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You losers need to get a life.

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#211 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: jamesriske
Just being damn proud to protect the U.S. and the Constitution.

Didn't know the US constitution wanted to go out n ******* innocent people. I just don't understand how u people cannot understand a simple fact that going into Iraq has actually helped Al Qaeda than defeat it! Rather than concentrating in Afghanistan u went into Iraq for the oil and gave al Qaeda a chance to not only regroup but also start war with the US on a new front. But as somebody said "common sense is not so common"... So true!

Quoting: jamesriske
By the way, shall we be expecting you to take up residence at an al Queda camp anytime soon? Or are you just a hypocrit who lives in a western country sipping latte?

Firstly ... remember I am a dirty Indian dog? ... dirty Indian dogs take tea ... not latte (which tastes like rat poimister IMHO ) .... but yeah I would have joined the Al Qaeda just for the fact that they were offering those 72 virgins but the contract also included *******ing innocent people so i decided against it ... u see unlike some people I find *******ing of innocent people who r unable to defend themselves as extremely cowardly and as it happens to be that I am the dirtiest , the most filthiest brown Indian dog to step on the face of the planet but I am not a coward or a ***er for that matter .. but yeah the 72 virgins did make me have second thoughts !! ..

All said I guess it's time for bed for small boys ... look ur Mommy - Multi Diseased Mary is calling u back ... now go n stand behind her like a good boy ... but remember don't stand too close to her when u r behind her .... remember she is a "loose cannon"!
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: Thug
No one nation defeated the fascists (unless of course one believes the Hollywood movies) but only one nation has nuked civilians. It doesn't do anyone any good to wave redied shrouds - we are guilty of contributing to inhumanity when there is profit in it

Speak for yourself, I'm not guilty of *******ing anyone,,,yet! And if I should, they'd have it coming, so I would relax like a baby, guilt free.


Posts: 161
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""""I just don't understand how u people cannot understand a simple fact that going into Iraq has actually helped Al Qaeda than defeat it!"""""

Liberals are funny in that they consider their opinion to be a fact. He is of the opinion that removing Saddam from power - a man proven to support terrorism (as proven by the link below) - increases and strengthens terrorism.

What logic, huh?

If you remove someone from power who openly supported and helped terrorism and then start arresting and bringing terrorists to justice, you are helping terrorism.

How brain damaged does one have to be to believe that? Unbelievable.

Good job putting this guy in his place by posting your picture, James Riske and the link to the information about Saddam. Notice how he hasn't apologized for either.

Typical nutjob.


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#214 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
Firstly ... remember I am a dirty Indian dog?

I showed my husband this thread, he said you should consider yourself lucky you're in the US,,,if you were to write these things while staying in any other host country you'd be dead. He also agrees with me that you have an obvious low self esteem,,,why else would you be so self deficating (that means cuckolds brownieting on yourself), then I reminded him you said you bathed in cuckolds brownie, so we both had a little chuckle at your expense, and then went back to living our wonderful capitalistc life, with our widescreen TV, nice cars, nice house, good food,,,you know, all that stuff us infidels strive for. I honestly don't know what's wrong with us,,,we could be living in a mud hut, and riding our yak to market, so we could trade some figs for some curry to put on our rice,,,and what we don't eat we could rub on our bodies to ******* the bugs that live on us,,,I know, you don't have that problem because your "cuckolds brownie bath" *******s them, but we couldn't possibly hope to achieve your statis in life,,,we infidels. Ha, ha, ha, give me a break, on what planet would I change my live for that,,,that's the only reamister everyones so ticked off, cause we have it so good. Why do we have it so good,,,cause the "west is the best".


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#215 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: lacuck

If you remove someone from power who openly supported and helped terrorism and then start arresting and bringing terrorists to justice, you are helping terrorism.

Bird brain ... If u knew just a little fact then Saddam and Al Qaeda were never pals ...ofcourse they both were America's sworn enemies but that was not enough for them to relax together ...Fact is that Al Qaeda got its feet in Iraq only after Saddam had been deposed ... I know its hard for morons for like u to admit that but that is a fact .. live with it.

Quoting: lacuck
Notice how he hasn't apologized for either.

Hahaha ... I am now beginning to pity u ... u sound like the whipped kid who got into the fight thinking he would kick ass but once his own ass was kicked is now like " u better apologize or I am gonna tell mommy how bad u r ".... ... keep crying kiddo ...

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
He also agrees with me that you have an obvious low self esteem,,,

Wow this might hurt a bit but does ,of all people , ur husband thinks that I have low self esteem???? I'll just leave the poor guy alone ... I hate whipping people who life itself has whipped so much.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
and then went back to living our wonderful capitalistc life, with our widescreen TV, nice cars, nice house, good food,,,you know, all that stuff us infidels strive for. I honestly don't know what's wrong with us,,,we could be living in a mud hut, and riding our yak to market, so we could trade some figs for some curry to put on our rice,,,and what we don't eat we could rub on our bodies to ******* the bugs that live on us,

U forgot one thing ..... u forgot saying "Why should I leave the West where they have such excellent medical facilities for my ...ummm ... errrr.... "problems'....... ..... n surely the mud huts would have been blown to smithereens every time u did "that thing u do'.... ... Remember my sweet Multi "The loose cannon" Diseased Mary .. awwww... was I rude ?? Well even if i was I don't give a fuck!!
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 762
#216 · Edited by: joranc
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guy ,
you can really read people!!!
this is a pretty full on string


Posts: 762
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and i am a loooooossser too........ with a godplex


Posts: 684
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Nothing so closed and arrogant as a pedantic and righteous mind. But a one that has no qualims about *******ing is truly psychpathological.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#219 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Quoting: Thug
Nothing so closed and arrogant as a pedantic and righteous mind. But a one that has no qualims about *******ing is truly psychpathological.

You can be pathological, you can be a psychopath, you can even be a pathological psychopath,,,but there's no such term as "psychpathological". Am I a psycho? Hmmm,,,lets ponder that, lets take a trip to the future, I'm at my analysts office and the conversation goes something like this,,,"So you knew these guys were trying to ******* your family?",,,"Yes!!!,,,"And you did nothing?",,,Not a thing!!!",,,"What?",,,"Are you fucking crazy?" So I guess I'm fucked either way, if I ******* em I'm crazy,,,if I don't, I'm crazy,,,with that outcome I might as well ******* em and feel good about being crazy. What are you gonna feel good about after your family is *******ed?


Posts: 1284
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Quoting Mary - (...) your grammer and word choices are totally off (...)!!!!

I don't recognise that word: "GRAMMER". Grammer Simpmister???? Or "Grande-m�re" (granny, in French). hahahaha lollololol

Comment 2. Coherent: Logical or consistent (Oxford Dictionary, Oxford University Press) ... thus, "incoherent" would mean: illogical, inconsistent.

Comment 3. If your 'grammer' is so inacurate, what should we expect your history 'database' (and conclusions) to be????



Posts: 1284
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I may 'trip' over the words, because I'm actually writing in a foreign language. Are u really from an English speaking country, Mary? pls, answer me a.s.a.p. (I'm also collecting data on you - hahaha).


Posts: 1096
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Bird brain ... If u knew just a little fact then Saddam and Al Qaeda were never pals ...ofcourse they both were America's sworn enemies but that was not enough for them to relax together ...Fact is that Al Qaeda got its feet in Iraq only after Saddam had been deposed ... I know its hard for morons for like u to admit that but that is a fact .. live with it. :::::::::::

Hey Ceasar, I guess you didn't read the link that I posted for you twice. It even has pictures so it's easy to understand. And if you miss even that, don't miss the Federal Court ruling that proved a tie between Saddam and al Qaeda.

This one statement by you after blatantly showing you proof that you are wrong is enough for me to declare victory and be done with you. I guess you just don't know how to read or don't care enough to see evidence that clearly proves you wrong. You are just stuck on your own opinion of things and totally ignore any information that proves otherwise.

No sense arguing with someone like you then.

lacuck even posted the link for you. And not surprisingly, you don't even mention it. I bet you didn't even take the time to read it or see the information there. You totally block out any information that does not support your opinion and views. And yet, you have the audacity to call us birdbrains.

The only birdbrain here and foolish one is you repeating the same lie over and over while we all laugh at how wrong you are:

Here it is again for you.

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Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#223 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Quoting: name
I don't recognise that word: "GRAMMER". Grammer Simpmister???? Or "Grande-m�re" (granny, in French). hahahaha lollololol

Sorry for the mis-spelling, it was late and I had been smoking weed all day (it's the only way to deal with you people, get down to the same mental level). The word is "Grammar",,,the study of the formal features of a language, as the ways in which words are used in sentences.
Quoting: name
Comment 2. Coherent: Logical or consistent (Oxford Dictionary, Oxford University Press) ... thus, "incoherent" would mean: illogical, inconsistent.

Again, the english language offers multitudes of words to use, that's why it's the most precise language, you have more choice, so you can refine what you say so there is no mistaking what one means. The word incoherent, although correct, is not the "proper" word to use under these circumstances, inconsistent is! Incoherent is generally taken for someone who is babbling and or takes, not a country that has inconsistencies in the lifestyles of it citizens.
Quoting: name
I may 'trip' over the words, because I'm actually writing in a foreign language. Are u really from an English speaking country, Mary? pls, answer me a.s.a.p. (I'm also collecting data on you - hahaha).

I come from a country that had Russian settlers in the Northwest, Spaniards in the Southwest and Southeast, French up the middle, and English everywhere else. Fortunately Darwin was right, and the survival of the fittest won out, the cream rose to the top. So I guess you'd call me an American,,,I speak english with an American dialect if you will,,,and I use Websters or Funk & Wagnalls dictionaries,,,Oxford would serve you better if you want to sound like Shakespear. The English call the trunk of a car a "boot",,,I put boots on my feet, they call the hood of a car a "bonnet",,,I put bonnets on my head,,,they call the bathroom the "loo",,,I've got a dozen different names for it. Did you ever notice in misterg, the only language that rhymes is english,,,plus we have a "neuter gender",,,so we don't go around saying "El" this or "La" that, it's simply "the". As for "data collection",,,I can't be bothered, I just forwarded this link to Homeland Security,,,sounds like we have some possible grounds for sedition charges here,,,maybe they'll start checking 7-11's to find Ceasar,,,no wait, it's Homeland Security, they'll just track his ISP. I wonder, do they have WYFY in Gitmo,,,we may not be hearing from him soon, LOL.


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#224 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Jamesriske as it seems u r very keen on making me read that moronic website ... I read it ... n it is full of cuckolds brownie! Now do me a favor n read this ...

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This is an independent website and not some website which was made solely to prove one point.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
sounds like we have some possible grounds for sedition charges here,,,maybe they'll start checking 7-11's to find Ceasar,,,no wait, it's Homeland Security, they'll just track his ISP. I wonder, do they have WYFY in Gitmo,,,we may not be hearing from him soon, LOL.

Ooooooo .... looks like somebody had their ass whipped so badly that now they cannot go alone anymore!! .... BTW it's Wi-Fi NOT WYFY moron!I am feeling kind of ashamed that I have been whipping the ass of such a low life form for so long! BTW did u go n get the botox treatment done yet? .. ohhh .. the doctor told u that before treating u for ur old fart face u had to be treated for ur flatulence?? Now did u brush ur teeth or not before going to the doctor?? n remember ... extra mouthwash

I am sorry old fart bag that u are getting slapped in public so badly by me ... but u never seem to learn ... first I had to slap u because of ur "we did u a favor" talk , then the permisteral attacks n then again bad talk bout my people ... everytime I think u will learn but I guess u r one of those fart bags who never learn ... sorry hun but u deserved it!

I am booooored like hell now .. thought the combined pack of weakwhiteboy, geocleaner, jamesriske n lacuck lead by Multi "The loose Cannon " Diseased Mary would put up some good fight against this filthy Indian brown dog but the only thing that this is ending with is some lame websites and good old farting from the old fart bag. U again seem to have learned that permisteral attacks don't work (hopefully) ... am going back to screwing some nice white women now and unless somebody again comes up with some stupid permisteral comments moi am outta this place for good measure .. Peace
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#225 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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N by the way Multi "The loose Cannon" Diseased Mary ,I will spare the "Homeland Security" guys the trouble of tracking me down... this is my number : . Piece of cake to track me down now for the Homeland Security guys. Come n get me if u have the balls.Enjoy ... n now back to the girls!
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#226 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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quote=Ceasar_India81]I will spare the "Homeland Security" guys the trouble of tracking me down... this is my number : .[/quote]
Okay,,,this is better than I hoped for,,,I know somewhere out there we have our own over zealous patriots, maybe even in Ceasars area code. Well,,,here's some info available to the general public,,,you just have to know where to go. In most cities you have a community center,,,kind of a welcoming committee, they have all sorts of info on places to go, things to see,,,and they almost always have a big blue book called a "reverse directory", a means of looking up any address by it's telephone number. Apparently Ceasar isn't satisfied with online discussions and would appreciate a little one on one with some patriotic Americans. If by any chance some patriotic Americans should have any contact with this cuckolds brownie bathing scumbag, kindly relay my best wishes,,,and my hopes for his rapid recovery. Of course I'm speaking of his mental health, I'm in no way condoning physical violence,,,that would be wrong.


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#227 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Okay,,,this is better than I hoped for,,,I know somewhere out there we have our own over zealous patriots, maybe even in Ceasars area code. Well,,,here's some info available to the general public,,,you just have to know where to go. In most cities you have a community center,,,kind of a welcoming committee, they have all sorts of info on places to go, things to see,,,and they almost always have a big blue book called a "reverse directory", a means of looking up any address by it's telephone number. Apparently Ceasar isn't satisfied with online discussions and would appreciate a little one on one with some patriotic Americans. If by any chance some patriotic Americans should have any contact with this cuckolds brownie bathing scumbag, kindly relay my best wishes,,,and my hopes for his rapid recovery. Of course I'm speaking of his mental health, I'm in no way condoning physical violence,,,that would be wrong.

If u come to meet me ... brush ur teeth! n remember ....extra mouthwash .. if possible then even lemme know in advance ... i will have a gas mask in handy ...just in case u start doing that thing u do.. ... but again I thought I will stop slapping u in public like this but somehow I just cannot stop myself from doing it .. I will give it another try for the second time .... I am outta here (hopefully!)..Peace
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


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Quoting: aka
Btw r u born in usa ?

No .. am Indian to the core ... born in India ,eat curry n clean my ass with my hands !

N just for the record I have utmost respect for a soldier who fights for his country ... my man was an officer in the Indian army and had been posted right on the Indo-Pak border .. I respect no man more than my man and being anti-soldier would be denouncing everything my man stood for .
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#229 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Ya actually u know I find one thing so odd .. that in spite of close to 3000 years of recorded history, the human mind or for that matter human race has still not been able to understand that war in the long run harms everybody.
We have been fighting over such small n petty issues for eons ... who so ever is wearing the boot wants to use it ..I might be coming off here as some peace loving piece of sissy ass or "liberal" as some people here like to call it but what I am really saying is that there is this vast universe out there in front of us ... it has billions of galaxies with each galaxy having billions of stars ... this almost infinite space out there just waiting to be explored and here we r on this planet earth fighting over small pieces of land .... rather than joining hands and going out there in the dark space not as Indians or Americans or Brits or Iraqis but as a human race we r so engrossed in fighting each other for the small space that we r making ourselves similar to the frog in the well who never attempts to get out of the well and see what's out there ... there is no dearth of land or energy or anything for that matter out there in space but the like the pig that this human race is , we never for one moment stop and think that whether the things that we r fighting for so passionately is actually worth fighting for... I am really veering off the topic here but this is what I feel from inside. I hope I do live to see the day when we start looking at ourselves as not just blacks , whites , dirty browns or yellow people and not even as dirty Indians , Brits , Americans , Russians or Chinese but as a human race ; as a human civilisation ... the day that happens we will truly be looking at conquering the vast Universe out there ... oh man.. what would I give to be the explorer of the vast empty dark space..
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
Ya actually u know I find one thing so odd .. that in spite of close to 3000 years of recorded history, the human mind or for that matter human race has still not been able to understand that war in the long run harms everybody.

Who are you? And what have you done to Ceasar?


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#231 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Who are you? And what have you done to Ceasar?

Why do u ask that "my love" .. haven't I been saying the same thing all along?? Yeah probably this time I am saying it more as some peace loving philosopher but I really mean every word that I said ... It's high time mankind starts to stop fighting over the peanuts in the "well" and combines hands to go out there in the vast expanse of space... the reamister why I say mankind and not one country is that one cannot jump really high if somebody down below is pulling u down ... Man went on moon almost 40 years back ... in the last 40 years science has made progress by leaps n bounds .. computing power which in my opinion is The most important factor for progress has broken barriers like never before ... n after 40 years where r we as far as Space exploration is concerned? Nowhere! Cold war , Vietnam , Afganisthan , Iraq, Indo-Pak , Israel -Palestine ,Serbia again Afganisthan , n again Iraq not to forget the Somalias and the Darfurs , the Chinese-Taiwan , the a multitude of other conflicts / wars or whatever u call it .... everything for what? Mostly land and "sometimes" oil which in the end is just a need for energy ... then there has been religion too ... but if we for one moment sit and think that rather than applying our combined efforts for something much much bigger we want to just fight for the small thing not understanding that what we r actually losing everytime we think we have "gained". Sad but true.
Point being that just in the same way a country cannot progress upto its full potential if it keeps parts of its country neglected , the world cannot progress if they neglect or suppress some parts of the world "under its feet" because in time the suppressed part will only rebel and rather than concentrating on the bigger task at hand they will spend their time , money , efforts, resources on dealing with the rebels which is exactly what is happening with the world right now. Its high time that we start thinking about ourselves not just as citizens of a country but as citizens of the third planet from the Sun. I would still be an Indian and u would still be an American or Russian or Chinese -- there is no doubt in that that I was born an Indian , I am an Indian and I will die an Indian ... I will not trade that identity for the world and expect nobody to loose the love and respect for their own countries but that does not mean I cannot start identifying as a human being and work for the betterment of this human race because in the end it is going to benefit me and its gonna benefit u and its gonna benefit my kids and its gonna benefit ur kids and its gonna benefit each and every generation to come ... fighting like insects is not.
But yes "my lady love" .. I have been saying this all along albeit in a different tone..
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 1096
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You have proved my point, Ceasar.

You simply pass off all the facts and information on the web site as:

"""". I read it ... n it is full of cuckolds brownie!""""""""

Sorry but 'n it is full of cuckolds brownie' does not dispute the evidence provided on the web site proving Saddam's link and support of al Qaeda.

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Obviously, you have gone off into hysterics.

I'm done with ya'.

And I doubt I will be holding my breath waiting for you to apologize to me for insulting me or thanking me for my service to my country.

James Riske



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How bout saying something bout the link which I put up? Unlike ur link which was setup only and only to prove one point by hook or crook , the link which I have posted has got a zillion other articles with authentic information posted on it. Obviously the very fact that u did not even mention it, gives out a clear indication that u really don't have words to defend urselves against what the real truth is ... Sorry but that is the truth.
N should I be holding my breath for getting apologies from u? Apparently no. More importantly should the people of Iraq be holding their breath for apologies from ur side? Apparently they won't need to hold their breath .. cause they r already dead.. Listen "Rambo" I think no matter how much u go around strutting ur balls the truth will always be the truth .Period.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 1096
#234 · Edited by: jamesriske
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"""""""How bout saying something bout the link which I put up? """"""

I read it and it's full of cuckolds brownie!


(like I said, I'm done with ya' but I couldn't resist giving you a taste of your own stupidity)

And the last time I was in Iraq, I didn't find the need to apologize to any Iraqi people at all. In fact, they were thanking me and begging us to stay.

I don't know what pipe you're smoking from or what news you're watching pal, but it sure ain't reality. And based upon from what I've seen of you here, you're not interested in reality at all.

Oh well, there's a fruitcake at every pot luck lunch and I guess you're it.

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If u r so done with me moron then why r u bothering to reply again n again ... go to relax now kiddo ... u can play "bang-bang" tomorrow ...
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


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n stop putting pictures which were taken for the viewing of the public... u want me to show u some real pictures?
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 161
#237 · Edited by: lacuck
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James! That's fucking hilarious! I spilled my coffee after reading that one.

From now on, whenever he posts links or any proof, we'll all just say, "it's full of cuckolds brownie!"


That'll do it!

He's Indian to the core but lives in the U.S. and critisizes American policy on a cuckold forum.

Know what I think it is, Mary? Jealousy. That's right, jealousy. Why else would an Indian, describing himself as Indian to the core, choose to live and work in U.S. and come on a sexual fantasy web site to argue politics?

Ceasar, I think you need to do some soul searching to find the root cause of your wild ideas and need to write endless about political topics that you know nothing about. Are you angry for having to live in U.S.? Did an American woman reject you or hurt you? Now, I'm not going out on a limb here to say that men from India are not exactly sought-after or attractive or desireable by women and you are on a cuckold forum, so I'm guessing that your real issue lies along those lines. Am I right?

Sure, of course I am.

Why don't you drop this ridiculous charade of being an al Queda supporter fighting the battle against the U.S. Marines on a cuckold sexual chat forum and tell us what's really going on?

We're here for you, buddy.



Posts: 161
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Just called you, Ceasar but I guess it's too late and I just got your cell phone answering message.

I'm here for you, buddy and ready to talk if you need.

We all go through bad patches in life.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
n after 40 years where r we as far as Space exploration is concerned? Nowhere! Cold war , Vietnam , Afganisthan , Iraq, Indo-Pak , Israel -Palestine ,Serbia again Afganisthan , n again Iraq not to forget the Somalias and the Darfurs , the Chinese-Taiwan , the a multitude of other conflicts / wars or whatever u call it .... everything for what?

You see,,,we do have some common ground here, the problem has been in light of recent events, you're holding the west responsible for everything. To wit:Cold War,,, Russian agression to spread and maintain communism due to fear of the US. Vietnam,,,due to northern aggression against the south (back by communist China). Afghanistan,,,Russian invasion. Iraq,,,due to aggression against Kuwait. I honestly don't know who started the Indo-Pak thing, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, they used to be the same people. Palestine was lost to the Isreali's in their war with Egypt and the Saudis, the Palestinians have had plenty of time to assimilate and become part of the government, through which they could've done a lot better for thier people with representation. The conflict in Serbia came as a direct result of the fall of the USSR, and that was basically a holy war between christians and muslims. Irag again,,,Saddam was puffing up his chest, thought he had WMD's himself, we should've done the job right the first time, so we went back. Somalia & Darfur,,,warlords, China and Taiwan,,,Chinese aggression against a democratic republic (that means they chose to be free),,,and lets not forget Korea,,,again, the communist north attacked the Democratic south. Now we've covered most of the large conflicts since `45,,,62 years of wars, can you tell me which of these conflicts (in your mind) were started by the west? Not calling you names, not being sarcastic, not talking about oil, simply who started the violence. Still not being sarcastic,,,remember this thread 6 months to a year from now,,,when yes,,,we will have probably caused a great deal of damage to Iran,,,why? Because they're gonna power us to,,,we'd rahter not have to deal with those people for the next hundred years, but that's not good enough for them, they can't leave it alone, why? Because of it's totalitarian theology,,,that means "it's their way or the highway",,,and as you know, as far as we're concerned, it's "give us liberty, or give us death",,,ceptin we don't die so easy. And last but not least, the reamister we're still fighting after all these years, and not livng in domes on the moon and Mars, is because of "appeasement",,,the gift that keeps giving. Since WWII the world has done nothing but skirmish and backoff,,,no touch downs, no final decisions, just stop fighting for now, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, yet we're constantly heading down the road, and we see the smoke at the bridges. What do we do??? We put out the fire, repair the bridge, and head on down the road,,,when we should be putting the fires out at the source. Which,,,(right or wrong only history will show us for sure), we've finally begun to do,,,if that's what you're complaining about, I'm affraid conquering space is gonna take a back burner till you and people like you see the necessity to stop the anarchy.


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#240 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81 
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Quoting: lacuck
I spilled my coffee after reading that one.

Its ok sweetie .. weren't u wearing ur diapers? awwww ... so bad !

Quoting: lacuck
Why else would an Indian, describing himself as Indian to the core, choose to live and work in U.S. and come on a sexual fantasy web site to argue politics?

What happened sweetie .. don't like a dirty brown Indian telling u why u r doing wrong? Sorry but even if u don't like it I cannot help it. Live with it.

Quoting: lacuck
Now, I'm not going out on a limb here to say that men from India are not exactly sought-after or attractive or desireable by women

I would have to really give u that one faggie boy ...Yea Indian men are not as beautiful as some white men like u!! .. oh u want to get a manicure n pedicure? sure do faggie boy ... even get ur chest hair waxed .... ewwww .... only dirty men have dirty chest hair ... beautiful men like u are totally smooth! . n some lucky "men" like u don't even need to wax the chest hair ... cause they don't have any to start with!! ... n we dirty Indians don't like to wear satin ...errr.... pan...errr.... undies like u like to wear ... we r coarse and rough unlike being smooth n soft like u!

Quoting: lacuck
We're here for you, buddy.

errr.... I think I will give ur offer a pass no ... i do have a zillion problems in my life but I just wasn't looking for the kind of solution u were offering ... though I think u should go n talk to weakwhiteboy's Bubba for that kind of offer .... u go n tell him that n Bubba will surely make u happy!

N lastly I would have called u back had u not called me with ur number blocked! Man I feel really really sad for "men" like u ... here I am on this forum fighting it all alone , I am in a country where I am looked upon as a dog , I did not for one moment try n hide the fact that I am in the US n still had the balls to post my number on the public page knowing very well that somebody might just track me down n sneak up to me one night with his cronies and probably even ******* me and here u r who in his own backyard calls up another man by hiding his own number? Wow ... U know why I did that ... because I am the mister of a real man .... I don't fear a cuckolds brownie from people like u ... i would rather go down with my head held up high than hide around like cowards like u .. a bunch of hyenas might get a lion down once in a while but that does not change the fact that the dead lion still remains a lion and hyenas even though victorious are nothing better than dogs..

That said I was talking bout the scenario when the lion looses ... I know u don't want to hear what happens when the lion kick the asses of the whole lot of hyenas !
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
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