Posts: 1
I must say, you are all racists. Sure, most of you who want their wives to relax around are probably clinically sick, but the whole racial thing just proves you losers are racists. It is sad that in this day and age, retards like you can twist good uses of the internet into this kind of cuckolds brownie.
You people are stupid, it is funny how losers pretending to be doctors or scientists spread some nonsense they don�t have a clue on. What a bunch of morons, it is sad that there are losers buying all that crap.
Seriously retards, get a fucking life. Get a clue about what sex is actually about. Stop treating people as objects for your twisted pleasures. GET A LIFE! YOU LOSERS. Now feel free to answer this however you want, with insults or any other kind of thing. You will just prove me right since deep down you all know I am right. I won�t waste my times with stupid people like you all, I am out of this crap hole.
Posts: 6246
Shoez its ok, many people, after jerking off, are riddled with guilt. Especially after you went through all the time and trouble to find this sight and then join. I'm sure you came here specifically to see all the white pussy, never mind the fact that "interracial" ment that there just might be Black cocks in them..Hmmmm
Ok, just get yourself cleaned up (dont forget to wipe down the keyboard)
and just keep telling youself- "I'm not gay, I'm not gay.."
Posts: 196
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
My hub worked in an adult video store awhile back, he had this guy that would come in and rent videos, then when he returned them would insist we cancel his membership and take him out of our computors, he couldn't repent in the eyes of God as long as he was still a member,,,two weeks later he'd hand over his credit card and open a new membership,,,only to cancel a week later. This went on for almost 11 months till he threw him out of the store. He came back and threw a brick through the window with some psalm attached to it,,,he was arrested and never seen again. I haven't got a racist bone in my body, however,,,I see nothing wrong with *******ing all the stupid people in the world, at least the ones that I consider stupid,,,hmmmm, "Stupidicide",,,has a nice ring to it, LOL.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
I know that last post is a little tongue and cheek,,,but seriously, if we just took out all clerics and everyone posing as a religous leader, in all the organized religions, the Moulahs, the Imams, the Priests, the Televangelists, the whole freakin lot,,,maybe we'd save another hundred million over the next 10 years. Shiites and Sunnis would do their thing, Catholics and Protestants would do theirs, Jews and Mouslims, Buddists and Hindus, and nobody would be telling them to ******* anybody. Really it's not the peoples idea to ******* those who aren't of the same faith, it doesn't effect them, but the leaders,,,if they don't ******* those that aren't the same faith, then that religion might take away prospective members to their own,,,big deal right? Right,,,because then their power and income would decrease,,,and they can't have that. Look back in history,,,sure plenty of believers fought in tons of religous wars, but they were just pawns, the guys on the top are the ones who raked in the profits,,,and still do to this very day. Like kids in the sandbox fighting over Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy,,,except when you grow up you're suppose to out grow all that crap,,,"Stupidicide" doesn't really sound as stupid as it originally did, once you think it over a bit, LOL.
Posts: 5359
well i'm african american and i haven't got a racist bone in my body
it's the horny married white women who get the big bone in their bodies 
Posts: 296
OMG --- you guys are a riot! your responses were intelligent and I'm wagering, really hit home. way to strike back without resorting to his name-calling babble.
Posts: 6246
permisteralside, I,m sure Shoez could help you with this but I'll go ahead and try-
try this:
right click image
click Open Link - picture opens up
right click image - Save As
file selection box opens, click save - or rename and save
hope this helps
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: indecent well i'm african american and i haven't got a racist bone in my body
it's the horny married white women who get the big bone in their bodies
And on behalf of white wives everywhere (and their cuck hubs), I'd like to take this time to thank you and all the other brothers out there, for fillng our desires (and pussies), and giving our hubs the opportunity to watch us squirm on the end of your beautiful WMD's,,,LOL.
Posts: 1096
Open the pictures in a new window and then you'll be able to save them.
After signing in, right click the picture, and then select 'open in new window' (or something similiar depending upon your browser) and you'll be able to save them.
Posts: 4
Shoez - Did you lose your white wife to a superior black man? Sorry, no matter how much you bitch and moan - she aint going back - cause she went black!!
Posts: 104
My girl asked me what are the two main religions in Iraq and I said... Dumb and Dumber.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
True,,,Sunni's seem like fanatics to us, and Shiite's seem like fanatics to Sunni's, and the whole planet would be better off without any organized religion,,,but what's that got to do with this subject line?
Posts: 1284
Actually, this site's about sexual relations between extra-terrestrials and white women (usually). So, there's no possibility of any 'racist' trace ... aside from considering people from other planets superior or inferior to us. See here below:
Posts: 1284
(I must say I didn't believe it, either. Now, I do!). See below>
Posts: 1284
* Just a comment on what was said about religions in Iraq: Are we, occidentals, any better? Our wealth, beliefs (in our organized society and so on), all depends on what is taken from poorer countries, sometimes by means of weapons. So ... can we judge them? Can we judge anybody?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#18 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Quoting: name * Just a comment on what was said about religions in Iraq: Are we, occidentals, any better? Our wealth, beliefs (in our organized society and so on), all depends on what is taken from poorer countries, sometimes by means of weapons. So ... can we judge them? Can we judge anybody?
Okay,,,now you struck a nerve, I don't know where you're from, doesn't really matter, but I'm sick of all this America bashing (since you sung the "take from the poor mantra" I'm assuming that's who you mean, or some other capitalist western democratic govt.). There's more to it than taking from the poor,,,I know billions,,,that's "FUCKING BILLIONS" of American tax dollars go to helping those poor people, half of which goes to people that do absolutly nothing to improve there own lot in life, and half is stolen by their leaders. Secondly we trade what piss poor cuckolds brownie they do have for things that actually improve their life (like hospitals, medicine, food, shelter, education, etc). Thirdly, if it wasn't for the needs of the industrial nations, they wouldn't know how to get the oil out of the ground, nevermind refine it, if they did get it out they'd use it in oil lamps. And last but not least, I referred to "organized religion", you now, the people that brought you the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Chechnyan/Serbian religious services, anti Semitism, and hey,,,lets not forget about Allah and how He feels about all us infidels,,,give me a fucking break, wake up and get a clue, if you had an ounce of intelligenc you'd see it.s no different than 3 four year olds in a sandbox fighting over Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy,,,instead of manning up, face your mortality and get on with it. If more people did that, instead of using religion as a crutch, they'd spend more time living their own life and not worrying about the guy across the streets life.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: homersayz the whole cuckold thing is about 80% fantasy and 20% reality
Now try and imagine what it's like for someone who's lived it for 23 years, to have to sit and read some of these not only highly improbable fantasies, but such reduntly impossible ones. Most of the dialog could only be written by a man. I especially get a good laugh at the "hidden cam" illustrated stories,,gotta love the way that camera knows it has to change angles in order to get the money shot. Or the ones where the husband thinks his wife has cheated but knows everything that took place. Most are based on what the husband thought he should've done, but it's too late and she's already gone, but it's all he has left, so he relives it till he gets it right.
Posts: 1284
Mary, you just forgot (conveniently) to say that the biggest weapons industry are ... AMERICAN! ... You also forgot to mention that your NGOs storm the planet offering help such as importing illegal herbs from the Amazon ... Maybe you are an idealistic who believes that your economical support 'saves lives' ... but your weapons and destruction machine ******* many, many, many more. U give me a break, too!
Posts: 1284
And as about religions ... people back there are not fighting just for religions sake. They are fighting for power in a shattered society with intruders who think they know what's best for them.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: name Mary, you just forgot (conveniently) to say that the biggest weapons industry are ... AMERICAN! ... You also forgot to mention that your NGOs storm the planet offering help such as importing illegal herbs from the Amazon ... Maybe you are an idealistic who believes that your economical support 'saves lives' ... but your weapons and destruction machine ******* many, many, many more. U give me a break, too!
I see,,you're one of those liberals that learn about life from the 6:00 news. The haves you speak of were a covert action by the CIA so they could purchase the guns for the contras without the "AMERICAN PEOPLES" knowledge. It was all spurned by an Iranian "terrorist" regime who *******ped and held our citizens for 454 days you asshole. As for building weapons??? Again you're talking through your ass, any 15 year old knows the most mass producing *******ing machine in the world is the AK47, made by a Russian, most of the hardware in the hands of the people most likely to use it comes from Russia, China, France & Germany,,,in that order,,,we don't sell our stuff to aggressive nations, should a nation that we did sell it to become aggressive, we take them back, (eg Iraq). Econimical support? Let me tell you something pal, a long time ago some oil companies in America realized oil was big money, so they started looking for more of it, lo and behold they found it in the desert. This desert belonged to a bunch of people that were living in the 14 century, in mud huts, tents, and whatever 1000 yearold buildings that were still standing from when the were at the top of the social ladder. We gave them electricity so they could stop cooking with dried camel dung, brought them into the 20th century, introduced modern medicine, and natural socially acceptable ways to treat your fellow man (and women,,,who by the way, I'm sure would collectively beat you to death in the street if they heard what you're spouting. Yeah,,,we did all those bad things.
Quoting: name And as about religions ... people back there are not fighting just for religions sake. They are fighting for power in a shattered society with intruders who think they know what's best for them.
Best for them,,,I could give a fuck about a bunch of people that can't clean up there own act, if they weren't for the terrorists they should be screaming out there locations just to show the world, but that's not the case, they feel the same way as the terrorists, but they're cowards, they'd rather sit back and just see what happens. I'm more concerned with what's best for the free world, the one where people go to work, raise their kids, and yes, even praise the God of their choice, without having to worry if someone's gonna ******* them. The part of the world that is inhabited by intelligent ration individuals with insight and an eye on the future and progress,,,not some religiously fanatic regime that riles up a crowd people that have the equivent education of a 3rd grader in the western world,,,plus, I'm pretty sure most 3rd graders are smart enough not to blow themselves up for 72 ethereal virgins. The fact that I have to point all this out to you makes me wonder,,,exactly what grade are you in???
Posts: 29
MARY you are right on the money,thought i was reading some thing i wrote,,you and i have a lot in common ,ive told many liberals the same things,but your just wasting your time on them,they just dont get it,,mostly because liberalism is nothing but a mental disorder,,you and i should be friends jmr
Posts: 104
Right on Mary! I agree about organized religion. The fanatical liberals will never understand we are at war, not with Iraq but with fanatical Muslims bent on world domination and powering us to live under a Nazi style form of religion. If we were in Iran everyone on this site would be... "beheaded" for crimes against the Koran. (I bought a Koran to use for toilet paper)
Posts: 106
Wow!! Mary not only are you my favorite sexual fantasy role-model but also love the way you think!! Damn, I am in love!!!
Posts: 208
#26 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Puhleeez,,,first off, what Britain did was the same as all the major powers were doing in the 19 century, us with the native Americans, and the Brits all over the world, just like the French, Germans, Spanish and Japanese.
Wow .. nice argument bird brain .... " they all did it ... so i guess it was ok"
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary Since you brought up India, lets not forget that it was such a large mass to govern that Britain cut it in half and made Pakistan,,,which is funny, cause that means 200 years ago you were the same exact people, and now you're right in the game for being the first two to blow each other up,,,jolly good show! Of course if the west hadn't intervened you'd still be burying live 12 year old brides with dead 70 year old farts, you wouldn't be on the top of the tech chain like you are now, and hell, you permisterally wouldn't even be online, cause you can't plug a PC into an teapot.
I think you should go n get ur brains checked ... just to see if you have one in the first place ... u bitch u r telling me that cutting india into 2 parts was nice because it was "easy to govern"?? no bitch cutting India along religious lines was not good for the very reamister that we can see now... if u had given a little time reading history rather than getting syphilis and gonorreah you would have known that the ladyfuckers divided india on religious lines to breakup the independence movement which the bastards were not able to handle.... millions of lives were lost in partition ... we have fought 3 wars and India has been the victim of terrorism all because of the ladyfucking britishers... the bastards left but decided to leave their cuckolds brownie behind not having the guts or capabilities to clear up the excreta which they made themselves... yeah jolly good fellows they were the misters of whores..
n u 10 dollar whore don't tell me that we r the top brass of the tech world because of the brits ... that is the most fuckin hilarious comment i have heard in a long time .... yeah they bought us up n then decided to stay themselves down in the dumps ... haha stoooooopid argument made by a even more stoooooooopid bitch .... i think it would be better if you spend time treating the syphilis .... bitch we have earned every last thing on our own ... we became the tech kings on out own .. we launched sateliites in space on our own ... we conducted nuclear tests on our own ... we have become bigger economy in every sense than britain on our own ... check out any economic standing if u want ... we r kicking the fuckin brit ass everywhere .... up urs bitch... hell Bush is licking our ass even after we did our nuclear tests .. that is the power of india..
My advice ... go read some history n then go read some facts n then go to the doctor to treat ur gonorrhea. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#27 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Quoting: Ceasar_India81 Wow .. nice argument bird brain .... " they all did it ... so i guess it was ok"
My point was "I" didn't do it, my fellow Americans didn't do it, Tony Blair did nothing to you,,,that's history, the people who came before us set it all up, now it's like moving mountains to correct any imballance, probably take another thousand years, took between 5 & 6 hundred years to get back on track after Rome fell,,,oh yeah, I forgot, Rome was the equivalent of an ancient U.S., but then again so was Greece before that,,,you know Ceasar, it's sad but it's true, you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet.
Quoting: Ceasar_India81 I think
There's your fucking problem right there,,,I originally thought you were intelligent but mis-informed, now I see your whole argument is based on an attack on me, which is the actual next step of a permister who doesn't have a clue about what he's debating (a debate I might add, that has nothing to do with the subject line, which if you check the beginning of this thread I pointed out right off the bat). But I digress,,,sure I asked you if you were a "fucking idiot",,,but that was a question, I was truly starting to wonder, so I put it out there, yet you call me a bitch (like you had any idea who I was), and accuse me of being disease ridden? Okay,,,now that we have established you're a "fucking idiot", we can move on to pointing out why. First off, since I mistakenly gave you credit for intelligence you obviously don't possess, and this not being a subject that this whole forum was designed for, I took the simple explanation of "being to difficult to govern" as a reamister why the Brits split you up. Truth was, you were too primative in your religious beliefs, obviously fanatical, for them to deal with, they were breaking up a civil war, it was bad for commerce and progress. Again,,,all the major powers were in the process of nation building, you either got on board or were left a century behind,,,as is obviously the case with a third of the world. So lets see, what else can we establish about you? The Brits left what, a hundred or so years ago? Whatever,,,I guess you have a guy that comes to you house every morning, wakes you up, puts a gun to your head and tells you it's time to hate Pakistani's,,,ooh, poor me, the Brits left me with a problem, and I've only had a century to fix it. Let me tell you something pal, we were wrong, we thought Sadam was a tyrant and a despot,,,he wasn't, he was just a zookeeper trying his best till he just got sick of it and starting *******ing people,,,just like the Brits, eventually the tea wasn't worth dealing with cleaning up all your messes,,,that was then, this is now,,,how's that caste system working out for you guys? What am I saying, you can't even acknowledge your own people, and I'm expecting you to patch things up with your neighbors. So combined with the fact that a tenth of your response to me consisted of bitch, bastards, syphilis and gonorrhea, preceded by "u r", and that you're actually trying to defend your position, qualifies you as an "ASSHOLE".
Posts: 208
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary My point was "I" didn't do it, my fellow Americans didn't do it, Tony Blair did nothing to you,,,that's history, the people who came before us set it all up, now it's like moving mountains to correct any imballance, probably take another thousand years, took between 5 & 6 hundred years to get back on track after Rome fell
Wow , ur tone really changes here ... first the tone was " it is because of us that u came out of ur fuckin ancient civiliation " now the tone is " i know it was wrong , but what can i do about it" . Stick to one thing . This kind of double talk spoils the very essence of this debate or argument or whatever u wish to call it. It is rather appreciated if one sticks to their true colour rather than change it like a chameleon as per the needs.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary But I digress,,,sure I asked you if you were a "fucking idiot",,,but that was a question,
Please for goodness sakes try n stand up to what u said... u were not asking me a question but u were in effect telling me that I was a fuckin idiot. U r really coming out like some double talking , double faced creature who changes their stand every time it suits them. Real sign of a weak individual. My first response to u was a very civilised argument which you thought u could answer by vomitting uses out. Well life is a mirror ... u see back what u show to it.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary The Brits left what, a hundred or so years ago?
well it seems u only read the "bitch" part of my last response... read the last line where I have asked u to get ur facts right. I have also asked u to go treat ur gonorrhea by the way.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary So lets see, what else can we establish about you? The Brits left what, a hundred or so years ago? Whatever,,,I guess you have a guy that comes to you house every morning, wakes you up, puts a gun to your head and tells you it's time to hate Pakistani's,,,ooh, poor me, the Brits left me with a problem, and I've only had a century to fix it.
Again i wish u had read the last line of my previous reply where I asked u to get ur history right. Pakistan was very well used by a certain country called the USA during the Cold War as a base for its military purposes in S Asia. What did Pakistan get in return? They got full support from the USA on the Kashmir issue which included fuelling them with weapons which they could use against India. Well it just so happened that with the backing of the US the Pakis lets say were not in a hurry to give peace a chance. The US for a long time did not even bother to acknowledge cross border terrorism from Pakistan until a certain date which happened to be 9/11/2001.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary how's that caste system working out for you guys?
Should I ask how is the racial system working out for u guys? Don't throw stones at other people's houses when u yourself have a home made of glass. Unlike u , we not only have abolished the caste system by law but have actually taken concrete steps by giving them as much as 50% reservations for them to come up. Hell for u guys even after "abolishing" racism , New Orleans was treated like a slum by ur very government because the only thing u saw was a city "infested" with black people. they were not Americans for ur people .. they were blacks. Get ur own act cleaned up first before barking on anybody else.
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary and that you're actually trying to defend your position, qualifies you as an "ASSHOLE".
Yeah I am going to defend my position because I stand by what I say unlike some people who change colors every time the going gets just a tad bit difficult for them. N by this definition u certainly r not an asshole because u certainly don't beleive in standing up and defending what u speak out.
I would again advise u to get ur facts n history right which u have undoubtedly proven u haven't. Then please read some books on integrity and how one should stand up to their own comments. N lastly please do see the doctor for the gonorrhea again. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Ceasar_India81 I would again advise u to get ur facts n history right which u have undoubtedly proven u haven't. Then please read some books on integrity and how one should stand up to their own comments. N lastly please do see the doctor for the gonorrhea again.
I am a human, not representative of all humans, I am an American, not representative of all Americans, and I am a woman, not representative of all women,,,I am responsible for my own actions, and through my humanity, responsible to some degree for my govenments actions, but most of all I'm an intelligent, well informed, logical individual who's is capable of seeing the facts, learning from my mistakes and the mistakes in history, but smart enough to know when enough is enough. What you call being "double faced", is merely me peeling back the layers of politeness, and judging from your continued accusations of my ill health (apparently your version of nyaa nyaa,,,nyaa nyaa nyaa, you seem to get so much pleasure from it), I might as well rip them off altogether, go fight with someone else asshole,,,sure glad I can just turn you off,,,one click, and presto, your back on the otherside of the world. See ya,,,wouldn't wanna be ya!!!
Posts: 208
Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary See ya,,,wouldn't wanna be ya
Even if u try u will never ever even be close to what I am. I was replying back to ur " we did u a favour" rant. Seems u don't feel very confident of it now. Glad I could clear your mind of such stupid thoughts. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)