Posts: 54
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I see, you mean the husbands who unwittingly were raising another man's young that was conceived while wearing a condom??? You can't have it both ways, if cucking includes condoms, then where are these youngren coming from? Oh yeah,,,condoms aren't 100%, I forgot, my bad, it must be alzheimers.
. . .
Sorry again, but I fail to see the need for a course in "ebonics", I have no plans on taking up any other languages either, apparently it's a pointless venture, since by your standards all the words will have different meanings as soon as the next new fad comes along.
I see you've managed to confuse yourself again. It has never been my claim that pregnancy or a risk of it is in anyway intrinsic to cuckoldry; that's what you have been arguing. Unlike you, when chatting the internet, I speak modern English - not the 12th century variety. So when I want a definition, I'll go to a recent dictionary. It doesn't even need to be slang or Ebonics flavored - a standard Oxford will do.
You see, I was explaining to you that your claim that your objections stemmed "from the origins" of the term were just as incorrectly based as your ignorance of the current usage. Since your young isn't secretly illegitimate, your husband isn't anymore a cuckold, by your apparent take on the term, than Queen's is. Oh, and be sure to keep me informed on how your crusade to have 90% of the threads on this site (you know the ones where Hubby actually knows what's going on) moved to the new "Wittolry" forum. Not to mention all the threads that talk about girlfriends cheating on their men rather than married as the almighty origin of the word demands. You've got your work cut out for you.
But please - after all I am the one arbitrarily making up new meanings for words - could you reference a single definition of cuckold that specifically mentions a required risk of pregnancy (as opposed to actual illegitimate conception and raising, as the origin dictates)?
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
There ya go, mis-quoting me again. I didn't say you weren't famous,,,I said you and your ilk were "dumbed down".
No, you were saying that you were somehow separate from "the masses" that required "dumbing down". Trust me, Gran, you're a member of the same primate species as the rest of us. A word changing usage slightly over 800 years of time is a necessity of social change, but please continue crying a river over it for us all. It's quite amusing.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
P.P.S. Ya know,,,this is an adult site, with adult content, you're required by law to be over 18 to sign in,,,you're risking us losing this site by being on it. Come back in,,,hmmm, I'm guessing 2 or 3 years.
Posts: 54
#93 · Edited by: fingertax
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Back-peddling and more assorted idiocy.
Better a parasite than a troll, sweetheart. It's been fun, but you don't even seem to remember what you're arguing anymore. Such is the curse of the golden years though, I suppose! By all means please do continue - your combination of hubris and stupidity is delightful entertainment.
Your objections to Queen's nick have been noted and categorically demonstrated to be ignorance and hipocrisy. Queen has just as much a right to call herself a queen of spades as you do calling your shoddy work cuckold porn. Sex with a condom is still sex. Cuckolding with a condom is still cuckolding. By "the origins of the term" 90% of this site has no business having cuckold in its title or description - and neither do your videos.
The only dumbing down that has been showcased in this thread, Gran, was the hilarious unraveling of your feeble grasp on the English language as you scurry from one undefensible and quite incorrect stance to another.
Posts: 1096
"""hipocrisy"""(hypocrisy), """fun, but"""" (fun but), """"arguing anymore""""(arguing about anymore), """golden years""" (golden-years), """continue - your combination"""" (continue, the combination), """queen of spades""" (queen-of-spades), ""sex. Cuckolding""" (sex; cuckolding), """term" 90%"""" (term", 90%), """description - and""" (description and) [that one is VERY bad], ""dumbing down""" (dumbing-down), """"feeble grasp on""" (feeble-grasp of), """quite incorrect""" (quite-incorrect).
Funny how the spelling-flame guys always end up making mistakes.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: fingertax Back-peddling and more assorted idiocy.
There ya go,,,just hit the "quote" button, then type in your own quote for me,,,you don't have to quote things I actually said, when you can create your own.
Quoting: fingertax but you don't even seem to remember what you're arguing anymore.
That is a REAL quote from you by the way,,,I've done nothing but point out and remind you what the original dispute was, YOU"RE the one who hasn't grasped it from the beginning, you have only to go back and re-read this thread (as does anyone else), to see that you're obviously an antagonist who derives his pleasure from creating discontent. To argue with you in hopes of clarifying my position is pointless, you don't seek knowledge, you seek conflict. That being said, you're an immature asshole who can go fuck himself, go get your kicks somewhere else.
P.S. I'm gonna tell your parents what you've been up to, so I guess they'll take your PC away for a couple of weeks,,,till you learn your lesmister.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Cunt? CUNT??? Of course you realize this means war, every post you make I'll be there, every mis-spelled word I'll point out, every stupid statement will be debunked. Shut the fuck up? If that's what you wanted, you made a big mistake,,,dispite what you may read in THIS thread, you'd be surprised what a girl giving away free pussy can get other people to do for her,,,get ready for your life to get real interesting.
ROFL...awesome. Not only did you threaten me with cyberstalking, but now I am insured against any accidents for the rest of my life because that last comment, dear old MoM, constitutes an *actual* threat.
I bet you feel all mighty and powerful now! Do I call the FBI now, or later?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Facers ROFL...awesome. Not only did you threaten me with cyberstalking, but now I am insured against any accidents for the rest of my life because that last comment, dear old MoM, constitutes an *actual* threat.
I bet you feel all mighty and powerful now! Do I call the FBI now, or later?
You're ROTFL??? Now I really know I'm dealing with an idiot,,,tell ya what,,,NOW!!! That's right, go ahead and call them now. I swear to God, if I gave a cuckolds brownie I'd actually go get their number for you, but since I can't be a fly on the wall when you call them, it looses some of it's punch. If you've read any of my responses to your previous posts (as no doubt the FBI will before they send out homeland security), you'll see I've already exposed you as a nutjob and a wannabe. In fact,,,since there's always one in every crowd, the guy in their office that they pick on will probably be called "Facer" from now on, LOL. FUCK OFF ASSHOLE!!!
P.S. Re-read what I posted, then go check with a lawyer,,,better yet (LOL), call the FBI and ask them what they think,,,Holy Shit,,,I can read the headlines now,,,An internet blogger who goes by the name of "Facer" filed a complaint with the FBI today, Mr. So-n-so (who resides at 123 Main St. Everytown). In his complaint, he claims while responding to a blog on a site where Mr. So-n-so was trying to find people to have sex with his wife (while he sat in a chair and pleasured himself), in the course of banter between himself and a female blogger, he referred to her using derogatory terms (see deposition). The blogger in return accused him of being less than honest and threatened to expose him, which she did post haste. Mrs. So-n-so was not available for comment due to the fact that she's moved to an undisclosed location and is staying with relatives. Ha, Ha, Ha!!! Tell me,,,do you think there might be any female jurors (or shoud I just call them "CUNTS")? I'll have to have my lawyer introduce all the content of your posts, we may even have to make you drop your draws and show us that "average 8 inches", or the "approaching 9 incher" (it goes to pattern your Honor). Maybe we can even bring in your black boss's mister your wife conceived while you were plasuring yourself in the chair,,,how old is he these days? I know he was 18 months old in Feb 2007,,,just cant figure out how he wasn't around in Oct 2006. I'll tell ya one thing for sure, after all the coverage on FOX NEWS and all the others, I'm gonna sell a cuckolds brownieload of videos,,,did you call them yet, I can't wait forever, I have to get my nails done for the perp walk. If I make half the money Kathy Willets made I'll be set for life. I've already turned HBO's "America Undercover" down for a special they wanted to do on me, but with this kind of publicity I could get them to go close to 7 figures. Have you called them yet??? You're a joke!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: fingertax Be sure to keep us posted on how that turns out. For someone priding herself on being able to detect STDs by character, you've been a veritable Madame Cleo guessing mine with any accuracy.
It never occurred to you that I don't have to be correct about guessing your true self? My statement referred to how you were acting. As for my accuracy of detecting STD's by charachter, well,,,what can I say, if you claim to be the best shot in the world, and you've never missed, than regardless of what people think, you ARE the best. I've never had an STD, ergo, my judgment is 100% on, so I guess that make me a perfect jude in that respect. After you've eliminated all the possibilities, no matter how improbable the alternatives are, you are left with an unargueable fact.
Now go and play, and leave us grownups to do grown up stuff.
Posts: 54
#99 · Edited by: fingertax
"Grown up stuff" like trolling?
Like arbitrarily attacking a nice young lady that chose to share her pics over - of all the inane things - her internet nickname? Even better when your attacks are not only over something so trivial, but when they're actually founded entirely in your own ignorance of the terms you chose to youngishly pontificate on.
After all, no one will be bothered to look back at the first pages of this thread (there's some great interracial pics there by the way!) and see when you tried to explain to us all that sex with a condom was just masturbation (make believe sex, I believe you called it), or how "by the origins of the term" cuckold, a risk of pregnancy is required (it's not). Not to mention when you called Queen a cunt.
No you had better stick exclusively to thumping your chest about your revolutionary new STD detection techniques, and accusing the people - who you just finished threating to grammar-cyber-stalk - of being the ones who are a joke.
Menopause is a real bitch isn't it?
Posts: 17
Quoting: fingertax "Grown up stuff" like trolling?
Like arbitrarily attacking a nice young lady that chose to share her pics over - of all the inane things - her internet nickname? Even better when your attacks are not only over something so trivial, but when they're actually founded entirely in your own ignorance of the terms you chose to youngishly pontificate on.
After all, no one will be bothered to look back at the first pages of this thread (there's some great interracial pics there by the way!) and see when you tried to explain to us all that sex with a condom was just masturbation (make believe sex, I believe you called it), or how "by the origins of the term" cuckold, a risk of pregnancy is required (it's not). Not to mention when you called Queen a cunt.
No you had better stick exclusively to thumping your chest about your revolutionary new STD detection techniques, and accusing the people - who you just finished threating to grammar-cyber-stalk - of being the ones who are a joke.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: fingertax Like arbitrarily attacking a nice young lady that chose to share her pics over - of all the inane things - her internet nickname?
Next time you're in the hospital and an intern tells you he'll be performing your surgery, remember this thread,,,although he's not a surgeon, he calls himself one, so it should be okay. As for menopause being a bitch? I'll let you know when I go through it. And as for this forum,,,I'm a participant, not a lurker, come back after you've contributed something,,,then maybe someone of consequence might give your ramblings some credit.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: cucklife2 Quoting: fingertax
"Grown up stuff" like trolling?
Hmmm,,,nothing original to say? Now there's a surprise. Or is this your way of "arguing on the internet" without painting yourself into the same corner you did the last time you mistakenly opened your mouth before putting your foot in it?
Posts: 684
Once again we have the thought police stalking anyone with an independent mind and who can think for themselves. This is not China. Good communication s*******s means good language use. Good language is that which is clearly understood by others and which has some intellectual richness. Being based in Europe I am constantly amazed at visiting American college students who's parents have probably spent a lot of money on their youngrens' education yet the recipients of this privilege apeak ebonics - a dialect of limited communication. I am not saying we should revert to Chaucerian English but that we shouldn't criticise - in a free society - pople views or how they speak. That we may not feel any empathy with people who cannot express themselves or who's sexual interests we do not share is a permisteral preference not a political belief. Why does debate here always mean argument. Save the lynchings for the history books.
Posts: 51
She have fucket without condom to. Her Ass was fucked bare.
I love it dont hesitate to mail me :-)
Posts: 54
#105 · Edited by: fingertax
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Next time you're in the hospital and an intern tells you he'll be performing your surgery, remember this thread,,,although he's not a surgeon, he calls himself one, so it should be okay.
Oh the drama!
I'm sorry, but implying that an internet nickname carries the same weight as a professional certification is absurd. If you honestly feel that way, you should stop wasting your time posting and get a malpractice law suit together. You're hilarious.
But seriously, we've been over this. Queen of Spades has every right to correctly call herself a Queen of Spades because she loves having sex with black men, and we've established that. . .
. . . sex with a condom is still sex.
. . . cuckolding with a condom (by the modern, clearly defined, English usage) is still cuckolding.
. . . cuckolding "by the origins of the term" disqualifies most of what is described as cuckoldry in the fetish/porn community, including your content.
So you'll have to forgive me for laughing at you for resorting to just repeating the same debunked argument like some menopausal parrot. Speaking of which:
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
As for menopause being a bitch? I'll let you know when I go through it.
But a dumb bitch once wrote:
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
It never occurred to you that I don't have to be correct about guessing your true self? My statement referred to how you were acting.
. . .
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
And as for this forum,,,I'm a participant, not a lurker, come back after you've contributed something,,,then maybe someone of consequence might give your ramblings some credit.
It seems like your participation in this thread has been limited exclusively to trolling, so I'm not sure what credit you expect your contributions to bring you. As I've said before, I'll stick around here as long as I enjoy it. But thanks for looking out for us all, porno-name-officer!
Posts: 17
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Quoting: cucklife2
Quoting: fingertax
"Grown up stuff" like trolling?
Hmmm,,,nothing original to say? Now there's a surprise. Or is this your way of "arguing on the internet" without painting yourself into the same corner you did the last time you mistakenly opened your mouth before putting your foot in it?
Actually no ya giant douche. It is my way of agree. i had not checked back here in some time. Besides, you are so damn ignorant of your own actioan and to self centered to realise that you where rude, you are not worth the time to make a decent post. So instead i will resort to agreeing with others.
You should never be insulted about trolling forums. I consider it a compliment. You don't get posts counts in 4 digits within a year w/o that.
Posts: 17
Quoting: fingertax Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Next time you're in the hospital and an intern tells you he'll be performing your surgery, remember this thread,,,although he's not a surgeon, he calls himself one, so it should be okay.
Oh the drama!
I'm sorry, but implying that an internet nickname carries the same weight as a professional certification is absurd. If you honestly feel that way, you should stop wasting your time posting and get a malpractice law suit together. You're hilarious.
But seriously, we've been over this. Queen of Spades has every right to correctly call herself a Queen of Spades because she loves having sex with black men, and we've established that. . .
. . . sex with a condom is still sex.
. . . cuckolding with a condom (by the modern, clearly defined, English usage) is still cuckolding.
. . . cuckolding "by the origins of the term" disqualifies most of what is described as cuckoldry in the fetish/porn community, including your content.
So you'll have to forgive me for laughing at you for resorting to just repeating the same debunked argument like some menopausal parrot.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: fingertax Oh the drama!
I'm not gonna waste anyore time and effort trying to save you guys from yourselves, you have to live your lives and you deserve whatever it brings you, no doubt your permisterallities will bring you into conflict in the real world, so I can rest easy that your desserts are impending. Your very similar to the far left, just write what you want so your assbuddies can jump on the bandwagon, fact is, out of my 550 some-odd posts, at least a couple of hundred of them are pix (and a couple of video clips). One merely has to go check them to see how slanted all your propaganda is. Face it, you're an enormous asshole, facer is about 12 inches up it, and cucklife is up his,,,when you go out you guys must look like escapees from the "Cirque de Soleil", LOL.
Posts: 54
#109 · Edited by: fingertax
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I'm not gonna waste anyore time and effort trying to save you guys from yourselves
Thanks for all your time and hard effort to try and "save us", officer-forum-gran. As I said before, all the internet content in the world wouldn't change your *****ile trolling in this thread. Maybe if you'd realize how clearly your posts individually speak for themselves, you might not be so quick to pontificate in the future. Exactly how much content do you feel needs to be posted, before a license to arbitrary troll is in order? For someone pandering such delusional paranoia about all these raging "leftists" engaged in a conspiracy to write "whatever they feel like", it's ironic that it has been you that has been fabricating definitions left, right and center as it suits your agenda of petty jealousy.
You're wrong, and you've been nothing but wrong in this thread.
Somehow I will still relax soundly in spite of your damning, dramatic predictions of doom and failure in all of our futures. Although, I'm sure you're right that my tendency to actually understand the language I'm speaking will be a real handicap. I'm sorry you feel you've wasted your time (although, seeing where you've left your arguments, I'd have to agree), maybe if you'd expand on your condom=masturbation, or STD detection by character (or maybe just by political ideology?) just a bit more you'd get somewhere. If it's any consolation, in spite of your abysmal arguments, you've been terribly entertaining. As always, I do hope to hear more from you: hubris + stupidity = delightful internet humor.
Posts: 17
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary blah blah blah, i am a waste of internetz bandwidth
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
In response to the double digit IQ's,,,I'm perfectly content with this thread just as it is, anyone with any intelligence that reads it will see it for what it is, and likewise with you. As for your obvious attempts at baiting me (which I'll admit you've had some limited success), I'm done. Anything else you or I might add is again, a waste of time, you're not seeking resolution or understanding, you're seeking conflict, so,,,zzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!
Oh yeah,,,cucklife,,,when you've got your head up someones ass, it's best not to open your mouth. And since you're still writing my quotes for me, take a hint from he who penned the lines "i am a waste of internetz bandwidth ". By the way,,,"D-o-u-c-h-b-a-g" is not the way you spell Beautiful Goddess,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
P.S. But D-i-c-k-l-e-s-s IS the way you spell YOUR name!!!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
OMG,,,you're in Portland,,,don't tell me you're that guy with the little dicklet covered in smegma, the one I told to get acquainted with a bar of soap? No wonder you're such a scumbag to me, now I understand. Seriously,,,it's bad enough when a permister tries to pass off a large clit as a dick, but when it's sprouting mushrooms?
Posts: 191
Posts: 17
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Beautiful Goddess
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary you're in Portland
Took you this long to figure it out? Smooth.... As for the rest of what you said, huh? My alias here is by far a misnomer. Other than that very first post and this thread, i never communicated with you. Also, if you read my first post in this thread, i was merely stating a fact about how you acted when you posted, from there i have only responded to your own anguish @ my internetz 1337ness. Don't worry, there is no shame in admiring me, many do. I have been pwning the internetz forumz for far to long. My credentials are astounding.
Posts: 54
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I'm perfectly content with this thread just as it is, anyone with any intelligence that reads it will see it for what it is, and likewise with you. As for your obvious attempts at baiting me (which I'll admit you've had some limited success), I'm done. Anything else you or I might add is again, a waste of time, you're not seeking resolution or understanding, you're seeking conflict, so,,,zzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!
Entertainment is never a waste of time, Gran. You've been "done" with this debate for a while now. . . once you gave up actually trying to lamely justify your arbitrary attacks and just stuck exclusively to slinging mud. Don't get me wrong, the odd jab thrown in here and there is the spice of internet debates, but your insecurities derailed your argument faster than I possibly could have.
I'm sure you're right though, your argument of. . .
Your internet name is teh wrong! Because sex with a condom is masturbation. And by sex I mean cuckolding. And by cuckolding I mean the 12th century version of cuckolding. Oh and by cuckolding I actually meant sex. Your internet name is teh wrong, and everybody who argues with me is clearly dumb!
. . . will persuade anybody with half a braincell. After all, only the "dumbed down masses" think a dictionary is a good place to get a reference for an English word's meaning.
LOL. Frankly, I'd be surprised if - in all honesty - even you felt your debacle of a justification still cut it.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: fingertax I'm sure you're right though, your argument of. . .
Whatever,,,it's all here for people to decide for themselves, like I said, I'm okay with that.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#118 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Quoting: cucklife2 Took you this long to figure it out? Smooth.... As for the rest of what you said, huh? My alias here is by far a misnomer.
Now don't go reading anything into this other than what it is,,,with only 10 posts (not that that's a bad thing), you haven't been around long enough for me to even think about figuring it out, let alone do it. Speaking of "HUH",,,"@ my internetz 1337ness"??? So let me get this straight, your screen name is a misnomer? Than you're a poser, with no other reamister to be here than to antagonize? That makes sense too, it's just a different profile, frustrated, can't do anything in life that'll satisfy you, so you cruise the forums in search of conflict with those than can. Now that I know you're needy and can't help yourself I won't pick on you anymore,,,you can say whatever makes you feel all warm and fuzzy,,,we'll just make allowances for you.
Posts: 17
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Than you're a poser, with no other reamister to be here than to antagonize?
Oh, ya got me!
Registration date 10 Jun 2005 13:49:28
Yep, i registered way back then, held off on posting in any threads waiting for you so i could give ya cuckolds brownie. Brilliant!
You ain't so good at this stuff are ya?
My name being a misnomer and admitting to it in NO way would make me a "poser" (nice high school terminology). I have yet to give a reamister to be here, nor will I.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: cucklife2 My name being a misnomer and admitting to it in NO way would make me a "poser" (nice high school terminology). I have yet to give a reamister to be here, nor will I.
Oooh!!! A man of mystery,,,an enigma,,,since I can't put a finger on it, I'll just stick with asshole! 2 fuckin years? What an asshole! Kinda like peeking through the bushes when you lurk for that long. As for being good at stuff, like I've said to others, it doesn't matter if I peg you right, I don't have to, I just have to identify you as "acting" like an asshole,,,you could be the Pope for all I know, but i know an asshole when I meet one,,,ergo, if you ARE the Pope, than the Pope's an asshole! Ya hear what I'm saying,,,being an asshole doesn't mean you're the Pope,,,but being the Pope doesn't mean you're not an asshole. Now that we've cleard that up, I think we can all safely assume you're not the Pope,,,unfortunately, whatever you are, you are still an ashole!