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2 black cocks for me

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queen of spades


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I love the pic's of queen sucking, but to be honest the condom shots really did not do it for me. I completely understand the use of condoms but lets be honest here... We cucks love creampies, having our wives tell us to lick out her lovers cum is probably the whole reamister for this site. Again Queen, we love your post, mostly that your one of the few women who do post. Don't take any offense from Mary I strongly feel she meant no harm. So I for one am most grateful for the both of you. You give me hope that one day my wife will cuck me.
queen of spades


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queen of spades


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queen of spades


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daze, she meant no harm? she called me a cunt... tztztz... daze... yeah creampies are nice... you wrote we cucks .... she says I pretend to be something and I am not... so how can you be a cuckold when your wife never cucked you... it's all in your fantasy.... you don't even know for sure if you really like it in reality when she gets fucked from another man... fantasy and reality, there is a difference...


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No I have seen her with another man, but it was more of a threesome. It was the best sex I have ever had. But she called it quits several years ago. It was not until recently that I realized I am submissive and want what I read in this forum. In fact I am coming to grips that I am bi and all these year I enjoyed looking at women sucking black cock I was really wishing it was me doing the sucking. I hope you too make up I love reading and hearing women that are into this. I love you both!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: queen of spades
daze, she meant no harm? she called me a cunt...

Yeah,,,and I'm sorry it came to that, but like I said, I merely pointed out a fact, and you didn't like the message so you attacked the messenger, you called the forum and my post stupid, then said I was full of cuckolds brownie, yet I was just calling a "spade" a "spade',,,no pun intended. And while we're on the subject (and I know people have reamisters for it), I don't block out my face. Again,,,there's nothing wrong with what you do, or the reamisters or ways you do it, it's just seems strange to put yourself in the catagory of women who are truely black cock queens, don't use condoms, don't block out their faces and yet don't aspire to claim dominance over the genre with unearned facitious titles. I've been with over 800 men in the past 22 years, and got cum from everyone of them, I don't consider myself a queen, how does someone like you who's merely dabbling in it?
queen of spades


Posts: 139
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i still don't get it... you should read the defination of a queen of spades. that is a woman who prefers sex with black men and i prefer that... so I am a queen of spades... I don't know what do you understand under queen of spades... i couldn't care less if you fucked 1000 men or not... i use a condom and I block out my face... if you don't like that that's your problem.... and I still think your post is stupid... i don't know what the fuck you are talking about... in all the sex encyclopedias they mention only that a queen of spades prefers sex with black men... tztztz
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: queen of spades
i still don't get it... you should read the defination of a queen of spades. that is a woman who prefers sex with black men and i prefer that... so I am a queen of spades... I don't know what do you understand under queen of spades... i couldn't care less if you fucked 1000 men or not... i use a condom and I block out my face... if you don't like that that's your problem.... and I still think your post is stupid... i don't know what the fuck you are talking about... in all the sex encyclopedias they mention only that a queen of spades prefers sex with black men... tztztz

Wow,,,oh well, I tried to tone it down a bit, but apparently you're too dense to realize that,,,just like you say you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I'm assuming you needed a dictionary to figure out who you were,,,since you've obviously looked in ALL of them. I'll take your word for what they referred to, but are you sure about your definition of SEX? I'm equally sure when they said that, they expected the reader to know the basics of what sex consisted of. What you call sex, I call foreplay,,,how about "Queen of headless women having make believe sex with black men", now that sounds accurate. Just another dumb broad making the rest of us look stupid,,,oooh, I used one of your words, so I guess you understand at least some of my response.


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the pics are great thanks for sharing them with us all
queen of spades


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queen of spades


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queen of spades


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queen of spades


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queen of spades


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queen of spades


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queen of spades


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queen of spades


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I would like to listen the sound of your pussy black fucked


Posts: 19
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i for one think ur pics are amazingly sexy, condoms and all. its right for a woman to take precautions, multi orgasmic mary ur an abject troll for harassing this lady for posting such amazing pics. keep up the good work queen...ur hubby is a lucky guy!!!!!!


Posts: 54
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Love the pics queen!

Wow, MoM, you've got some issues. Everybody has different tastes and preferences in sex, and there's no need to rush around spazzing playing the condom cop.

How do you enjoy it when some tard posts to your little site complaining that you don't wear a balloon hat and fuck midgets? Well I've got news for you, anyone with half a brain cell knows that in order to be multi-orgasmic you need to involve the little people. Hey, don't hate me I'm just teh messengar!!1!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: boomshakk
multi orgasmic mary ur an abject troll for harassing this lady for posting such amazing pics.

Wow,,,there's nothing I enjoy more than banter with someone who is either mentally deficient, or has a complete lack of education, it's such a breeze to show them for who they are, and anyone who agrees with them puts themselves in the same catagory, it's a win, win for me. Now lets see where you fucked up, first off, you don't even know me but chose to call me a troll, so we've established it's not required for me to treat you with any respect. I never harrassed her about posting such beautiful pix, in fact I have complimented her on her figure,,,my comments where directed solely towards the title "Queen of Spades". That brings us back to my original statement, and I'll leave it up to you, are you mentally deficient or uneducated? Either way,,,in my book you're just another asshole with a bigger mouth than a brain.


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...easy ladies ...where's the love? ...sorry wrong forum, love doesn't really come into it here does it, I mean half the people hear consider black men as nothing more than living dildos in any case, objects that can be picked up and discarded as soon as the viagra wears off! ...take a good long and detached look at some of the posts and the language used, the racisums and stereotypes thrown arround as if they were truths's a fetish site that mr big has put together so like minded people can get together an escape some of the petty problems that fuck us all over. i don't permisterally subscribe to half the stuff posted here, esp as a white working class male, if a fraction of the stereotyping was true I'd have probably hung myself by now! ...but i understand how the fantasy can work for some people for what Queen wishes to call herself, well that's her business, the photo's are hot, and wearing a condom is about as keeping it real as it gets ...MOM, (what a woman, you may have dodged the bullet but there are plently of us who know a great many people who didn't ...I lived an worked in West Africa for 5-6 years in the early 1990s, and most of the guy's I knew and served with out there are now dead, mostly by the slim ...but not just aides but a dozen sexually communable diseases ...I whored and fucked my round the world for 10 years and not so much as an itch! that certainlydoesnt make me a better man than they were! why don't we all just kiss and make up ...and as we're already kissing prehap a quicky whilst we're at it ...

...bye the bye, why the facination with black guys ...I've watched the films and your one doing all the work ...hugs and kisses to you both!
lick em low


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
b]Multi_Orgasmic Mary[/b]
I have noticed that on a lot of pics when BBC's are going deep in the pussy, women's toes spread or curl is this a sign her having an orgasm or is the huge cock reaching some sensitive areas where smaller cocks can not.
I have read your post and replies to topics and am impressed by your intellect and am a member of your Yahoo Group.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#56 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Quoting: oldrope
MOM, (what a woman, you may have dodged the bullet but there are plently of us who know a great many people who didn't ...I lived an worked in West Africa for 5-6 years in the early 1990s, and most of the guy's I knew and served with out there are now dead, mostly by the slim ...but not just aides but a dozen sexually communable diseases ...I whored and fucked my round the world for 10 years and not so much as an itch! that certainlydoesnt make me a better man than they were! why don't we all just kiss and make up ...and as we're already kissing prehap a quicky whilst we're at it ...

...bye the bye, why the facination with black guys ...I've watched the films and your one doing all the work ...hugs and kisses to you both!

Permisterally I think the whole world should use condoms, it should be made mandatory,,,except for me, then I could have the type of sex I enjoyed, and not have to worry at all. That being said, there are a million different sexual stories out there that explain why people evolve into doing what they do. For me, I just happen to enjoy the privilege of experiencing an earth shaking orgasm whenever a man cums inside me,,,losing that would be like a cut in pay, so I'd rather not fuck at all if I had to use a condon. Everything is a risk, you have to balance things, weigh them out,,,does crime pay,,,it pays if you get away with it, if you get caught it wasn't worth it. 50,000 people a year get *******ed in car accidents, yet we still drive, we may be careful, keep our eyes open, but there's always that guy coming at you that could be in the middle of a heart attack. As for blacks,,,for me it's several things, most connected to cucking my hub,,,he's got a skinny 6 inch circumcised pink dick,,,so I look for long thick uncut black cocks,,,he can't compete with those on any level, so since he can't offer better, he has to concede to letting me give away HIS pussy. Plus there's a few other things about my encounters with blacks (and I'm only testifying to me experiences in the motel room, not outside of it). Although there are decently hung men in all races, there is a difference in the percentage ratio (I know this usually brings forth all the graphs, charts, and testimonials, but I can't ignore my own permisteral experience). I've found if you line up 100 white guys you'll find on average maybe 15 to 25 cocks over 7 inches,,,line up a 100 blacks guys and that number will jump up to around 65 to 70. That being said,,,there's a mind thing that takes place, basically the hung white guy feels like a king amongst his peers, and has a tendency to feel his big cock is all he needs to bring to the party, and I should be thankful for it. Now you take the black guy, whose peers are use to swinging their cocks like lassos, to him his cock is just a cock. Two big cocks, two completely different sexual experiences.


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So it is acceptable behaviour to denigrate (without permisteral kowledge of the victim) someone's education, intelligence, and the balls to stand up to bullying but not people's sexuality? Think you need to mug up on good manners, MOM


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Hi MOM, firstly wow ...i can't beleive i'm in correspondence with an internet legend, I feel quite humred ...your actually one of the hotest properties on the net, you must understand that, ...i think ive read a comment simular to the one you posted before, it may even have been from your self, my only quibble with that observation would be many "swingers" advertise for "hung blacks" or "VWE balckmen etc", well my thoughts are that if that's what your advertising for, prehaps that's all your going to see. I mean i'd hate to be poor black sod that turned up to a gang bang wih an average joelength penis if everyone else there at the party was sporting 9inches ...whilst for a white guy or a eastern asian (jap or chinese), smallness has become a kind of new third sex, so they may verywell be less disinclined to attend , esp so if their own sexual leanings were submisive or pasive ...just a thought! Having lived in close proximity as both an outsider and comrade to many black african communities, I found that sexual prowess was a major factor amongst young men, prehaps more so than other community. but also I found that these groups were rather cut off from the wider community so this sexual energy often explouded in very intence sexual aggression, often with each other, never have I seen so overt homersexual activity thatn amoungst the black gangs of Seria leon or Liberia, often very violent and often very vulgar, however none would ever admit to being quear! they certainly were not embaressed about letting it all hand out regardless of the size!
My own cock, is a handsome 8 inches, however I never thought that was enough, and through out my army career, in an almost exclusively white regiment, i was never comfortable in showing it off, (showers, medicals etc i mean),as to my perception, everyone elses seemed to hang lower and longer.
I have had plenty of opportunities since to see every race under the sun in various states of sexual activity and I have never really discerned much difference in the erosed state, however, I am sure that some west african penises hang longer when they a flacid, again only my own observation a matter of interest the largest cock I had ever seen hard, (natually I mean with out chemical assistance) , was a french guy (as an Englishamn i found that very hard to admit!), i traveled for a week or so with him and his sometime girlfriend /business partner and his knob was as long as her forearm and fist!

Any way, I am glad that you are happy with your chosen lifestyle and hope you live a long and happy life ...I feel very honoured to have even registerd in some small way on your time, I would have loved to have met you when colour was not such a major part of your sexual preference, (although i do see where in photo's at least the contrast does certainly have it's attractions), because i think we'd have had one hell of a blast!!!

loads of Love

Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: Thug
So it is acceptable behaviour to denigrate (without permisteral kowledge of the victim) someone's education, intelligence, and the balls to stand up to bullying but not people's sexuality? Think you need to mug up on good manners, MOM

Get a grip Thug,,,and pay closer attention to my post, lest you find yourself in that catagory by default. The mister-of-a-bitch called me a "troll",,,so I have every right to respond in kind,,,not to mention the fact the he attacked me for doing something I didn't, as opposed to what my post actually implied. If he can't decipher a simple sentence, than it goes without saying he's an idiot or illiterate,,,do you have another explanation?
lick em low


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Mary I sent an e-mail to your group requesting info on getting some DVD's
of the motel series, but I think it was replied to my AOL address and I missed it. How can order them? I am a great fan of yours not only because your a super hot BBC GODDESS, but you are well informed and intellegent.
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