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You losers need to get a life.

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Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
US attack on Vietnam.
Cold war was EQUALLY US and Russia.
This Iraq war.

We responded to South Vietnam's request for us to intercede,,,the French pulled out leaving a democratic govenment in danger, we did the right thing, but it was merely matching the communists, an eye for an eye so to speak, never enough to win, just appease.
About Russia,,,okay, I know this is hard to grasp (it must be cause I have to keep pointing it out), USSR:Totallitarian government, no freedom, no free press, "IRON CURTAIN", nothing gets out, the USSR consisted of 15 states, yet it controlled the puppet governments of Hungary, Czech, Poland, Yugoslavia, Romania, East Berlin, Latvia, Albania, and a couple others,,,all of these were individual countries that had no say in what their government did, cause it wasn't their government. Then you have the USAemocratic Republic, freedom, free press, 50 states, and protectorates of Guam, the eastern half of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Marshall slands, and the Philipines,,,every single permister in all those places is in control of his own life. So you say we had equal parts in the cold war? Well, maybe you're right, the USSR was an evil nation that tried it's most to control anyone it was capable of controlling,,,and we tried just as hard to make that impossible,,,we won.
And I've already explained about Iraq.
Quoting: Ceasar_India81
I know the very idea that the US is doing wrong is not acceptable to u but ever given a thought who actually armed Saddam n the Taliban in the first place?! I know u will come up with something like "fighting communism" and "fighting fundamentalism" but the fact is that on both the occasions US did arm people against itself ...

I'm glad you know what I'm gonna come up with, that shows that you're at least getting the message, even if you don't agree with it. Of course that's what we were fighting, we gave the Afghani's (not the Taliban), the weapons to defend themselves against the USSR, and we supplied Iraq because Iran had just held 50 of our people for 14 months, and the enemy of our enemy is our friend, till they get too big for their britches and have to be reeled in. It's not the first time a country we helped back stabbed us, Stalin did it in WWII, China did it after, Noriega became a have dealer, Batista was corrupt, Marcos was corrupt, the friggin Shah of Iran for crying out loud. You have to deal with the governments that are in charge, at least until you can do something to influence the situation. For instance,,,we know for a fact there are many Iranians that don't want things the way they are, but we're stuck with who's in power now, lets say twenty years from now, after "appeasing" Iran's leaders, the next generation rebels and takes over,,,meanwhile we've been doing business with them, so again, WE'RE the bad guys. So whether we overthrow bad governments, or appease them, it doesn't matter, in the end we're the one's everybody blames. So in the words of the great wiseman Ricky Nelmister, "you can't please everybody, so you have to please yourself".

BTW,,,that last paragraph seems like you lost track of who you were responding to,,,you've called me a lot of names but "faggot's" never been one of them, LOL.


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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
but it was merely matching the communists, an eye for an eye so to speak, never enough to win, just appease.

U trying to reamister here why America did not win the war?

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Well, maybe you're right, the USSR was an evil nation that tried it's most to control anyone it was capable of controlling,,,and we tried just as hard to make that impossible,,,we won.

Well this so called "evil nation" happened to be the very reamister why India of 40 years back could stand upto the US backed Pakistan. They might be evil for u but not for me ... n just to point out one another back stabber -- Pakistan ... The US kept pumping Pakistan so it could counter the USSR backed India and today we just see how Pakistan happens to be the focal point of terrorism in the world ... ironic but true.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
And I've already explained about Iraq.

So have I.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
"you can't please everybody, so you have to please yourself".

I would totally agree with that statement but would just add to say this that don't ******* innocent people just so that u can please urself.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
you've called me a lot of names but "faggot's" never been one of them, LOL.

No Mademoiselle ... I was referring to Monsieur Lacuck ... he had a problem with me saying that I was Indian to the core ... I was just making it very clear to him that I indeed was an Indian to the core. Was just using the language he so seems to understand.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 684
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I do not think the American people are evil. They are among the most generous and giving of people. Unfortunately the politicians they choose rank alongside the corrupted and rapacipus gangsters of any banana republic. The Vietnamese beat the US military and the victims of its excesses (all the world remembers that poor young running naked after a US air attack on her village) graciously forgave the evil doers. The US foreign policy does not have a monopoly on wickedness but that it brookes no criticism and has a cavalier attitude towards international conventions and treaties is the actions of a bully. For the love of Jesus stand up to those bullies in Washington that claim they represent you. And when it comes to flag waving always look very carefully at who is actually holding the flag. To not know history is to ever remain a young. I'ts the good people of the USA who have always made the sacrifices while the corrupt politicians in Washington sit on their fat ass and reap the rewards of "victory".
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#244 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
U trying to reamister here why America did not win the war?

Quite frankly yes, I can't ignore it and succumb to the world's interpretation that a little country of farmers, with weapons supplied by the Chinese, beat the best military power in the world. That me be how the world sees it, but the soldiers know better. If you're in the boxing ring and have your opponent on the ropes, one would think you're winning, but if your trainer tells you to back off the last minute of each round, and you wind up losing on points, who would you blame? The fighter or the trainer? Lets be serious here (and this isn't for the sake of beating my chest), although we haven't done it (and neither has China or Russia), there really aren't too many countries on this planet that we couldn't turn into a lake. So the idea that Vietnam beat us is absurd, we had our hands tied behind our back by politicians. Which brings us to corruption,,,there are very few politicians in the history of man that didn't have a tarnished soul, in the history of this country even fewer, and in my lifestime,,,none. Even the purest of heart finds he has to "deal" just to make headway, before you know it the lines are blurred altogether and you're just trying to keep your head above water. Johnmister was a champion of civil rights (racially), but cause the death of thousands trying to proove to the USSR that we were willing to get in the dirt with them. Nixon went to China, but pissed all over civil rights (illegal taps and stuff). Teddy Roosevelt wanted to build the Panama Canal,,,so he created the country of Panama by backing a coup against Columbia, Carter gave it back (and we'd be living on an island some where in the Pacific by now if he was still president),,,Reagan brought down the wall, but in my book he was a criminal,,,lucky for him he couldn't remember any of it. Clinton liked BJ's,,,hey, who doesn't like BJ's? The list goes on,,,I know all about the "ends justifying the means" thing, but when you really get down to it, down to the everyday man, you can't deny that some form of democratic government is always more prosperous, and the life of it's citizens is better from every angle you look at it. I'll be honest with you, having only one life to live, I'm glad to be living it as a poor American,,,I'd rather be a rich American, but opposed to anything else, I'll settle for poor American. And I'm not fooling around, today's the 9th here in the states, with a little luck I'll have my rent paid by the 12th, and while it's true I do own two cars, it's also true that they are 15 and 34 years old. Sure, it's not the same as Ahmed having two pairs of sandals,,,and the really old car is by choice, but that's from working and saving,,,nothing was given to me for free, not since I was a little girl.


Posts: 161
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"""""U trying to reamister here why America did not win the war? """""

Umm...excuse me but we did win the war.

The Iraqi Army surrendered and Saddam was tried and hanged.

Did you miss that on the news?


Man this guy is so full of misinformation it's not even funny.

What a bore.


Posts: 762
#246 · Edited by: joranc
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yawn. just woke up


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
that a little country of farmers, with weapons supplied by the Chinese, beat the best military power in the world.

I would agree that the US did not loose the war as such that it could have turned N Vietnam into a parking lot had it chose to but chose not to do so but it did lose the war if u consider the loss as the inability to accomplish what it went looking for in the first place and having to pull out without getting it and I guess the Vietnam's successful resistance was termed a "win" because they were able to defy something humongously larger than itself.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
you can't deny that some form of democratic government is always more prosperous, and the life of it's citizens is better from every angle you look at it.

I would agree with that totally ... Having lived most of my life in the "world's biggest democracy" I can vouch that the freedom to speak ur heart out without any fear of reprisals is one of the most important aspects of a society/country looking to move in the positive direction.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
nothing was given to me for free

Life's a bitch!

Quoting: lacuck
Umm...excuse me but we did win the war.

The Iraqi Army surrendered and Saddam was tried and hanged.

Did you miss that on the news?

Moron we were talking bout V I E T N A M .... not Iraq bird brain. I think u were so engrossed with Bubba on top of u pounding ur "man pussy" as u guys like to call it , that u lost the real topic . Seems like Bubba keeps u real "happy"

Quoting: lacuck
What a bore.

What a fag.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 1284
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How many vietnamese had to die, how many japanese civilians, how many iraqis (Bush man) before WTC? If you cannot take war in your territory, do not make war on other people's. If you really do not like watching people die, learn this: war is not a video-game! When it is far away, you may feel not sorry ... but when it affects your families, how human you get! Hundreds of thousands people have died before US was attacked for good - not by an army, but by a 'guerrilla' group. Imagine the harm an organised army like yours (the most powerful in the world) can inflict! Would you like to have such a power, such a threat, upon your heads? Try to figure out how and iraqi lady felt just before war ... (war that was announced, advertised and broadcasted). Get rid of those fancy names they give the war plans, get rid of the ultrapatriotic bullcuckolds brownie. "The world is a bad place, a bad place, a terrible place for living ... oh, but I don't wanna die! " ... "We don't need another hero ... we don't need another world" ... Are u for true? The sheriff is crazy and takes in oil.


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(...)a bad place, a sad place(...) (imagine all the people sharing all the world ... living life in peace) -> can't be, 'cause some think they're superior.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: name
How many vietnamese had to die, how many japanese civilians, how many iraqis (Bush man) before WTC? If you cannot take war in your territory, do not make war on other people's. If you really do not like watching people die, learn this: war is not a video-game! When it is far away, you may feel not sorry ... but when it affects your families, how human you get! Hundreds of thousands people have died before US was attacked for good - not by an army, but by a 'guerrilla' group. Imagine the harm an organised army like yours (the most powerful in the world) can inflict! Would you like to have such a power, such a threat, upon your heads? Try to figure out how and iraqi lady felt just before war ... (war that was announced, advertised and broadcasted). Get rid of those fancy names they give the war plans, get rid of the ultrapatriotic bullcuckolds brownie. "The world is a bad place, a bad place, a terrible place for living ... oh, but I don't wanna die! " ... "We don't need another hero ... we don't need another world" ... Are u for true? The sheriff is crazy and takes in oil.

I was having a peaceful night till I read your post,,,it's a good thing I read the whole thing before I decided to respond. I was all ready to call you every flamming name in the book, cause you keep re-hashing the same old cuckolds brownie without paying any attention to previous posts on the subject. But having read your rambling manifesto all the way though,,,I'm convinced you're a raving lunatic,,,don't get me wrong, I like nothing better than doing a couples of bowls and surfing the net,,,but you're into some serious chemicals, and you shouldn't be on the net, you're liable to hurt yourself. One more time you "meathead you",,,North Vietnam attacked the South, Japan attacked the US, Iraq attacked Kuwait,,,HELLO,,,am I alone here, the lights are on but nobody's home,,,somebody's a few fries short of a happy meal. I can't believe I originally gave you so much credit, when in reality you rode the short bus,,,not that there's anything wrong with that, we all do the best we can with what we've been given. But you really haven't been given enough to be here discussing these big permister problems. Have you heard of a place called "My Space.Com"? Maybe you'll have better luck there,,,it's mostly airhead teens, they'll buy anything you tell em.


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Child-bombmen ... hahaha! Your media tries to spread that view to the rest of the world, and you repeat it. Fully grown men are *******ing your soldiers who invaded Iraq, you know that. Again, Mary, you try to discredit your opponent as a means of 'winning the discussion'. Too bad! Old, old tactics. Truth hurts ... or what? Some of the bombmen in Palestine (not in Iraq) were effectively teenagers - 'cause Israel arrests and *******s their mans. And your brave country supports Israel. What the f.... did you have to do with Vietnam, in the first place? What did that concern your occidental country? What about El Salvador? HELLO U! Iraq was armed by the US to counter Iran ... and you know that too well. Why does your country have to mingle in all other countries' problems? What or who authorises that? How can you talk about democracy to the world when you have a Patriot Act in full effectiveness? A law that suspends all normal legal prerrogatives (due process of law, right to defend yourself, presumption of innocence, right to a fair trial)? When you ******* people in other countries, bribe foreign politicians, support dictatorships when it fits you, comdamns it when it doesn't ... Hey, Mary, can you deny that?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: name
Child-bombmen ... hahaha! Your media tries to spread that view to the rest of the world, and you repeat it.

Now you're just showing everyone that YOU'RE playing the part of a "spin doctor". Everyone in the world has seen the cartoons on Al-Jazeera TV, where they show kids throwing themselves on a bus and exploding, the whole world has seen the curriculum in their schools, we all saw the news about the two adults that left the kids in the car while they ran and detonated the bomb. Aggression without provocation is "BAD",,,unlike aggression to stiffle tyranny. If you want to compare philosophy that's one thing, but if you're gonna make up the facts, ignore the facts, or just plain lie about them, then anything that comes out of you mouth has zero significance, period!. As for the "patriot act",,,the majority of Americans understand the need for it, when we don't, we'll vote against it. The majority of Americans understand it, because the majority aren't terrorists, or don't act like terrorists. How's this, N. Korea, China, Iran, oh fuck it, it'll take to long to list them all, lets put it this way, all the countries you accuse us of trying to dominate, can you vote to change anything in them? As soon as these righteous governments you're defending allow their people a say in how their govenment treats them, then I'll shut up and the US will go back to dealing with it's own problems at home.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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P.S. (And I've said this before), did you ever notice in all the news footage since the beginning of the 20th century,,,shows all the totallitarian countries parading their troops goosestepping down main avenues, followed by tanks, missiles, etc? We have balloons of Snoopy and Garfield,,,now if you think those characters are as intimidating as missiles and tanks,,,it's no wonder you're so upset, cause you're obviously a fucking idiot. Now I'm not calling you names, I'm just stating the obvious, don't shoot the messenger cause you don't like it when he points out the truth.


Posts: 1696
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Nothing wrong with IR sex, or any type of sex, as longs it's done in the privacy of your own bedroom ans with consenting mature adult partners.
Black women should rule the Earth.


Posts: 27
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Multi Orgasmic Mary, if I weren't married I'd be in love with you. It's been a while since I've seen anyone put a raving liberal in their place like you did. He probably just assumes you are a far right wing neocon so he keeps regurgitating the same crap he sees in Michael Moore movies and hears on NBC. I find it amusing that political fanatics are always determined, oppinionated, stubborn, pushy and overzealous, but hardly ever informed. For all the holier than though ultra libs out there, guess what? It doesn't matter if you sypathize with terrorists or renounce the occupation of Iraq, faciast muslims still want you dead. They wanted you dead long before we invaded Iraq, long before Afghanastan, the towers, the US embassy in Africa, the USS Kohl, etc. They want you dead because you do not accept Islam as the true and only religion. Radical muslims don't just hate Americans and Jews. They hate anyone who does not devote their life to the profit Mohammad. You are not an exception because you buy propaganda bumper stickers and support Jimmy Carter.


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I got kind of carried away on that one, I wanted to address this loser that spent all that time to create this thread, just to bash something he doesn't understand and claims that because my wife and I share an interracial fantasy that we are racists. I'm partial to dogs as well, does that mean I hate naturals? All this time I thought my wife wanted to relax with a black man because she found them attractive, and I wanted to watch because it is a fantasy of mine to see my wife pleasured by another man. Apparently, it's only because we hate black people. I'll remind myself of that next time my wife starts talking about how bad she wants to have sex with one. Also, shoez (probably size 6 in mens), thankyou for clarifying that everyone in this forum happens to be losers. I guess that means I don't have to work anymore, pay my bills or take care of my family. Instead, I'll surf the internet for message boards about things I'm secretly interested in but too much of a pussy to pursue, and call the posters losers and racists. How about you pull your nuts out of your stomach and kiss my (_!_) shoez


Posts: 27
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Assuming you are the same MOMary from the movie line, my wife and I are BIG fans. We are going to try it for the first time soon, we met a black guy from NY that travels around this area for business. I think it would be awesome if you could give her some encouragement. I could probably use some reassurance as well. I'm 24 and she is 20, so we're young and very new to this. We are confident that we want to go through with it, no question, but we are both a bit nervous still. I guess we're just a couple of racist losers that want to have a good time ;)


Posts: 1284
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Some guys (or girls) here conveniently seem to forget that the american hegemony in the world actually began about a century ago - and that was conquered by means of weapons (and not by 'civilised' or 'righteous' deeds). So, all the stally talk about being a 'model of democracy' and being 'civilised' is void. Very soon, the US have learned that economy and culture (especially all kinds of media) can be used as weapons, too. Democracy to your people (and remember that just a few decades ago you still have apartheid) has depended always on oppressing others - condition 'sine qua non' for obtaining and maintaining your hegemonic power.
Monroe doctrine actually meant: America (the whole continent, including South and Central America) for the americans (north-americans, in this case). In view of an Europe shattered by internal conflicts, that was the smartest strategy to take: to conquer your 'backyard', temporarily free from British influence. With the 'plus-value' obtained with the exploitation of it, you could go further to impose your economy upon other far away lands.
First and Second World wars (very far from your homeland and concentrated in Europe) were the perfect opportunities for consolidating your power, and at the end of them you only had one considerable opponent: Soviet Union. China, with its internal problems and revolution was way behind in the race. So, you did what you had to do to keep your hegemony: maintain control of your 'backyard' and extend your influence further and further - in a way to squeeze the soviets as much as you could, with the help of UK and a few other allies.
Again, you were smart enough to go around your internal problems (assassination of a president, for one, fight for civil right, for another) and continued to grow. Very clever merchants, you could surpass the oil crisis in the 70s and managed to buy the conivence of Saudi Arabian royalty - the richest, biggest and most influential country in the OPEP. Oh, yes ... you also raised your interest rates very suddenly, breaking the economy of latin american countries that had contracted loans with you.
The disaster in Vietnam seemed not to affect you ... who continued your dilligent job of fomenting dictatorships in Latin America and waging war at other countries. All this happened between the 70s and the 80s.
Then, you decided that each and every third world country should 'open its economy' and sell its assets (state companies) - to whom? To your companies and to your associates in Europe. That was done with the cooperation of governments especially elected for that purpose, in Latin America and other third world nations (neoliberal-friendly, if u like).
Yes, you can help elect and overthrown governments in foreign countries - money buys votes in poor countries, you own the media, the main newspapers and tv companies in these countries are connected with your giant media groups like Time-Life, for example. In America, these giant media groups are closely connected with banks and politics.
So ... your power is great! That does not mean it's ethical or morally fair. All that power you have, achieved by cunning or violent means, is indeed illegitimate. One day you will lose it. Who cares if (as someone sugested) we may fall, too: you will fall from the highest floors ... while our fall shall be smooth.
So, I quote the guy who opened this link:
"You, losers, need to get a life ... "
p.s. (Pls.stop calling me names - people often do that in primary or secondary school. Grow up!).


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And do not get angry at me. That is just a very short sinopsys on how the US has become 'hegemonic' and so powerful as to have today the biggest arsenal in the world (nuclear or non-nuclear) and the biggest army (more than 150 military bases spread all over the planet). You actually need to protect yourselves (and your empire) strongly and carefully, don't u?


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
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Man this thread just refuses to die down! Well as much as I want to put my words in the argument , I guess my position of being an non -American in America puts me in a spot as I think I could be coming across as some ungrateful dog which I am not ... So as much as I hate to do this I think I am gonna pull out of this debate unless some fag boy again makes some moronic permisteral comments about this dirty Indian dog!
So amigos be well , fight well and fuck well! .. i 'll get back to the fresh white pussies being offered .. people come to America for the money n freedom .. i came here for the white pussy!!
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 49
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post needs more pics

what waz i thinking?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: Slavetoebony
Nothing wrong with IR sex, or any type of sex, as longs it's done in the privacy of your own bedroom ans with consenting mature adult partners.

If that was the case, it would negate all porn,,,and even this site,,,nothing wrong with IR sex period, is more like it.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: Primon9
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Assuming you are the same MOMary from the movie line, my wife and I are BIG fans. We are going to try it for the first time soon, we met a black guy from NY that travels around this area for business. I think it would be awesome if you could give her some encouragement. I could probably use some reassurance as well. I'm 24 and she is 20, so we're young and very new to this. We are confident that we want to go through with it, no question, but we are both a bit nervous still. I guess we're just a couple of racist losers that want to have a good time ;)

Yes,,,that's me,,,I was 23 when I started "Dogging",,,and was introduced to the "Glory Holes" and also sex in adult theatres, it was a short hop to taking them back to a motel, We started taking pix for our old age, then decided to make videos cause we couldn't find any that were real (googoo eyes at the camera, pulling out for the cumshot), we wanted to see stuff like we were experiencing,,,a wife being taken by a better endowed man in front of her husband, internal cumshots, the husband facillitating (fluffing), etc. As long as it's something you both want to do, then you'll be alright.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: aka
and b4 i get *******ed by mary.......o u rock M.O.M

How insightful of you,,,actually I was gonna comment on the beginning of you statement (and by comment I mean "agree"), but then I read on,,,and just when I was getting ready to lock and load I read your closing,,,and my *******er instinct was subdued. That being said, the part I agree with is "not all muslims are bad", not all anything is bad, but there is enough complacency by those that aren't, to make me not give a cuckolds brownie who gets caught in the crossfire. Is that wrong,,,most assuredly, any time the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater it's a shame. Did they lock up typhoid Mary? Yes! Could they lock up a million typhoid Marys? I don't think so. Could a million typhoid Marys wipe out mankind? What if there were 10 million people that looked like, acted like, or supported those typhoid Marys,,,yet weren't,,,how would you differentiate, would you even want to? For the answer to the final part of your statement, I have a little joke for you. This guy was driving in New York one day when he came to a stop sign, he slowed down to make sure the way was clear and then proceeded. He immediately heard a siren from a patrol car and pulled over. When the officer asked him why he didn't stop, the guy proclaimed he "slowed down",,,upon which the cop took out his baton and proceeded to beat him about the head. The guy started screaming "STOP", STOP, STOP",,,at which time the officer asked him,,,"do you want me to STOP,,,or just slow down"? My point,,,we are all human beings, and being so, we are full of frailties, we will always have demons in ourselves to deal with, so we have to strive to better ourselves, and until we do, we have to live with the lesser of evils. That being the case, slowing down is preferrable to continuing,,,it's not ideal,,,but no one can deny it's preferrable. We are not perfect, one only has to see the news and listen to the arguments that exist in this country alone, nevermind the rest of the psychos in the world,,,till something better comes along, the USA is the pinnacle of political and social existence in the world today,,,period! Is it perfect,,,no, is it the best the world has to offer, undoubtably.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: name
And do not get angry at me. That is just a very short sinopsys on how the US has become 'hegemonic' and so powerful as to have today the biggest arsenal in the world (nuclear or non-nuclear) and the biggest army (more than 150 military bases spread all over the planet). You actually need to protect yourselves (and your empire) strongly and carefully, don't u?

Most of what you're saying is true,,,just as the fireman uses water to put out the fire,,,problem is, you're telling the fireman he shouldn't be using the water, he should be talking to the fire, let the fire live it's own life,,,except fire has this habit of igniting those around it. In 3 to 5 hundred years when the whole world is full of nothing but democratic govenments of some sort, people that are in charge of their own life, and no one needs to twist arms, we'll all be happy. Till some aliens arrive and tells us that we should do things their way, then it'll start all over again.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: aka
Forgive me for speaking

You're forgiven,,,in a "forgive them for they know not what they do" sort of way. And just like Dismus, on this day, I'd let you sit at my right hand,,,as long as I retain control of the remote, LOL.


Posts: 1284
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Just one remark (in respect of those who got *******ed today by a snipper at an american university campus): Michael Moore is no mor�n. Those who have said so, pls fold your tongues.


Posts: 315
#268 · Edited by: DaniSubTV
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No he's not a moron, he's a director/producer of documentaries. Documentaries are non-fictional but, that doesn't mean they have to be accurate factually and/or are not biased in any way. There are two sides to every story, by telling the story as a documentary, it allows you to tell one side (and not even have to be 100% accurate as well). I don't agree with what he's done in the past but, now being expected to continue making financially sucessful movies, he's going to be even more likely to try an create controversy to sell tickets. It's just a movie, not a history book (and sometimes they're even wrong).


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Don't know if I got my message through clearly enough: what Mr.Moore denounces in some of his movies is exactly the same thing that happens in America from time to time (very short time intervals, indeed). And also, about a culture of violence. Maybe his message didn't get through, as well ... drop it.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Just one remark (in respect of those who got *******ed today by a snipper at an american university campus): Michael Moore is no mor�n. Those who have said so, pls fold your tongues.

At any given time in this country, we have an assortment of Michael Moores, the may take different forms, or put forth different agendas, be it fear, racism, social inequality,,,it doesn't matter, they merely use it to feather their own nest. Jesse Jackmister (notice the omission of Rev.), a man who uses race to make millions of dollars, although investigated by many reporters (I can only assume fear of the race card and uprisals stopped the govt.), no one can put there finger on what he does for a living, where he gets his money, and under what auspices he claims his tax free statis, what IS clear, is that his baseless attacks on corporate America have allowed him to extort money from companies, just to avoid having to deal with him and the flak that would insue,,,of which he skims right from the top. Then you have Randall, his partner in social unrest, who has managed to eeke out a fairly good political career,,,another so-called Rev. Michael Moore came on the scene when he attacked General Motors,,,after that he saw that regardless of what the end result may be, his bank account overflowed, a career was born, nothing more.
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