Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#61 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
If by "I m outta this place" you mean your leaving,,,then, "hasta la vista, baby",,,and peace be unto you!!!
Posts: 208
No I think I am going to stick around this site a lil longer ... was just referring to this particular thread .. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 315
Well Bush is only in office for about another year and a half so, you're going to have to wait and see who gets elected to continue blaming the entire world's problems on. As far as the the permister most responsible for bringing the world closer to WWIII, I would have to say was the scientist that handed over the nuclear secrets to N. Korea and Iran for profit. Money will mean very little if nuclear bombs start getting launched. Even gold will have little value if things get really bad. All that will matter is what's to take and eat.
BTW, people seem to forget how long the US waited before finally entering Iraq. It was Sadam that stopped allowing the UN inspection teams to enter Iraq that started all the fuss and concern. All he needed to do was to let them continue the inspections and he would still be alive and in charge. Why was that such a problem when there were no weapons to hide?
Regardless, when Bush announced from the deck of an aircraft carrier in the gulf, that the war was over, it would have been a matter of months and almost all the troops would have left. Why all the "freedom fighters" needed to take up arms against the US to get us to pull out, is beyond me. We would have been able to pull out if it had not been for them giving the US concern about stability before we left. Let's face it, whom ever had the most control (was feared the most....beheaded the most foreigners) was going to take over where Sadam had left off (and control all that oil revenue again).
Posts: 1284
Mary said: "In my county we have a city government that makes laws based on what its citizens and culture require, (...) That's a democratic republic (...)" - In the States, less than 15% of the population elects the president! (Compare the number of people who voted for Bush to the whole population, and get the percentage). Less than 15% of the people decide who'll rule the country! As about your laws and Congress ... too many senators and congressman represent, in fact, enterprise's companies. Citizens and culture are given cuckolds brownie. They cannot influence the system, only if they shout loud enough (and that's not easy, because of the interrelation between media groups and politicians - read Chomsky).
As for nuclear devices - nobody should be entitled to have them - or everybody should. Some ten countries cannot form a 'select club' of nations that can impose their will on nuclear threat upon others. That's an implicit threat that goes off whenever spirits are high enough. Countries will smuggle nuclear techniques, scientists will sell their knowledge, it will be impossible to control that cuckolds brownie. International Relations pragmatic theory has much to learn from the future to come ... (quoting Mr.Luthe King, 'we shall learn to live together ... or we will have to learn how to die together'.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Ceasar_India81 No I think I am going to stick around this site a lil longer ... was just referring to this particular thread ..
Well,,,we can still take solace in the fact that we're half a world away from each other.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Aah yes,,,the "in a perfect world" theory,,,if only it were so. However,,,we live in a world where "love thy neighbor" preaching christians only have toleration for good God fearing people who follow their path. Muslims who preach that their religion isn't about violence, yet refuse to speak agaisnt it. A long time ago I saw computors becoming the future hub of society, and thought we could do away with all the corrupt politicians serving the agenda of lobbyists. Then I saw the re-emergence of things like the WWF and realized the same people that watched that, were the same people that would be voting, and each of them would have there own agenda with no consideration for the masses, talk about the inmates running the asylum! So since anarchy would obviously be a lot worse, it's the best we can do for now. The fact remains,,,we have the worst good countries, and the best evil countries,,,the good countries have some corruption and have all the power, but they also have a conscience, and guilt that keeps them from nuclear first strike, they'd rather have a good life and will do whatever they can to preserve it, so long as the guilt can be appeased by a good enough reamister, otherwise they leave you alone. On the other hand you have a bunch of power hungry sadistic bastards that have zero respect for life other than their own, and a bunch of fanatics that don't even have that. Nuclear capability is the only final and ultimate protection against them, not necessary until it is, IF it is, I'd rather my guys had the final word. Ten nations shouldn't form a selct club, but half a billion muslims can decide that we should all convert or die, that jews shouldn't exist, or a few billion Chinese should dictate we all wear grey, the difference is between freedom and subjugation,,,like it or not, we live in a world of the best of two evils if you will, most intelligent people can see that, and start with accepting what they have to, and changing what they can. Again,,,most intelligent people aren't in the majority,,,remember the WWF?
Posts: 208
#67 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Well,,,we can still take solace in the fact that we're half a world away from each other.
That might not be entirely true.. just because I am an Indian does not mean I have to be in India .. If u r in NY then I would say we r whole continent apart... but yeah still far enough not to knock on each other's doors in the dead of the night with guns in our hands .. ;) I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Ceasar_India81 That might not be entirely true.. just because I am an Indian does not mean I have to be in India .. If u r in NY then I would say we r whole continent apart... but yeah still far enough not to knock on each other's doors in the dead of the night with guns in our hands .. ;)
Oh cuckolds brownie!!! Logic has my hemorrhoids twitching (remember them?, LOL), since my first choice from your description would be the west coast,,,that's disturbing on two levels, one because that would mean you're actually in my country while you're bad mouthing it, and two because I moved to the west coast a while back. Still, I work 50 hours a week just to cover my "medical bills" ( ;)~ ), and am considered at the poverty level, so unless the news gets worse and I find out you're my next door neighbor, you don't have to worry from my end. I can't afford to take time off from work, or even the gas to hunt you down,,,besides, I've got the "American Guilt" thing going on so I can't initiate a first strike, I have to wait till you slap me in the face or something before I drive my car through your bedroom at 3:00 am,,,LOL.
Posts: 82
Posts: 225
If more people did that, instead of using religion as a crutch, they'd spend more time living their own life and not worrying about the guy across the streets life. Multi Mary, I agree with you 100% People spend far too much time looking over other peoples fences. I want to say to shoes that just because someone likes seeing someone bigger, and darker than them bang sparks from thier wife's wet cunt does not make them a racist. This is what I know to be true. If a man can't satisfy his wife and he loves her he will find someone who can. That's called keeping her happy.  If a man idolizes another type of man and he gets off seeing his wife please and or, be pleased by them that's called a fetish. If a suppossed strait man uses his wife to lure men in and gets off watching her do things that he secretly wants to do to them himself that's a closet gay, or bi-sexual man. If a man uses a womans interracial fantasy's to lure her into breaking her wedding vows so that he may take things from her by blackmailing or suieing her. That's called being a real asshole.  If a man gets off seeing his wife get used by a man of a different race because he thinks of them as natural like or worth much less than the adverage human of his own color, that's zoophillia or fetish. If a man gets off seeing his wife get completly banged out by a man of a different color because he hates his people but he does not want to be a racist so he let's them fuck her out of guilt . He is a racist man.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Well said bigblackmaster9,,,I don't have a racist bone in my body, I haven't got time to hate people for what they are, I'm too busy with the ones I hate for WHO they are, LOL. Sure I prefer blacks, and for all my own reamisters, there's the "taboo", not because they're black, but because so many people think it's wrong. I've found most of things people tell you not to do, are the only real reamisters for living. I get off on the subtle sense I impose on my hub that I'm willing to let other men have what's suppose to be his alone, and I give him the feeling that he can't possibly compete so he might as well accept it. My hub has a skinny 6 inch circumcised dick, so my preferrence is long thick uncut black cocks. That's also the reamister I insist they all cum inside me, so my hub sees I'm willing to risk his total offense by by getting pregnant by a black man,,,again, not because he's black and some lesser form of life than whites, but because it would be so obvious that the young wasn't my hubs (hispanic, or asian would accomplish the same thing). But I also prefer the way the whole thing goes down with blacks (it has to do with their state of mind about sex and pleasing a woman), and that's another whole subject that would only infuriate some people so I'll leave it to another time.
Posts: 208
#72 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary that's disturbing on two levels, one because that would mean you're actually in my country while you're bad mouthing it
Lets just keep this comment for another day. Not particularly interested in getting on the race track again so soon ..
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I have to wait till you slap me in the face or something
Now now , u have to give me atleast this much credit that I was never the one to start off something from my side.. and anyways I never slap a woman unless she is in my bed and lets just say 'she and me are taking care of my primal instincts' . I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 230
jerry ! jerry ! jerry ! 
Posts: 131
Speaking for the rest of the world that is on side with the US. NO ONE LIKES AMERICA.... you hear?? NO ONE. Even people from Briton hate you. This is what your country represents to us:
-ignorance (Bet you can't name 20 other country's)
-Rude ( American tourists fuck everyone off )
-Black people being try hard wannabe gangsters and causing crime
To name a few.......
Now i don't mean everyone in the US is like this but the majority.
( I'm not a Muslim, and am not supporting their side )
P.s. Apart from that i do love ya really ;)
Posts: 315
#75 · Edited by: DaniSubTV
I'm not going to get into the rest of this debate but in your particular case, I think you should consider a few things before you make such broad judgements. Being a US citizen means you're lady was on US soil when she gave birth to you or that you immigrated here and have established it. Since so many illegal aliens have lived here for a good portion of their lives and plan to continue living here, for the point I'll be making, this will include them as well (in case you don't know, speaking english is not a requirement for citizenship here). That being the case people here are of all colors and races. Unless you have some type of verification (verbal, written, etc.) as to someone being or NOT being a US citizen, you're making a big assumption by just looking at them or even speaking to them.
Secondly, Australia being a different continent accessable only by plane or boat, for almost any American is a big vacation. Sure, some people may go there more than once or have business they do there but, for over 99% of us it's a major, once in a lifetime kind of vacation. When someone from the US plans to vacation in Austrailia, it's very likely something they have been saving for and planning to do for a long time (maybe a year or more) or at least it's been something they have always wanted to do.
I point this out to you because, when most people take that kind of a vacation, they plan on having fun in excess (doing things they rarely if ever have done). In other words they don't want to think about work, rules, permisteral problems or anything negative and spend the time splurging on themselves and the friends or family they came with. They're on vacation....they may be rude, selfish, inconsiderate, takes (the list goes on) because they're there to unwind and forget about life for a couple of weeks (something many very, very rarely get to do, if ever). If you have to live in an environment like that or work in it, unfortunately you're going to run into an abnormally high number of assh*les (and if you don't understand the language they're speaking, you may not realize how much of an assh*le they may or may not be behaving like).
Lastly, unless you've spent some time here in the US, you really can't say things like "the majority" because, including what you've seen through the media (because that's become very unreliable but, that's another debate), you still only have knowledge of a fraction of a fraction of one percent of the US population. Although, even if you have been to the US, depending upon where you stayed, how long and why (business, pleasure or school) you may have still experienced what majority Americans are NOT like. For example, if you vacationed some where that a lot of Austrailians like to visit and all the people that live and work around there probably have come to the assumption that you're all ignorant, rude and stupid (apart from that, they do love ya.....really ;).
Posts: 341
can't we all jus' get it ON??
I avoid church religiously -- n-now u see why
Posts: 131
I'm not even Australian you Fucking retard, Where did that even come from?
Australians are top people though.
And yes, Everyone who works in customer service will tell you Americans are rude, demanding fucking idiots. Managers actually have to warn employees to just be patient and polite with them. No other western country is thought of like this.
Now i know there are a lot of decent people in the US, so don't bring up that whole 'majority' debate, but i am talking on your country as a whole.
Posts: 315
I don't know about you being Australian but, I assumed you are living in Australia because that's what YOU put on your profile here.
Other than being very judgemental, your original post disclosed few details. When I replied to you, without invalidating your opinion, I was trying to point out a few things you may have overlooked that brought you to your conclusions. Although with your response which is again fairly brief and only your first since your original post, you've managed to completely discredit yourself by being guilty of some of the very same things you were so quick to accuse others of being. I'm sorry but, that is a really rude and ignorant reply and to not realize how you were discrediting yourself was pretty stupid. I'm not trying to be rude back to you. I'm just trying to reply to you and there's no other way to interpret what you said without arriving at that conclusion.
I don't know your situation but, IF you speak to people (Americans) in permister the way you just wrote to me, along with the way you have pre-judged them as a whole, it would explain why you have come to the conclusions you have. Although, I'm being polite back to you, I can see why some may not, especially if they're on vacation when come in contact with them.
Posts: 208
Quoting: DaniSubTV Although, I'm being polite back to you,
Thats the way to go dude .. just because dogs bark does not mean even u turn into a dog to reply to them .. but seriously I had a long debate with Multi-Orgasmic-Mary on a wide spectrum of things right here on this thread and we ended up just bitching about each other in the end. I guess this usually happens because on the internet when one starts to loose the argument or even otherwise people tend to resort using language not fit for a real debate and thats just where the whole argument goes in the background and the expletives take over.
Won't really preach because I too have been guilty of it to some extent but would advise not to get into it as u would basically be wasting ur time on it and even if u win u will end up with nothing in ur hands. Remember in a rat race even if u win u still end up being a rat! Hope u take the cue.. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 131
Ok, i was just getting frustrated, i apologize.
Posts: 208
Quoting: aka enjoyed it huge
I hope I was a good part of the entertainment! I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: notnot Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
I am tolerant of anyone's credo, providing they don't power it on me.
Seems like you had strong feelings about a lot of the responses here,,,too bad you were relegatd to using icons to get your message across, cause I can't tell if you want me to fuck off because you don't like people who tolerate others credos, or because you think I'm contrary. You know,,,a long time ago (certainly before this thread was written), the whole world (or least most of it). developed alphabets, language, and script,,,so we'd understand each other. You might want to look into that before your next post, who knows, you might actually have something interesting to say,,,even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Posts: 315
#83 · Edited by: DaniSubTV
Apology accepted
One thing about the internet that amazes me, is how the "anonymous factor" (I know, it's actually not when necessary) influences the way we communicate online in comparimister to real life. It can make things go from one extreme to the other or any where in between. Some people live a fantasy second identity when they're online and at the same time they may have confessed things that are true to complete strangers that they never have to any one else in their real life.
When you're in a forum, since you're not face to face with a permister, I think it can be easy to start exchanging insults but, when it's time to retreat or apologize, it can make that a lot easier too. As in the way you and Mary were just able to do. That's a lot harder to do in permister (unless it's your significant other, because with them you're not just shaking hands, you get to have make up sex. 
Posts: 131
so enough arguing and back to cuckoldn a?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: notnot sorry,you do mis understand.
Please forgive me if I came on a little strong, I tried to tone it down and not burn bridges, since one can never really be sure until things are spelled out. Like I've said many times in the past, as much as the net has created a conduit for the exchange of ideas all around the world, it does lack the permisteral touch. I, for instance, am of half Italian and half Puerto Rican heritage, but grew up in a typical Italian American home,,,in New York city,,,so I'm naturally sarcastic, naturally blunt, and I use my hands and mannerisms to talk. So without the benefit of those s*******s, things tend to come off exactly as they are written, leaving no impressions of what is sarcasm, what is tongue in cheek, and what is my true intent. So I'll take this opportunity to try and clarify it for all concerned,,,everyone who agrees with me, is understanding me completely, they get it,,,and they are intelligent, logical and rational human beings,,,everyone else are fucking idiots,,,LOL. See,,,that sentence had sarcasm, a little tongue and cheek, and some of my true intent,,,wait a minute, it's still coming out uppity,,,maybe if I wave my hands a bit it won't seem so bad,,,I'm waving them now,,,is that better???
Posts: 1284
Any people who believe they are the best have still much to learn ...
If you lack humility you have a lot to learn from oriental civilisations.
There is a tendency to 'forget' the occidental cuckolds brownie (I'm from the occident): the greatest poluters of the world, the most dangerous in terms of weapons, the most corrupting (corruption, to exist, needs corruptors).
The most wars in the last two centuries were fought by occidental countries. US has got involved in more than 40 wars, since 1900. The diplomacy of guns and the 'big stick' ... is that something to be proud of?
To end this polemics, I never grew oranges (nor have known anybody who does so) : I'm not mexican, for this subject. I, however, acknowledge some of the scientific and cultural conquers of your people. Nevertheless, it's a lie to say that everything was created in America. You take other peoples ideas and transform them in products - ok. That does not mean you have invented all the stuff - computers, submarines, airplanes, etc. Even women's day was created because bla-bla-bla.... as if in England the fight for best working conditions, for women, had never existed before that.
Posts: 1284
As about Israel ... palestinians also have the right to exist and to be free.
Why did Israel use cluster bombs in Lebanon, recently? Why do they arrest civilians without any judge saying so? Why do they bomb blocks of houses, knowing they'll inevitably ******* innocents? Why do they cut the sources of water for palestinians? So many whys ... and the occidental press only acknowledges 'bombmen': is this fair? Is this proportional? We know it isn't.
Posts: 1284
Please, tell us about Guantanamo, where primisterers are kept withouth any legal right or trial. Due process of law? Right to defend themselves and of having a fair trial? hahaha. We know that just does not exist there. Geneva conventions about war primisterers? Does that have any meaning to you, Mary? (or else, does that have any meaning to Mr.Bush and his associates?). Well, well, well ... the analogy with Rome is dangerous for you - Carthago was turned into ashes, but Rome fell from all its height because it was a cruel empire. Pre-emptive attack? Kill anybody you think shall one day attack you - even without proof? Ok. Let's start *******ling each other just like that! If America has this right, any country should have it too. Why teenagers are becoming bombmen in middle-east? Because grown-ups are being arrested and *******ed illegaly. There's no law. By the way, Abu-Graib would have been just 'sick people's fiction' if it wouldn't have been photographed. If we invoke the law in our favour, in the west, we must respect the law. US does not seem to respect many international laws: they extradicted Somoza (who was previouly their friend), they attacked Irak with the express disaproval of UN, they did not sign Kyoto protocol, they are against the creation of an international penal court. How can they invoke the law? As about us ... we're just 'poor cuckolds', for that matter, who deserve to be 'wiped off'! Tables turn ... and drastically. I won't go on with this. Ok: you won! This site's about sex.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: name Please, tell us about Guantanamo
First off,,,you're right, this site IS about sex, and if you check my posts throughout this thread you'll notice I pointed that out several times. Gitmo,,,again you're right, we should interrogate them for a week or two, get eveything that comes easy, then politely put a bullet in their brain. Geneva convention? Try reading it,,,it refers to uniformed armies, not terroists attacking citizens,,,oh yeah, and while you're at it, find out how many US POW's were treated in accordance with it. Pre-emptive attack? It's a little pointless to attack them after they've nuked you. Abu-Graib? A few frustrated soldiers does not a policy make, and they've been punished, as opposed to the president of Iran who held 50 some-odd US citizens for over a year, or Arafat, a terrorist who wound up sitting at the UN. Somoza? You mean the corrupt have dealer? Attacked Iraq against the UN's approval,,,you mean the UN that agreed Iraq had been breaking international law and voted 16 times to take measures, but didn't because Koffee Anan was against it, which makes sense since his mister was involved it the food for oil scam, not to mention France didn't want us to attack because Iraq still owed them money for the illegal weapons they sold them under the table. Kyoto protocol? You mean the protocol that would destroy the American economy while China and Russia's still running half their countries on coal, the worst polluting energy source out there, and their cars are without any emissions control at all,,,your choice of "not going on with this" is the smartest thing you've said to date, cause you obviously have your head up your ass (and I mean that in a nice way).
Posts: 1284
1- Guantanamo: Ok. Disrespect international law and then, later, invoke it on your faour.
2- Geneva conventions: If you arrest people in a war, Yes, you have to treat them as war primisterers (and follow Geneva conventions, if you signed it). It's not because u choose to call them 'terrorists' that you escape the obligation to follow international laws about the subject.
3- UN disapproval of invading Iraq: If your country makes part of an international organism and has signed its convention, it must respect its deliberations, whether they please you or not. One thing is the US taking control of UN assemblies and having people vote what they want in one comission (as to punish Iraq and say they were 'breaking international laws' - but since no 'mass destructions weapons' at all were found, we know US and UK were lying). The other thing is to go against UN Security Council ... and invade a country (just what UN conventions seeks to prevent - u should know it, it was agreed in San Francisco about 50 years ago).
4- As about Iran, when the american citizens were arrested there, US armed Iraq (Saddam) to wage war at Iran, subsequently. Even the rocks know it! Seeking further punishment now? To control Iran's oil? Ok ...
5- Somoza (who you call a 'have-dealer') was kept in power for a long time by ... the US! When he seemed to go against american will, the 'right to invade another country to ******* a traitor' was created.
6- Kyoto protocol: american economy is more important than environment, polutino and living conditions for future generations in the whole world? Ok. That's an oppinion you can have, but please, show it clearly.
7- Which country has *******ed the most civilians in wars in a century? ...
Let's just talk about sex, ok, Mary?