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You losers need to get a life.

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#151 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Ceasar,,,do you know what being "surgically boxed" is? I guarantee you if you did, and you knew where Osama was, you'd take me to him.

N yeah .. try all u want to try me whore bag ... weak people like u n Bush scare me the least... u r one of those people who will come n go and nobody would notice a thing.. bark as much as u want ..bite as much as u want ... I give a fuck.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 106
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From a Canadians and non-believers point of view. The west has been *******ing people in the middle east for a hundred years, in the name of oil and profits. Now, they are mad. Its the media and US goverment that has painted this picture of the easts baseless hate towards the west ( they hate our freedom and way of life etc etc ) If your little sister was blow to bits over protecting Israeli interests Or your whole house and family were destroyed so Shell Oil, backed by western goverments, could make a extra would be strapping bombs to yourself and be doing whatever you could to stop it too, just like these "terrorists" are.

Both sides are BATHED in religion. Its scary. If your christian, and have ever gone over to dinner at somebodies house that are Jenhovahs Witness or even Scientilogists...You act polite and respect each others views, but when you leave you shake your head and say to yourself " Man those guys believe in some weird things " To a outside observer, christains might as well say they can pull a rabbit out of a hat...Its "magic" your faith, and you look just as silly when you envoke "god" in your politics. You think praying to the east 5 times a day is weird? How about takeing your saviours red and eating his body? To someone who is looking inside the bubble, you both look ridiculous. Whats even worse is that you think your doing the right thing and your both armed to the teeth and filled with resolve.

Now its Iraq, then Iran. Setting up a stable middle east for oil consumption. If the " fighting for freedom" card is played...there is a whole continent called "Africa" that is bathed in civil war and death...but it isnt profitable (yet) to "fight for freedom" there.

The US lied to the world, itself, and denounced the UN in order to open up the Iraqi can of worms. With worms all over the floor, the US then ASKED the UN for help in dealing with the mess. A country that believes in so much freedom and human rights argues with legal laws and loopholes how it should be allowed to tourture the name of freedom. It argues how its soldiers should be exempt from being prosecuted under the world court for crimes agaisnt humanity...but screams redy *** when the tables are turned.

Now with all those dead civilians in Iraq ( when you shoot at a "terrorist" in a urban area, those bullets that miss keep on going...those clay buildings dont stand up much for protection ) running up to 200300k, but no ones really counting...excpet the dead US soldier count on CNN. Think of all the families being destroyed...and all the 14yo boys who have seen their ladys shot dead and mans questioned and treated like naturals in their own country by a occuping power. When those boys grow up, they will be strapping bombs to themselves and finding ther way over to the mainland...and you will be told that it is because he " hates your freedom and wants to make YOUR women wear veils "

You cant win a war against terror. Terrorism is defined as a term used to describe violence or other harmful acts committed (or threatened) against civilians by groups or permisters for political or ideological goals. So bascially...if your fighting for what you believe in and there is a opposing power or goverment stopping are a terrorist. Hippies trying to stop the Vietman war were terrorists. The american civil war...pure terrorism. Its all about picking sides. Unless you destroy every one from the middle east, it wont stop. Do you think you can convert 1.2 billion muslims, with violence? You think you can win the war on haves? You cant...but you can really PROFIT from it...

Bascially, its sickenly funny. Its a joke seeing how "right" everyone thinks they are. Killing is wrong, both sides of the fence. Will anyone take the high road? Doubtful.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
for u it would be necessary to ******* innocent lives because these are the "terrorists of tomorrow"...

Exactly,,,when I see them in school being taught to be exactly that, when I see their parents leave them in a car to blow up,,,if their own parents are willing to sacrifice them, I should give a cuckolds brownie, or sacrifice mine,,,we finally agree on something, you were right,,,I think we should "******* em all and let God sort em out". I'm only stating my position, I'm not engaging in an arguement with you, the minute I said something you disagreed with you went right back to "bitch this" and "bitch that",,,you're not only a young, but you're an imbecile on top of it.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: diaperedcuckold
Both sides are BATHED in religion. Its scary. If your christian, and have ever gone over to dinner at somebodies house that are Jenhovahs Witness or even Scientilogists...You act polite and respect each others views, but when you leave you shake your head and say to yourself " Man those guys believe in some weird things " To a outside observer, christains might as well say they can pull a rabbit out of a hat...Its "magic" your faith, and you look just as silly when you envoke "god" in your politics. You think praying to the east 5 times a day is weird? How about takeing your saviours red and eating his body? To someone who is looking inside the bubble, you both look ridiculous. Whats even worse is that you think your doing the right thing and your both armed to the teeth and filled with resolve.

Now see,,,you jumped into this discussion without knowing the players, you can find several threads on this website where I've openly stated that I'm an agnostic, I believe that all organized religion should be abolished, since it's *******ed more people than all the disease, accidents, and old age ever has. And as for us sitting down at dinner and being polite, then discussing the the various "weird" practices of other religions? That's to some degree is what we refer to as "tolerance", we don't throw open the garage door as you're leave and send out a suicide bomber to show our displeasure. I know that once Canada got enough white people in it to claim itself a nation, it noticed it was too big to hide, so a poilicy of keeping your collective mouths shut in hopes no one would bother you became SOP,,,but if you want to discuss world matters, try participating in them.


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#155 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
I think we should "******* em all and let God sort em out". I'm only stating my position, I'm not engaging in an arguement with you, the minute I said something you disagreed with you went right back to "bitch this" and "bitch that"

Yeah u r right ...I shouldn't have called u a bitch cause calling u a "bitch" is an insult to the word bitch... U say that there should be a 'final solution' for the people in the middle east ? U indeed r the lowest scum ever born ... u fill me with disgust ... I may be a third grader , I may be a young or imbecile or whatever whore ... but u r that slime which makes up all the ill there is in the world today ... u stink from inside bitch ... Giving uses to people like u is actually an insult to the use itself ... the world will be a better place to live in the day u r taken off the face off it.. u r right there with the Bushes and the Rumfelds slimeball ... u r right up there.. u do disgust me right to the core ... right to my fuckin utter core. The world will definitely be a better place to live and breathe in when u r gone ... n i mean it... u know what ? U r ugly n I don't mean just from the outside ... U r monstrously more uglier from the inside than u r from the outside woman ... I hope god stops making people like u if he cares even a lil for the people he created.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Columbus Cuckboy


Posts: 6
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Now I may like being dominated by my wife, but I am man enough to know that I am not the most intelligent man on the face of the earth. Do I have all the facts and answers? No... but I do know the world is at war and has been since the fall of the USSR. Did anyone realize that at one time Osama's main foe was the USSR. Remember their occupation in the 80's the holy war then was Muslim vs. USSR they used us to help them bring down the USSR. Now since they no longer fear being invaded by a socialist country that banned religion they turned their attention to us. If Regan knew that bringing down the USSR would result in world war 3 I am pretty sure he would have maintained the status quo. The main goal of every fanatical Muslim is to turn the entire world to run by the word of an obviously insane, "so called profit" named Mohammad. I for one prefer to choose my own religion or lack there of. US is the only country able to stand against these naturals. And yes Mary is right they are naturals and yes there are innocents in the middle east. I have talked with marines who have served over there. And he said that the news never reports about the all the the people in Iraq that are indeed happy we are there an that mass *** Saddam is finally gone. We so soon forget the good that the US as done. Are remembered for saving the Muslims from the Serbs?


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#157 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: Columbus Cuckboy
The main goal of every fanatical Muslim is to turn the entire world to run by the word of an obviously insane, "so called profit" named Mohammad.

Its "Prophet" not "Profit".. thats ok nobody is judging here by their knowledge of the English language .

Quoting: Columbus Cuckboy
Are remembered for saving the Muslims from the Serbs?

U r missing the whole argument if u think I am saying that everything associated with America/Americans is bad... I am in the US myself and there are some unquestionably good things which this country has in spite of the some obvious slime balls living here but to come out and say that by the invasion of Iraq was done on benevolent grounds is a lie of the highest order.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 1284
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Here's what I make of it ... (who's more 'youngish' in this world?)



Posts: 1284
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Aren't u tired of thinking your country possesses 'superheroes' and is granted 'superpowers'? (-> now it's fully proven it's not ...).

Now, let's go back to thinking in plain human terms:
Western and Eastern people are humans, they have no right, under no flag or circumstance, to go *******ing each other. Osama is as wrong as Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr. and whoever continues their evil, tetric job. We seem to have lost the humanity and the capacity of understanding others, which humankind took millenia to learn. I'm not a priest, nor a preacher, but without that capacity, it may be impossible living on Earth very, very soon. It's already too bad, as it is. Islamic people have brains, feelings, expectations, wishes and needs, just like all other people in the world usually have. Why treat them as different and generalise? I see two types of terrorists here, some are organised in official, institutionalised armies and others are not ... and that is about the only difference between them. Actually, there is a difference between them: those organised in small groups are not making any profit of this world's situation - they seem to be wishing to liberate their countries and people from oppression caused by the other half of the world (the half that possesses the most guns, technology, money and armies). The countries they belong to contribute with their only mineral richess to western wealth (just as other third world countries contribute with iron ore, manganese, bauxite ...) => and their countries and people continue to be poor. Something is out of order in the 'new world order' ... we all seem to acknowledge that.
Trade conditions are imposed by the richer and are unfair, in a sense that they only suit the needs of the stronger. So, we will go on saying that we are more civilised, and bla-bla-bla? (without even bothering to learn their art, literature, wisdom, etc. and without caring about how they feel or think). We run the world - and we seem to be running it wrong. We have runned it for centuries. Echological disaster is at hand because our industries cannot stop and we cannot avoid being consumist. We polute the most and consume the most - even if Chinese or Indian technology is worse - it's a proven fact observed by U.N. environment scientists and technicians. Our huge ships provoke oil spills every now and them, *******ing sealife and dirtying the ocean and beaches. Our fishing boats fish whales, tuna and other sea creatures without respecting the reproduction cycles. We're even starting to polute high atmosphere with objects ... We do not respect our planet. In which measure are we more civilised??? More and more ccidental women play games being 'sluts' and accepting violent sexual treatment ... is this any more 'sane' than the treatment eastern women get from their conservative, authoritarian husbands? Weddings in the occident do not last and families are disagregated, generating various problems for the youngren (who'll later be teenagers and engage in an army, for example - or in politics). Are we happier than they are? Are we wiser? Are we really 'more developed'? Who can answer that with full certainty, given all the facts? I leave you these questions and quit this ideological discussion here (I might be having my messages 'monitored' by some eastern agencies, by now ... lol - enjoy the talk, folks!). Bye!!!


Posts: 1284
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Errata: I meant western agencies. The referentials depends on where u are located.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
I may be a young or imbecile or whatever

Quoting the rest of your tirade only proves my point,,,U R, U R, U R, U U U,,,I'll tell you what I am, I am the kind of permister who was minding their own business, sitting on my futon watching the morning news, when the first plane hit, then the second,,,just like the people enjoying a warm summer Sunday morning in Pearl Harbor,,,and my hope is to be just like the people cheering after we nuked them. The relaxing tiger doesn't relax forever,,,we're not gonna go down, so once enough is done to where the liberals say that's too far, then the world will see just how fuckin rightuos we can be, once the damn breaks, it's all over but the tears.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: name
Here's what I make of it ... (who's more 'youngish' in this world?)

Cute referrence,,,but wouldn't it really be more like this is if you had your way? The title makes more sense in my version "World of No Return".



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#163 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Ya lacuck I may be mentally ill to compare ur GW to a terrorist but I am not a fuckin ***er like Bush and not a fuckin ***er supporter like u.. Will take being the mentally ill one over people like u anyday fuckin moron.

Quoting: lacuck
We kicked ass.

Had I not known how small ur brain was I would have been very surprised by this statement. The world knows who is kicking whose ass today in Iraq and thats the very reamister why even after 4 years of the "strongest country" in the world occupying Iraq there is not one iota of peace out there. Good job moron in making sure the "terrorists" are dead.

Quoting: lacuck
Too bad, now go cry.

Thats done by panty boys like u. Have a good time doing it.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Quoting the rest of your tirade only proves my point,,,U R, U R, U R, U U U,,,

U know what u r? .. u r scum ... u r slime ... u say people should celebrate when the Japs were nuked? U r small and way too filthy for me to even bark on .
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


Posts: 315
#164 · Edited by: DaniSubTV
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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
The world knows who is kicking whose ass today in Iraq and thats the very reamister why even after 4 years of the "strongest country" in the world occupying Iraq there is not one iota of peace out there.

Up until the recent troop build up, the main strategy of the US powers was to train the Iraq powers so we could stand down as they stepped up. Our ability to train is not at question....we turn our enlistees into loyal, dependable soldiers every day. We also do joint training with other countries through out the world all the time. When it comes to Iraq being able to recruit citizens (that will be loyal as well as report for duty), we can't do that job too, that's up to them.

As far as not being able to create peace in 4 years, you've got to be kidding. That region of the world has been at war in some part of it (if not several parts) since the beginning of time. War is a way of life there, that's NEVER going to change unless they stop fighting and *******ing in the name of religion and allow each other to have the freedom to choose their religion. When the circumstances that start a war no longer exist, whether it be money, power, politics, etc. the war eventually ends but, if people are going to insist on fighting in the name of god, they're always going to be fighting because there will always be god.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#165 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Quoting: DaniSubTV
Up until the recent troop build up, the main strategy of the US powers was to train the Iraq powers so we could stand down as they stepped up. Our ability to train is not at question....we turn our enlistees into loyal, dependable soldiers every day. We also do joint training with other countries through out the world all the time. When it comes to Iraq being able to recruit citizens (that will be loyal as well as report for duty), we can't do that job too, that's up to them.

As far as not being able to create peace in 4 years, you've got to be kidding. That region of the world has been at war in some part of it (if not several parts) since the beginning of time. War is a way of life there, that's NEVER going to change unless they stop fighting and *******ing in the name of religion and allow each other to have the freedom to choose their religion. When the circumstances that start a war no longer exist, whether it be money, power, politics, etc. the war eventually ends but, if people are going to insist on fighting in the name of god, they're always going to be fighting because there will always be god.

Plain and simple truth, plain and simple logic,,,you can't argue with it,,,right about now some braintrust is getting ready to respond with the stale WMD argument,,,because that's what people who don't have a rational agruement do, they try to brow beat you. Ceasar will go back to inventing figures like hundreds of thousands of people we've *******ed in Iraq, and Name will spew about how we brought it on selves, and how we're so evil we deserve it,,,yet not a single one of them would survive a week in Iraq or Iran. Have you ever noticed two things about totalitarian agressive regimes,,,they all parade their weapons down the street, and they all "goose step",,,here we float Garfield and Underdog balloons, and pretty much stroll,,,in comparimister that doesn't seem to me like we're sending out intimidating messages.


Posts: 267
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Now I'm not looking to takes sides, or for a response. I also agree with those who don't consider this the appropriate forum for this dialogue. It's a turn off, not a turn on. But since the opinions here seem to represent a good section of the those in the world at large I thought I'd put my pennyworth in.

There is a clear threat to the rest of the world from muslim extremists. The muslim faith seems to susceptible to being hijacked by extremeists because of the intollerance of others built into it. There are times when the same could be said, especially in the past, of christianity. But the current threat is from the muslim part of the world, and it's a serious threat which is spoiling lots of peoples lives.

In the light of this threat I would have throught Americans would have wanted as many friends in the rest of the world as they can get. But the more they go around the world with attitude and arrogance, the more they turn other people against them. This seems to me to be perfectly illustrated in this thread. The typically arrogant attitude being shown by some of the hard line US respondents is against people who don't, in my view, actually represent the threat we are facing. Instead they are people from the rest of the world who are trying to illustrate that US foreign policies aren't exactly whiter than white themselves. In particular the are more often than not determined by the interests of the US economy.

This threat is serious. To defend against it we need all the good guys showing a unified front on the same side. this includes moderate muslims by the way. And sometimes permisteral interest and nationalistic attitude has to be put aside. Instead we have people getting dangerously nasty to each others on issues which matter far thess than the big pictures.

Now Proteinn1 seemed to be trying to help a few posts ago, and I saw the response he got, so I have no doubt some will want to rant against this, but when the torrorists start to win, or we have nothing left in the world to value, I hope some of you will be able to examine how your own attitudes have helped bring about this situation.
Columbus Cuckboy


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Skin color has nothing to do with this. And I understand that there are good Muslims. I am talking about the fundamentalist, crazy jihad so called warriors of Allah. And the increasingly stupid people that buy into war for oil crap, or that the US government was behind the 9-11 cowardly act of war. We went to Iraq for one reamister. The possible threat of WMD. Granted our information was bogus, but if Saddam would have allowed inspections there would have been no war. I for one do not want to wait for the mushroom cloud over NYC before we take action. Like I said, the extremist started this war long before 9-11 and I think Iran is next, but Iran is bringing on the might of the free world by taking British hostages and saying the Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth. These are words and actions of a deranged mind. If you could travel back in time before 1938 and have the power to invade Germany to take out Hitler before he tried to wipe out an entire race, what would you do? Would you still say, its none of our business?


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#168 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Why don't the Americans take action against N Korea if it is in this war to make the world a "safer place to live in"????? N Korea has a proven regime given to tyranny , oppression and has proved in it ur face that it has more than just chemical or biological weapons ... Why is the US getting cold feet there? Well N Korea for one does not have oil and second China won't allow it to mess with N Korea unlike Iraq which had nobody. when faced with somebody its own size this regime did not have the balls to "be tough" cause they r ***ers plain and simple.
And don't give me that cuckolds brownie that this has nothing to do with skin color... Would the world have been sitting there quietly watching the spectacle had 650,000 "civilized" white people rather than brown people been butchered? No.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


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Quoting: name

Here's what I make of it ... (who's more 'youngish' in this world?)


Yes, who is more youngish in this world? Why don't you answer the question.

Islamic superheroes:

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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

Liberals as usual are full of cuckolds brownie.


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Yeah thats what u really can come up with ... a bunch of cartoons.. Go back to school sweetie ... want a candy to suck?
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Columbus Cuckboy


Posts: 6
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So I can see by your last rant you don't like white people. As for North Korea they have agreed to give up the nukes under pressure from the six nations directly involved. Be assured, had they not, they were third on the list of the Axis of Evil. And again the rant about oil. If this had been a war for oil, we wouldn't be paying almost $3.00 a gallon right now. Just admit you don't like Americans or America and your jealous that we are the most powerful nation on the planet. This world would be in a total mess if it were not for our role as World Police.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: cuck4kirsty
Now Proteinn1 seemed to be trying to help a few posts ago, and I saw the response he got, so I have no doubt some will want to rant against this, but when the torrorists start to win, or we have nothing left in the world to value, I hope some of you will be able to examine how your own attitudes have helped bring about this situation.

I know you didn't want a response, but once you say something you have to expect one, can't let you leave with what may or may not be the wrong impression. You have no reamister to expect a response similar to the one Proty got, cause you stated your thoughts, and didn't find it necessary to tell anyone to "go fuck themselves". I undestand and agree with some of your statements, however,,,there are layers of reality and truth when it comes to dealing with all the different aspects on inter government relations, when you peel it all away, you'll find out our capitalist greed is necessary to be able to afford to deal with all the anarchy and facism is the world. Throughout time kings have been able to appear magnanimus to the masses cause the people enjoyed a certain lifestyle, but many of the trouble makers didn't see it that way (and rightfully so from their POV), but like all kings, presidents have to serve the masses,,,the masses who don't care what it takes, the masses who (if they realized what it takes), would call for the removal of their leader if they knew. There is a blance to things, we need the asshole liberals if only to keep our leaders from straying too far. Sometimes they're actually right (even a stopped clock is right twice a day, LOL), but when they get to actually be in control, you have people hesitating,,,hesitation that makes aggressors believe they have a chance,,,so we wind up with little things like WW I & WWII,,,then you need somebody who has the power to shut it all down before the world is totally destroyed,,,that's when the Americans are everybody's friend.


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#173 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: Columbus Cuckboy
you don't like white people.

Yeah if a white permister likes to think of me and my people as a fuckin filthy brown dogs then I surely don't like him .. Besides white women are the best lays , there's no way I can hate them... Unlike people like u ,I definitely don't hate the color ... I hate the permister behind the color.

Quoting: Columbus Cuckboy
Just admit you don't like Americans or America

Nah ... unlike u I don't hate people for who they r... I will leave that unenviable quality to people like u.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
Why don't the Americans take action against N Korea if it is in this war to make the world a "safer place to live in"????? N Korea has a proven regime given to tyranny , oppression and has proved in it ur face that it has more than just chemical or biological weapons ... Why is the US getting cold feet there? Well N Korea for one does not have oil and second China won't allow it to mess with N Korea unlike Iraq which had nobody. when faced with somebody its own size this regime did not have the balls to "be tough" cause they r ***ers plain and simple.
And don't give me that cuckolds brownie that this has nothing to do with skin color... Would the world have been sitting there quietly watching the spectacle had 650,000 "civilized" white people rather than brown people been butchered? No.

China backed N. Korea the first time, Russia backed Cuba, and then there was us,,,we couldn't through out the baby with the bathwater, and confronting China or Russia would have meant the end of the WORLD as we know it,,,so we bided our time and the USSR fell apart. Would you rather we attack N. Korea and in the process S. Korea and Japan get detroyed with nukes? N. Korea wouldn't be able to hurt us that much, but Japan and S. Korea would be fucked, is that your suggestion? Or do you suggest we let Iran have nukes too, so we can have the same problem with them? I have a suggestion,,,grow up kid!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: Columbus Cuckboy
So I can see by your last rant you don't like white people. As for North Korea they have agreed to give up the nukes under pressure from the six nations directly involved. Be assured, had they not, they were third on the list of the Axis of Evil. And again the rant about oil. If this had been a war for oil, we wouldn't be paying almost $3.00 a gallon right now. Just admit you don't like Americans or America and your jealous that we are the most powerful nation on the planet. This world would be in a total mess if it were not for our role as World Police.

What can I say,,,it's nice to see the rational people have finally gotten on board, you, Dani, whiteboy (in his own way), and a couple others have made me feel like I wasn't alone in this tirade of manure.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
unlike u I don't hate people for who they r

Coming from a descendent of the people who gave us the words "assassin & thug",,,interesting!
Quoting: Ceasar_India81
Yeah if a white permister likes to think of me and my people as a fuckin filthy brown dogs

Okay,,,now aren't you the same Ceasar who brought up the fact that your people wallow in cuckolds brownie,,,something I think you were bragging about, in terms of being able to handle anything because you "bathed in cuckolds brownie",,,which is it, we treat you like that, or you ACT like that,,,I know you take from the same river you wash and cuckolds brownie in, and disease in your country has always been rampant because of it,,,is that what you're complaining about, or bragging about?


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#177 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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I wasn't able to make up my mind if I really wanted to answer a low life form like yours insults or not .... but now as again u have gone on and seem to insult my people rather than just me so I am going to answer back whore bag ...

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
it's nice to see the rational people have finally gotten on board, you, Dani, whiteboy (in his own way), and a couple others have made me feel like I wasn't alone in this tirade of manure.

Nah .. u would need a a bigger pack of dogs to get this dog down ... I come from that breed of people who have taken the cuckolds brownie thrown by the so called "superior" n "civilized" white people before ... not going down easily bitch ... get more on board ... not enough at the moment to save ur rotting ass... get a bigger pack of dogs ..

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Coming from a descendent of the people who gave us the words "assassin & thug",,,interesting!

there u go again ... u came back to my people and my ancestors ... seems like the bad flatulence is coming for u ... u never seem to understand that this is not 1907 ... this is 2007 ... yeah these very dirty people are now the very backbone of ur economy my dear Mary ... n the doctor for ur STDs (remember them? ) might in all probabilities be an Indian ... n he is gonna treat u with the same hands that he used to clean his cuckolds brownie in the morning ... but what other option u have ? Half the doctors in this country seem to be from my dirty country

No bitch no ... U thought that now since u have a bigger pack behind u , u could go back to ur lowly ways of permisteral attacks ... did the previous ass whopping u got from me bruise ur ego that now u want to "get back".... awwww ... No lil bitchey darling ... everytime u try n come up to my face with ur now famous bad breath I will have to slap ur face away ... I know its humiliating but then what can I do ... u never seem to learn!
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
I wasn't able to make up my mind

Anyone with half a brain can see that,,,I was merely quoting you,,,but rather than explain youself you go right back to same youngish rhetoric, typical for an individual that hasn't really got an agruement or an alternative. People that move to this country for the most part assimilate, so I'm sure if I happen to get an Indian Dr. he'll follow protocol of the civilized west and wash his hands. For someone living in my country and benefitting from all the perks that come with it, you must be a real slimeball,,,even in the "old world" they had the common sense not to bite the hand that feeds you. You must be a student in one of our schools, lots of anarchists come here for their education, before they go back to lead their people is a struggle that usually cause them their life,,,but not yours,,,just like Fidel and Arafat,,,everybody involved with them die a violent death, they die in the relax, how typical. So I guess I'll need some penicillin for my STD's and some mouthwash for my bad breath,,,but come tomorrow you'll still be you, and I pity your wasted little effort of a life,,,do you shave yet?


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#179 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
but not yours,,,just like Fidel and Arafat,,,everybody involved with them die a violent death,

The only people dying right now r the people who have to deal with people like u and ur hero George Bush.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
I was merely quoting you

You weren't quoting me .. u were barking at me . Have the guts to own up what u were doing.

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
not to bite the hand that feeds you.

Firstly the US doesn't "feed" me .. I think I earn what ever I eat like most people and the US government rightly does cut taxes from my salary to help people like u with Medicare and Social Security ... but that's alright I guess with ur frequent visit to the doctors u don't get time to work ... We understand ...
But yes I think I got what u were trying to say when u said bout me biting the hand ... Well it just so happens that whatever I am saying bout the US not getting involved in making enemies by *******ing innocent people and repeating history is actually a well intentioned advice but it takes people with brains to understand it ...

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
So I guess I'll need some penicillin for my STD's and some mouthwash for my bad breath

Nah .. some extra mouthwash .. remember after all it's YOU who we r talking bout!

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
but come tomorrow you'll still be you

Damn right I will be myself .. what do u expect me to become come tomorrow? U ? Nah ...

Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
do you shave yet?

Well u might not be sure whether I shave or not but I know u do shave that mustache u get everyday ... awwwww... did I say something I shouldn't have said in public? Its alright people don't look at u much anyways! n yeah ever heard of Botox? U might just be in the need for it honey ... did that come out loud? Sorry!!
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Tell me something, does it get really cold in your ladys basement? Does she bring you hot cocoa? I really hope the NSA's computors are picking up on catch phrases,,,I think I'd be okay with the idea of dying from laughter, if I heard you wound up spending 3 or 4 years in Gitmo,,,that would just break me up,,,or better yet, the other place, the one that nobody knows about,,,OOOOH!!!!
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