queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139
in every hand a black cock, that sounds like heaven
queen of spades
Posts: 139
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Posts: 1506
u horny dirty little slut..................
that's hot, u r hot
luv 2 c ur cockhungry eyes
Posts: 1506
btw. ur tits r amazing when ur nipps r fat & hard
queen of spades
hot when are you going to show us your tatoo?
Posts: 382
You look great, love your pics, I hope that you get to enjoy yourself often.
queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Beautiful lady,,,but sex with a black cock & a condom is just like sex with a black dildo and a condom. Black cock lover? Definately,,,but royalty? I think you're gonna have to step up your game if you want to lay claim to a title,,,royalty takes the seed!
Posts: 297
Hey of coure she's using condom do you want her to do a suicide ? Don't you that there is a little desease called AIDS which can ******* ?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: arnofire Hey of coure she's using condom do you want her to do a suicide ? Don't you that there is a little desease called AIDS which can ******* ?
What do you call a skydiver with a parachute who doesn't jump out of the plane? I'm not sure myself, but I'm guessing a "passenger",,,what do you call it if you call yourself a daredevil and you don't dare to do anything? There's risks and rewards for everything we do in life, either you take them or you don't, but if you don't, then you can't claim you did. It belittles everyone who does, the ones wo take the risks, they're the ones that get the titles, it's that simple,,,permisterally I wouldn't jump out of a perfectly good airplane, but then again, I don't claim to be a skydiver!
queen of spades
Posts: 139
I think this forum is very stupid... I post nice pictures and every time I do that here are people who reply with stupid remarks... MOM in your opinion it sounds like I never had sex with a black. is that right?  I think your quote is stupid... what did I have ... sex with two dildos???? you can't be serious... Are you????? what crap is that about seeds.... I don't want a young. if you want a black young is fine.... I have my young from my hubby.... if you are only a half good lady you don't take risks like getting fucked bareback from strangers... sex is very important but there are more important things in my life and that is for one my family... sorry but I don't know why I even reply to this cuckolds brownie ... mom ... I'am sorry you are full of cuckolds brownie...
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: queen of spades
I think this forum is very stupid... I post nice pictures and every time I do that here are people who reply with stupid remarks... MOM in your opinion it sounds like I never had sex with a black. is that right? I think your quote is stupid... what did I have ... sex with two dildos???? you can't be serious... Are you????? what crap is that about seeds.... I don't want a young. if you want a black young is fine.... I have my young from my hubby.... if you are only a half good lady you don't take risks like getting fucked bareback from strangers... sex is very important but there are more important things in my life and that is for one my family... sorry but I don't know why I even reply to this cuckolds brownie ... mom ... I'am sorry you are full of cuckolds brownie...
Well,,,alrighty then,,,I guess despite my trying to be as diplomatic as possible, and giving you credit where it was due, I seemed to have offended you enough to make you want to attack my dietary habits, wrong as you may be in that assumption. My confusion was in expecting the "Fastest gun in the west" to be using real bullets, or a "Top Gun" to be flying an actual plane, or someone who claims to be "Superman" to actually have some powers,,,when I order coffee I don't expect to get "Decalf" by default, there's nothing wrong with being a supply sargeant in the Army, just don't come back with tall tales of the battles you were in, you get my drift? Perhaps "Queen of Hearts" would've been a better choice. There's nothing wrong with decalf,,,it's just not 100% coffee,,,but then again it doesn't claim to be,,,"Queen of Condoms" would be proper, since it's a realistic description. I've been doing this for 23 years, been on the web for 11, never used a condom in my life, and off the top of my head can think of at least 10 "Web Wives" that deserve that title. Permisterally I don't even consider myself in that catagory, since I don't do anal,,,besides, I'm to busy reigning as a "Glory Hole Queen" to try and hold another title, LOL.
Posts: 196
Queen, I love your pics, please keep posting!
Posts: 1130
amazing Queen.... https://niggerworship.org
queen of spades
Posts: 139
Posts: 1506
ur pics r damn horny & excitin, queeny
post more, i luv ur body ( ur tits !!!!)
and the black cocks in ur holes...............
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#26 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Quoting: queen of spades mom
queen of hearts? queen of condoms? you should call yourself stupid queen ... what's wrong with you? if you don*t like my pictures stay out of my posts I don't need your stupid remarks ... here are many people who like my pictures...
Holy Shit! I tried to point out a reality to you, and I did it with as much politeness and nice demeanor as possible for one to do when talking to a "poser",,,you just keep on pounding your chest and tell us of all your gold medals in the olympics while you're at it. As for people who like your pictures,,,they're men, you've got a pussy,,,enough said, not only did I give you too much credit for your intelligence, but apparently you're not only full of false bravado (that's bullcuckolds brownie to you), but you're a cunt too. As long as I see your name in a post I won't bother to read your thread of make believe sex, so don't worry. Geez,,,talk about over re-acting,,,I'd tell you to get a life, but apparently it would be another fake one anyway.
queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139
queen of spades
Posts: 139