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Anyone Spanked?

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Are other submissives spanked by their mistresses or bulls? I remember I was with this very dominant woman who used to spank me often. She did it in private, but she also would smack my ass from time to time in public or around friends, in kind of the same way more dominant men do to their wives and gfs, to show ownership. My vanilla friends thought it was funny, and it was always a little embarrassing for me. She's with a real man now, who undoubtedly smacks HER ass that way, which turns me on with envy every time I think about it.
That was a tangent, but anyone else spanked? I can tell you it was a very effective way at showing and reminding who was in charge, even to others.


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My MASTER spanks me for things like being late, or not complying fast enough, or embarrassing him in front of his friends by doing something stupid or not being polite enough. The sting of a paddle or heavy leather belt does keep me in line and helps me to remember my place.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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Unfortunately, I am just spanked one time. That was in the woods, nobody had seen it.
I wish I would spanked again, even if someone could see it. The trill of embarrassing makes me horny.


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Several times a week !!

My wife, come back home from being with her boyfriend and while i am ******** she will get a ping-pong paddle and spank me... This happens regularly.

If i even attempt to turn around she will give one warning advising if i don't turn back around i will be spanked in the front. She does not hold back. i immediately turn around...heck she tried wooden spoons on my aS* but broken them on me.

This is a regular occurrence.


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My ex used to use a whip on me. We bought it in a shop in Mexico. She used it for disciplinary reasons, but mainly just because she liked to hurt me. She would play with herself and get some very strong orgasms while she whipped me.
Megan Smith


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I began spanking hubby soon after we married. I didn't start cuckolding him until several years later. Until recently, it was rare for me to spank him in front of a lover. A few months ago, we had a little incident where he didn't go to bed when I told him I was ready to be alone with my boyfriend. He wanted to stay up and watch the overtime of some football game. I think it was the Superbowl. After I used a hairbrush on his bare bottom, he understood that my request that he go to bed was not merely a suggestion. Later, my boyfriend told me that he had always felt sort of uncomfortable fucking me in our house with my husband home. Somehow, watching me redden his bottom and send him up to the guest room with teary eyes made my boyfriend feel more comfortable about the situation. Since I like my boyfriend to be comfortable, we have made it part of our routine anytime that boyfriend stays overnight.


Posts: 1830 Pictures: 4 
#7 · Edited by: lilmikey
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I guess I'm not a very good cuck, because if I had been told to go to bed during the last superbowl between the Patriots and the Falcons while it was in overtime, I would have told that person to go fuck themselves. You made him miss an epic ending and for that you are an asshole.

An afterthought, I think that this whole post is bs because any bull that wouldn't be watching that game would be a pussy. Biggest game of the year and he's going allow his bitch to turn the game off or much less let his bitch make another football fan go away and not see the ending.

I don't buy this crap for a dollar. Story probably made up by some wannabe cuck.


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I don't know about that. It was a good game, but if I had been told to go to bed during it, and did not, I think I absolutely would have deserved a spanking. As I said, it IS pretty embarrassing in front of other people, at least in my experience, so I can see how it would put the cuck in his place and the bull at ease. As a cuck, it is my place to accept it.


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#9 · Edited by: lilmikey
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You're right. Every cuck should know his place. My place is just different than yours.
Ronald Curry


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This is one of my biggest fantasies and one I share with my girlfriend who whips me or likes to use a belt. She goes at me pretty hard telling me dirty things in the process. She is usually much more wet after administering a beating. During our sex talk she loves to mention how she would love to see a bull whip me and put me in my place in the corner of the room or outside the door, while he takes her with his bigger cock.
Usually this makes me cum right away.
I've been searching for this kind of porn for quite a while now and there isn't a single video of bull whipping the cuck. There's a few femdom that have a cuck theme of hotwife whipping.
Ronald Curry
Peter C


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#11 · Edited by: Peter C
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I spanked my wife if she came home from a night out and told me she'd been naughty. This could be for anything from passionately kissing a man in a night club, letting him feel her breasts or put his hand up her skirt to having sex.

She spanked me if I confessed to wanking without her knowledge or permission.
Peter C


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Nice marks. I like that you are in chastity. What kind of plug is that in your ass?


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I haven't been able to milk with it so I am now getting the deVice - larger but without the hard plastic nodes on the outside.

Ahh, the Aneros. I have one of those. Are you milking yourself or is your wife doing the milking?

I've had limited success milking myself because I can't help myself and have to go to the orgasm which can be very strong, btw.

My ex gf was very good at it. I was caged and my cum just slowly drooled out with very little pleasure. She could get a large amount to come out, and of course I had to eat it all.


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I like to have my balls spanked


Posts: 97
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i am regularly spanked and sometimes whipped


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je suis souvent fessé


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Ahh, when a true masochist finds a true sadist it is sublime.


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I'm guessing you like nipple clamps and having your balls spanked?


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I guess I'm not a very good cuck, because if I had been told to go to bed during the last superbowl between the Patriots and the Falcons while it was in overtime, I would have told that person to go fuck themselves. You made him miss an epic ending and for that you are an asshole.

Tsk,tsk lilmikey! I was just enjoying your captions in your excellent thread Angry Women. Then I came to this thread and was ecstatic when I read Megan's post! She handled her husband perfectly! Her boyfriend visited and she wanted privacy with her lover. She told hubby to go to bed. She chose to demonstrate her authority and control of her house. Hubby embarrassed her by disobeying her command. She gave hubby a good lesson in who the boss is. Her boyfriend was uncomfortable with hubby being around the house on his visits. She discovered that a good spanking for hubby during boyfriend time to be a perfect palliation for boyfriend's discomfort. She chose to incorporate this discipline every future visit. Ideal!

I prefer women that are dominant, bitchy and strict with their men. I do not tolerate such treatment for myself. Bitching always runs downhill so hubby pays dearly for the honor she gives me! When I show they immediately begin to tear hubby a new one to show her control. It works. I need say nothing to hubby. She knows how to fix his wagon and does!

I apologize to Megan for your statement because she deserves a sincere one. The only apology that counts is yours and I'd certainly appreciate it if you would! You are one of my favorite posters but I am a bit disappointed by this.

Thank you.
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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I'm not sure that I can apologize for how I view things. This is because I was once in a very similar situation with my ex. She cuckolded me and treated me whatever way she wanted, and I submitted willingly. She was a very angry woman and is the basis for many of my caps.

Over the years I have changed and my view is different. I still very much admire a strong, willful woman and would give in to one if I found myself in that situation. When I don't have a dominant partner, I find that I'm more assertive and that characteristic remained as I have entered into new relationships.

My last gf was much cooler than my ex wife. That relationship was more suited to my current tastes. If/when I find another dom, I won't mind her starring in the show, I just want to have a say in things. A supporting role, if you will.

I suppose that I should say I'm sorry to Megan for calling her an ahole. She was just being herself. As it was said earlier in this thread, a cuckold needs to know his place. My place is just different.

Sorry to disappoint Iasp, but that was a really good game that she made him miss and it just ticked me off.


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I suppose that I should say I'm sorry to Megan for calling her an ahole. She was just being herself. As it was said earlier in this thread, a cuckold needs to know his place. My place is just different.

Sorry to disappoint Iasp, but that was a really good game that she made him miss and it just ticked me off.

When I am being myself, I'm an asshole. The lady was being herself running her house as she sees fit. She got my respect by handling a recalcitrant husband with an excellent lesson on proper regard to a wife's wishes and commands. She made her point! So, yeah about myself, but I see nothing asshole in her or her actions. Bitch? Yes! That means one thing and one thing only! Her hubby just better toe the line. She means business!

She gave you an awesome theme of captioning for Angry Women with her discipline. You paid her back with excrement. You don't understand women. The good game incident was only a "love tap". I suggest that women are not a very intelligent choice to toy around with. You can play with fire, but fire never plays with you! I have never seen a lady like her lose.

Suit yourself.
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


Posts: 1830 Pictures: 4 
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She gave you an awesome theme of captioning for Angry Women with her discipline.

Yes, she did.

You paid her back with excrement.

You have no idea what the final days of our marriage were like. This is quite personal, but some of my caps are indeed a fantasy tribute. She was an asshole in every sense of the word. Don't like it? Tough s h i t, this is personal stuff that you didn't go thru.

You don't understand women.

Sure I do, just in a different fashion than you. Imagine what it would be like if we all had the same views.

The good game incident was only a "love tap".

You're absolutely right on that one.

I suggest that women are not a very intelligent choice to toy around with. You can play with fire, but fire never plays with you! I have never seen a lady like her lose.

Most of the time I would agree with that statement.

Suit yourself

You bet! Isn't that the whole point?



Posts: 132
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A caning from a professional Mistress. Just look at the accuracy, just one stroke slightly off target.

I bet that had him yelping like a baby!



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Suit yourself

You bet! Isn't that the whole point?

Yes it is. The factor that many people seem to forget is: There are over 7 billion other "yourselfs". We all have to consider the effects and ramifications of our individual "yourself" activities on those 7,000,000,000 "yourselfs". We have obligations to conduct our "yourself" in a civil manner.

You were married to the lady Megan Smith? I doubt that she would give either one of us the time of day. Wutchya smokin'?

A caning from a professional Mistress. Just look at the accuracy, just one stroke slightly off target.

That stroke was right on the money. That is the one that will keep her firmly on his mind for a while! Pros know what they are doing!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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You were married to the lady Megan Smith? I doubt that she would give either one of us the time of day. Wutchya smokin'?

I wasn't referring to Megan, I was referring to my ex wife.


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I was always turned on when my male friends used to spank me. It hurt like hell but I knew better than protest with any of them, but as hard as they spanked and caned, my ex wife's spankings always seemed so much harder take. it always got my attention and my ability to listen to her and follow her instructions always improved greatly after each session. she showed no mercy and wanted real tears and she got them.


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I have been spanked and caned on an irregular basis for many years. It has been an on/off part of our sex life. On some occasions my wife feels in the mood to domme me by "domestic discipline". This usually entails me hanging by my hands from an iron staircase in the house while she uses a cane on me; sometimes I am ass up on the bed and she uses a belt.

It ALWAYS ends with me between her legs licking her to orgasm.

There have only ever been two witnesses to my punishment; her sister, and a time when she caned me on a webcam broadcast to a man she had been chatting with.

I am somewhat submissive, and I have at times asked, begged, pleaded with her to spank me; I don't always crave it, but when I am especially horny and frustrated it is very exciting and satisfying to just submit and be punished.


Posts: 1040
#30 · Edited by: I_A_S_P 
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Spanking is an incredibly intimate, non-sexual "pleasure" for both spankee and spanker. This pleasure manifests itself in an unique manner. You have a woman who may be Mensa or graduated Summa Cum Laude, yet has a desire for a good spank. This is very difficult for her to deal with. Nobody wants to be ridiculed, laughed at or misunderstood. She is very vulnerable and it is not an easy task for her to communicate her needs and desires to others.

When she finds you, you'll discover that she has conflated punishment, submiss1on, embarrassment and a host of other issues that she has buried herself under. She may attempt to rationalize and conceal the inordinate interest she feels for an activity that many other folks consider "strange".

When she finds you and if she is comfortable with your demeanor, she might reveal her spanking interests to you. Believe me when I tell you that more women will ask for a good spank than a good fucking! Any lady in need of sex has no problem hooking up with someone sexually if she wants to. This is "normal" behavior. Spanking is too "weird" to many people for her to reveal her needs. Yet, if she feels you out and finds that you resonate with her secret feelings, she'll come right out and say something like "That is a nice belt" or "I'd love to smoke a little herb and drive around to some antique shops and find a good, long handle brush"! This sounds like bullsh1t, but these are just a couple of statements that ladies I've never met before or even know their name have actually asked me! There is your opening!

I am somewhat submissive, and I have at times asked, begged, pleaded with her to spank me; I don't always crave it, but when I am especially horny and frustrated it is very exciting and satisfying to just submit and be punished.

This is something your wife may do to you. I would not do this to a woman nor let her do it to me. If a lady feels the need for a spank we can discuss her desires. Women should never degrade themselves or allow any other pers0n to do so!

I have no safe words. Why? Because I am a real prick. She wants to be spanked. One of the reas0ns a lady wants to be tied up is that it removes her from the responsibility of her action. Bullsh1t to that foolishness! Fuck games! We are two understanding adults working together to administer her need. She controls her spank, not I! Her self esteem is of paramount importance. Therefore, she is not bound. She can get up, slap me in the face and throw my ass out the door if she feels that I am a jerk, unworthy to share her feelings or for any other reas0n.

No punishment. Why? Girls relate to the drama of spanking and being punished from their youth and grow up trying to equate the two. The poor girl grows up very confused about her feelings and doesn't know how to separate them. Secretary is a movie that many ladies try using to justify their behavior. That movie is fucked up. It portrays the entire spanking scene in a grotesque manner. I feel sorry for the women who feel that sort of behavior has anything whatsoever to do with a proper spanking! No punishment for any woman! Life has punished her more than enough.

There is some eroticism involved. A lady removes some or all of her clothing. She'll place her most desirable attributes at your disposal. You can figure things from there all by yourself.

No sex. You are there to satisfy certain needs a lady has. Sexual intercourse detracts from her pleasure and obfuscates the entire purpose of the spanking! If she wanted sex she'd have asked for it. The lady knows what she wants.

Eventually you reach a point where she'll get really pissed at you for giving her a few good, solid smacks. Now you understand the maximum point of her spank. Dial it back and remain in the region that she's most comfortable being uncomfortable with.

The successful spank ends one way. She breaks down, hugs you and cries her heart out as she opens up and pours out all of the things troubling her soul. Listen to her. Let her cry on your shoulder. She'll likely cry for ten to fifteen minutes as she unloads everything she's had bottled up inside of her. Be patient, understanding and consoling with her. Afterwards, sit with her and have a tea. She is a human being and you've successfully freed her of many troubling thoughts. You now feel a good sense of accomplishment from seeing her great relief from your efforts!

Get it?

I have one more reply for another member that I'll address in the next post. Apparently we can't add quotes on an edit or I don't know how to add them.
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!
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