Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Confident that the western world saved your country's economy? What am I saying, the companies of the western hi-tech world "CREATED" your country's economy. Why? Because you have so many people to support, most of which are intelligent enough to do the work, and deprived enough to do it for less money. Now you're getting a good grip on the field and you think you did it all yourself. The only thoughts you helped to clear up for me are the ones where I try to decide whether it's better to build nations or blow them up. Obviously some are already on their way all on their own, so it's best to just let them be (no sense in making it seem like we want to bomb all the third world countries), so now that we know what'll happen to you guys, we can concentrate on the other assholes that won't get on board with the plan. Like it or not (and you obviously do, since your living the American dream, even if you're doing it in India), the west is gonna drag the rest of the world into the 21st century, kicking and screaming if necessary,,,or smoking in a pile of cinders, the choice is theirs. How's that for conviction of my beliefs on how we should deal with stupid backward thinking that dragging us all down?
Posts: 1284
"we don't sell our stuff to aggressive nations" ...: No, you don't ... u only sell what is out of date. You use the weapons on countries to destroy it and take their richess (such as oil, for instance, that american and british companies are now in control in Iraq.). That is done by the american government, and some american companies, which does not mean americans are bad people, themselves. I know many nice americans - not those who support belicism, hegemony and intrusion in other peoples affairs. Why does America has to have military bases spread all over the world? To protect themselves???? Why do you have a huge information and telecommunications center in Katar? Why do the States vetoes any motions of disapproval about Israel ...? The american ordinary people could not possibly answer all that - they do not take part in this. Their rotten government does the 'dirty job' ... very often without their knowledge or direct approval.
Posts: 68
#33 · Edited by: nylimey
Actually the Nazis were Christian fanatic anti-communists.. just like your right-wing friends who started this war in Iraq.
This is ALL about making money for Halliburton and Bechtel and the Carlysle Group, and the rest of the war industry.
that's ALL it is.
Sunni Saudis attacked us on Sept 11 2001, and yet we now are backing them against Shiites who never did.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: name "we don't sell our stuff to aggressive nations" ...: No, you don't ... u only sell what is out of date.
Only a "fucking idiot" (that description seems to feel so appropiate, so often on this forum), sells his latest weaponry to people that will no doubt stab them in the back in the future, and ******* anybody within range as soon as it's a viable solution to their agenda (to wit: Iraq, Iran, half of S. America, etc.). Lets just establish something right off, I don't speak for anyone but myself, cause I only have control over my own actions, regardless of what I feel,,,hey, if I was "Queen for a day", my fingers would have blisters on them from all the "buttons" I would push. Organized religions (all organized religions, with the possible exception of some asian religions), are responsible for 75% of all evil in the world, greed is the other 25%, of which 90% is masked under the guise of religion. We can't blink on defending Isreal cause as soon as we do the rest of the world would see it as a moment to strike (which I secretely hope for, cause if that fucknut terrorist that's in Iran attacked Isreal, we could forget about Iran and concentrate on N. Korea,,,since Iran would be the worlds largest sheet of glass).
Quoting: Ceasar_India81 Yeah we were deprived for a long long time
You know,,,I could sit here and point out that the Dutch, French, Spanish and Brits were the ones who brought slaves from Africa to the Caribbean way before any of them landed in the US, I could also point out that most of those slaves were sold by fellow Africans. I was all set to take each one of your points apart, but your *****ile little digs about STD's has shown me I'm dealing with a permister masquerading as a man, someone who has something along the lines of a large clit for a penis. Go away "little" man.
Quoting: nylimey Actually the Nazis were Christian fanatic anti-communists.. just like your right-wing friends who started this war in Iraq.
This is ALL about making money for Halliburton and Bechtel and the Carlysle Group, and the rest of the war industry.
that's ALL it is.
Sunni Saudis attacked us on Sept 11 2001, and yet we now are backing them against Shiites who never did.
I'm what you would call basically poor, I haven't seen any money from the Iraq war, in fact my taxes have been taken to pay for it,,,as poor as I am I'd gladly drive less and pay $5.00 a gallon for gas if we could just spend my taxes on about twenty nukes, start from Syria and head east, then turn south, then head east again. Then what's left could live in peace,,,the best thing to come from Viet Nam was a T-shirt that read "KILL THEM ALL-LET GOD SORT EM OUT".
Permisteral observation,,,this site is a "Cuckold Forum", as stupid as some may claim me to be, I can read, and that's what it says on the top of the page, please don't confuse it with a site you go to so you can register for the assholes convention. I'd like to help you out, but I have no need for the URL to that site therefor I have no idea where you have to go to register,,,but I know it's not here!
P.S. I have enough cuckolds brownie to listen to coming from reding heart liberals that are actually from America, if you want to use the term "us", be one of us, otherise keep your Orange ass on the other side of the pond. Besides, aren't there any Catholics left for you to ******* in Ireland. You're so affraid of being cataloged with us "world dominators" that you're willing to spew cuckolds brownie out of your mouth so nobody confuses you with "US", yet you say "us" like what you feel is mainstream. I'm a native New Yorker, born and raised, I talk New York, and think New York, I take "cawfee",,,my husband worked on the Towers in the `70's,,,you weren't bombed, I was, you just happened to be in the city at the time,,,go fuck yourself you ungrateful limey bastard,,,still pissed a bunch of farmers kicked the ass of the greatest army in the world a couple hundred years ago?
Posts: 208
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I was all set to take each one of your points apart, but your *****ile little digs about STD's has shown me I'm dealing with a permister masquerading as a man, someone who has something along the lines of a large clit for a penis. Go away "little" man
Nice excuse .. This is all what u can come up with? that u r not going to reply because I might have a small penis? Just because I might have a clit for a penis so u cannot answer my questions? Nice excuse .... very very nice excuse. I am sure before starting every argument people ask the permister standing in front of him what his penis size is ... wow, u really are retarded. I thought u did understand that permisterally attacking people by calling them "fuckin idiots" didn't really work but u seem to be one of those brand of people who bark when the other permister shows some decency and cower down like a kitten when confronted even slightly. Now I am no longer a fuckin idiot but a guy with a small penis. So?
Go ... go n hide behind ur veil of permisteral attacks to cover up the shortcomings coming from a serious lack of knowledge , intellectual capacity, and above all an deformed image of the yourself where u find yourself to be the centre of the universe. The reality is that u are the centre of nothing but crass stupidity along with some first hand experience of a serious case of gonorrhea and syphilis. Hope I cleared some more misconceptions which u had along with the highly moronic " we did u a favour" rant u had some time back. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
I give up,,,you're right, I do have the clap, my husband gave it to me when he got back from screwing your woman without a condom. But in fairness to him, he was blindfolded, otherwise I'm sure he would've notice the oozing sores surrounding your womans pussy,,,oh yeah, he had his nose plugged up too,,,those friends of his are always playing jokes on him. And no, people don't inquire about penis size everytime they have an argument, just like everytime they don't like what someone has said, they don't accuse them of having STD's,,,but I'm talking about people,,,not you.
Posts: 208
#37 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary just like everytime they don't like what someone has said, they don't accuse them of having STD's
Similarly just because someone doesn't like what the other permister has said one doesn't start calling them 'fuckin idiot' to start with. Glad u help me in proving my points.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary my husband gave it to me when he got back from screwing your woman without a condom.
I can reply to this too very well but then it would really be a very permisteral attack on someone who is not even involved in this conversation. So I will choose to keep my mouth shut on this. But would be great if you could tell me which one of "my woman" was he with. I lost count some years back of the number of women I have had...btw I hope the Haemorroids aren't too troubling for u ... are they? I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Ceasar_India81 I can reply to this too very well but then it would really be a very permisteral attack on someone who is not even involved in this conversation. So I will choose to keep my mouth shut on this. But would be great if you could tell me which one of "my woman" was he with. I lost count some years back of the number of women I have had...btw I hope the Haemorroids aren't too troubling for u ... are they?
I checked with my hub,,,turns out it wasn't one of your women, but you were in her pussy at least once,,,maybe more, can't be sure, remember, we are dealing with a sub-human lifeform. Sorry,,,along with STD's, I've never had hemorrhoids.
Posts: 1284
The "cuckoldry" involved in such a matter is: poor countries do feel like unconsented cuckolds. Globalisation's best definition I heard is: "Globalisation is an orgy where the 3rd world is the only female present." I worked in foreign trade and I know how it works: rich nations do what we call 'the swing' - they buy from Latin America when it's cheap there, then they go to Asia and buy there, leaving Latin America without business. When the prices there go down, it all starts again. Your point about russian weapons is weak: missiles (not riffles) are the main weapon in use today. We know who produces the most effective missiles (*******ing power) - and who sells old-fashioned combat airplanes and submarines. Of course, America and England wouldn't sell what is modern - what does not make them any better for the sake of being 'smarter'. Even the rocks know that your countries get together to exploit and expropriate others, supporting genocide when it's convenient. So, the rest of the world are really CUCKOLDS (FOR THIS WHILE - SOMETIMES THE TABLES TURN).
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#40 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Quoting: name rich nations do what we call 'the swing' - they buy from Latin America when it's cheap there, then they go to Asia and buy there, leaving Latin America without business. When the prices there go down, it all starts again.
Oh boy,,,lets see, the "rich nations" you refer to are really capitalist nations, who's economy runs on the price of goods and the profit margins within those prices. The store across the street sells cigarettes for $3.50 a pack, the store on this side of the street sells them for $3.60 a pack,,,you gonna walk across the street for the deal? Of course you are, till the guy on your side of the street notices his business has dropped of and drops his price to $3.45,,,maybe through in a free lighter, that commerce, why would you pay more,,,loyalty? We've already established loyalty is a crock when it comes to 3rd world regimes. Some piss ant country will accept all sorts of aid from us to boost their economy, then after they've established a foothold they turn around and extort more, otherwise they'll court China or Russia,,,and you don't want that right? So give us a few billion more so all my friends can drive Mercedes (Iraq). Or how about you give us billions cause we don't have electricity, if you give us billions we won't build nuclear plants,,,get the billions and build the nuke stuff anyway (N.Korea). If you want nukes, just ask, we'll send you as many as required to shut you up. While it's true tables have turned throughout history, and everything changes eventually, one must consider that even the turning of tables can change, and like I've said previously, if it does change, the whole world will be along for the ride. The days of super powers falling by the wayside like Egypt, Rome, Russia and the like are done with, America would go out kicking and screaming,,,and launching!!! The problem with trying to beat up what most despot regimes consider a bully, is you wind up with anarchy and a handful of bullies,,,just like when Rome fell, the world went to cuckolds brownie for half a century, when the USSR fell, the balkans went to cuckolds brownie, suddenly people that lived together for 60 years started *******ing each othe, when Iraq fell, Sunnii's and Shiites went at it. The world needs a police power so decent people have a chance at living a decent life. We don't bomb anyone who isn't either mistreating their neighbors or the own people, we'd rather be living the good life, like France, Germany, England, Italy, Spain, Canada, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, and all the other countries that are forward looking. All any of the third world countries have to do is get on board. Mexico has all the people, all the resources, and all the capabilities of the USA, yet they still live in squallor. They have agriculture, oil, industry, all the modern s*******s, but they're corrupt and lazy. No one can argue corrupt, but some may say "lazy"? Mexicans are some of the hardest workers out there,,,really? I watched my husband go to work everyday, he was a sheetmetal mechanic, which means he installed ductwork in attics and did architechtual work on roofs,,,and he did it in Florida, just as hot as Mexico, 130 degrees in attics, 150 degrees in boiler rooms, and burned to a crisp on the rooftops,,,don't remember him ever taking a siesta though. It's natural to covet another mans better lifestyle, just like it's natural for us to ******* anyone who tries to steal it. You don't like your lot in life, do something about it,,,even though he was a comedian, Sam Kinimister hit the nail on the head,,,those poor people living in the desert with no food,,,that's cause you can't grow food in the desert, so move you asshole. Are those Americans hacking people to death all over Africa? Are Americans keeping them poor? Do the warlords of Africa have missiles? Or do they have AK47's and Russian made grenade launchers? As for producing missiles, your right, we made lots of Patriot missiles, made to take down scuds, which were made to ******* people, Russia made scuds, Iraq sent them to Isreal, we knocked them down with Patriots. You have to remember, at anytime in the past 6 years we could have launched mini-nukes and obliterated local populations, but we're police, not aggressors, so instead, we send our soldiers to die, when we could just eliminae the problem in a heartbeat. And the world thinks we're the bad guys,,,that's why when the cuckolds brownie hits the fan and we see a possible ending for us, it'll mean the end of everything,,,and I'm behind that philosophy 100%, if you want to destroy the best the world has to offer, then lets just blow the whole fucking thing up and let the cockroaches see if they can do a better job.
Posts: 208
Wow ... u really do keep changing ur colors like a chameleon ... lemme just show u what u really are ....
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I give up,,,you're right, I do have the clap, my husband gave it to me
and then in the next post u say ...
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Sorry,,,along with STD's, I've never had hemorrhoids.
So u agree that u have had some bad experience with gonorrhea and syphilis and then u yourself disagree with yourself in the next reply.
Then u said ...
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary my husband gave it to me when he got back from screwing your woman without a condom.
and then in the next reply u said ...
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I checked with my hub,,,turns out it wasn't one of your women,
So first u said ur husband got it from one of my women n then in the second mail he did not?
Man how many times do I have to tell u to get ur facts right before opening that hole in ur face? Then again there is some serious dicrepancy in not just 2 different replies but in the same reply...
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I checked with my hub,,,turns out it wasn't one of your women, but you were in her pussy at least once,,,maybe more, can't be sure, remember, we are dealing with a sub-human lifeform. Sorry,,,along with STD's, I've never had hemorrhoids.
U wrote this to tell me that u got the bad experience of gonorrhea n syphilis through ur husband who did it with a woman who did it with me. But then in the same reply u say that u do not have any STDs. errrrr... sorry to say this but it looks like some ultra moronic mind is at work here ... either u don't know ( as usual) what STD stands for ... Its Sexually Transmitted Disease. Common examples of STDs are gonorrhea and syphilis which I guess u have had first hand experience of.
Now please explain it to me whether u have had the STD or not. Because if u did not then probably the girl done by both ur husband n me did not have it either. Now that we have established so well that u have absolutely no idea of what u have or do not have do u think I should believe u that u don't have Haemorrhoids ?
U were also talking bout some sub-human life forms? Lets see ..sub-human life forms would be say something like naturals or say lizards... chameleons would be a good example of sub-human life forms... but u know what ? there is another type of life form ... ultra dumb life form. I guess I should keep that in mind when dealing with u. Good luck with the gonorrhea n syphilis n hemorrhoids n please do make u sure u don't pick anything else along the way until u get these treated.. ciao.. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 208
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary You have to remember, at anytime in the past 6 years we could have launched mini-nukes and obliterated local populations, but we're police, not aggressors, so instead, we send our soldiers to die, when we could just eliminae the problem in a heartbeat.
Man man man .. tell me honestly r u trying to show us all the height of crass stupidity a permister can reach? Very honestly..
You DID launch the nukes in 1945 in Japan . And u know why they launched it in 1945 n don't think of doing so again today? Because they know they are gonna get one up their ass themselves from either Russia or China ( u can pick) if they bomb another country . In 1945 when they KNEW that no other country possesed this technology they DID use it ... not once but TWICE. Honestly give me a break ...
As always ... gets ur facts correct and go n see the doc.. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#43 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
My thoughts on launching nukes depended on an attack on us with them,,,once they're launched, the idea or fear that someone will launch against us is a mute point, so might as well blow it all up. When you've got a little kid trying to punch you, you can either hold him back by putting your arm straight out on his head and let him kick you in the shins, or punch him in the nose and end the fight. Japan was ready to sacrifice men, women, and youngren in a last ditch effort to ******* Americans,,,they got a redy nose and shown the error of their ways, after the war was over we totally rebuilt their country, and handed them a functioning democracy that hasn't attacked anyone since, now they're one of our staunchest allies. None of the cuckolds brownie that spews out of your mouth makes any sense, in fact I'm getting to feel more and more like I'm dealing with a 5th grader. My husband and I are on the otherside of the world,,,we've never met your women or your lady, never want to, don't want to meet you, and we're quite thankful that we never will, I don't have and never have had STD's, and if you fell off the planet tomorrow, it would mean less to me than if I did get hemohrroids. Now be a good boy and get back to "My Space" where you belong.
Posts: 208
#44 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary we've never met your women or your lady,
So u did end up showing what a lowly scum of the earth u r. Why would u under any circumstances mention my lady in ur reply u cunt. Did I ever mention anybody other than u in my replies? Even when u dragged ur husband inside the conversation I refrained from attacking him as he wasn't in any way involved but it seems u r one of those creatures who is such a small permister in heart that u never really will be much more than " multi orgasmic mary" ever in ur life because the gonorrhea from ur stinking cunt has spread so bad on u that it has not only made the hole between ur legs full of maggots but the disease has spread right up ur brain.
U came here trying to act all tough and knowledgeable by first calling me a fucking idiot, then telling me my dick was small , then telling me some cuckolds brownie bout ur husband being with my woman , then backing off and now trying to tell me bout some website frequented by u probably 100 times in a day in order to find a cure for the syphilis which has left ur body stinking to such a degree that skunks get scared to come close to u.
It is people like u who come n go in life and the only thing they ever accomplish is to be photographed by doctors to show people what happens when somebody gets an extremely bad case of gonorrhea followed by an even severe bout of syphilis. That is what u r bitch.. a disease ridden scum of the earth who should be shot in the same way as the one shoots the stray bitch on the street who is full of rabies with the only difference being that u r filled with a lot more than rabies.
N every time u open that hole in ur face not only do people get to know the bad case to halitosis that u suffer with ... err sorry ... lemme go a lil slow for u... halitosis means bad breath ... ya so lemme start again ... so every time u open that hole in ur face not only do people get to know how badly u suffer from bad breath , people also get an idea of how badly the gonorrhea had eaten ur brains by the kind of arguments that come out from tht bird sized brain that u have.
We have already dealed with the "we did u a favor" , "u want to live the 'american' way of life ( i must give u ....that was fuckin hilarious) " then u belched bout "west is taking the world to the 21st century" , then u very conveniently farted in public (its all right .. I guess when ur brain has been so badly eaten by maggots , u do kind of loose control over some bodily functions) bout " we can use nukes but are not using them because we r so peace loving" and now u r coming up with "we helped the Japs after the war n blah blah blah ...."
Let me for the thousandth time shred ur words to tatters... no i am not saying anything bout shredding ur clothes.. please keep them on ... Nobody can dare see that maggot filled , gonorrhea ridden body of urs... ur face is so ugly that I shudder even to think how the other things look ... but its alright we r just talking bout ur " we did japs a favor" rant ....
lets see what u helped the Japs with ... u helped the Japs have thousands n thousands of people suffer from the radioactive fallout because of which people r born with one eyes , one leg , no livers and god knows what else. U did manage to dress them well from outside so that u could hide the body which was scarred to such an extent that generations to come would remember what type of horrific crime was committed by a so called "civilised" western nation not once but twice. U used the nuclear bomb not once but twice... n not on the same day but with a space of a full 3 days just to make sure that the utter devastation n *** caused by the first one was no fluke. Good going guys ...good going. I hope ur maggot filled brain could understand some part of it.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary None of the cuckolds brownie that spews out of your mouth makes any sense, in fact I'm getting to feel more and more like I'm dealing with a 5th grader
Another attempt to stop me from shredding ur stupid words to bits after the fuckin idiot , small penis , n ur woman attempts. Its alright u can keep trying. It just shows how shallow u r. Every time u don't know what to say u come up with something like this but i can understand that its not entirely ur fault... u have a bird brain riddled with maggots n the body of a fat sow which is covered with gonorrhea n syphilis and not to forget the hemorrhoids. Wow when presenting the national budget u must be getting a special mention .... " a million dollars are being allocated to The Disease Bag to help with the extreme case of STDs and hemmorhoids that she has been suffering with. Another millions dollars are being given to treat the severe case of halitosis (bad breath which u so suffer from if u forgot what halitosis is..) , another million is being spent on her fat filled body which..........." .. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
LMAO,,,seems like I touched a nerve, ha ha ha,,,any 26 year old with the mentality of a 5th grader, trying to discuss world events in funny enough, but your tirade of diseases and maladies that I'm suppose to have, having never even met me makes you a waste of skin, you should fill out your donor card and just do away with yourself, then at least your existence wouldn't be a total waste,,,LOL, LOL, LOL!!! Grow up!
Posts: 208
#46 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary seems like I touched a nerve,
Yeah u did. Yeah bitch u did.. n don't do it again. U mention my family again n I will definitely owe u one. I promise.
But come to think of it what more could I have expected from lowly life creature like you than trying to throw ur filth around when u had nothing more concrete to say.. and add to that the gonorrhea and syphilis not to forget the hemorrhoids along with the maggot filled cunt that u have and again not to forget the severe conditions of halitosis and flatulence... wow u were correct ... I should have known from the beginning what to expect from u... Keep going.. lets see the levels to which u can stoop.. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#47 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Flatulence??? Now I've got gas? Tell me the truth, you've got some medical dictionary in front of you and your just closing your eyes and pointing your finger. To be honest, I expected you to pick up on the referrence to your lady two posts ago, but as you know, I was giving you too much credit. I've been told to pass gas, from a half caste,,,sounds like I'm ordering a latte. What's the difference between a bowling ball and your lady? You could conceivably eat a bowling ball,,,ha ha ha!!! Was that your lady I saw lifting her skirt and hanging her butt over the fence at the Pakistani border? Must be, cause all the Pakistanis ran away,,,is she the Indian version of WMD's? Maybe she could get laid if she did it over the Afghani border. LOL
Posts: 1284
" (...) The world needs a police power so decent people have a chance at living a decent life. We don't bomb anyone who isn't either mistreating their neighbors or the own people (...) - No, lady, the world does not need that. Usually, mafia people create chaos to then, later, sell 'security' ... and it seems that you have learned a great deal with them. You finance dictators, ousters, etc. - as soon as your political interests are met. Can a 'sheriff' act like this? You do sell guns, that's one of your highest foreign commerce items, and permanent wars are 'show-rooms' for your weapons. Your media helps advertise them, broadcasting the attacks. You do bomb innocent people ('collateral dammage'). U.S. institutions say that 650.000 iraqis have been *******ed so far in this war - Iraq organisations say they're more. Instead of 'They ******* horses, don't they?", you should say: "We ******* people, don't we?"...
No, you don't aim at controling the world (180 military bases all over the planet) and you don't aim at stealing other peoples' richess - the oil just falls on your lap!!!! You are far from being philanthropy champions, as your government made you believe your countries were - although your people is genuinely generous. Whoever supports the view about the need of a belicist 'world police' is an hypocrite. True police shouldn't sell guns , ******* innocents, nor profit from the 'butiny'. As for your curves, they're ok.
Posts: 1284
One further last comment on war and hegemony matters:
Do the words "Tommahawk", "bunker-buster bomb", "F117", "F16", "E-bombing" form any meaning in your mind? What about the brilliant slogan used by the pretense saviours of the iraqi people: SHOCK AND AWE!!!! Madre de Di�s!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3.000 bombs in one day!!! (according to the National Geographic enticing documentary on the US military operation in Iraq)! Destroy the country to, later, send your companies to 'rebuild' it! Just like it was performed in Afghanistan (and the guys who did the trick in 9/11 were not even afghans).
To distend the 'heavy climate', here's a quick joke: Mr.Bush goes to a secondary school, to explain the youngren about the war on Iraq. The youngren are given the opportunity to pose questions. Little Bob says: - I have two questions: nr.1 - Why did you order the attack and invasion of Iraq against the strict U.N. Security Council recommendations? nr.2 - Where is Osama? .... the bell rings in advance for cofee-break time. When they come back, Little Greg, now, continues the questioning: - Mr.President, I have three questions: 1st - Why did we attack and invade Iraq against the express resolution of the UN Security Council? 2nd. - Where's Osama? 3rd. - Where's Little Bob??? ... (Does anybody know?)
Posts: 208
#50 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
This is how I read ur last reply ....
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Flatulence??? Now I've got gas? Tell me the truth, you've got some medical dictionary in front of you and your just closing your eyes and pointing your finger.
yawn ... "Man i hope the bitch is not trying to be funny again .. it really hurts when she tries to do that.... anyways lets see what else she wrote......."
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary To be honest, I expected you to pick up on the referrence to your lady two posts ago, but as you know, I was giving you too much credit. I've been told to pass gas, from a half caste,,,sounds like I'm ordering a latte.
Yawn .... " Man r u stupid to think anything better could have come out from that maggot face?? ... hope she ends the *** here by not been funny anymore ... lets see......"
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary What's the difference between a bowling ball and your lady? You could conceivably eat a bowling ball,,,ha ha ha!!! Was that your lady I saw lifting her skirt and hanging her butt over the fence at the Pakistani border? Must be, cause all the Pakistanis ran away,,,is she the Indian version of WMD's? Maybe she could get laid if she did it over the Afghani border. LOL
YAWN !!! "wtf I almost dozed off ... that bitch sure can put people to relax when she tries to be 'witty' " ...
But what many here don't know what exactly happened when Multi Diseased Mary was writing her 'witty' reply .... lets see how it actually happened....
Character 1 : The Maggot -- Multi Diseased Mary aka Multi Orgasmic Mary
Character 2 : The Faggot -- Multi Diseased Mary's husband.
Maggot: (typing) Flatulence??? Now I've got gas? Tell me the truth, you've got some medical dictionary in front of you and your just closing your eyes and pointing your finger...
Faggot enters the room ... It can be seen that the Faggot has got a shriveled face along with a stinky pony tail with half his hair gone from the head. this pathetic condition might suggest that Faggot has some serious disease like AIDS but the reader is not aware at the moment what it might be..
Faggot : What r u doing honey ...
Maggot's face is not shown due to the way gonorrhea has eaten it. We just see the back of her head...
Maggot: Just trying to be funny ....
Faggot: (whinces!) wow u really need to do something for ur bad breath Maggot ... I am standing 10 feet away n still can smell it ...
Maggot: (typing)... To be honest, I expected you to pick up on the referrence to your lady two posts ago, but as you know, I was giving you too much credit. I've been told to pass gas, from a half caste,,,sounds like I'm ordering a latte.... ( n then suddenly) brr...bhrrrr... (the reader for the first time experiences the severe case of flatulence(stomach gas for the uninitiated) Maggot suffers with )
We suddenly hear a dog howling outside the window. The reader is reminded that naturals have a keen sense of natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanoes and other types of natural 'poimisterous gases'.
Faggot: (mutters under his breath) .. not again ....
We see that Faggot is trying to distance himself from Maggot ..
Maggot: (typing) ..What's the difference between a bowling ball ..bhrr... Bhrrrrr ...bhrrr..and your lady? You could conceivably eat a bowling ball,,,ha ha ha!!! Bhrrrr...BHrrrrr....
Here the reader is requested to give special attention ...
Faggot: (thinking) What the fuck .... Is she going to ******* me before the AIDS *******s me? The bitch is just like her lady ... full of bad breath , fart , gonorrhea and syphilis ... i think like her lady *******ed one of her mans , she is going to ******* me too .. n I always thought it would be the AIDS that would ******* me ..... (speaks out loud) .... honey will u please stop doing that.... no no ... don't open ur mouth to say anything ... just lemme know if u r gonna be doing that thing u do ... i will go n get the gas mask which I bought" ...
In the background we can hear now almost 4-5 dogs howling on top of their lungs ... they have really sensed a source of ultra smelly and ultra poimisterous gas source.... they all seem to be looking at Maggot's window and howling ....
It is here that the reader understands a lot of stuff... the first would be that Multi Orgasmsic Mary's or Multi diseased Mary's husband suffers from chronic condition of AIDS ... also it comes to light that Multi Orgasmsic Mary's lady was just a maggot filled , flatulence affected , gonorrhea ridden bitch like Multi Orgasmsic Mary. Also the reader comes to understand that her lady was responsible for one of Multi Orgasmsic Mary's man's death .. the cause was prolonged exposure to the highly poimisterous gas coming from Multi Orgasmsic Mary's ladys fat disease ridden ass .. Now the reader is requested to go back to the story ..
Maggot: (typing)Was that your lady I saw lifting her skirt and hanging her butt over the fence ..bhrr the Pakistani border? Must be, cause all the Pakistanis ran away,,,is she the Indian BHrrrr version of WMD's? Maybe she could get laid if she did it over the Afghani border. LOL ..BHRR...BHRRR...BHRRRBHRRRBHRRR
Faggot: (Screaming on top of his lungs) ... STOP IT WILL YA???!!!!!WILL U PLEASE FUCKIN STOP IT??????!!!!!!!
The Faggot steps out of the picture... It is learned that he has gone to get his gas mask on .... Maggot or Multi Orgasmic Mary as we know her is sitting there liked a bloated pig unaware of things happening around her ... we see her scratching her crotch area ever so often due to the itchy feeling created by the maggots oozing out of her cunt..
As the scene ends the reader wonders why after the last bout of flatulence the pack of dogs did not bark .. it is revealed that the gas emanating from Multi Orgasmic Mary's pig ass was so bad that it *******ed all the dogs in the neighborhood.. The City of NY has just issued a case of terror threat from the terrorists while our protagonist Multi Orgasmic Mary sits smugly in her chair scratching away happily her disease ridden crotch ....
The reader is informed here the the flatulence n halitosis from the protagonist (Multi Diseased Mary) has not finished much to the dismay of the Faggot n the neighborhood dogs. So keep checking back for more on Multi diseased Marrrryyy and her equally disease ridden family members .. ;) I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 684
Blatant disimulation and disembling propaganda should always be challenged even in a community such as here. The last remark about using a holy book (Christians, Islamists, Jews are all people of "the book") as lavatory paper (toilet is a euphemisim) is insulting even to people of other eligions and of no religion. It displays a vindictiveness verging on the psychotic let alone sociopathic.
Levity and humour are good qualities. Fantasy is good for our soul I am sure.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Ceasar_India81 also it comes to light that Multi Orgasmsic Mary's lady was just a maggot filled , flatulence affected , gonorrhea ridden bitch like Multi Orgasmsic Mary.
Sorry pal,,,my lady was *******ed by a hit and run driver before she could get any diseases,,,but my hub and I are obviously striken with everything, including the black plague, so don't worry about it, we'll be dead soon. Unfortunately you'll still be you, and apparently there's no cure for that either.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Thug Blatant disimulation and disembling propaganda should always be challenged even in a community such as here. The last remark about using a holy book (Christians, Islamists, Jews are all people of "the book") as lavatory paper (toilet is a euphemisim) is insulting even to people of other eligions and of no religion. It displays a vindictiveness verging on the psychotic let alone sociopathic.
I must be missing that, cause I couldn't find it. I am tolerant of anyone's credo, providing they don't power it on me. Unfortunately,,,most religious leaders are hypocrits, and are in pursuit of wealth and power. To achieve that you need a large congregation, so conversion is contantly the name of the game. I permisterally doubt the intelligence of someone who abides with organized religion, I don't care if your the leader of a country, a doctor, lawyer, or Indian Chief, if you buy into all that, then no matter how smart you are, deep down you're an imbecile. Sure, I believe in a higher power, but as long as you have people believing it's this or that, then it goes without saying everyone else is wrong,,,and they have to be converted,,,"praise the Lord and pass the ammunition". Very few people (in the large scheme of things), have died for gain of territory,,,whereas 90% of all major conflicts throughout history was based on religious uprisal. At least as far as the people knew, the leaders knew a lot better what it was about, like all organized religion since the beginning of time, it's all about controlling the people, nothing else. I'm no theologian, but as near as I can tell, we're basically talking about a couple of Jewish brothers who went their seperate ways, just like the different factions in christianity. So now a third of the population is Muslim, under different circumstances Nostradomas could have started a religion, Edgar Cacey could have too, in fact any number of prophets, seers, fortune tellers, whatever, could be the basis for a religion 700 years from now. In New Guinea there's a tribe that made a monument out of straw in the shape of an airplane,,,all the religions in the world are no better or viable than that one. But hey,,,believe what you want, the one thing we all agree on is we're all gonna die eventually, till then, I won't bother you if you don't bother me. But unfortunately some people aren't happy with that, so somebody's gotta die today.
Posts: 208
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Sorry pal,,
Naah , such small people like u can never be my pals. People like u who do not understand the common civilities in life should seriously be debarred from it.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary my lady was *******ed by a hit and run driver before she could get any diseases,,,but my hub and I are obviously striken with everything, including the black plague, so don't worry about it, we'll be dead soon.
Seems so odd that after being utterly rude about my lady , u seem to now take up such a self pitied stand. Remember what I had wrote before "life's a mirror .. u see what u show".
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Unfortunately you'll still be you, and apparently there's no cure for that either.
Damn right I am going to be myself. What do u expect me to become? Something like u? Never. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Ceasar_India81 Seems so odd that
You're reading a post, so you have no idea what emotion goes with those words, no tone in my voice, I seek no pity, I'm a grown woman (nearly twice your age with more than twice as much life experience). When you grow up you'll see how mature people deal with loss and move on, and maybe stop expecting everyone's reaction to be youngish like your own. Of course that's all contingent on you actually growing up. I've read some of your other responses, you really have very little to say that pertains to the subject line of any post (it's mostly ranting your selfrightous take on whatever you feel like complaining about, I think they have pills for that, lithium, it's used for treating schizophrenia), and with exception of a few mis-guided fools that support you, you're pretty much out there on your own. Most guys like you usually only last a few posts, then leave and try your luck elsewhere, I've no doubt that soon you'll either leave or will be blatantly ignored.
Posts: 208
#56 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary nearly twice your age with more than twice as much life experience
Yeah , but not even close to half my knowledge as u have proved so conclusively each time.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I've read some of your other responses
Wow u seem to have a lot of free time in ur hand which is quite surprising for a woman twice my age. Get a life.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I think they have pills for that, lithium, it's used for treating schizophrenia
Looks like somebody just visited the doctor huh? What did he have to say bout ur gonorrhea creeping up to ur face ? I know after reading ur replies that they ate the brain but does ur face have a chance?
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary and with exception of a few mis-guided fools that support you
wow that seems like a compliment coming from u. But the only thing that seem to support n follow u r the maggots and the ever present gonorrhea and syphilis bacterium. I also know that u actually do enjoy their company.Good for u.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Most guys like you usually only last a few posts, then leave and try your luck elsewhere,
You so wish this was true! Keep wishing .....
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary I've no doubt that soon you'll either leave or will be blatantly ignored.
...and ...still keep wishing ..... I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Posts: 684
Reducing history and morality to "sound bites" may be attractive but to use it to bludgeon people who have different experiences of life is the worst type of fascism. I would hope all people of goodwill would challenge the wrong their country, government, church, company, friends do. Alas it is not so - the rabble will always support the bully. We all have our permisteral tradgedies but to use those as an excuse for vindictiveness is sad. All zealots start out by dehumanizing the opposition; if we allow them that then we are literally damned.
Posts: 44
I thought this was about cuckolding?
Posts: 208
#59 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: TedCuck I thought this was about cuckolding?
It was until somebody started the rant that the West actually did a favour on the countries which they colonized and people who thought otherwise were fuckin idiots.
It was later followed by such preposterous statements that they would bring a dead man back to life  . What followed next was an attempt to cover up by hurling permisteral uses. All this from a permister "twice my age n with twice my experience"! Good going ! I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: TedCuck I thought this was about cuckolding?
I know,,,I tried to point that out in my first response to this post, and did so again later on, but as long as people are stuck on stupid I guess it'll drag on.