant bitch when i see one on the internet, you seem to be fitting into that profile nicely.


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Wonderful pics Queen!
(Forever your humbel subject)
Worthless pussylicker
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: cucklife2
Damn straight I am an asshole!

At last,,,we've finally gotten an honest response from you. However,,,since you have no idea of the differences between a statement of fact, and an analogy, we'll have to add ignorant to that description.
Quoting: cucklife2
Do you commonly go off on tangents in an attempt to derail the subject? The original subject being that you where acting like a bitch to the nice lady that posted her stuff here.

I go off on tyrads, ranting, and yes "tangents", when I find myself defending against ridiculous statements a fifth grader would question. As for the "original subject"??? Boy, have you missed the boat, perhaps you should go back and read the first page of this thread. I did nothing but compliment the original poster, except for her adaptation of credit she took that wasn't really deserved. To which I then spent the rest of this thread defending myself from be called everything in the book. Next time you join a debate in the middle, perhaps you might do a little research. But in the meantime, you know what they say, admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving it, so hopefully your assholeness will decrease in time, and with a little luck, so will your ignorance.


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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
At last,,,we've finally gotten an honest response from you. However,,,since you have no idea of the differences between a statement of fact, and an analogy, we'll have to add ignorant to that description.

Did you forget to put on your brain hat this morning or are you just that fucking stupid? Read and UNDERSTAND your own post and mine before you make an idiot out of yourself.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
but compliment the original poster, except for her adaptation of credit she took that wasn't really deserved.

...And you where a bitch about it. It's is a fucking name on an internet forum! How fucking retarded are you? Your post was unwarrented in rudeness and fucking retarded for thinking a name means something.

I watched the thread from the start. I usualy just watch until the offending idiot stops. You, the offending idiot, did not give up. That is when i got involved.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Beautiful lady,,,but sex with a black cock & a condom is just like sex with a black dildo and a condom. Black cock lover? Definately,,,but royalty? I think you're gonna have to step up your game if you want to lay claim to a title,,,royalty takes the seed!

There was NO need to add that last part? Why would you. It adds nothing to the thread. I can think of several different ways that you could have said the same thing without being a bitch.

Maybe that is the problem. Maybe you aren't a bitch. Maybe you just need to work on your communication s*******s. To keep denying your bitch post means that you are one. If you can at least admit that it came off harsh, then maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks.

There is nothing wrong with being an asshole. I am proud that I am. I can polarize people against me very quickly. The differeance is that I always do it for the greater good and can just as quickly get people back to my side. My 1337ness is over-whelming bitch!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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"Mr. Vice President,,,I knew J.F.K.,,,and you're no J.F.K. Now that's harsh,,,maybe some one this forum are a little thin skinned, cause everybody seemed to come down on the V.P. for that one. I have to admit to being a bit stymied by your continued referrence to "1337", but hey, I'm just a stupid bitch.


Posts: 54
#126 · Edited by: fingertax
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Whatever,,,it's all here for people to decide for themselves, like I said, I'm okay with that.

Have a gold star, troll. What a cliffhanger! But wait, there is more you want everyone to see:

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
As for the "original subject"??? Boy, have you missed the boat, perhaps you should go back and read the first page of this thread. I did nothing but compliment the original poster, except for her adaptation of credit she took that wasn't really deserved.

Was that when you called her a cunt and said she should call herself queen of condoms? Or how about when you started this whole debacle on the premise of sex with a condom being just masturbation? If that's you're idea of "nothing but complimenting", not only are you inept, you're delusional.

And we've been over this. In spite of how inane you calling someone out for a nickname inherently is, Queen does "deserve" to call herself what she does because she likes sex with black men. Each of your successive claims to the nature of your objection has been completely debunked and now your just left with saying "whatever" and dramatically announcing to us all you are apparently "done" with this thread. LOL.

You seem to be a big fan of honesty in internet nicknames. Maybe you should change yours to "well aged troll"?


Posts: 17
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
I have to admit to being a bit stymied by your continued reference to "1337"

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! Love it, live it, learn it.
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! Same as above.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
I'm just a stupid bitch.

Finally! Thank you!

This is to a few people:
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It has a built in spell checker. While internet slang is great, misspellings are not :P Just a friendly reminder
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