Posts: 250
#1 · Edited by: Gorilla
Kevin I Smile; And The World Smiles Back At You. (Physics)
Posts: 684
Thoughful polemics at cuckoldplace.com!! What is the place comming to - how disappointed the pic colectors and other assorted trolls are going to be. Thank you, Gorilla for the critique - proving a healthy libido is not necessarily a barrier to intelligence. Good luck fellow; hope you will post more.
Posts: 21
You know, I wasn't going to bother, but then I thought I would anyway.
All societies have histories of atrocities in them. Black dominated governments are destroying their own people and societies in Africa right now, not 50 or 100 or 250 years ago. White people of many different nationalistic origins were enslaved for THOUSANDS of years. Not for only a couple hundred like the blacks were in North America. The greeks were enslaved by the romans, the jews were enslaved by everyone, and the truth is that black tribes in Africa were enslaving each other then and they are still doing it today.
By the way, I think you mean wariness (which would mean afraid or nervous of) not weariness. (which would mean tired of) Which is what most people in this country are with black people continuing to moan and complain about their history. Get over it, move on.
I have had sex with, and enjoyed it with, black women, white women, latin women, and asian women. (I don't discriminate a beautiful woman is beautiful woman) Some are more submissive than others, some are more strong no matter which race they are. Some are opinionated and sassy (my favorite type to top) some are more pliant and willing to submit faster. Their skin color has very little to do with it. Your natural mate is the one that your soul connects with, this by the way probably won't have anything to do with her skin color either. In their guts all women want to submit to a dominant superior male, especially in the bedroom. It is the natural order of things and what feels most right to them in the end.
Your insistance in the pusuit of white women is a warped sense of attempting to right some sort of wrong that was perpetrated against your race in the past. It doesn't now and won't ever make up for things that have happened in the past. And by the way for most of us (white dominant males) you are not now nor will you ever be a threat to "steal our most "god given ultimate posession".
Posts: 250
#4 · Edited by: Gorilla
Posts: 159
This guy is like Jesse Jackmister on crack with all the jibberish. Fact is, Arabs started human civilization back in Mesopotamia. Caucasions built Rome and western civilization and developed democracy. Asians currently help advance civilization with technology and many years ago had huge modern empires. The Spanish conquered South & Central America and the Caribbean, and their influence is still present today in those areas of the world. As far as the blacks go, they've been dancing around fires with bones in their nose for centuries. No country run by blacks has ever been successful enough to offer the world any technolgical or socialogical progress. If not for their large "appendages" (as Gorilla says) blacks would be a total waste of space and oxygen.
And I speak this reality only because of Gorilla's contempt of white men. White men offer more security and love then blacks, and yes some of us also have large "appendages". While there are some exceptions, blacks are oversexed, under-achievers who must create hype to mask their idiotic and destructive self nature. When a white woman goes with a "brotha" she shouldn't expect much, except a young out of wedlock and a deadbeat dad.
Posts: 250
#6 · Edited by: Gorilla
Kevin I Smile; And The World Smiles Back At You. (Physics)
Posts: 250
#7 · Edited by: Gorilla
Quoting: weakwhiteboy # Posted: 30 Jan 2007 21:32:43
This guy is like Jesse Jackmister on crack with all the jibberish. Fact is, Arabs started human civilization back in Mesopotamia. Caucasions built Rome and western civilization and developed democracy. Asians currently help advance civilization with technology and many years ago had huge modern empires. The Spanish conquered South & Central America and the Caribbean, and their influence is still present today in those areas of the world. As far as the blacks go, they've been dancing around fires with bones in their nose for centuries. No country run by blacks has ever been successful enough to offer the world any technolgical or socialogical progress. If not for their large "appendages" (as Gorilla says) blacks would be a total waste of space and oxygen.
And I speak this reality only because of Gorilla's contempt of white men. White men offer more security and love then blacks, and yes some of us also have large "appendages". While there are some exceptions, blacks are oversexed, under-achievers who must create hype to mask their idiotic and destructive self nature. When a white woman goes with a "brotha" she shouldn't expect much, except a young out of wedlock and a deadbeat dad.
I needened say more!
And I rest my-case.
Kevin ISmile; And The World Smiles Back At You. (Physics)
Posts: 81
Kevin. U R a wildman. What are you doing here??? 
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
This is all so wrong,,,the crap spewing out of Gorilla's mouth is making Weakwhiteboys crap sound intelligent,,,what's next,,,Muslims that don't want death to America? Before I get hit with another load of crap, when I say muslims, I mean the majority of those that live in countries with an abundance of sand.
Posts: 3
I love to see my woman with black dudes!!!!
Posts: 11
Gorilla is just an ignorant Klansman in reverse.
Posts: 46
PABULL I agree with your post. My 3 sisters & I as well as my mom & some other relatives like sexing all kinds of guys, usually white or dark skinned black guys w/ long thick cocks. My dad agrees & our parents raised us to be smart, careful & healthy too. We have to pull together in America & love one another & help one another to show the world how to stop all the hatred violence & terrorism crap that threatens us all.
Posts: 250
Quoting: thestickchick05 We have to pull together in America & love one another & help one another to show the world how to stop all the hatred violence & terrorism crap that threatens us all.
Kevin I Smile; And The World Smiles Back At You. (Physics)