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My Wife Got Her First Black Cock Fuck Last Night

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#31 · Edited by: jamesriske
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Sorry Jackiesubfem but the truth is "racist". (BTW, I think many of your attitudes and especially appetites are hot. But I'm not willing to suck up to your social attitudes / posturings when I know them to be quite wrong.)

Black men (people of sub Saharan African extraction, as opposed to e.g. the often equally dark skinned south Indians) do have 1) larger cocks, on average though certainly not in all cases, than whites do on average and especially than NE Asians, whose are quite small; 2) less intelligence on average, despite how verboten it is in these politically correct times to state this, about 1 standard deviation less, some of which, probably between 80 and 40% is virtually certainly genetic -- though it can (and often does, e.g. recently DNA discoverer great Watmister) cost most researchers their jobs to plainly say this in a way that's accessible and intelligible to a mainstream audience; and 3) are much more aggressive on average than other races, including in illegal ways, such as e.g. committing *** in the US at 7 to 8 times more frequently per capita than whites (and more than that ratio as compared to E. Asians). Black men have both more elevated testosterone levels on average, and even more elevated testosterone receptors than whites and even more so compared to E. Asians.

More generally whites and NE. Asians tend to cluster together on some things (mostly mental), with E. Asians scoring slightly higher (though with perhaps less range than whites), and with blacks on other things, mostly physical, with blacks generally beating whites. E.g. there hasn't been a winner of the Olympic 100 meter dash who wasn't of s.Saharan African extraction in more than thirty years. Before then blacks tended to have limited access, both from the West and from their home continent.

These are all FACTS. The races are not the same on just about any criteria you care to name, though the differences.

Now the following is not a fact, but my opinion. It's too subjective a statement to itself be a fact, but I could supply plenty of corroborating evidence. The large majority (but almost nothing human is 100%) of black men make lousy husbands over any period of time., if they even get married. However, many but certainly not all, can make good bulls, partly for white psychological reamisters whether or not flat out admitted to, and maybe most of all when not admitted to, but partly also do to physical endowment on average, testosterone and receptor levels on average, and as well, far less buying in (as is far less socially required for them) to the feminist suppression of rude masculinity that's been pervasive in the anglosphere at some levels for 30 or more years, and inescapable in most school systems for the last 15 or 20 or so years. Put simply, feminist school marms and principles have been domesticating white men for the last couple of decades, but had hands off, pretty much, w/r/t blacks in the US. In the UK as I understand it, the hands off applies as well to Muslim boys/men, since they "have their own culture" that it's not proper for the feminist thought police to try to mold (according to most).

The fact is there is something amounting to near censorship (job and status forefiture being the mechanism) about these truths in most public mainstream.

Now I'd like to forestall some of your likely assumptions.

No I'm not southern and have never been a member or sympathizer with any right wing fringe group. I'm a political independent who yes sometimes votes Republican but more often votes Democrat. I was born in NYC, grew up in the suburbs just north with liberal upper upper middle class parents, went to a top five on anyone's list college and a top five law school. I'm a lawyer and investment banker. I have no racial hate and certainly am not a racist by the meaning of that word say 20-30 years ago, but these days anyone who thinks (acknowledges the evidence that) there are signficant racial differences, is often called a racist, certainly by the those on the left -- and by the unreflective.

What I am most of all is a gadfly, independent thinker, and a truth seeker. The fact is we are all aswim in propaganda but the great majority don't realize it, or think it's very minor and they're not much affected by it.

As far as propaganda goes, the message that we're all equal is better than a great many alternatives for the masses to absorb and believe. But it isn't true. It's not true of individuals and it isn't true of races. Biology just doesn't work that way. It does with other species, as is well known and accepted within the discipline, and it doesn't work that way with humans either.

It also isn't true that ALL blacks are less intelligent than all whites, or more aggressive or have bigger cocks. The bell curves overlap and there is more variation on just about everything within each race (however divided and there can be three or five or seven or seventeen or more, since there are no absolute or discrete dividing lines, rather clumps) than between them. But there ARE real differences on AVERAGE, and even MORE at the extremes, BETWEEN them. The chances that the world's fattest or longest cock is possessed by a white man (not to mention a Chinese or Japanese) is just about 0, as is the chance that the world's smartest human is black. And then some, in each case.

So I hope you all are getting a sense of the real scientific truth. And everything I've said is a fact is exactly that.

(If I spent some time at proofreading I could clean this up, but I don't feel like it. Also, despite nearly but not quite 1600 SAT's, I'm slightly dyslexic, so it's not as easy for me to effortlessly see typos / misspellings as it would normally be given my IQ.)

I beg your indulgence for the boasting I've done here. I only did it to forestall easy dismissal of what I had to say. There are plenty of smarter people than myself and I've also got other problems, such as a severe problem with procrastination, which has hurt me in my life quite a bit. It just pisses me off how false most public discussion of race is, and how amazingly effective the mainstream media and educational propaganda has been. This is partly due to the feeling of most intelligent and reamisterably generous feeling people that suppressing evidence of racial inequality is better than the extreme racism (one race is entirely inferior in almost every case than another, with perhaps rare and suspect exceptions) that prevailed e.g. in the American South before the 1960s (and often afterwards for some time) .

Ok, out.


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You people don't really belive this crap do you? If a guys wife if humping somebody else then where is the proof. Anybody can write a story. Me I'm from Mo. me ya gotta show. And how do we prove that the pictures are of his wife and not something ripped off the internet....... But at least the pic's are cool to look at.
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My Wife Got Her First Black Cock Fuck Last Night
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