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Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Hi Babe,,,just write me at home and I'll send you all the particulars, I ship "3 Day Priority w/Delivery Confirmation" so you can track it if you'd like. <[email protected]>


Posts: 54
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
[T]here's nothing I enjoy more than banter with someone who is either mentally deficient, or has a complete lack of education, it's such a breeze to show them for who they are, and anyone who agrees with them puts themselves in the same catagory

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Get a grip Thug,,,and pay closer attention to my post, lest you find yourself in that catagory by default. The mister-of-a-bitch called me a "troll",,,so I have every right to respond in kind,,,not to mention the fact the he attacked me for doing something I didn't, as opposed to what my post actually implied. If he can't decipher a simple sentence, than it goes without saying he's an idiot or illiterate,,,do you have another explanation?

Affirming the Consequent

Don't think just because you've had the pleasure (and who hasn't) of having an idiot argue with you, that all that argue with you are themselves idiots.

Now go and try and convince some other people that sex with a condom isn't sex, or is somehow equivalent to just a dildo, troll - or maybe we should euphemize things a little, since troll obviously gets you a little riled up, how about "nickname definition police"?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: fingertax
how about "nickname definition police"?

Alas,,,if only it were true. Nice to see you went and found an actual reamister to open your mouth, but I guess you either had to, or shut up and go away. All that argue with me aren't idiots,,,only those that argue about something I didn't do. I didn't attack you and call you a name because you wrote a post saying "white people can't jump",,,why do you suppose I didn't? Cause you never said that, it would be stupid for me to respond to something you never said,,,wouldn't it? I'm not here to convince anybody of anything, the world has all different definitions of sex, some macho man would ******* a guy if his wife returned a glance,,,that's not the case with the people that frequent this site, so sex takes on a specific meaning, especially cuckold sex,,,if you don't know that, then you're at the wrong place. Plenty of people,,,(for a number of reamisters), will post responses that seem to take your stance, those people,,,well, you know what you're all about,,,the cucks don't have to be convinced, they know what having their wife taken by another man entails, and it's not really done, till it's DONE!


Posts: 54
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Alas,,,if only it were true. Nice to see you went and found an actual reamister to open your mouth, but I guess you either had to, or shut up and go away. All that argue with me aren't idiots,,,only those that argue about something I didn't do. I didn't attack you and call you a name because you wrote a post saying "white people can't jump",,,why do you suppose I didn't? Cause you never said that, it would be stupid for me to respond to something you never said,,,wouldn't it? I'm not here to convince anybody of anything, the world has all different definitions of sex, some macho man would ******* a guy if his wife returned a glance,,,that's not the case with the people that frequent this site, so sex takes on a specific meaning, especially cuckold sex,,,if you don't know that, then you're at the wrong place. Plenty of people,,,(for a number of reamisters), will post responses that seem to take your stance, those people,,,well, you know what you're all about,,,the cucks don't have to be convinced, they know what having their wife taken by another man entails, and it's not really done, till it's DONE!

I'm surprised you had the free volume for 800 men to ejaculate in you when you're obviously so full of shit already:

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary

. . .
but sex with a black cock & a condom is just like sex with a black dildo and a condom
. . .
I'll take your word for what they referred to, but are you sure about your definition of SEX? I'm equally sure when they said that, they expected the reader to know the basics of what sex consisted of. What you call sex, I call foreplay,,,how about "Queen of headless women having make believe sex with black men"

It's probably a good thing that you spread those loads out over your many years of experience - otherwise the pressure from all that brown mass might have made a mess when you exploded.

You're right about one thing, the world does have all different definitions of sex - and so does this site. In spite of your fallacious appeal to popularity, obviously not just cucks subscribe to the idea that sex with a condom is still sex and that safe sex can still be immensely pleasurable for both parties - the OP is obviously no more of a cuck than you are. You seem to have a used condom weighing on your shoulder which makes you come in here and try to enpower your ideas about what does and doesn't constitute sex on others.

I'm not sure what you think publicly getting your granny panties in a knot over something so arbitrary constitutes, but myself and several others can see a troll for a troll. Spouting out verbose BS between fallacies doesn't draw attention away from your original behavior, and not all of us are as quick as you to forget what you've written as you obviously are.


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I gotta agree with Fingertax. Mary, shut the fuck up and stop being such a god damn attention whore. Yer not the only slut in the henhouse, and trust me, all of us don't think yer all that attractive. Some guys do, and you have yer fans. Stop getting all pissy when someone else comes along. Queen is hot, people like her pictures - stop trying to ruin it for everyone by running yer god damn mouth.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#66 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Quoting: fingertax
the OP is obviously no more of a cuck than you are. You seem to have a used condom weighing on your shoulder

I can only assume that "OP" means original poster, but "no more cuck than me"? What the fuck are you talking about, I'm a woman, do you even know what a cuck is? Ya know, about 30% of what you've written is incoherent?
Quoting: Facers
I gotta agree with Fingertax.

Where do we find these fuckin guys, all of 10 posts a piece, and a good deal of them are to me,,,any pix or videos? And who the fuck is Facers? Let me tell you something (as long as the word troll has been brought up), there's more than a fair share of ogres out there, probably the two of you fit that catagory,,,my point being, I don't mind the fact that I don't appeal to some, in fact I rely on it as a barometer,consequently I've only had good experiences. It brings to mind the old phrase "I've got one of these,,,and can get as many of those as I want"!!! So you can both go fuck yourselves, you mean less than nil in the grand scheme of things.


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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary

I can only assume that "OP" means original poster, but "no more cuck than me"? What the fuck are you talking about, I'm a woman, do you even know what a cuck is? Ya know, about 30% of what you've written is incoherent?

You know? About 100 % of what you've said is patent bullshit, so incoherence is evidently something you should actually strive for.

Sorry, I'll try to explain this to you again without using so many of these new fangled logical fallacies and internet acronyms us kids these days are peddling. I understand completely; a woman your age can get out of touch. ;)

As you so capably pointed out, neither you nor the original poster (treat yourself to a nice digestive cookie for getting that one right!) can be cuckolds since you're both females of highly varied attractiveness. As such you are not even part of the cuckold portion of this community that you are pontificating on behalf of. You aren't qualified to comment on what all cucks or even just cucks on this site think constitutes sex. On the other hand, Facer and I have a first permister understanding of what some cucks on this site find sexy or not, and clearly they don't align with your exclusive theory.

You see, even ignoring the fact that your rebuttal was a fallacy by nature (appeal to popularity - why don't you try out this new invention called Google that all the kids are raving about?), it doesn't even hold water on its own.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary

Where do we find these fuckin guys, all of 10 posts a piece, and a good deal of them are to me,,,any pix or videos? And who the fuck is Facers? Let me tell you something (as long as the word troll has been brought up), there's more than a fair share of ogres out there, probably the two of you fit that catagory,,,my point being, I don't mind the fact that I don't appeal to some, in fact I rely on it as a barometer,consequently I've only had good experiences. It brings to mind the old phrase "I've got one of these,,,and can get as many of those as I want"!!! So you can both go fuck yourselves, you mean less than nil in the grand scheme of things.

Oh noes, we have low post counts and are not the celebrity that you are, oh mighty MoM. How is your break up with Tom Cruise going? I couldn't catch all the details in the line at the grocer. Why not follow up your usual helping of BS, with a classic Appeal to Authority huh? ;)

I've got news for you, gran, there's more porn on the net than anyone can view in a lifetime. Your opinion has no more intrinsic authority than that of any other horny tart that got her face jizzed on while on camera. Nor does the fact that some on here and within the fetish make use of your product automatically entitle you to any more respect than a janitor when I crap on a toilet he/she just cleaned.


Posts: 27
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You ladies sound like a couple of rappers. I'll bet you have alot more in common than you think. So one of you uses condoms and the other won't do anal. You both look like queens to me, especially when you've got that BBC crammed inside of you. Whatever trips your trigger, right?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: fingertax
Sorry, I'll try to explain this to you again without using so many of these new fangled logical fallacies and internet acronyms us kids these days are peddling. I understand completely; a woman your age can get out of touch. ;)

You just can't seem to get a handle on what offends you, can you? I had no trouble deciphering your "OP", ergo, your statement is off topic when you say I'm out of touch with these new fangled acronyms. I was having a problem with you saying (again I assume), she (meaning the "OP"), was "no more of a cuck than me",,,we're women, being a cuck is entirely out of the realm of possiblity. As for not knowing what I'm talking about, I've maintained a 22 year cuck relationship, so I think that qualifies me to be considered as a knowledgeable expert on both sides of the subject. What exactly is your experience? Now for your statement about our various degrees of attactiveness, at the risk of sounding cliche, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", so I have no delussions about my shortcomings. As for the "OP", I can only say for sure that she is composed of a nicely proportioned set of body parts, far be it for me to try and quantify any degree of beauty that a woman without a face may or may not possess. Now on to your miniscule amount of posts disqualifying you as someone with anything intelligent to say. That wasn't my reamister for referencing them, it was to point out that you've contributed next to nothing to this site, except for your two cents,,,which is almost what it's worth. Last but not least, your feeble attempts to irk me with your blatant remarks directed at my age or appearance have an almost zero effect on me, with the possible exception of causing me to write this. You see, I was doing this before the internet, before video, if what I do happens to please some people that's fine, but I obviously didn't need any approval when I started, and I sure as hell don't need yours now. It's nice to see you openly admit your true inner self, when you use a janitor for your example of someone deserving little respect. Just for the record I don't believe I should be respected for my knowledge of astro physics, that's mainly cause I'm not a rocket scientist,,,and I don't cliam to be, what I do claim is to have lived (that's "LIVED", this lifestyle for 22 years, not dreamed about it, fantasized about it, or read about it), and that DOES make me an authority on the subject, and whether you agree or not, when talking cuckold lifestyle, I deserve the respect for my experience on the subject as much as the rocket scientist does on his,,,and more if we're talking about cucks. Where's you pic? Who are you? Why should anybody listen to anything you say, you're a non-entity, faceless, dickless words on a page. Exactly what types of medication do they have you on, many of your statements have a certain schizophrenic sound to them,,,should we be expecting some kind of manifesto from you in the near future,,,tell us now while there's still time to help you.


Posts: 2
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multi O Mary I would be honored if you put some of your large bbc pics here...Show her who is queen.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: bitchdill
multi O Mary I would be honored if you put some of your large bbc pics here...Show her who is queen.

This isn't a competition, and I'm not going to put my pix in her thread, that's not right and it would make it seem like it is a competition. All I was saying is if you drive a Chevy (and there's nothing wrong with that, I happen to be a Chevy fan), say you drive a Chevy,,,not a Mercedes. If you really want to see me in action, click on "member" under my name and check out my other posts, there's tons of caps taken from my videos (complete with creampies),,,enough to show that the difference between what I do and what some others do, are as different as apples and oranges,,,which is why we have seperate names for them, cause they're different. Aretha Franklin is the Queen of soul,,,not POP, cause she sings soul music, Elvis was the King of R&R,,,not country,,,cause he sang rock & roll. It's a simple concept, the Kings and Queens of this world are the pre-eminent people of their genre,,,not the run of the mill day to day dabblers.


Posts: 54
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary

. . . Straw man burning . . .

You don't need to brag about how long you've been doing this. Anyone who has seen your pics can tell.

All the internet content in the world doesn't qualify you to dictate to others what constitutes sex. You can rant and rave about how old you are and how many posts you've bored people with all you want - it doesn't further your original trolling. Sex with a condom is still sex, and yes it still can be very hot.

Take your own advice, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Leave the condom pics for those whose pleasure is not so fragile to be derailed by a fraction of a millimeter of latex. The internet really doesn't need you policing people's forum tags.


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A-fucking-men, Fingertax. +1 on that last post.

To each their own, but for the love of everything "MoM", you should know fucking better then to criticize ANYBODY around here AT ALL. There is plenty of criticism from the "outside world" over this and any other lifestyle. We sure don't need it from within...regardless of how many photoshoots or movies you sell.

You're not the one and only, and thank everything for that.


Posts: 684
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Perhaps the better part of valour is to live and let live. Ignore at best but no one comes off very well by foul mouthed use of a woman in a public forum whatever her sins may be.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: fingertax
You don't need to brag about how long you've been doing this. Anyone who has seen your pics can tell.

How diplomatic you are, you should join the foreign service. And you fortunate to be alive in this modern era, if you're lucky enough to still be alive when you reach my shriveled age, you'll have science to thank that you're not "pushing a rope". Sure,,,sex with a condom is sex, and if you're Bill Clinton I guess you decide to question what "IS" is. But I'll say this one more time,,,this is first and formost a cuckold site,,,the origins of the term to cuckold someone goes to the fact that a woman is carring another mans young (not that she cheated on him), ergo, to be a cuck, the possiblity of a young being conceived must be in the mix, with a condom it isn't,,,so it might as well be a dildo with a man attached to it. I'm not inventing thi cuckolds brownie, we have the english language, and we put all the words in a dictionary, that way when one permister says something, the other knows what he's talking about,,,if you want to change what the definitions of words are to what YOU think they should be,,,well, then you have the Tower of Babel. My husband's sister was driving on the wrong side of a 4 lane hiway once, and he chuckled and said "I feel like I'm driving in England",,,at which time my husband pointed out that the guy coming at them was pretty sure he was driving in America. Granted,,,you may have to look a little deeper than the dictionary to find the real origin of the word cuckold, but it's not like you'd suffer from a little more education, trust me, it'll help you don the road to just know what you're talking about before you open your mouth. Remember, someday you might come up against someone, that changing the subject by insulting them to get off the hook you've hung yourself on,,,because of a lack of education.
Quoting: Facers
To each their own, but for the love of everything "MoM", you should know fucking better then to criticize ANYBODY around here AT ALL. There is plenty of criticism from the "outside world" over this and any other lifestyle. We sure don't need it from within...regardless of how many photoshoots or movies you sell. You're not the one and only, and thank everything for that.

I don't know what you're talking about, I have never blocked my face and have been on the web since `96,,,I've gotten maybe a dozen racist letters and that's it. And I'd like to point out, that throughout this thread I have bent over backwards to make it known that I'm not the best, the hottest, the youngest, or THE anything,,,I merely stated from my experience (which is REAL), and my knowledge (which is right), as to what true cucking is, and what real sex is,,,I've also stated that I understand why some people have to block their faces, and why some choose to use condoms,,,but the fact remains that you can't be called a race car driver is you don't race, your not the best shot in the world if guns scare you, and you're not the "Queen of Spades" if you almost have sex with a black!!!


Posts: 67
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Never argue with a moron.... they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: swisbest4me
Never argue with a moron.... they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience

Wow,,,talk about diplomacy,,,now here's a man who said his piece but didn't commit to a particular poster. Pretty smart actually, now he doesn't have to worry about being attacked from either side. Unfortunately when you don't take a stand, it relegates you to the level of quoting proverbs and adages,,,nothing of your own. That being the case, you could have just skipped responding altogether, and the world would've been no different.


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God damn it's a fucking internet screen name. Go settle the fuck down, cunt. Your point was made pages's just that it's WRONG.


Shut the fuck up already.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: Facers
Go settle the fuck down, cunt

Cunt? CUNT??? Of course you realize this means war, every post you make I'll be there, every mis-spelled word I'll point out, every stupid statement will be debunked. Shut the fuck up? If that's what you wanted, you made a big mistake,,,dispite what you may read in THIS thread, you'd be surprised what a girl giving away free pussy can get other people to do for her,,,get ready for your life to get real interesting.


Posts: 684
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MOM - I guess we should all be more appreciative of each other and each others points of view. Admittedly (and I am guilty of this myself at times) when heated we can fire off a salvo without thinking, usually if we believe we are being pilloried or condescended.

In print it is more difficult to understand the nuances of language - irony from hate, humour from a knife in the back. I think the giveaway is when the correspondent uses sexist theatening language and the belief he/she is the oracle of all wisdom and truth. My remarls are neither I hope - just my view and we should all be allowed to express our views without abusive hectoring from bullies. They demean only themselves.

However, a good row usually clears the air. Just to be pedantic I favour the Italian word cicisbeo (the recognized lover of a married woman) over that of cuckold which has negative and inappropriate conotations.
c'est la vie



Posts: 54
#81 · Edited by: fingertax
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
How diplomatic you are, you should join the foreign service. And you fortunate to be alive in this modern era, if you're lucky enough to still be alive when you reach my shriveled age, you'll have science to thank that you're not "pushing a rope". Sure,,,sex with a condom is sex, and if you're Bill Clinton I guess you decide to question what "IS" is. But I'll say this one more time,,,this is first and formost a cuckold site,,,the origins of the term to cuckold someone goes to the fact that a woman is carring another mans young (not that she cheated on him), ergo, to be a cuck, the possiblity of a young being conceived must be in the mix, with a condom it isn't,,,so it might as well be a dildo with a man attached to it. I'm not inventing thi cuckolds brownie, we have the english language, and we put all the words in a dictionary, that way when one permister says something, the other knows what he's talking about,,,if you want to change what the definitions of words are to what YOU think they should be,,,well, then you have the Tower of Babel. My husband's sister was driving on the wrong side of a 4 lane hiway once, and he chuckled and said "I feel like I'm driving in England",,,at which time my husband pointed out that the guy coming at them was pretty sure he was driving in America. Granted,,,you may have to look a little deeper than the dictionary to find the real origin of the word cuckold, but it's not like you'd suffer from a little more education, trust me, it'll help you don the road to just know what you're talking about before you open your mouth. Remember, someday you might come up against someone, that changing the subject by insulting them to get off the hook you've hung yourself on,,,because of a lack of education.

Let's ignore for a moment that you're playing an obvious game of "shift the goal post" by disclaiming that your original statement was limited to cuckoldry. Perhaps if you'd actually said "cuckoldry with a condom" rather than "sex with a condom", you might actually have a point - how is that for changing the subject to get off the hook? But regardless, let's examine your most recent entertaining inanity:

In the English language a cuckold is defined as a man who's wife is unfaithful - not a man who's wife is at risk of pregnancy or is pregnant from another man. You can lament about the origins of the word all you like, but when I want a definition I'll go to a modern English dictionary. Frankly, it's ridiculous to criticize an English speaking internet poster for not adhering to the 12th century take on the French term while entirely ignoring the modern English definition. And you are aware that it would also disqualify your own activity since your husband is aware of your infidelity?

But since you claim you're interested in the risk of pregnancy I've got good news for you. There is a risk of pregnancy even when using condoms. That's right, there's still "a possibility" that Queen could get preggers, blocked face, responsible sex and all! But I'm sure the risk just isn't enough for you - am I right? I'm sure a 12th century stickler like you avoids hypocrisy and abstains not only from condom use, but from all other birth control as well. After all, birth control pills are comparably effective at preventing pregnancy as condoms (just not STDs - hot hot hot!) so surely you haven't used them in your 22 years of cuckoldry. But wait a second, 800 plus partners and 22 years of entirely unprotected sex and you haven't become pregnant? Have you checked to make sure you're fertile? Obviously it would also be impossible for the husband of an infertile woman to be cuckolded as well by your take on the term. How exclusive!

Nevermind that according to you a woman who only sticks to anal/oral sex with her lovers is also not cuckolding her husband.

Seriously, you're being utterly rediculous. Cuckoldry, especially within the context of the fetish portrayed in the site is significantly broader in its nature and definition than you would like.

As for a lack of education, I don't feel any need to brag about my scholarly achievements. I've spent far too much time in school to be deluded into thinking that a degree instills any inherent extra worth into a permister. However, if I were you and clearly wanted to impress others with how learned I was, I might look in to using this new fangled invention called "a paragraph" not to mention making ellipses with periods rather than comas and avoid using them every two sentences.


Posts: 17
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stfu mom. You first post in this thread screamed "stuck up bitch". Defending yourself has made you even worse. GJ on that.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: Thug
In print it is more difficult to understand the nuances of language

I agree totally,,,in fact, somewhere in one of my posts I state that I'm Italian, and use my hands, facial expressions and tone in my voice to relay my intent when conversing, and that is all lost in E-mails and posts. However,,,there is very little "nuance" in calling me a "cunt". But hey, that's okay, after all is said and done we'll all be gone in 50 years, and none of this will mean anything.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: cucklife2
stfu mom. You first post in this thread screamed "stuck up bitch". Defending yourself has made you even worse. GJ on that.

Well,,,aren't you a SMF, if you could pull your HOOYA for a second, you'd realize IDGAS what you've got to say, so why don't you just GFY? How's that, internet savvy enough for ya?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Just so we all understand each other (I wrote that as a common phrase, but considering who I'm dealing with, it's pretty much a mute point), from now on S&M, BD, cuckoldry, golden showers, DP, heavy cumshot, and just about every other fetish in the book can be called anything we feel like calling it. Just make sure you remember the masses, when you write someone expecting to get back a letter from a bull, and you get a crossdresser instead, you owe it all to yourselves. I permisterally am a "choo choo train", and I'm looking for a "peanutbutter sandwhich" to give me some "mayonaise",,,that's right, I want it shoved right up my calculator. I forget,,,did they ever finish the Tower of Bable?


Posts: 17
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Quoting: cucklife2
stfu mom. You first post in this thread screamed "stuck up bitch". Defending yourself has made you even worse. GJ on that.
Well,,,aren't you a SMF, if you could pull your HOOYA for a second, you'd realize IDGAS what you've got to say, so why don't you just GFY? How's that, internet savvy enough for ya?

Congrats on completly missing the point! How about rather than focusing on the words people use on an internet forum, you look back on your first post and admit you may have come off as a bitch.

Forums names often time have little reflection on who the permister is. If you can get that in to your thick skull, you may be a little happier.

Now gtfo -->
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: cucklife2
Congrats on completly missing the point! How about rather than focusing on the words people use on an internet forum, you look back on your first post and admit you may have come off as a bitch.

Sorry,,,called it as I saw it, don't see how that makes me a bitch. Should I lie? Should I just be grateful for the pix and mind my own business? Should you be grateful for the pix and mind your own business?
Quoting: cucklife2
Forums names often time have little reflection on who the permister is. If you can get that in to your thick skull, you may be a little happier.

Right,,,so names (along with just about everything else in this thread), don't really mean what they say? If following your advice (along with directions to the Tower of Bable), means I'll fit in your little world,,,I thank God I have a thick skull. If I don't focus on the words used in a forum, why should I pay any attention to what you say, you've just told me not to focus on them. Why would anybody write words in a forum if they're not to be heeded. Let me guess,,,you rode to school on a short bus didn't you?


Posts: 17
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I have argueed with some pretty dumb people over the years on the net, but you are surely taking the cake. Again, congrats on that.

Maybe you should have kept your mouth shut then or at least put something in it to shut yourself up. You did nothing but attack for no reamister. There was no need to say what you said the way you said it.

Fourm names are actually aliases. They can be anything. I am a memeber of a cuckolds brownie load of forums and very few do I use the same name on. There is no reamister to, it is called anonymity.

And are you really such a dumb bitch that you did not realise i was refering to the use of abbreviations on an internet forum? Read and understand BEFORE you respond.

For you:
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: fingertax
As such the term was for husbands who unwittingly were raising another man's young. . .

I see, you mean the husbands who unwittingly were raising another man's young that was conceived while wearing a condom??? You can't have it both ways, if cucking includes condoms, then where are these youngren coming from? Oh yeah,,,condoms aren't 100%, I forgot, my bad, it must be alzheimers.
Quoting: fingertax
Us poor proletarian masses can only look in and wish we were soooooo fantastically famous.

There ya go, mis-quoting me again. I didn't say you weren't famous,,,I said you and your ilk were "dumbed down".
Quoting: fingertax
Language is an organic, constantly evolving tool.

Sorry again, but I fail to see the need for a course in "ebonics", I have no plans on taking up any other languages either, apparently it's a pointless venture, since by your standards all the words will have different meanings as soon as the next new fad comes along.
Quoting: fingertax
This coming from the old tart that not half a page up is threatening to grammar stalk Facer?

Which by the way was easier than I thought, merely checking his other posts showed what a wannabe and a poser he is. He goes from being a man pushing 9", to a man with an "average" sized dick of 8". He goes from October 2006 to having no youngren, to February 2007, where he's raising his boss's 18 month old mister,,,hmmm, I guess my math is screwed up too.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: cucklife2
Fourm names are actually aliases.

No cuckolds brownie Sherlock,,,excuse me if I see a particular screen name, on a particular fetish site, and draw a conclusion that the two might be related. Tell me something (I mean, you being so smart and all), if it's retarded to argue on the internet, then what is it to SAY it's retarded to argue on the internet,,,yet you do it anyway?
Quoting: cucklife2
I have argueed with some pretty dumb people over the years on the net

Just checking to make sure this quote thingy is working right,,,looks like it is, hmmm,,,isn't that weird, it's like your screaming at the top of your lungs that you're retarded,,,and you still feel capable of including yourself in this discussion,,,people are really strange. Talk about putting something in your mouth, I guess I'm retarded too, since you won this arguement for me as soon as you typed your first sentence.
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