Posts: 124
Lets get one thing straight weakwhiteboy, I'm not American and don't live there either. Does it surprise you that my second language s*******s far exceed your patheticly limited vocabulary? It's the result of feeding my brain useful info, instead of the muck storage your thick scull capsulates so proudly.
As for my cock size, I passed the famous toilet roll test (european size) with flying colors and could probably use it for a ramcharger, in the event it would be needed as such. I'm a 192cm tall Icelander. Please inform me when you plan on visiting our little isle, for I wish to give you the warm welcome you so richly deserve. Don't bother inviting me to the states, as I'm not interested in visiting. All this went right over your head, didn't it? Well it's not written for your enjoyment, but rather other readers. Wish I had time to kick you some more, but this will have to do for now. Proteinn1
Posts: 208
#122 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: weakwhiteboy If the military used you as a target dummy it would be a waste of bullets
Sorry bitch ... firstly I am not a Iraqi who ur military can use as target practice ... This is not 1907 , this is 2007 ... u try n come after me and I will make sure that u won't know what hit u bitch ... u won't know what hit u ,u white faggot boy ... this dirty colored dog fights back u bitch .... just try ur balls n use me for target practice .. i will rip ur fuckin white heart out u fuckin panty boy ... try it bitch ...try it.
Why do u so fuckin care as to what this dirty indian dog is saying bitch? Sure u r right when u go into Iraq in the name of "liberation" and end up with more than 650,000 dead bodies in ur kitty ... yeah u were right... with those many bodies out there ur soldiers sure don't need me for target practice. But u r forgetting one thing bitch ... u r forgetting what happened to Russia in Afghanisthan and what happened to the US in Vietnam ... Both the times the enemy was one small, weak, uncivilized,resourceless, powerless insect for u which u thought could be stomped under ur feet .. guess what bitch? u were first slapped , then were slapped harder, then next u were punched and then punched harder and then this small powerless sub life form gave u an ass whopping of such a proportion that u had to put ur tail between ur legs and run away ... no u fuckin whore bag .. days of white people using the rest of the world for target practice is over .... there might be times when u may have a merry time piling up bags of bodies like in Iraq but then there r times when u try to be tough with a guy like me and that is when u get one right between ur balls u fuckin white faggot cunt ... u try n mess with me bitch ... n i will tear the living daylights out of u, u white whore bag ... try being tough with me ... ur white ass won't know what hit u ,u fag bitch ....
Quoting: weakwhiteboy You and your pig fucking liberal friends
Lemme me make one thing clear white boy ... I am not a liberal nor I am a conservative.. keep those words for ur people ... I am just a filthy Indian dog who will rip u open if u try messing with me ...
Quoting: weakwhiteboy "i love sexy time in my ass"
Now come on white boy ... everybody is not like u , now are they? Bet u have wet dreams of 'real men' as u like to call them make a faggot white boy out of u but lemme assure u one thing bitch .. there are a lot of straight men out there like me who like pussy unlike u ... and just for the record I do like white pussy better.. nooooo noooo ... don't get excited! I said I like white female pussy better ... i know u identify urselves as "white pussy" yourselves but I can assure u that u indeed r nothing but a lil white faggot boy who so wished she was a pussy so men like me could have bitches like u under us in bed ... sorry bitch - not happening with me. Go pimp ur white ass somewhere else fag .
Quoting: weakwhiteboy You are weak,
Try me whitey .. try me. Remember what I said .. this is not 1907 this is 2007. U might still have ideas of colored people being at ur foot ... lemme do u a favor ...come to me fag boy .. i know how to make white cunts like u to stop day dreaming.. I know it will hurt but hey I will assure u that,unlike what u planned for me,u won't end up in a body bag. But yeah ... don't come to me thinking I am 'Bubba' .. u know the big guy whom u went to when u wanted to act out ur "I am a little white bitch boi" fantasy  ...
Remember white boy - I am neither a weak colored dog for ur target practice nor am I Bubba whom u so desperately need for "getting off".. I am a 'dirty ,filthy, brown Indian dog' as ur people like to call it. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
WOW,,,has this thing gotten out of hand, and obviously waaaayyyy beyond solving. Near as I can see (this being a cuckold site and all, remember that?), everyone who came to this site originally came here to satisfy their sexual kinks. That being said, I feel I can solve this problem once and for all, if not by getting everyone to agree, by at least letting them have the knowledge of "the proof of the pudding, is in the eating". So here's my solution, everyone who hates America, hates the western philosophy of freedom and democracy, pick yourselves up, and take all the Rosi O'Fuckin Donnells with you, and move to the middle east. When you can find a pencil, try writing something against the government and see how far you get, don't get caught doing anything the Imams think is kinky, they'll wack off your tallywacker, and don't forget to kiss your kids goodbye when they go to suicide bomber school, cause you won't be seeing them again. But don't be surprised if you're amongst those that drop to the ground to kiss our soldiers boots when we come to "liberate" you. At least then, when you're back in civilization and you don't need a pencil cause you've got a PC, and you have the FREEDOM to write what you want, you'll have a more realistic point of referrence,,,the one where YOUR balls were at stake.
Quoting: Proteinn1 To James Riske, weakwhiteboy (fitting name) and Multi Orgasmic Mary I say this. Go fuck yourselves, that's all you are fit for, have deleted all vids uploaded by you. To the rest I apologize for this rant, but I cannot stand this kind of cuckolds brownie anymore.
Proty Baby,,,you're either a liar (because we have no way of knowing you actually deleted them), or an asshole (because we have no way of knowing you actually deleted them). But by all means, feel free to take me up on my challenge, you don't even have to live there, just visit and hang out for awhile, I'm sure they'll be happy to give you some replacement vids to jerk off to,,,maybe not. BTW,,,I have no problem getting laid, so the concept of "fucking myself" hasn't really come up,,,I'm guessing that's not so much the case where you're concerned?
Posts: 159
So the truth comes out...Proteinn1 is NOT an American and he thinks our own gov't blew up the world trade center. Maybe your fucking brain froze up in Iceland Proteinn1? Spending too much time at the mosque in downtown Rekjavik?? It's too bad you have no respect for America, as you will probably need our help someday when the Islamafacists come your way. And if you have 2 working brain cells in your head you would support a free nation against the largest threat to modern civilization today...radical towel headed muslims.
As for Caesar....WOW another fucking racist towelhead looking to hate on whitey...BIG fucking shocker. You dirty Indian whores wipe your asses with your hand right? I can't wait for the Pakistanis to drop a nuke right in Bombay to clean up the filth there. Would make that cesspool of a city smell better no doubt. And go ahead and hate on whitey you pig fucker, I am glad to be white rather than a 7/11 working turban wearing curri eating dickhead like you. NOW PUMP MY FUCKING GAS BITCH
Posts: 159
OH here we go....Abu Ghraib. YES YES the old stanby for why we should hate our military. Terrorists piled up naked on each other MAKES ME CHUCKLE! I only hope they were executed like the dogs they are. And how to you compare this to terriorists blowing up muslim civilians (women and youngren) without disregard and *******ping people and cutting their throats on video?? PERFECTLY OK WITH YOU CAESAR ISNT IT YOU PIG FUCKING ANARCHIST! You and Sean Penn should have gay sex deserve each other.
Posts: 208
#126 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: weakwhiteboy WOW another fucking racist towelhead looking to hate on whitey
Come on bitch ... bring on something more than trying to garner some pity for urselves ... come on bitch boy ...take me on.. Take this dirty Indian dog on ... I am here u cum bag ... I am here...
Quoting: weakwhiteboy I am glad to be white rather than a 7/11 working turban wearing curri eating dickhead like you. NOW PUMP MY FUCKING GAS BITCH
LOL LOL LOL ..... U soooooooooooooooooooooo wish this was true white fag boy ... U just so so wish this was true!!!!  U just so wish I was a low life form who pumps ur gas ... No bitch I actually pump ur white women who lie under me in the bed moaning like 10 dollar whores eager to please me!!!!Hahahaha whitey I just wish u could see how much i am miss seeing ur face as I write this .. that sorry white faggot face trying hard to fight back tears... LOL ...
Wanna know the truth whore bag? I -a dirty brown Indian dog am here in ur country not to pump gas for ur car bitch but to take ur job in the mornings and fuck ur women in the evenings bitch ... U should see the way ur white women moan under me ... thats what I said bitch ... this is not 1907 this is 2007 ... n guess what is the difference? Ur people are paying me from their pockets so I can live in ur land , eat ur food and fuck ur women bitch rather than u getting a chance to be the "Saheb" and trying to act tough with me just because u were white and I was brown...Fuck u bitch .... Welcome to reality..
U should just see for once what happens when I am in some club ... its so fuckin pathetic .... white fag boys like u are so fuckin clueless because u just can't seem to figure out what in the world u should do to land ur OWN white women who for some inexplicable reamister seem to gravitate to "filthy colored dogs" like me!!!! It becomes just so pitiful for u guys when u see guys like me whom u thought were curry eating , ass wiping , sub life forms take ur women to a corner all while u look around clueless... yes bitch that is the truth ...
Quoting: weakwhiteboy Terrorists piled up naked on each other MAKES ME CHUCKLE!
u know what makes me chuckle?... well I just told u that faggot ... YOU make me chuckle ... Seeing u in the pathetic situation that u r in right now ... U have dirty dogs like me come in ur country take ur jobs n bed ur women while u just stand there and bark like a fag bitch makes me chuckle .. what makes me chuckle even more is that u think we r still doing the jobs u so wished we were doing!!
Quoting: weakwhiteboy And how to you compare this to terriorists blowing up muslim civilians
Now now now ... whitey please don't try to put up a false pretense here that u care a penny as to what happens to those 'insects' out there ...I know u find it difficult being one but for once try being a man and say ur mind out ... don't worry for what people will think about u ... I assure u that ur image of a infinitely small , utterly unimportant, absolutely abhorrable piece of white faggot ass will be difficult to remove. You can keep wishing that Pakis nuke the cuckolds brownie out of my country, the "terrorsits" will be shot like dogs by the ladyfuckin 'liberators" and permisterally I will be the one who is pumping ur gas rather than the one who is pumping ur women like whore bags in the night. Keep dreaming white boi ... keep dreaming..
I hate having to dirty my hands on despicable life forms like u but i guess somebody has to do the dirty job and who else to clean dirty scum like u other than a dirty Indian dog like me who cleans his cuckolds brownie with his own hands. For the record... Yes I do clean my cuckolds brownie with my own hands ... but guess what bitch boy? These are the very hands with which I clean my cuckolds brownie which would be punching the living lights out of u ...Hope u like having cuckolds brownie plastered all over ur face ! Enjoyyyyy white fag boy ...Enjoy!!
PS: I would genuinely advise u that u should shout on the top of ur voice and tell ur white women that dirty Indian dogs like me clean our asses with our own hands cause the way they r lets just say 'copulating' with us , very soon ur superior white race would no longer be existant... but I am not very sure even that would deter ur white women from pursuing us ... wish u luck lil faggy boi! I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 315
There are people that pay a lot of money to have a woman in a uniform make them crawl around naked wearing a dog collar and leash...and that was suppose to be a form of *** (and it was free too!). I permisterally would prefer that rather than have my head cut off. In a situation like that, you just have to go with the flow.....I would have either just started humping her leg like a horny dog or lifted my leg and pissed on her boots. I bet the NY Times wouldn't have printed that picture on the front page practically every day for a month.
Seriously though, just a comment....that entire incident was first reported by our own press. It's very difficult to hide things in a country with free always gets out and then it's even worse because the attempt to hide is now also part of the story. In addition the soldiers and guards that were involved in that, were prosecuted and many of them are in the brig (primister) themselves now. They don't have to wear a dog collar and leash but, some may be their cell mate's bitch by now.
Posts: 315
#128 · Edited by: DaniSubTV
Quoting: weakwhiteboy I am glad to be white rather than a 7/11 working turban wearing curri eating dickhead like you. NOW PUMP MY FUCKING GAS BITCH
In many cases they OWN that 7/11 (or their family does) and they're not just working there as employees. I know here in Arizona, a 7/11 franchise isn't cheap. There are a few near me (the owners all happen to be originally from India) and they all seem to be living the "American dream". Also in many states (I'm sure it's a very healthy majority too) gas stations are completely self service so, get your ass out of the car and start pumping it your self, lol.
Posts: 208
#129 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I wouldn't ask the first one a single question, I'd surgically "box him", then put him back with the others for an hour or so, then send for the next one, I'd find Osama in a week.
U seriously think this was not done? that the primisterers were not ***d? I for one am totally for rounding up the the terrorists and giving them the "treatment" but u can't beat a guy dead and then make him "confess" that he is a terrorist.... Usually what happens in such a case is that nothing concrete comes out of it and usually this ends up with people like Osama Bin Laden getting away scot-free which is precisely what has happened.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary they want the terrorists to succeed,
Ever given it a thought that probably the people who u have branded as terrorists are being viewed as freedom fighters in their country? George Washington was definitely not called a freedom fighter by the Britishers way back in 1770s!! See the similarity? If anybody then u r the terrorists for them who r in their country plundering and *******ing for the oil.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Yeah it's a heartless position, but I should rather my boys die? I'd rather no one died, but the fundamentalists make that impossible, and the civilians do nothing, so we wind up back at breaking eggs to make omelets.
U have said a very interesting statement. Just give it a thought -- Would this statement make any less sense if Osama Bin Laden said it to justify his actions?????? I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 1284
Maybe these are all lies, but it's worth investigating it further. That's what I have found using the search tool "Google", when looking for 'dead iraqi photos'. I myself received an e-mail about two years ago, with the saddest pictures I've seen in my life (dead men, women, chiildren ... all iraqis, according to the scenario, human type and whole aspects present in the photos and to what the e-mail told us). Those pictures, I found out, had been posted in Al-jazeera site by international journalists and photographers who had been on site, but it's difficult finding them posted now. I'll not show them here. This press article below is from sep/2005, and concerns 'dead iraqi photos been traded by porn' by US soldiers.
"US probes Iraq net body pictures
Allegations that US soldiers posted photographs of dead Iraqis on a website in exchange for access to pornography are being investigated by the Pentagon.
An army spokesman said the posting of such pictures by soldiers could be a *** of the military code.
The authenticity of the pictures - some of which are also said to come from Afghanistan - has not been determined.
The US military was hit by scandal in 2004 when photographs of US guards a***ing Iraqi primisterers emerged.
'Trade in misery'
The Council on American-Islamic Relations called for an investigation after reports of the pornographic website showing pictures of corpses emerged last week.
"This disgusting trade in human misery is an insult to all those who have served in our nation's military," Arsalan Iftikhar, the group's legal director wrote in a letter to Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
A spokesman for Mr Rumsfeld said on Tuesday that the Pentagon had recently become aware of the allegations and was looking into them.
"Obviously it is an unacceptable practice," Bryan Whitman said.
Pentagon officials have said the allegations also raise questions about whether the postings could be viewed as ***s of the Geneva Conventions, the New York Times reports.
Protocol I of the international conventions says: "The remains of permisters who have died for reamisters related to occupation or in detention resulting from occupation or hostilities... shall be respected."
The US, however, is not party to this protocol, which was added to the conventions in 1977.
The website on which the controversial images appear was originally set up for users to trade pornographic pictures of their wives and girlfriends.
Interviewed by the Online Journalism Review of the Annenberg School for Communications last week, the owner of the site said he had offered soldiers free access if they could prove they were members of the military.
Chris Wilmister said some sent in pictures of Baghdad traffic signs or of aspects of their life abroad, others sent in pictures of corpses and dismembered bodies.
The pictures are often accompanied by commentaries celebrating the *******ings but the forum also includes a space for discussion about the war and its purpose.
"This is directly from them [the soldiers]. They can take the digital cameras and take a picture and send it to me, and that's the most raw you can get it. I like to see it from their point of view, and I think it's newsworthy," Mr Wilmister told the Online Journalism Review."
Posts: 208
#131 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: name The website on which the controversial images appear
the website in question here would be ... The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 1096
#132 · Edited by: jamesriske
""""""""""Ever given it a thought that probably the people who u have branded as terrorists are being viewed as freedom fighters in their country? George Washington was definitely not called a freedom fighter by the Britishers way back in 1770s!! See the similarity? If anybody then u r the terrorists for them who r in their country plundering and *******ing for the oil. """""""""""
George Washington didn't blow up civilians, women, and youngren on purpose.
Terrorists are terrorists because they attack civilians. Got it?
Remember 9-11? There was a crowded day care in that building. Remember the Russian school that was taken over? Remember the London bus bombings?
I'm sure we can all agree on here as human beings regardless of your political beliefs to condemn your ass for stepping way out of line here in comparing freedom fighters with terrorists who bomb civilians.
I don't often swear on here but you are an asshole.
You call people who strap a bomb on their back and walk into a coffee shop to blow it up for Alah a 'freedom fighter' like George Washington.?
What a fucking moron.
Posts: 1284
Mr.Riske, have u heard of 'state terrorism'? Countries that use armies to impose their will on others by power , ignoring civilians, international laws, a.s.o.? Israel is a good example of that, in the present.
Tks Caesar - I'll visit that site you mentioned.
Sorry, M.O.M. - couldn't yet stop posting on that subject as I had previously promissed (the discussion is still 'burning like hot oil") lol.
As for cuckoldry and sex, an observation: interracial commercial sites usually picture small white women with big black men - and use special lenses to 'enhance' the guys' sexual tools ... what opens the way for another discussion: are they really well-endowed? (exception made of a few ones who we clearly see 'have the gift'. And the girls keep saying things they would not say in a real situation, pointing out the guys have black dicks (of course, 'cause they are black!) and so on ... Second observation is: all films are alike! Girl blows the man, man fucks the girl, girl 'takes' the sperm (or spits it). Not much imagination, is it? That's why so many people prefer to watch real 'amateur scenes', which are difficult to find.
Posts: 1096
Does Israel purposely target civilians when they bomb other countries?
Do they bomb coffee shops with suicide bombers? Let poimisterous gas go on subways? Take over schools and start shooting youngren? Do they crash airplanes into civilian buildings? Do they seek biological weapons to ******* civilians?
You are another asshole on here and your mind is way out of whack.
He compared George Washington with modern-day terrorists. Why did you ignore that and bring up Israel?
Your bullcuckolds brownie is easy to see through.
Posts: 1284
Israel bombs blocks of houses and buildings in Palestine (under the pretext of *******ing a few 'terrorists') and incentivated the occupation of palestinian lands for decades. It also used cluster bombs in Lebanon - weapons banned by UN conventions which Israel signed. Its secret service and police arrest people without any court order. It's a 'lawless' state, which invokes the law in it's favour ... does that sound familiar to you? Of course, no ...
*(I was trying to suggest another subject for us to talk about ... people must be bored listening to us talk).
Posts: 1284
*2 (if you want controversial subjects to talk about, let's talk about youngren and teenagers who ******* their own colleagues in school - that happens in the occident)
Posts: 1096
Play all the evasion games you want but the fact remains that to compare George Washington to modern day terrorists who specifically attack civilians on purpose is ridiculous.
If you're not up to admitting that, you have a warped mind and I'm not even going to give you the time to reply.
Posts: 1284
Riske, you got the wrong guy (as your govnmt. and Israel's often do). I did not say a word about G.W. (George Washington).
I found this on a black american site (blackprof, I guess, Dec 06):
1) Perhaps the biggest executive power grab we've seen in this century. President Bush's creation of a secret program to spy on Americans as part of the so-called "war on terror" is just the latest in a string of practices revealed over the past few months that reflect this Administration's disrespect for the rule of law. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts created pursuant to the FISA Act were designed to give the executive branch a quick way to obtain wiretaps needed for national security and intelligence-gathering purposes. The Court provides essential oversight by the judicial branch to avoid the potential for the executive branch to use wiretaps abusively, as in the Nixon White house. After the Patriot Act, FISA requests enjoyed even greater deference. When lawyers for the govt. appear before the court to make their request, there is no "other side" to make counter arguments. The court has not denied any govt. requests for wiretaps since 9-11. The Court can provide warrants in a matter of hours in many cases, and in others permits warrantless wiretaps for 15 days until the Court can review the request. In sum, the FISA court and its procedures are extremely deferential to the executive. So why did President Bush think he needed to act outside of the law to obtain wiretaps. Holidays or not, we'd better watch this one closely and demand hearings into this practice. Perhaps even more troubling than the President's authorization of these wiretaps, are the flimsy legal arguments offered by the Attorney General to support it.
2) The hearings on the nomination of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito will begin in mid-January. The staffers of the Judiciary Committee will be formulating the questions and the strategy of the Senators, while we knock back our egg nog. We know that the nominee will be questioned closely about abortion. But will the Judiciary Committee give civil rights issues a back seat? I'm betting they will, but hoping they won't. For more on this, see my commentary in the online legal journal Jurist at The piece is called "Blind Ambition: Civil Rights and Supreme Court Nominees."
Posts: 208
#139 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: jamesriske He compared George Washington with modern-day terrorists.
Moron I cannot help it if ur small brain has problems understanding what u read. I very precisely said :
Quoting: Ceasar_India81 George Washington was definitely not called a freedom fighter by the Britishers way back in 1770s!!
If u had been reading the lines properly then u would have understood that I was replying to Multi_Orgasmic_Mary's question as to why the normal citizens of Iraq don't oppose to the terrorists. I was precisely implying the same that just because people sitting in the US call XYZ a terrorist does not make XYZ a terrorist in every goddamn permister on earth's dictionary. For some people XYZ could be a freedom fighter and for some he would be not a freedom fighter in the same way as George Washington was and is freedom fighter for the Americans but was not a freedom fighter for the Britishers in 1770. For some reamister ur small brain went on an overdrive and u started to make things up out of nowhere. If George Washington deserved to be called a terrorist then I would have called him one in the same way as I will call u a moron because u deserve to be called one.
PS: I did indeed go the extra mile to help u overcome ur shortcomings about interpreting things but don't expect this everytime. BTW being an Indian I very well know the exact meanings of freedom fighters, terrorists, and ur so called "Liberators with good intentions". I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 208
#140 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: jamesriske I'm sure we can all agree on here as human beings regardless of your political beliefs to condemn your ass
Gang all u can bitch .. gang all u can. I am right here. Get it on , I am waiting.. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 315
Quoting: Ceasar_India81 U have said a very interesting statement. Just give it a thought -- Would this statement make any less sense if Osama Bin Laden said it to justify his actions??????
Yes but, all the people Osama Bin Laden was responsible for *******ing were not only all civilians that were not carrying any weapons or were involved in fighting any one but, we didn't even know he was at war with us. It's not like any one was living in a war zone where they could shot, blown up or detained and thrown in jail.
The word "holy" and "war" do not belong in the same sentence as far as I'm might as well consider them to be opposites almost. About 15 years ago through a job I had, I was involved with data regarding all the religions on the face of this earth. At that time there were well over 5,000 back best only one of those is correct (or maybe none are). It doesn't make any sense to me that any one should deciding who is a non-believer and should dead (or wiped off the face of the earth or anything else) other than god. What ever religion you believe, your fate is decided by him so why do some people feel in the name of religion they need to help him by *******ing any one. He created all of us so, it's up to him who dies and when.
Posts: 124
I make it a habit not to cast my pearls before swine, so I won't put any effort into educating brainwashed folks on world politics. It's simply not worth the effort. By all means continue to spew out racist generalizations about people you know nothing about, all it does is expose you as an idiot and a reminder to decent folks what road not to tread. What goes around, comes around, you reap as you sow. Is any of this getting through to you Mary?
Give it some thought. You can call me a liar, or an asshole. You have every right to your opinion. I can think of some colorful descriptions of my perception of you as well, but will leave you to guess their nature, as I'm in a pretty good mood today and won't let anything spoil that. You guess wrong Mary, I'm a happily married man and we watch the cuck vids together, because we enjoy the fantasy of the concept and have no plans of making it a reality, as I am man enough to keep my beautiful wife satisfied. This will be my last response in this thread, as the discussion is getting repetetive and boring.
Be well all (yes all) and let's remember we all get what we give. Proteinn1
Posts: 159
Caesar is a piece of cuckolds brownie terrorist sympathizer PLAIN AND SIMPLE, and he has a grude against white people, probably because he was born with a small dick and had to wipe his ass with his hand for many years. I can only imaging the fat snaggletooth bitches he gets to fuck, then gloat about how all white momen are his bitches...nice. I'm sure he'll have many lasting relationships that way. With any luck Caesar will get AIDS and die a slow miserable death.
The reamister white women fuck men from different races is because they try to be open minded about things, and not racist fucks. The ironic thing is, most other races are racist against white people. And I can only assume this is because they realize how fucking ugly and less fortunate(most of) they are and they envy whitey. Make NO MISTAKE Caesar, you are a dirty indian dog and even if you were to knock up some dirty white whore the baby would be more attractive then if it came out of an Indian womans fly infested cunthole. NOW PUMP MY FUCKING GAS YOU PIG FUCKER
HAHA this is so fun pounding your pro-terrorist ass in the ground....
Posts: 159
Mary, I said some things about you in the past that I now regret, because you are a patriotic American. You might not agree with me on a lot of things, but hey thats cool. I just wish we could tie Caesar to a tree and beat him like a pinata!!
Posts: 208
Quoting: DaniSubTV Yes but, all the people Osama Bin Laden was responsible for *******ing were not only all civilians that were not carrying any weapons or were involved in fighting any one but, we didn't even know he was at war with us. It's not like any one was living in a war zone where they could shot, blown up or detained and thrown in jail.
I know I am unwittingly coming out over here as if I was the devil's advocate ... There is absolutely no doubt that what Osama Bin Laden and his cronies did and are doing is utterly despicable but my point is that what the US did and is doing in Iraq today IS utterly despicable too.
If you tell me that Osama Bin Laden is the only who has *******ed innocent people then u r WRONG. If u tell me that the only civilised pieces of ass are the so called 'civilised white skinned westerners' then u r wrong. I can give u a thousand reamisters why this "civilised superior race" has committed crimes so heinous that they are right up there with Bin Laden. My point is that just because u white skins call Bin Laden a terrorist then he does not automatically become a terrorist in every permister's eyes. For the people of palestine who were kicked out of their own houses and then *******ed like dogs , the US is the terrorist for snuggling up with Israel and turning a blind eye to the innocent civilians being *******ed. Hamas is a terrorist organization for me but so is the Israeli military who stomp into Palestine in the name of "catching terrorists" and end up *******ing 10 year old boys.
Just to be clear that the above lines are for people who can read and reamister .. for people like weakwhiteboy and Jamesriske who have trouble understanding things , I am right here bitch bois... This Indian filth is right here for the taking ... get ur pack of dogs and come after me ... show mw how ur pack of dogs used to hunt brown pigs like me ...I am waiting whores ... this brown piece of filth is waiting.. come get me whitey I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 159
Caesar, we have blacks, asians, indians, whites, and latinos in our military. Why must you hold a disingenuous grudge against whites? YOU are a fucking racist. You envy white peole and our women...why else would you fuck them? Face it wish you were a white man because you'd have greater access to white pussy. You are a sellout to all Indian people...just a stinking pile of elephant turds. Why not just join the Taliban and choose your life's new calling??
Posts: 208
#147 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Weak whitey u so so wish that every word that u were barking was true ... but sorry bitch boi as I keep repeating that this is not 1907 but this is 2007 sweetie and sadly for u , u r the bitch today who has to make way for me ... I know it must hurt ur already bruised ego when u see filthy dogs like me come here on a white boys website and kick the living hell out of ur white stinky ass but bitch learn to live with it ... cause as I said this is 2007 ... I know u miss the good ol' times when the only way u could feel superior to anybody would be over his skin .... not today whore bag ... u come after me even a little and I will slap u hard on ur puny white face .... No don't worry i will not punch u white boi ... I will slap u ... u know how men like me have to slap bitches like u when they get out of line ... but u can still go to Bubba when u need to get off just like ur white women come to me when they need to get off ...
Why r u calling me a "pro-terrorist" bitch boi? Call me a terrorist ... that will help get u more support here whitey .... that way u can have some more support along with ur pakis who want to nuke me... guess what bitch ? why don't u urself nuke my country.... i mean for once try SOMETHING on ur own ... if u so wish that this pack of filthy Indian dogs should be *******ed why don't u try n nuke my country urselves ... what happened pussy r u scared the nuke might just blow up ur own white ass before it blows us? Well I have another bad news for u ... u know how we Indians live in such despicable cuckolds brownie ... we swim in cuckolds brownie holes for our morning bath  but thats where the catch is ... ur white boi nuke wouldn't even cause us to sneeze whore bag ... but keep tryin like ur white bois keep tryin to land ur own white girls in clubs but r never successful
BTW did any white girl 'really' close to u end up being a brown dog's bitch? Awwwww ... I am so sorry faggy .... I am sure she got what she wanted just like u get what u want when u end up in Bubba's bed wearing the satin panties and the red lipstick u so like ! Enjoy .. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 208
#148 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: weakwhiteboy choose your life's new calling??
Like how u decided to be be a white "boi" and decide to choose ur 'life's calling' by being Bubba's bitch boi in red lipstick and satin panties??? Have a good time whitey , I am glad u got what u so wanted I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Phew!!! I don't know where to begin, it's too overwhelming, we're dealing with people that have no idea of the distiction between *******ers and ***ers, they look at the end result and see death, and think it doesn't matter why those people are dead, just the fact that they are admonishes them. History is written by the victors, so GW wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, back then the opposing powers didn't even call him a terroist, they called him a "traitor", terrorism never even came up. And the people that supported the Brits were called "tories",,,who letter earned the name of "collaborators". This is all apples and oranges, they can't be compared to todays strife. Whiteboy,,,thanx for taking on the burden of dealing with Ceasar, but like I discovered 3 pages ago, you're dealing with a twenty something with the temperment of a teenager. James,,,intelligent responses as usually, but like the rest of us, you're beating a dead horse, they know what they know, and they feel like they feel, in a face to face situation, that's the point when somebody has to resort to violence. Name,,,I think I finally got a little clue of insight into you, you're probably a teacher in some eastern US liberal college,,,that being said, just about everything that comes out of your mouth can be discounted as propaganda, except maybe your name,,,no pun intended. We're dealing with a third of the world that haven't got a clue, these are grown men that treat women like cuckolds brownie, and live their life by the teachings of a vagrant, fornicator who died over 700 years ago. In plain english they're rock bottom stupid, just cause the look like people and walk on two legs, doesn't mean they qualify to be part of the human race. Gorillas walk on two legs, if they all got together and decided our lifestyle was wrong would we concede? You CAN NOT deal with someone who hates you for being you,,,the only solution is the "final one",,,I know, shades of Hitler, but again, it's not the same, Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat for his political gain,,,I'm talking "naturals" here. Bare with me, if a pack of dogs go running down the street biting people, the pound traps them and puts them down. Now what would we do if roving bands of fundamentalists ran down the street stabbing crowds of people? Right,,,yet we sit by and talk about right and wrong while they bomb, attack, cut throats and *******. Gitmo isn't a primister, it's a zoo,,,we can't build and maintain zoos for billions of people,,,but we can ******* em. It's not gonna stop, their mindset won't let it,,,what's the alternative? All our women give up their lives, everybody prays to the east 5 times a day, progress comes to a grinding, halt and we enter another era of the dark ages. How's this, we round up all the Crips, all the Bloods, all the MS13's, the Hell Angels, and all the Jamaican, Haitian, Hispanic and Asian gangs, along with all their bikes, lowriders, and Escalades, deliver them to the border of Iran & Iraq, drop off a couple of million dollars of weapons and ammo,,,and tell them "it's all yours boys", come back when you're done and receive full pardons and citizenship (if applicable) when you come home, and you get to keep the spoils.
And a seperate not for Proty Baby,,,when you tell me why you watch the cuck videos it sounds incredibly like the guys who say "I buy Playboy for the articles", "I smoked pot but didn't inhale", "The check's in the mail", and "I promise not to cum in your mouth".
P.S. Ceasar,,,do you know what being "surgically boxed" is? I guarantee you if you did, and you knew where Osama was, you'd take me to him. This isn't something you recover from,,,ever! "Boxing" is the removal of both legs and both arms,,,once the first guy is shown to the others, and simply blowing yourself up for a better afterlife isn't an option, believe me most people would give him up. I'm not talking ***, I'm talking in your face, think it over for awhile till we come back, terror! These are ANIMALS, and all perception of humanity should be put on the shelf till it's dealt with,,,our guilty nightmares will be a bargain with the devil for our youngrens future.
Posts: 208
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary but like I discovered 3 pages ago, you're dealing with a twenty something with the temperment of a teenager
Well my definition for u seems to be changing everytime ... first I was a fuckin idiot, then a guy with a lil weenie , then a third grader and now a 20 something with the temprement of a teenager... make up ur mind or stop judging for heaven's sake.
U know what I thought in the beginning that u people actually did believe that ur country is doing something good and so the rant of "we r the liberators'... but now i am realizing that it doesn't matter to u what is happening out there .... even if they nuked the whole place down tomorrow u would still come up with the argument that "it was necessary"... for u it would be necessary to ******* innocent lives because these are the "terrorists of tomorrow"... for u every one of those Iraqi is a terrorist if he does not fall on ur soldier's feet and swear his allegiance ... U indeed are that scum of the earth which supported people like Hitler when he came to power ... U bitch u r talking about a "final solution" for these people and say that it is fine because they r as u put it in capital letters "ANIMALS"??? U fuckin piece of old dirt bag u think the *******ings of these people is justified because they deserve to be *******ed???? U really r the lowest pieces of life life form I have seen .. Hitler justified the *******ing of the jews because he said that they were ANIMALS .. yeah just like u in capital letters... till now I really was trying to debate with rotten scum bags like u who get off seeing people blown to smithereens when u don't perceive to be on ur side .. well u know what bitch? If people in Iraq deserve to be bombed like naturals for supporting the terrorists then people like u need to be *******ed before them because its peple like u r get monsters like GW Bush into power... its dirty scum bags like u who need to be shot dead on sight first.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary These are ANIMALS, and all perception of humanity should be put on the shelf till it's dealt with,,,our guilty nightmares will be a bargain with the devil for our youngrens future.
Guess what bitch? Osama Bin Laden says the same thing everyday in the night ... He prays to his god saying that *******ing bastards like u who support the butchering of his people with fanfare maybe morally wrong but he too has made a pact with the devil ... he would live with his nightmares so his youngren can have a future where their land is not occupied by bastards like u and are not at the risk of being carpet bombed by youngren of whores like u just because they did not walk the line u wanted them to walk on. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)