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You losers need to get a life.

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Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: name
1- Guantanamo: Ok. Disrespect international law and then, later, invoke it on your faour.

I have absolutely no idea what you're referring to.
Quoting: name
2- Geneva conventions: If you arrest people in a war, Yes, you have to treat them as war primisterers (and follow Geneva conventions, if you signed it). It's not because u choose to call them 'terrorists' that you escape the obligation to follow international laws about the subject.

War is war and terrorism is terrorism, if you're captured out of uniform you're shot as a spy,,,I don't know about you, but when I see sheets and a towel I'm thinking "Bed, Bath, & Beyond",,,not "there goes a soldier".
Quoting: name
3- UN disapproval of invading Iraq: If your country makes part of an international organism and has signed its convention, it must respect its deliberations, whether they please you or not. One thing is the US taking control of UN assemblies and having people vote what they want in one comission (as to punish Iraq and say they were 'breaking international laws' - but since no 'mass destructions weapons' at all were found, we know US and UK were lying). The other thing is to go against UN Security Council ... and invade a country (just what UN conventions seeks to prevent - u should know it, it was agreed in San Francisco about 50 years ago).

Try to pay attention, the UN held 16 seperate causes against Iraq before we called for a 17th vote, any one of the first 16 were considered ***s worthy of discipline. And even after the 17th the UN decided not to act, which made perfect sense due to the fact that the whole thing is corrupt and should be done away with. As for WMD's,,,there's a big difference between telling a lie and acting on mis-information. Lets be clear here, even Saddam thought he had WMD's, but his own people were lying to him. We found all the necessary implements, just not the weapons per se, which probably wound up in Syria just like Saddams planes wound up in Iran. Think about it, if you say you're gonna shoot my whole family with your AK47, and I tell the cops,,,if they get a search warrant and find a box that an AK47 came in, several clips, gun cleaning kit, ammo reloader and a box of shells,,,but no gun,,,what are they suppose to think?
Quoting: name
4- As about Iran, when the american citizens were arrested there, US armed Iraq (Saddam) to wage war at Iran, subsequently. Even the rocks know it! Seeking further punishment now? To control Iran's oil? Ok ...

First off, to say that the Americans were "arrested" tells volumes about your mindset, we're guilty before we open our mouths as far as you're concerned. The Americans WERE NOT arrested, our embassy was stormed and they were taken hostage, they committed no crime.
Quoting: name
5- Somoza (who you call a 'have-dealer') was kept in power for a long time by ... the US! When he seemed to go against american will, the 'right to invade another country to ******* a traitor' was created.

Sometimes you have to choose between the lesser of two evils, but eventually (when it's to YOUR benefit), the hammer has to fall.
Quoting: name
7- Which country has *******ed the most civilians in wars in a century? ...
Let's just talk about sex, ok, Mary?

This is probably easier to know than to list, you have Africa performing genicide constantly, you have the attempted genicide in the Balkans, then you move up to China *******ing all the babies they can't feed, then it's a toss-up between the millions Stalin *******ed and the millions Hitler *******ed,,,all under the auspices of the Communists and Nazis,,,also you may have noticed all the *******ing is taking place in non-democratic countries. As for sex, well,,,that is what this site is supposed to be about, but to tell you the truth, considering some of the things that have sprung from your mind, I really couldn't put any credence in anything you had to say about anything,,,I've honestly never met someone who is so far off in their thinking, it's like you live on another planet where the laws of nature don't apply.


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If u consider US and occidental rich countries to form our 'planet' ... yes!
Your technique of trying to disauthorise your opponent is very, very old...
I don't say you cannot reamister well, or you are 'outside real world'. I just say you get what the mass media tells you ... and go on with that! Ok.
I tell you without a shaddow of doubt that the US has *******ed the most people: directly, with its wars, and indirectly, by supporting dictatorial governments in Latin America for decades, exploiting third world countries commercially, a.s.o. You know that is true, but you just do not recognise it, because that would lower your self-esteem. I do admire americans: american women from Codepink, for instance ... people like Michael Moore ... and other peace activists who do not fear to speak and look 'unpatriotic' (Looks like McCharthism is back, he? How sad!). Sex is usally a healthier stuff than wars - but maybe you disagree. Call me 'idealistic'. Ok. I'm not alone.


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people like Michael Moore

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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: name
If u consider US and occidental rich countries to form our 'planet' ... yes!
Your technique of trying to disauthorise your opponent is very, very old...
I don't say you cannot reamister well, or you are 'outside real world'. I just say you get what the mass media tells you ... and go on with that! Ok.

I'm not trying to use any technique, I'm stating straight up, governments all over the world are constantly wrestling for control,,,that's what "GOVERN"ment means,,,but it's the democratic government in the world that lets the people say enough! The other governments don't offer that option,,,if living under those governments is my only option, I'll not only choose mine, but when it comes to holding them back from destroying any govenment that wants to take that away from me,,,you will not find me standing with the Michael Moores of this country. While we're on the subject of slime,,,another thing the rest of the world doesn't take into consideration, is along with our homes and nice cars that we've managed to earn through our capitalism and prosperity, comes a lot of free time to do whatever you want, so we get into all sorts of distractions, FAME being one of them, you could be a fat slob with an opinion to offer, that you know will get things stirred up (you don't even have to believe it, look at all the various televangelists), you just have to say it and presto, you're famous, with a bunch of needy rejects willing to jump on your bandwagon. Now I'm all for the first ammendment, but America really isn't a "Democracy", it's a "Democratic Republic", that means you get to vote for representatives who in turn vote for you,,,if your agenda loses, you don't go off half cocked,,,the south tried that back in the 1860's. We voted for our government, we were attacked and remain under threat on many levels, our government chose to wage war on terrorism wherever they find it. Now if you don't agree with that, unlike many other countries, you can protest and write articles all about why we shouldn't do this or that. But if you start to enable, embolden, give hope or comfort to the enemy, then I'd have no problem with marching your ass into the street, putting a gun to your temple, pulling the trigger, and leaving you where you dropped. Cause after all is said and done, we are everybody, Jews, Italians, Mexicans, Germans, and on and on,,,and with all our problems, we still get along with each other better than the rest of the world does with each other,,,cause we're the best the world has to offer,,,and that's why we're not gonna let the rest of you fuck it up!


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#95 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
cause we're the best the world has to offer

There goes the trumpet again. Considering that u indeed r the best in the world , ur leader, who has been chosen by this very "best in the world" people, should at least be somewhere close to being the "best in the world". The term which comes to mind when trying to describe ur leader is not "best in the world" but a ***er. Pretty odd that the "best people" chose a ***er to represent them. Good going.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


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Yes, if somebody wants to ******* us we try to stop them.

If we get them into custody and they threaten to ******* us after they are released, we don't release them.

If we know somebody wants to ******* us we try to make sure they can't.

If any of that is wrong, then most folks are wrong, probably even you.

I'm not so sure GW is a ***er, he's just doing the best he can to keep people from *******ing us., and since 9/11 he has done ok on that.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
There goes the trumpet again. Considering that u indeed r the best in the world , ur leader, who has been chosen by this very "best in the world" people, should at least be somewhere close to being the "best in the world". The term which comes to mind when trying to describe ur leader is not "best in the world" but a ***er. Pretty odd that the "best people" chose a ***er to represent them. Good going.

I'm not gonna yell, not gonna curse, not even going to attack you, cause I should have made myself clearer after a statement like that,,,I was speaking "collectively". Logic follows, that if the world can't get along, and our country in made up of all nationalities and races from all over the world, yet it manages to not only get along, but prospers beyond the rest of the world, then not only must we be doing something right, but the majority of the world is doing something wrong. In this country we have our democrats and republicans, which ever one id in power, the other makes riduclous blanket statements that they can't back up, yet incite the masses,,,I'll simply use the same method on debate with you that I use with them,,,what do you have to offer that is better? What country has it better? What other continent can you travel clean across in relative safety, have the protection of the same laws whereever you go, and nobody asks you for your papers? In what other country can you speak you mind as much as you can here, (even with the political maneuvers)? You really don't have to answer that, it was a rhetorical question, since the world is small and finite, if there was such a place I'd have heard of it, and people would be sneaking across their borders instead of ours. Bottom line,,,"We are Great",,,"I am Great",,,you??? Not so much!!! LOL. I'm only teasing you with that last part, seriously though, in every subject there's a best and a worst, no one in their right mind can argue that in this respect the US is the best, the most freedom, the most possiblities to make your own way, the top of the heap as far as lifestyle is concerned, the strongest military (I know that one bugs you), but if you think about it, we didn't want gas rationing in WWII, or sugar, or meatless Tuesday, or to watch our men leave,,,but our backs were up against the wall, and we wound up fight (and winning), in every corner of the globe,,,at the same time,,,and needless to say, we're better now than we ever where. So to wrap it all up,,,yes, I'm a little guilty of blowing my trumpet, who I am (and the US) are, at our core, what we've achieved, and the power to sustain and protect all that, tends to make me beam. I guarantee you, if we get visited by aliens, and they're smart enough to achieve inter-stellar travel, it won't take them too long to realize who they've got to speak with as representatives of this planet,,,sure all the nations will be invited, it's not just our planet,,,I'm saying no matter who shows up at the meeting, they'll gravitate to us.


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Quoting: littledickedwhiteboy
MARY you are right on the money,thought i was reading some thing i wrote,,you and i have a lot in common ,ive told many liberals the same things,but your just wasting your time on them,they just dont get it,,mostly because liberalism is nothing but a mental disorder,,you and i should be friends

yup liberals are a weird bunch.. but conservatives are bible thumping liars...

in the end weird is MUCH better... than hyporcrates!


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#99 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: paulburke1952
I'm not so sure GW is a ***er, he's just doing the best he can to keep people from *******ing us., and since 9/11 he has done ok on that.

Honestly dude , do u think for one minute that the fact that the US has not been attacked since 9/11 is because of the US having gone into Iraq???!!! Your president is called a ***er not because he went to Afganisthan but because he went into Iraq. 9/11 was an attack on the US soil and US had every right to retaliate and secure its interests ; not so with Iraq. Saddam had done NOTHING leading up to the attack on Iraq. But the US still went ahead , stomping its way around because it knew it could , in the process all but negating the very role of the UN, ignoring the UN like it mattered the least and ending it up by butchering thousands and thousands of absolutely innocent Iraqi people and all of it being done in the name of "liberating" them.
But lets just stick to what u were saying about the US not being attacked due to ur government's action. Hope u know for a fact that Al Qaeda did not exist in Iraq at the start of the Iraq war in March 2003. Today it DOES. Ask urselves -- do u feel any more secure than u did at the start of 2003? Do the Madrid and the London bombings really tell u that that u r living in a much 'safer' world? Even if u , as an American, don't give a damn about the number of Iraqis being *******ed , even then this war is doing more harm than good to ur country. Taliban and Al Qaeda were never finished fully in Afganisthan and the present situation is just telling of what is happening in reality.
Precisely - Both Taliban and Al Qaeda are back in Afganisthan , Al Qaeda has today dug deep-deep roots in a country where it had no presence prior to 2003, the US is literally wasting time, money, men, resources fighting in Iraq when it should have been fighting the real root of the problem somewhere else, the world is much much more dangerous place to live in and to top it all countless Iraqi people are paying for the utter greed of another country. No Sir, the US has not made the world any more safer than it was 4 years back. It has put itself in the situation where it cannot decide which way should it be heading- forward/back/left/right/ up/down and while it is sitting confused in a state of indecision people are being slaughtered everyday, Islamic fundamentalism is spreading everyday and the world is inching closer and closer towards a flash point.
No dude, going into Iraq has only helped the Al Qaeda get a new base, a new front to fight it's enemy and I guess only time will tell how much the 'free' Iraqi oil actually costed.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


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Mary and paulburke1952 :

Perhaps you never heard of colonialism and neocolonialism. Maybe you do not believe it ever existed. But England and France got rich by exploiting and controlling commercially and politically other nations (including US). Then after, you learned how to outdo them ... and ended up taking their place. That does not mean your 'capitalism' is sacred. It relies on bribing poor countries' governments, influencing their politics, making the best business you can - on spite of the countries and people's real needs. Ok, the world is like that! Applause to you!!! You won ... and other countries lost. Now you control militarily almost the whole world. You have military bases spread all over the planet. You took those positions by power and by money. That does not mean you are brave. Others may want to attack you not because they envy you ... but because they have had their countries devastated by decades of 'capitalist' and 'militarist' policies lead by your country. Bullcuckolds brownie? Ok. So, you did not bomb Iraq before ... you did not interfere in the far east ... you never did anything that might be considered wrong. You are always right! That cannot be so ... we all know. A government should be an institution to guarantee the safety and the comfort of the citizens of a country - but not necessarily by controlling the whole world. Have you heard of the term 'cooperation'? I do not mean 'charitative help' ... after decades of exploitation. Cooperation means working together for colective good. That is possible, or desirable ... more than hegemony. Real strenght lies on being liked, being accepted by acting right. Be the good guys indeed ... and the world will love you!
Russia had millions of its citizens *******ed to fight nazism ... and only US takes the credit for 'winning the war'. The red army took Berlin much before US imagined that war could be won. And what image of URSS was spread to the world? "The evil communists who eat youngren". What does that? The Occidental propaganda and media. Now you are destroying your own image with bombs you throw on others. The jewish people were considered to be 'martyrs' since the holocaust, but now they're giving holocaust to palestinians ... and US helps them with weapons and money. Ten times more palestinians have been *******ed, as compared to israelis, in this conflict for palestinian lands. US vetoes any UN motion against Israel.
If US is to be admired as a country, it has to do good. It has to act according to international codes. It has to respect itself and its citizens. Many americans are not happy with american external policies. Many americans, by the way, are discontent with Mr.Bush's office ... even if he was reelected. Fear outwon hope! You may have read Max Weber ... u know what I'm talking about.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: Ceasar_India81
only time will tell how much the 'free' Iraqi oil actually costed.

1st off, the Iraqi oil that comes out of the ground is paid for to the Iraqi people,,,and since the war that "FREED" all those Iraqis that nobody ever mentions (the ones with the "blue fingers"), is costing us taxpayers a billion dollars a month, at exactly what point does the "free oil" come into play? Secondly,,,there appears to be 3 kinds of muslims, the ones who are actually following the Koran, peaceful religious people who have no I'll will towards anyone (this is by far a minority group), then you have the terrorists (also a minority group), then you have everyone else, who is too cowardly to be a terrorist themselves, but are perfectly willing to watch it all go down, and are behind the terrorist actions 100% (this is your majority). So,,,now that we've established who we're dealing with, here's a little background that will help you see MY mindset. My hub and I come from NY, we're old school in our way of thinking I guess,,,back before all the mamby pamby's came into power, and people didn't sue, or weren't cry babies at the drop of a hat, if little Tommy across the street kept breaking your windows, and his parents did nothing dispite your complaints, you went across the street and broke little Tommy's Dads nose,,,usually without fail, the next day little Tommy had his arm in a sling, or a black eye, whatever, the end result was your windows stopped getting smashed. If the people of the muslim community as a whole took a little more responsibility, then I might feel guilty about collateral damage,,,but for the time being, I stand by the old adage that says "birds of a feather, flock together",,,with the added quote of "they also walk in each others cuckolds brownie". To be honest, I'm a realist, if somebody wants you dead because you are YOU,,,then there is no bargaining, somebody has to die. Till then, all the money, and everyone who dies in this peice meal effort is a waste,,,I live for the day when the words Muslim and Carthaginian are next to each other in the encyclopedia.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: xyzzyx
yup liberals are a weird bunch.. but conservatives are bible thumping liars...

in the end weird is MUCH better... than hyporcrates!

Yeah,,,I'd go with weird everytime, except when weird gets you *******ed, then I'd rather have a hypocrite if it was gonna keep me alive.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: name
Perhaps you never heard of colonialism and neocolonialism

If you think I'm ignoring that, you haven't read this entire thread, go back and you'll see I made referrence to that. Everything else you say is exactly the same way people in this country are complaining, by mentioning only one side of the story, the side that suits their agenda. To wit: Yes,,,millions of Russians died in WWII, because the Nazi's attacked them. The bad rep they got was after the war when the doublecrossed the allies and put up the "Iron Curtain",,,you know the one, where free speech was abolished, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yougoslavia and Bulgaria amongst others became police states,,,do you think that might have had something to do with their bad rep? As for taking creit for winning the war,,,Russia fought the nazi's, and it all took place in the eastern block,,,America fouhgt the Nazi's, Italians, and the Japanese,,,and it took place all over the world,,,Asia, Europe, the Pacific, the Meditereanian, the Atlantic, the Black Sea,,,and a lot of places that didn't have names. If we didn't, then Russia would have had a lot more Nazi's to deal with, the French would be speaking German by now, along with the rest of Europe, there'd be NO jews, and by now probably no muslims, no gays (excepts Hitlers staff), no gypsies, no artists, no books, etc. Media??? Have you ever seen Al-Jazera TV?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Quoting: aka
You intimidate me MOM.
I for one,am glad to admire you from afar.

Ha ha,,,that's what happens when you're a Dale Earnhardt fan, it rubs off on you,,,there's realy nothing to fear, as long as you do things my way your life will be spared. LOL
Marc williams


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Well, i for one find Multi_Orgasmic Mary hot as hell, and apparently intelligent as well! Looks and brains, damn your hubby's a lucky man!!



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I like Mary.

She's anti PC and speaks her mind.


Posts: 208 Pictures: 1 
#107 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
is costing us taxpayers a billion dollars a month

This is exactly what I was referring to when I said only time will tell what is this war actually gonna cost.When the US stomped its way inside Iraq utterly sure of its military might , it would have never occurred to them in their wildest dreams that the real war is going to start after the 'war' ended. Having the knowledge that there was nothing out there which could oppose it , they went into Iraq like a pack of dogs eager to get their teeth on the easy meat that lay there. The idea was to overthrow Saddam quickly , put a puppet government in power ,put a mask of "Liberators" on and then have a country with one of the largest oil reserves in the world at their disposal. All at the cost of a war which would have lasted a couple of months at the most and all this done with a even dirtier altruistic mask of waging a "War on Terror" and "Liberating the Iraqi people".
But as I said not in their wildest dreams the pack of dogs would have thought what was lying in store for them and what price they might actually have to pay in the end. Honestly the few billion dollars that the US has to spend each month is the least of the cost that I was referring to. More importantly is the cost of human lives that are being lost. I can derive amply from ur views of wanting to see Muslims and Carthaginians together than u give a damn about the people being *******ed in the streets of Iraq. Fine fuck the people who are being butchered every day for absolutely no fault of theirs just so somebody utter greed can be satisfied ;we will not even talk about those people.
Lemme explain the cost which u might more care about. I was talking about the cost of American soldiers who are dying everyday not for their country but for somebody's greed. I was talking bout the soldiers coming back with one hand and one leg ; I was talking bout the families of these soldiers ; I was talking bout the cost that the US will have to pay for fighting a war two fronts now- Iraq for one and a resurgent enemy in Afganisthan. I was talking bout the cost which the US will have to pay to secure its borders to deal with a snake with multiple heads. Remember this is not a war between two countries -- this is a war between a country and a bunch of utterly misguided fanatics for whom death means nothing. Tell me the cost that the US will have to pay for securing its facilities even more tightly each and every second. Tell me the cost that the US will have to pay if another plane is hijacked - lets not even get into the fact that it goes into another set of buildings -- It will be shot down in mid air. Tell me the cost which the people of the US will pay when they will know that their family member was shot down by their own government. How many such planes will u shoot down? I am not even getting into the cost incase of the plane actually going into another structure. Tell me the cost that the US will have to pay to make sure Pakistan does not fall into the hands of these fanatics because if it does then be sure that Pakistani nukes would be targeted right at Washington DC. What are you going to do in that case? Just add Pakistan to your bastard list of "Operation Liberation"???????? And most importantly what is the cost of the ever increasing Islamic fundamentalism? The London bombings were not done by people who were born in Pakistan or Afganisthan or Saudi Arabia... It was done by people born and brought up in the UK itself. They DID NOT go to any madrassa when they were kids. If you understand one thing then the soldiers in Iraq are Americans but the enemy they are fighting in Iraq is not an Iraqi , its not even a Saudi or an Afghani .. the enemy the US soldier is fighting in Iraq is a Muslim -- That is his identity. If u can understand what I am trying to say here when I say the enemy is not identifying himself as an Iraqi or an Afgani but as a Muslim then u will know what I am mean by the real cost of the war ; then u will understand the gravity of the situation ; then u will understand the chilling reality which eludes u because u think u r invincible.
I just cannot understand how u cannot see what a grave mistake it was to not stick to the task at hand in Afganisthan and an even graver mistake by opening up a new battlefield. Ofcourse the new front was never supposed to become a new front ; it was just meant to be another walk in the park and any resistance to it was meant to be squashed like measly insects.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


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Well said, Caesar.


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What riles me is that those who opposed removing Saddam from power never come up with alternatives.

It is clear that Saddam supported terrorism, no one in their right mind could read this link and think otherwise:

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And it's clear that muslim terrorists waged a serious attack on us:

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Sure American soldiers are dying, sure it costs a lot...but when you are attacked, you have to defend yourself. The argument that it costs lives and money doesn't hold water. Of course it does. That's why it's war.

It's not any more complicated than that. We were viciously attacked by Muslim terrorists and we are rounding them up, bringing them to justice and

considering any country that supports them as an enemy too.

I support that wholeheartedly.

(and yes, I did serve in the military for many years)


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This is seriously turning into a discussion that maybe do not fit under a 'cuckold' web site ?

Have anybody here fucked a muslim ? I have, some years back.....she was fantastic in politics...only raw sex...

(any nobody *******ed me...or my family)
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Oh yes, I fucked a few. Even fucked an Iranian girl off and on for a while.


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Funny thing: muslims were never a threat to most small countries ... although the US are (the 'big stick' policy -> if you don't do as I say, you may suffer serious consequences, from embargoes, cuts of credit, revolutions financed and articulated abroad ... and even direct war -> remember Nicaragua and latin american dictatorships with external partnership). They fear most the 'sheriff' than the proclaimed 'evil-doers'...
To end this discussion, from my side, just one further remark: why do american troops spend their vacations in Latin American countries, in search of prostitutes? Why don't they use their own? Why is there so much prostitution in third world? Of course, it has to do with social and economic problems. Of course, this situation serves and suits someone. When asked by south-american officials why they did not want to cooperate with the control of sexual tourism, one rich country's official answered: This is a problem YOUR government has to solve alone - as if the money and external structures involved in it did not count ... as if rich countries would allow (without reacting or retaliating) smaller nations to arrest their citizens when contributing to youngren and teenager prostitution. No false moralism ... but this insn't correct. Some opposite things are closely related: one's richess and other one's poverty, one's power and other one's feebleness, one's welfare and other one's lack of it. There should be more balance and I believe that will have to happen sooner or later, by calm or by violent means - historical retrospectives show us that. Why not make it possible now and why keep the arrogant position ("We are the best" ... ).


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#113 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: jamesriske
And it's clear that muslim terrorists waged a serious attack on us:

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Honestly dude u don't need to give links to websites to prove that 9/11 was done by Islamic terrorists!

Quoting: jamesriske
It is clear that Saddam supported terrorism, no one in their right mind could read this link and think otherwise:

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This is all what you have to prove that Saddam was 'supporting' terrorism? A website?? I can create a website with pictures and 'facts' which would prove Saddam is actually Jesus. I can actually show u 2 hour long documentaries which actually 'proves' that 9/11 was done by the US government themselves. Please lets not try n support our arguments from 'facts' coming through shady websites. It *******s the whole purpose of a meaningful discussion.Thank you.

Quoting: jamesriske
but when you are attacked, you have to defend yourself.

How may I ask was the US attacked, as u put it, by Saddam/Iraq???? You realize that u r contradicting ur own statement here?

Quoting: jamesriske
we are rounding them up, bringing them to justice and

considering any country that supports them as an enemy too.

Well good job in rounding up Saddam and bringing him to justice.. now try n figure out how u will deal with the real menace out there ... try n figure out how to deal with the real threat out there to the US .. Al Qaeda to be precise. If recent happenings in Iraq and Afganithan are anything to go by then US is doing a pretty bad job in the rounding up and bringing to justice part when dealing with the real enemy.
Get real - Saddam was never a real threat to anybody after the crippling sanctions put on him for over a decade. If overthrowing dictatorships and liberating people from mass *** are really so high on US's agenda then look at N Korea and look at Darfur for doing the benevolent job u so claim to be interested in doing. The US is not daring to take N Korea head on , even though N Korea has proven without doubt that they DO posses weapons of mass destruction, for it knows that unlike Iraq , N Korea has a big brother looking over it and as far as the question of why Darfur is being overlooked? Well u guessed it right mon ami ... Darfur has no oil so why bother with it? Let the fuckin pigs die... who cares?
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


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I'm not fucking done yet with Ceasar....him and his faggot hollywood Starbucks guzzling weed smoking pill popping caffine addicted muther fuckers are TRAITORS! Muslims *******ed 3000 people on 9/11 and this MUTHER FUCKING MAGGOT scandals all our brave soldiers who fought and died in Afghanistan because he is an anarchist socialist progressive COCKROACH!! THATS RIGHT YOU LIBERAL FUCKING WASTE OF A HUMAN LIFE FORM!!! YOU AND YOUR FAGGOT IDOL GEORGE SOROS CAN EAT MY SHIT YOU LIBERAL ASS LICKING DOG!!!!


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Liberals like Ceasar talk about conservatives being Nazis....WHEN ALL THEY DO EVERY FUCKING DAY IS BASH PEOPLE WITH DIFFERENT OPINIONS OR PEOPLE WHO LOVE AMERICA AND WANT ILLEGALS OUT AND OUR MILITARY STRONG. BIG fucking shocker as THEY are the fucking nazis, and should be deported like the illegals. Ceasar and his anarchist friends want America WEAK, so one day the muslims will invade and make us all slaves to Islam. This is a liberals dream, to give up his/her freedom and become an ass licking dog bitch.


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#117 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
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Quoting: weakwhiteboy

Now listen white boy .. don't know why u r suffering from the severe constipation but don't try to release ur frustration on me. U have been calling me all sorts of names and honestly I give a fuck when bitches like u bark at me but i'll make one thing crystal clear ... don't mention uses related to my family on me ... u want to call me cuckolds brownie u can do that but don't try n get out of ur pants... i will let this go by this time but i assure u that I will respond in a language which small people like u understand well if u do it again. U have little to write other than calling me "traitorous dog bitch", "faggot","cockroach" and "ass licking dog bitch" which coincidentally seem to fit a bitch like u to a perfect "T". I will give u the benefit of doubt that the long bout of constipation just got to u and u "lost the plot" sometime close to u writing the replies. The 3 replies infact do give ample proof that u tried real hard 3 times to get over the constipation and hence the splattered excreta in ur reply. My advice ? Keep ur cuckolds brownie to urself and next time know ur limits when replying.
I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)


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As a long time lurker and eager downloader, I've enjoyed visiting this forum on a regular basis. I come here for good cuckold porn and nothing else. I go elsewhere to engage in politics & philosophy, where porn is not discussed. That's how I like it. I decided to have a good laugh and read the latest comments and answers on the cuckolding debate, sometimes being reignited by some ridiculous flaming halfwits, inexplicably frequenting this forum. What I found instead was this ugly thread, full of fascist nationalistic bullcuckolds brownie and generalizations, by some long time posters who decided to expose their ignorance and hateful views. I was fine with downloading vids from this forum and leave it at that, but now I find myself so disgusted by these wicked rantings that it has tarnished irrevocably any enjoyment of downloading from these posters, I previously had. I want nothing to do with fascist, racist, war mongering assholes and will not support them in any way, shape or form. To James Riske, weakwhiteboy (fitting name) and Multi Orgasmic Mary I say this. Go fuck yourselves, that's all you are fit for, have deleted all vids uploaded by you. To the rest I apologize for this rant, but I cannot stand this kind of cuckolds brownie anymore.


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How about this Proteinn1...You and Ceasar get together and ram each other's loose rotting assholes and talk about the end of civilization while jerking your small impotent wieners. You liberal swine are lower than dogcuckolds brownie on my shoe. Go fucking move to another country that gives a flying fuck about your anti-America anarchist open border marijuana legalization beliefs. I honestly hope that you and Ceasar are in California with your liberaral swine having a gay sex orgy when a large earthquake ruptures the San Andraes fault and you small, pathetic, wasteful, hypocrite pig fuckers DROWN IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Of COURSE you come here for the cuckold pray for the day the muslim facists ram a sabre up your ASS.


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CAESAR DONT GIVE ME THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT.....YOU FUCKING LIBERAL SWINE PIG FUCKER!!!! I'm a HATER ALL RIGHT...of anarchist conspiracy bomb throwers like you who bash anyone who doesnt agree with your illogical bullcuckolds brownie hedonisic view of America and life in general. If the military used you as a target dummy it would be a waste of bullets, THATS WHAT I THINK OF YOU. You probably have a grand theory of how the "explosives were placed by our gov't" on the twin towers to support your traitorous claims of a conspiracy to get this country into war. Let me ask you do you explain VIDEOS ON AL JAZEERA TV showing muslim parents teaching their young youngren to hate Jews at an early age and that it is glorious to be suicide bombers?? Can you fathom this? Do you think this is healthy behavior and the kids will grow out of it? AND THEN YOU PREACH TO OTHER PEOPLE ABOUT BEING IGNORANT HATERS IF THEY DON'T AGREE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT AND DONT JOIN THE "PEACE" MOVEMENT??? FUCK YOU!! You and your pig fucking liberal friends would NEVER go to the MidEast, OR Darfur to actually try to help people and lecture them on hugging trees and peace and love because they would cut your throats before you could say "i love sexy time in my ass"....and thats what you deserve. You are weak, and the enemy will destroy you.
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