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You losers need to get a life.

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I completely agree with you and think you are hot as hell and love your videos. If not for the fact that I'm married to a hot cuckoldress and that you have a wonderful cucky at your side already, I'd gladly be at your bedside serviing you.

But this guy isn't worth your time, hon. Some people are just mentally ill and this guy surely is and anyone who defends him is as well.

Calling people who blow up youngren 'freedom fighters' is a psychotic fool. Enough said.

I hate to see you get into the cuckolds brownie with scumbags such as him.

I just want to see those hot legs of yours in heels wrapped around a black stud having fun, babe!

(by the way, if anyone doubts me, just check out Multi Orgasmic Mary's authentic and HOT cuckold videos!)

In my mind, after 9-11, all bets are off and they can take their PC whimpy bullcuckolds brownie and shove it up their ass. It's time to nuke the middle east and we just about did exactly that. I could give a cuckolds brownie what these puss asses thought about it. Who cares? They have no power or meaning anyway. We can bomb the cuckolds brownie out of whoever we want. Fuck these Euro pansy asses.

Let them sit and take latte and think their opinion matters.

Meanwhile, we're out there kicking terrorists butt.



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I was called back into this discussion by Mr.Priapism:
Ok. So, what can u say about: Universal Soldier, Rambo, Robocop and other ego-demonstrating characters America has created? Even in the movies and cartoons ... u never do wrong! And u never, ever lose!!!! Since Flash Gordon, u're the champions! Maybe the japanese bombed after the war was won, their youngren who were born impaired, the hundreds of thousands of viets who were *******ed or napalmed, the afghans, the iraqis ... they all wouldn't probably share the same oppinion! How could they? Wouldn't their youngren, powerfully, have to think differently?
(I just know there will always be a funny, ironic, witty answer to these serious comments)


Posts: 1284
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Corrrection: (...) the japanese who were bombed (...)


Posts: 159
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Caesar ....PLEASE join the Taliban...our bombs need a good target


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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Tell me something, does it get really cold in your ladys basement? Does she bring you hot cocoa? I really hope the NSA's computors are picking up on catch phrases,,,I think I'd be okay with the idea of dying from laughter, if I heard you wound up spending 3 or 4 years in Gitmo,,,that would just break me up,,,or better yet, the other place, the one that nobody knows about,,,OOOOH!!!!

Why don't u go n report me urselves ? ...errrr ... no no wait .... I think u should let one of the dogs from ur pack go ... I mean when u go to report me won't u have to open ur mouth? N we all know what that means! Spare the poor guys!

But seriously does Medicare cover Botox? Man even if they don't , I think once they see u they will wholeheartedly start supporting Botox for Medicare ...

As for one of ur dogs from the pack ... u r insulting the real American soldier by posting this guy's picture as him ... remember how somebody shirking duty while serving the National Gaurd? Man now I am starting to feel sad for u now ... U really have some "role models"! N u r right ... with Multi Diseased Mary on ur side u definitely can kick anybody ass on planet ... She is well u know ... errr... the ultimate biological weapon the world has .... if u don't believe me then just go outside her house n see the pile of dead dogs ... but beware ...don't go too close! U could though wear a gas mask and go like her hubby does...
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


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Quoting: weakwhiteboy
Caesar ....PLEASE join the Taliban...our bombs need a good target

Nah I like ur white women here much better ... they wear nothing here compared to the women in Taliban ... n thats how I like it ... and NO .... It doesn't matter if u gonna come in thongs .... u still have to go to Bubba for being the girl u so wish to be ...
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 1096
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Obviously a troll.


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
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Come on now man ... u can't demote me from being the filthy brown dog now can u? N where's the breast beating u were doing some time back? u indeed r a bunch of racist panty boys ... go back n stand behind Multi Diseased Mary now ... shoooo ...
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: name
I was called back into this discussion by Mr.Priapism:
Ok. So, what can u say about: Universal Soldier, Rambo, Robocop and other ego-demonstrating characters America has created? Even in the movies and cartoons ... u never do wrong! And u never, ever lose!!!! Since Flash Gordon, u're the champions! Maybe the japanese bombed after the war was won, their youngren who were born impaired, the hundreds of thousands of viets who were *******ed or napalmed, the afghans, the iraqis ... they all wouldn't probably share the same oppinion! How could they? Wouldn't their youngren, powerfully, have to think differently?
(I just know there will always be a funny, ironic, witty answer to these serious comments)

Whoa,,,I'm beginning to have my doubts about my assumptions of you, I don't think even the worst liberal teacher in a northeastern school would make such an ridiculous statement. It's called entertainment, escapism, it's something we do in our leisure, because we don't have to spend the whole day groveling for grains of unprocessed wheat, or rice, thanx to our industrial complex we produce enough food to feed half the world. But hey, we should all convert and wander around in a haze all day, let the machinery rot in disrepair, let the medicines stop, I know, lets all move to Afghanistan and stay fucked up on opium till the world ends,,,we can all face east so we don't have to get up come prayer time. And the Japanese statement in your next post makes you sound like you're only only from another planet, but haven't picked up a history book since you've been here. December 7th, 1941, a day that will live in infamy (a Sunday morning), the Japanese, without provocation, attacked Pearl Harbor,,,is any of this even faguely familiar? he bombing of the Japanese was to END the war they began. True thousands of Japanses suffered, but tousands more, plus thousands of our guys would have died if we didn't, so regardless of how bad it was, it still would have been worse if we didn't, 2+2 = 4, 4+4 = 8,,,whatever your ideaolgy, the numbers don't lie, if you argue with them, you're arguing that it would have been better if another 150,000 died,,,cause Japan was done anyway, and we would've kept coming, the war in Europe was over and we could've brought the whole victorious power to bare down on them,,,try to think things through a little more before your next complaint. As usual, liberals have lots of complaints, but no alternatives, it's a safe bet, that just like Ceasar, your response won't have any solutions in it either, just more complaints.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: jamesriske
Meanwhile, we're out there kicking terrorists butt.

I like the concept of the pic,,,my hub wil love it, I've saved it for him because he can make it look like it was real. This may be intended for cylons, but it works just as well for terrorists, LOL

Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: jamesriske

I completely agree with you and think you are hot as hell and love your videos. If not for the fact that I'm married to a hot cuckoldress and that you have a wonderful cucky at your side already, I'd gladly be at your bedside serviing you.

Thanx for the kind words Babe, and the plug,,,that's like saying "if I didn't have a Ferrari, I'd drive the hell out of your Lamboo",,,LOL. Let just both thank our lucky stars we are fortunate enough to have a drivers licence, we could be driving Daiwoo's,,,or even worse, hitching, LOL.


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
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Yawn! ...WTF .. just too many measly mosquitoes around here at the moment ... why am I bothering myself with such low life creatures anyways ... think should go back to relax .... they don't matter anyhow ... Yaaaawn ...Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh........... whats that!! Somebody opened their mouth ..... somebody said "what the fuck .......cylon" .... man somebody needs to brush their teeth ..... too much of fuckin bad breath .... wonder who it could be ?! Guess??!!
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 161
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Oh yes, ceasar, we are such low lifes that we couldn't possibly comprehend your higher intellectual prowess to take the side of religious fantatics who blow up busses and schools full of innocent men, women, and youngren and who seek to ******* everyone on earth who is not of their faith.

I guess we're all just a bunch of stupid idiots who take the side of the ones hunting them down and bringing them to justice.



Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#194 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: lacuck
who seek to ******* everyone on earth who is not of their faith.

Just when did the Iraqis seek to ******* everyone who is not their faith?? C'mon man atleast get a grip on what u r saying! Iraqis r being *******ed because the poor bastards were born in a land full of oil ... talk bout cursed fortunes!

Quoting: lacuck

See u seem to be haveged ...that's what is hampering ur intelligent thinking ... now my yawns were the ones coming from being just relaxy... but dude tell me do u get to relax well knowing u have the red of over 650,000 people on ur hands? Hope the oil was worth ur conscience.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 159
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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
go back n stand behind Multi Diseased Mary now ... shoooo ...

LOL thats kinda funny...HOWEVER you're still a giant bag of douche!!!

Caesar the only reamisterable thing for you to do is shove a car bomb up your stank ass rectum and push the red button....
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
Just when did the Iraqis seek to ******* everyone who is not their faith??

Well,,,first off, muslim fundamentalist are who we are at war with, which means a collection of people from Saudi, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Chechnya, Serbia, Bosnia, Phillipines, America, Georgia,,,and pretty much the rest of the world (the little bastards keep moving around). But you were obviously referring to Iraq,,,so lets see, the major population in Iraq consists of Shiites,,,the lesser is Sunnii,,,Saddam was Sunnii, so Shiites got *******ed by the truck load,,,Shiites are a different sect (like Lutherans *******ing Methodists),,,oh yeah, we'll just ignore that whole attempted genicide thing with the Kurds,,,asshole!


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#197 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: weakwhiteboy
Caesar the only reamisterable thing for you to do is shove a car bomb up your stank ass rectum and push the red button....

Now now ... faggie I know the very idea of Bubba's peepee up ur "boi pussy" makes u cum like a little bitch that u r but don't assume that everybody here likes to be under Bubba in the night like u do ...Ok faggot ass?

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
so lets see, the major population in Iraq consists of Shiites,,,the lesser is Sunnii,,,Saddam was Sunnii, so Shiites got *******ed by the truck load,,,Shiites are a different sect (like Lutherans *******ing Methodists),,,oh yeah, we'll just ignore that whole attempted genicide thing with the Kurds,,,asshole!

Looks like somebody is now getting excuses to cover up their lame asses ... bitch u were referring to the whole Muslim world being against morons like u because they were not Muslims.. See that is where ur whole facade of morality falls down cunthole ... First it was The Good West against the natural Muslims ... now u r braying about them fighting amonst themselves ... like the skank bag that u r , first decide whether u went in Iraq in order to protect West against those ANIMALS or went there to protect the ANIMALS against the ANIMALS? The real answer is none of the above (I hope u didn't spend a lot of time thinking about the answer... I know it was kinda mean on my part to tax ur bird sized brain on such a difficult question ) ... the reamister why U went into Iraq is OIL skank ass.

BTW howz the Botox treatment coming along? Oh I see the doctor giving u kind of needed some urgent medical attention himself after spending a couple of minutes with u??? Remember what I said bout the extra mouthwash?
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 1096
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Quoting: lacuck
Oh yes, ceasar, we are such low lifes that we couldn't possibly comprehend your higher intellectual prowess to take the side of religious fantatics who blow up busses and schools full of innocent men, women, and youngren and who seek to ******* everyone on earth who is not of their faith.

I guess we're all just a bunch of stupid idiots who take the side of the ones hunting them down and bringing them to justice.


That's funny lacuck and I agree.

The guy's a nutjob, that's for sure.

I think some people totally have no lives so they take extreme positions in order to give themselves the appearance of having meaning and so they can imagine themselves more enlightened than other people.

He just rehashes the old arguments of WMD's, oil, Saddam was peaceful, etc. etc. All the arguments that have long been disproven yet he ignores any information contrary to his 'enlightened opinion'.

Also, many people think that it's cool and hip to take the opposite side of whoever in is power at the time. They can talk themselves into believing anything.

Ironic thing is that this nutcase would be beheaded if he ever stumred upon real al Qaeda.

Once it become obvious that he doesn't consider or even read the information I posted to counter his arguments, I'm done with him.


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
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Quoting: jamesriske
Once it become obvious that he doesn't consider or even read the information I posted to counter his arguments, I'm done with him.

the above actually means .... "I am gonna put my tail between my legs and scamper away because I was whipped like a bitch and I don't have the balls to stand the ground! "

My advice .. stick around and get some new recruits for ur pack of dogs ... U can't let a dirty Indian dog win now can u?
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
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Quoting: jamesriske

That's funny lacuck and I agree.

Looks like a powerd laugh to me !! ... it's ok ... Ur leader Multi Diseased Mary too has been whipped badly before..
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 106
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
I know that once Canada got enough white people in it to claim itself a nation, it noticed it was too big to hide, so a poilicy of keeping your collective mouths shut in hopes no one would bother you became SOP,,,but if you want to discuss world matters, try participating in them.

You chose to make comments about a country you dont know much about, instead of countering my viewpoints on terrorism.

Canada is a world leader in forgien policy and human rights. Canada participates in the world theater beyond a military application of 'participation" which is viewed as archaic by the majority of its citizens. What you are reffering to is called "isolationism" a forgien policy which the US practiced up until WWII came knocking on Pearl Harbours door. Canada was fighing the Nazis for 2 years before it became of any interest to the US.

Since Canada was founded by europeans, and before that was inhabited by Natives, it must have been S.O.P. to keep our mouths shut since 1497. Reffer back to our history, especially what happened in the war of 1812 and why the Whitehouse is painted white, WWI and WWII to see how vocal Canadians can be.

The world loves Canada, except right wing talk radio coming from down south it seems, lol.

Im not on either side and its easy to point fingers.

Killing is wrong...but lying, pretending and covering up to spotlight yourself to be " in the right " is even worse.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: diaperedcuckold
Canada is a world leader in forgien policy and human rights. Canada participates in the world theater beyond a military application of 'participation" which is viewed as archaic by the majority of its citizens. What you are reffering to is called "isolationism" a forgien policy which the US practiced up until WWII came knocking on Pearl Harbours door. Canada was fighing the Nazis for 2 years before it became of any interest to the US.

Everybody loves Canada,,,why shouldn't they, they are probably the largest country that has the most insignificance in the world. Switzerland is where everybody puts their money, and Canada is where they store their feelings. America practiced isolationism before WWI, till we found a premise (Lucitania), and it was a pathetic premise to boot, yet we supplied the effort. We did the same thing in WWII, till we got a REAL premise (we were attacked by Japan, we didn't have to fight Germany and Italy). As for Canada fighting for two years before us,,,tell me this, do you have a picture of your prime minister hanging on your wall,,,or the Queen? Who's on your money? I think that pretty much sums things up,,,you're Britains reserve, period. I know you're not much on *******ing, that's why you harbor ***ers under the death penalty, and draft dodgers.
Quoting: diaperedcuckold
The world loves Canada, except right wing talk radio coming from down south it seems, lol.

For a minute I thought you were talking about Australia, but there isn't any place on this planet where things come "down" from the south.
Quoting: diaperedcuckold
Im not on either side and its easy to point fingers.

And that's exactly what I've been saying, you don't make any waves, don't want to offend, whether they deserve it or not, and if you could detach yourself from the UK, nobody would even know you were on the planet,,,except for ***ers and draft dodgers.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: jamesriske

That's funny lacuck and I agree.

The guy's a nutjob, that's for sure.

Yeah,,,his lady won't let him out of the basement, so he tries to interact with the world by acting like some shock jock, anything to get attention. He's kinda like a cross between Carrie and Norman Bates,,,they both wore dresses too. LOL. Oops,,,I better put my blinders on, here comes all the bitch and disease stuff,,,but that being the case (since we've read it all before), I guess we don't have to worry about some kind of intelligent response, we've already seen his entire repertoire, which makes his job easy,,,copy and paste, copy and paste,,,LOL.


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
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yawn ... Yawn ... YAWN .....YAWN .... man is this all the "superior" dog pack can come up with ? Man u suck big time as the followers of ur "Mr. Rambo" sitting in DC! One is already put his tail between his legs, one is busy under his boy friend Bubba , n the leader of them all is desperately trying to salvage some pride here but only getting whipped more again n again from an inferior breed dog...

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
He's kinda like a cross between Carrie and Norman Bates,,,they both wore dresses too. LOL.

Yaaaaaawnnnnn ..."err ... di... did somebody say something..... Oh! it was Multi Diseased Mary just "helping herself out" with the yesterday's gas.... Man she sure is a "loose cannon"!
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 1284
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Maybe Mary doesn't acknowledge that your government was dying to bring America into that war (WW2), so it's even possible that they knew about that possibility and took no measure to avoid it. About one thousand or so soldiers dies? Right! That justifies *******ing 150.000 civilians only in Nagasaki. I must recall that the US had previously sent a lot of their ships to patroll the Pacific, getting really close to Japan. That kind of threat is often disregarded as one good reamister for attacking Pearl Harbour.
As about your derrogatory comments on the afghans, iraqi and muslims in general, that's exactly what causes their so-called 'hatred' against u. You don't treat them like human beings. You believe to be superior! You act as if poverty and inequality did not exist in America! As if 'your machinery and technology' were sufficient for making people live better and be more fair to one another. We know that isn't so. You have your internal incoherences, you know. Some are very, very rich ... while others clean your shoes, collect your garbage, wash your laundry a.s.o.


Posts: 106
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
We did the same thing in WWII, till we got a REAL premise (we were attacked by Japan, we didn't have to fight Germany and Italy). As for Canada fighting for two years before us,,,tell me this, do you have a picture of your prime minister hanging on your wall,,,or the Queen? Who's on your money? I think that pretty much sums things up,,,you're Britains reserve, period. I know you're not much on *******ing, that's why you harbor ***ers under the death penalty, and draft dodgers.

Again, your speaking about a country you dont know much about. Canada has been its own country since 1867. We went to WWII to HELP the UK, and the rest of europe...because the nazis were obviously the bad guys, *******ing jews etc. We came on our own free will. The US couldnt be bothered, until the war came to them. Canada keeps its ties to the UK out of heritage and respect. We have our own goverment, and as you stated, the only real ties we have to the UK is some formal political ties, and the queen on our money. I have a picture of David Suzuki on my wall, lol.

With all the people cleared of charges out of DNA evidence, and the fact the legal systems efficiency is largely dependant on how much money you have...its a good thing that Canada doesnt have the death penalty. Two wrongs dont make a right, I think I learned that in grade school?

As far as draft dodgers goes. If you look back to the Vietnam war you may find it was a fruitless and unneccecary war, which is why Canada offered safe haven to all the people sent of to die in a jungle to fight the "commies". Most of those people being lower class and minorities, mind you.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
For a minute I thought you were talking about Australia, but there isn't any place on this planet where things come "down" from the south.

Canada is north of the US, as it shares the worlds largest unprotected boarder with it. " Down south " is south of Canada. Someone from Boston lets say, might say something like..." Those people "down south" in Alabama still talk about the civil war like it was yesterday " or something to that effect.


Posts: 1096
#207 · Edited by: jamesriske
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Thank God there's more people like me in the U.S. than these pansy-asses.

Otherwise, we'd be speaking German or worshipping to Mecca four times a day!


Let the pansy asses sit in their coffee shops and think they are better and more 'intellectual' than we are. Meanwhile, we'll be out there kicking butt.

No problem.

I miss my days in the Navy. Nothing like sneaking up behind a sentry and putting my knife under his ribcage and looking into his eyes as he dies.

God, I miss those days.



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Kids like to play "war-war" or something like that where they sneak behind the enemy and ******* him ... but alas when mommy calls one back , they have to pull their shorts up and go her like the little boys they r ... haha ... so cute ... did u blow up tanks also during ur games? or did u fight a whole battalion on ur own? awwwww ... am not making fun of u kiddo ... it's ok.. u have a lot of growing up to do ...
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 1096
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No, didn't blow up tanks or fight a whole battalion. But I did blow up a pier once.

Just being damn proud to protect the U.S. and the Constitution.

If I were younger and still in, I would be honored to be fighting alongside the Iraqi Army and taking out the outside insurgents who are coming across their borders and attacking them. I enjoy hearing the stories from my fellow frogs that are there now, kicking ass.

By the way, shall we be expecting you to take up residence at an al Queda camp anytime soon? Or are you just a hypocrit who lives in a western country sipping latte?

Let me guess.




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No one nation defeated the fascists (unless of course one believes the Hollywood movies) but only one nation has nuked civilians. It doesn't do anyone any good to wave redied shrouds - we are guilty of contributing to inhumanity when there is profit in it
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You losers need to get a life.
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