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Beginnings and developments

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I started dating my wife Jackie when we were both sixteen and married her two years later. On our silver wedding anniversary, both friends and relatives told us that we were made for each other and they were not wrong. We really were made for each other, but it was not just for the obvious reamisters. There is another reamister and had they but known, it would come as a bombshell to these friends and relatives of ours. You see my wife is a cock-slut. She adores being on the end of someone’s dick and, unusually for a woman, has this ability to be able to differentiate between sex and love. As for me, I am her more than willing cuckold.

It was not always like that of course. When I first met Jackie I could never have imagined such a scenario. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I can see that there were a good number of indicators in those early days. There was no doubting that she was far more sexually experienced than I was. She always wore stockings and provocative undies and this rule applied even when she had her jeans on! She always responded positively when I was up for sex and there were even times when she initiated it herself. And it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that if we had a half hour together we would end up having sex. She was a sexy girl all right and I wasn’t her first lover by a long way.

She probably had it off with at least two or three previous boyfriends but the one who sticks in my mind above all the others was a guy called Jim. He was nearly four years older than her and was certainly far more worldly-wise. However discretion was not his strong point because when he was going out with her he made it common knowledge that he was shafting her. I did not know Jackie very well at that time but I can clearly recall thinking he was a lucky sod to be having sex with such an attractive girl.

It is a long story but they broke up and after a few months she started going out with me. I felt really proud when we went out and she was on my arm. Nevertheless I did not have exclusive rights to her company and she sometimes went out with her best friend who happened to dating one of Jim’s friends. The two girls were out one night when they bumped into the boyfriend who was accompanied by Jim. I will never know whether this was a chance encounter or not, but the fact is they had a few more takes and then all four went back to her friend’s house. The girl’s parents were away on holiday so the house was empty. I never found out what actually happened but what I do know is that I chanced to pass by the friend’s house the following morning and saw Jim’s car parked outside! I am pretty convinced that Jim and his friend spent the night in the house. And knowing Jackie as I did, I would have been amazed if she had not shared her bed with him. Although it was a sickening blow, I decided not to tackle her about it for fear that I might end up losing her. But the really strange thing was that upset as I was, I was fascinated by what the two of them might have got up that night. Of course my main fear was that I would lose Jackie to her ex-boyfriend but when it became obvious that this was increasingly unlikely, so my fascination increased.

This was not the only time I suspected her of cheating on me. She worked in a bar on odd occasions and I later found out that the bar manager prided himself on shagging every single girl who ever worked there. I was working late one night and by coincidence she had been asked if she could work in the bar that same evening. I finished earlier than anticipated and decided to go the bar and surprise her. Well I certainly surprised her, but not in the way I had anticipated! I actually caught her coming out of a backroom with this bar manager. I could tell by her demeanour that she had been up to no good. And then later that night she acted totally out of character and told me she wanted to go straight home. I subsequently wondered if that was because the evidence of her cheating on me was still in her ever hungry fanny.

She settled down after this encounter and we got engaged a year or so later. I never had cause to doubt her after this and we had a wonderful wedding. With the passing of time the negative memories of her disloyalty faded whereas the imagined ones of her being on the job with the two other men remained gloriously vivid.

Sexy good looking and no more than twenty years of age, it was no surprise that she continued to attract much male attention. Sometimes she would encourage a man by openly flirting with him. But even though I found the thought of her having sex with another man strangely arousing I still entertained doubts and insecurities. When I let on my concern she laughed it off, reassuring me that she was only flirting and that she would never do anything that might jeopardise our marriage.

When we were later in bed we would fantasise about what could have happened had I not been with her. These fantasies were incredibly arousing and, if truth be known fuelled her desire for it to actually happen. I am not saying that I did not want it to happen, but I was mindful of my negative reaction when she had been with the other men. But I also remembered that there had been any number of sexual highs. I had not been able to share them with her for obvious reamisters but I sensed that if she were to stray now I would be very much involved. I was still apprehensive but the arousal at the thought was so overpowering that I deliberately tried to suppress my negative feelings. In fact I did all I could to encourage her, and got her to read porn mags, especially ones with stories and articles about wives and girlfriends having sex with other men.

Anyway one Saturday night the two of us decided to go out for a few takes. Although we did not intend to be out for long or to visit any clubs, she was still dressed to excite in a low cut bra, a revealing blouse and a skirt with a side split which allowed glimpses of the tops of her stockings. Strappy high heels complemented her ensemble.

In the first bar I noticed a couple of guys having a good look and I mentioned this to her. It was evident that this she liked the attention, so much so, that she even allowed her stocking tops to be on view as we sat near the bar.

We then moved on to another bar and she saw a guy, Greg who had been dancing with her a few weeks earlier when she had gone out with some girl friends. He was with a group of student types and appeared reluctant to come over and say hello, although that may have been because she was with me. However he briefly smiled to acknowledge her presence and Jackie returned the compliment. She and I sat down at a table and whilst I had my back to him she could see him and she informed me that he was constantly glancing across to her.

She had told me about this particular evening when she returned home. She had volunteered that she had enjoyed flirting with him and also the subsequent lengthy kissing session. Nothing else had happened because she was out with her friends. Nevertheless it had been a big turn on for me when she later told me about this once we were in bed.

There was the distinctive sound of chairs being moved and I turned round to see that Greg and his group were now leaving. However to my surprise he was standing alone at the bar when I got up to get us another take. I made some small talk with him and asked him where his friends had gone. It transpired that they were off to a party, but that he would not be joining them as his ex-girlfriend would be there.
My heart was pounding as I offered to buy him a take and invited him to join the two of us. He accepted the take and we went back to our table. Jackie’s face was a picture when she first saw him with me, a look of initial surprise which was immediately followed by a delighted smile. I put my take down where I had been sitting, so that he had to take the chair alongside my wife, the side where her skirt was split to reveal her stocking top.

The next hour or so was spent chatting about life, relationships and other generalities. I tried not to let him be aware that I could see him constantly glancing at her legs. Fully aware of the effect it was having on Greg she allowed her skirt to ride a little higher. I must admit that I did feel a bit jealous especially as I was well aware that she liked him. Nevertheless it was a major turn-on for me, as my wife knew only too well.
It was Greg who suggested that we walk to another bar a couple of streets away which might be livelier and where there would be music. We managed to find an unoccupied wooden stool by a mirrored wall and my wife perched on it. It was quite high and even though her skirt was not that short and the lighting was rather subdued I could still discern the white flesh of her thighs above her stockings. Greg was yet to enjoy the view, having gone immediately to the bar to get another round.
We could see there was quite a queue at the bar so we had a few minutes to talk to each other. It was evident that Jackie she liked the attention she was getting and I was certainly enjoying her flirting with him. There is never any plan that can be followed in such situations, so we agreed that we would just see how it developed.

There were other nice women around and hers were not the only nice legs on show but the difference was that this was my wife and she was displaying them for the benefit of Greg. It was very arousing to see him looking her when he was chatting to us.

As the music was getting quite loud he would sometimes have to talk in her ear so I could not hear what he said. By now it was my turn to get the round in and I accordingly went to the bar. I decided to take my time so as to give them a chance to talk to each other. I had no sooner returned, than they went off to have a dance. The small dance floor was on the other side of the room to where we were and given the crowd there was no way I was able to watch them.

They had a few dances and when they finally returned I got the chance to have one with her. She told me that Greg had been feeling her tits when I was at the bar. He had touched them through her blouse, and told her that they were nice. She had pushed herself against his hand so as to let him know she was not averse to his fondling. My cock was straining in my pants as she related this to me. I told her that if she wanted, I would pretend to go off to the loo and would stay out of their way for as long as I could so that Greg would have some further time with her on her own. She said that that would be very nice of me. She also told me that she was very turned on by the evening’s events and thus less able to resist him. This was exactly what I wanted to hear but I still had no idea how far I wanted her to go.
When I did finally return they were sitting very close together. I did not catch him touching her but it later transpired that he had been fingering her pussy. To Jackie’s frustration he had stopped when he had mistaken me for someone else and before he could start again I had appeared! She subsequently admitted that she was so close to an orgasm at that particular moment she was actually very disappointed that I had come back.

There was less than half an hour to last orders when Greg decided that he would go on to that party after all. I indicated that we were calling it a day and would be heading for home. We all left the bar together and I was still trying to think how I could leave my wife with him even if only for a few minutes. However my wife had already anticipated the problem and had got something planned! She informed me that she had left her little jacket in the bar and asked if I would go back and get it for her. I cottoned on at once and agreed to do so telling her that I would meet her at the fast food place just along the street. I said goodbye to Greg and that I hoped we would see him again. He replied that it might happen sooner than I expected because he would wait with my wife as by now there were a number of people milling around.
I went off to get the jacket and sure enough it was on the floor by the stool where she had been sitting. The bar had not closed yet so I got a take and waited. It is hard to describe my feelings at that moment. There was a thrilling sense of anticipation running through me as I wondered what the two of them might be doing, but there was also a degree of anxiety. Was this a sensible thing to be doing? If so, why did I feel jealous of him? If not, why was I so excited?

I think it must have been a good half an hour by the time I left the by now closed bar. There was still quite a large crowd on the street as I made my way to the fast food place where I joined the queue. I was not looking for them because I guessed they would find me when they wanted to. Sure enough, some ten minutes or so later, when I was just inside the doorway Greg tapped my shoulder and said they have been looking for me. He immediately took the jacket from me as I followed him outside. Jackie was standing there but had turned away from me as he helped her on with it.
Having done his gentlemanly deed, Greg said his goodbyes and was off in a trice. Jackie did not really want any food; neither did I for that matter; and she suggested we go home. However she started walking away from the area where we usually get a taxi. Once away from the crowds of people she turned into an alley between some tall buildings. She kissed me and then volunteered that this was the exact spot where she has just been dallying with Greg. Whilst apologising for being away so long, she was unzipping my trousers to grasp my steel hard cock. Naturally enough I slipped my hand under her jacket to feel her tits and was immediately aware that her blouse was wet. She told me that it was his spunk. She had been sucking his cock and then he had come all over her face and blouse. Now I realised why Greg was in such a rush to give her the jacket! He clearly did not want me to see the tell-tale cum marks.
I lifted her skirt and insinuating my hand inside her filmy panties, I slipped my finger inside her opening. Judging by her copious lubrication, she was very excited. But then so was I, especially in the knowledge that she had just been sucking him. I was kissing her with real passion; my tongue pushing hard into her mouth. I could not detect his cum, and had she not said anything I would never have known what she’d done. But it was enough to know that my tongue was where his cock had been but a short while before. The next moment Jackie had spunk on her skirt to match that already on her blouse. This time it was my semen and there was a lot of it too!
My finger had been busy in the interim and I had no sooner finished ejaculating than she reached her own orgasm. She made an effort to stifle her groans but they still seemed loud in the dark alley. A short while later, after we made ourselves respectable, we stepped out into the street. It was only in the orange neon glow that I saw the results of my excitement. I quickly dabbed the evidence from her skirt and we made our way back to the taxi rank.
It was when we were safely tucked up into bed that she related what had happened after I was sent back to fetch her coat.
Greg had pulled her into a doorway to kiss her. While kissing her he held her hand and guided it to his erection. He was pleasantly surprised to find that she was not in the least bit reluctant to stroke it but was utterly astounded when she offered to relieve him of his sexual tension! He then led her to the alley and began to fondle and kiss her. He was absolutely delighted when, without any prompting whatsoever, she reached down to unzip him and eased out his rigid erection. He was sure that she was going to let him fuck her and was understandably disappointed when she made it clear that such a thing was out of the question. She told him that she was prepared to wank him off but then her own natural enthusiasm came to the fore and she squatted down in order to take the mushroom shaped crown of his throbbing cock in her mouth. She sucked on it while gently stroking the base of the shaft and it was no surprise that he responded so readily to her ministrations. She had just released him for a short while so as to give her jaw a rest when he started to come. The first spurt caught her on her chin but she instinctively steered him away from her face with the result that the remaining five or six strands of cum landed on her upper throat and then her blouse. Being sexually satisfied himself, her ‘gallant’ did not ensure that she was in a similar situation and seemed to be in a hurry to get back to the fast food place where we had agreed to meet. As it happens this was to my immediate benefit but he was not to know that at the time.

I did not want Jackie feeling guilty and I made a point of telling her that I was captivated by what she had done that night. Naturally enough we also spoke about what she had not done; and I did my utmost to convince her that I would have been overjoyed had she gone the whole way with him. They may not have been my exact words but they do convey the sentiment. However, if I am perfectly honest, I still entertained some doubts. Nevertheless we had the most fantastic sex in the days and weeks that followed. But even when we were not having sex I would find myself getting aroused at the slightest thing. For example I only had to watch her putting on her lipstick to imagine those same lips clamped around Greg’s dick. Seeing her prancing around in her stockings reminded me of the way she had been perched on that stool and flaunted herself in front of him.
But it even happened when I was at work. The memory of what she had got up to would suddenly come unbidden to my mind. Many is the time that I had to slip into the toilets and have an essential wank.
We constantly talked about it when we were in bed and it was still such a mutual turn-on that we both knew there would have to be a next time. I also understood what ‘a next time’ really meant; that another man’s cock would penetrate her tight married cunt and fuck her. She was on the pill so there was the distinct possibility that she would come home filled with cum. The only uncertain element about the situation was the lucky man’s identity! And whereas I previously had regular mental images of her with Greg, I now saw an anonymous man between her open thighs rutting her with abandon. And looking over his shoulder I could see the features of her pretty face, contorted in her sexual ecstasy.

There were some possible candidates. Jackie would have been delighted to fuck one or two of our friends but we decided that getting involved with people close to us was not such a good idea. So we continued to go out socialising. However she did not see anyone she took a shine to, or if she did they invariably had partners with them, and so were off-limits as far as flirting was concerned. It seemed destined to remain an unrealised fantasy when out of the blue we attended a leaving party for one of the managers at Jackie’s workplace.
wife pic
wife pic


Posts: 593
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Great story,, wonderful NYLONS!


Posts: 187
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I should have explaind that this story is true and has been written with the help of another member of cuckold place. He has kindly been exchanging with me on my wife and her adventures with other men. I have posted on the basic cuckold section and he has helped put the details into a story format.

I am delighted to be sharing further details with this friend who has an interest in helping put it all in story form. I may post discreet pics also but would like comments and encouragement to do so too.

I do hope this is of interest to others who have a liking for this type of thing.


Posts: 3550
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A truely wonderful account and a very arousing read, well done and well written, really looking forward to hearing more


Posts: 187
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Thank You for the comments, here is the next part of the continuation.

It was to be held in the bar near the city centre. Jackie felt we ought to go if only to put in an appearance. If it was boring we could always take a short cab ride and meet up with some friends later. She put on a little black dress, sheer stockings and her nice strappy high heels.

There were about thirty people there when we arrived. I made small talk with two or three of her colleagues and then she introduced me to Dave. He was about forty, quite tall and had been just been promoted from foreman to take on the departing manager’s role. I could not help but notice how he was constantly glancing down Jackie’s cleavage as he spoke to us. It was then that the penny dropped because I recalled my wife saying she sometimes flirted with one of the foremen, knowing he was always trying to look down her top.

True to form Jackie contrived to lean forward and give Dave yet another impressive view. For obvious reamisters he did not want to ogle her while I was present and was not to know that I would have loved him to have done so. In an effort to lessen the sexual tension he offered to buy us take and we went to stand at the far end of the bar where there was only one other permister waiting to be served.

When we got our takes Jackie suggested we sit at one of the adjacent high tables because it was quieter and we would not have to shout to be heard. The matching stools were unusually high and as she raised herself up onto one, she had to hold my shoulder to steady herself. Dave was already sitting on the stool opposite and as she mounted the stool before perching precariously on it he got a great view of her upper legs and even of her wispy panties. She smoothed her skirt down but even so it now barely covered her stocking tops. Dave was thus afforded a great view and if that were not enough already Jackie would occasionally lean forward so as to hear what he was saying (at least that was her excuse!) and Dave copped delightful views of her lacy low cut bra. During the course of the next half hour or so I learned more about him. He was slightly shy yet undoubtedly had a ready charm. His wife was a little older than him and they had virtually no social life as an elderly relative stayed with them. It was clear he led a pretty sheltered life and that was probably the reamister why he liked looking at the women at work, and Jackie in particular. She already knew this of course and teased him by displaying as much of her delectable body as the circumstances allowed.

Dave had to go off and talk to someone else although he said that he would be back. I took the opportunity to ask Jackie if it was now time for us to leave so that we could meet up with our friends. She wanted to stay, because she was enjoying Dave’s attention. She also suggested, correctly as it happened, that I was also deriving a fair amount of pleasure from her teasing him. However, even though the prospect of them going further was an enticing one, I felt he was far too shy for anything of this nature to happen.

Jackie said that he was not as shy as he might seem. She went on to say that he was not that shy when they shared a computer screen and when he spent most of the time looking down her top. I agreed with her that we give him another chance. (It was only some years later that I began to think that they might already have been having some sexual contact and that getting me involved legitimised it. I never found out, mainly because I did not want to know.)

When Dave returned Jackie’s dress had ‘accidentally’ ridden up even higher. There was no doubting that she now had his full attention.
I contributed my pennyworth and said that he was a very lucky man to be working with so many attractive women. He managed to tear his eyes away from my wife and he smiled as he concurred with my opinion. He then went on to say that it would be even better if they all came to work dressed like Jackie. He appeared to be weighing his words before informing me that she had a lovely body too!

It was my turn to smile when I told him that it was a real turn-on for me to hear such remarks. Jackie then uncrossed her legs and gave him a perfect, albeit fleeting view of her skimpy underwear. Putting on a coquettish voice she asked Dave if she was having the same effect on him. He got up and moved his stool a bit closer to her as if to shield her from prying eyes. That served only to embolden her and she took his hand and placed it on her thigh. Dave looked sheepishly at me and was understandably relieved when I nodded in approval. He needed no further encouragement and began stroking her thigh, his hand creeping ever closer to the darker band that was her stocking top. The atmosphere was electric and my heart was pounding fit to burst as I told him that it was good to that someone else appreciated her. I decided to get another round in because it would afford them a few moments together.

While waiting to be served I glanced over my shoulder to see them engaged in conversation. In other circumstances their behaviour might have attracted some attention from their colleagues but anyone watching them would have assumed they were just talking shop; after all I was also present. I inwardly smiled at their naïveté. It seemed an incredibly erotic situation; my wife had openly invited him to touch her and I had made it clear that I had no objection. I was so excited that I was actually shaking but did not realise it until I picked up my fresh beer and slopped some of it over the side!

I returned with what remained of the takes and immediately noticed that Jackie had adjusted her dress so that now she appeared much more demure. Whereas there had been a sexually charged atmosphere no more than ten minutes earlier, they were now acting like the work colleagues that they really were. I presumed that one of them had decided that they had gone far enough. I was really disappointed but then Jackie said that Dave could come back to our place for a coffee to our place if he so wished. I tried not to get too excited; after all it might just have been a friendly gesture on her part; but I was aware of a renewed pounding in my heart.

We said our goodbyes and when someone commented on the three of us leaving together we explained that we planned to share a taxi. I did the gentlemanly thing and got in the front but Dave did not take the hint; at least that is how it seemed to me from their work-oriented conversation.


Posts: 722
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Great story, well written. The part about the bar manager really hit home. Of my 4 gfs/wife they've all told me college stories of working at a bar or restaurant where an older bartender or in one case the cook has gotten into their panties. It seems those guys are always breaking in the new girl.


Posts: 187
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Here is part 4 and i hope it os of interest to those following this story. There may be more to follow depending on reactions. My post some further pics too

He asked if I had any more films. Unfortunately I did not. He told us that he had a contact who could get some really good ones if we wanted. He was quite open about the fact that because he rarely got sex at home he had to make do with watching porn. And, I suggested while trying to keep a straight face, the women at work. He smiled and agreed that it was lovely looking down their tops but he was adamant that he would never go any further. I recalled that Jackie had told me something about him. It appeared that the women generally liked him, and whilst not exactly encouraging him, tolerated his predilection. They knew his domestic situation and believed him to be quite harmless. Letting him cop the occasional view of their bras was not such a big deal after all.

Not, he added with grin, that he hadn’t been tempted, especially by Jackie. My ears pricked up and I asked him what he meant. Being a gentleman he declined, and so I asked Jackie to enlighten me. It seems there was one particular occasion when they were working on a project together and it being of a confidential nature, they were ensconced in a side-office. As usual he had been looking down her neckline whenever the opportunity arose. It was only when he offered her a choice of cream cakes, that she realised it was his birthday. So as a belated birthday present she took off her bra! My cock stirred at this disclosure, and with my being naked, it did not go unnoticed by the other two. Emboldened by my reaction, Jackie said she liked flirting with him especially as it seemed even naughtier because I had no idea it was going on. I wondered what she actually meant by the term ‘flirting’. Obviously it included flashing her braless tits at him, but to what else did the term extend?

Dave then asked us why we had invited him to our home. Jackie told him that for quite a while I had fantasised about her having sex with another man. I think that holy water played no small part in her disclosing this to him but I was in no position to disagree because her words had caused me to become fully erect. She then went on to add that when she was at work, he always made her feel very sexy. And she felt that there was never going to be a better opportunity than that presented at the function. The circumstances were just right, she continued. She was horny, I was horny and judging by the way he had been touching her up, he was horny too. Jackie’s matter of fact explanation had caused exactly the same reaction on Dave’s part because he too was now erect. It was the first time I’d seen it poised for action, so to speak. I guessed he would have been about seven inches which was much the same as me. He may have been a tad thicker but there was not a lot in it. Like me he was circumcised. Earlier, when he was in this condition, I had felt insecure. Now I was overwhelmed by the eroticism of the moment. Jackie was well aware of our renewed arousal and suggested that we watch the movie again. What she was really suggesting, of course, was for Dave to fuck her again. She sat in the middle of the sofa and allowed her robe to fall open. But for her black suspenders she was utterly and beautifully naked. No sooner had her two gallants sat down either side of her than she was grasping our erections. Dave wasted no time in sliding his hand up her smooth inner thigh until his little finger came to rest against her labia lips. He turned his hand so that it now cupped her mound and penetrated her with his middle finger.

They were again kissing as I picked up the remote and zapped the video recorder. The TV screen was filled with the sight of a pretty young blonde who was on her knees and sucking a most impressive cock. Jackie was particularly adept at this art and what’s more; would do it without my needing to ask. I thought you said you wanted to watch this, I joked in a mock surprised voice. She broke her kiss to glance at the screen. I took the opportunity to whisper in her ear, suggesting that perhaps she ought to show Dave that she was every bit as good as the girl in the video. She needed no further encouragement and at once knelt down in front of him. Holding his shaft at the base she opened her mouth and took in his mushroom shaped crown. With her free hand she cupped his balls as if to weigh them. I had that familiar pounding in my chest as I watched her demonstrating her s*******s. After a while she released it and licked his ball sac. She made eye contact with him at this point and this served to further arouse me. And then, as she was licking his shaft she even stared at me. I found this an incredible turn-on and could not refrain from stroking myself.

I asked him if she was a good cock-sucker. His answer was that she was redy brilliant; well up to standard. Well up to standard I thought to myself. What did he mean by that? Up to her usual standard? Was she already sucking him off at work?

He immediately realised that was he had said was open to misinterpretation and his cheeks coloured. He tried to rectify the situation telling me that what he meant to say was that she was a fantastic fuck and as he then delicately put it ‘she had commensurate oral s*******s’! This served to raise more questions. Was the rating ‘fantastic’ based on just the one fuck? I did not pursue it even though his explanation was unconvincing.

I was unable to take my eyes from the scene as my wife crammed as much of his cock in her mouth as she could. She alternated between stroking his shaft, her wedding ring making contact with his male hardness as she did so, and gently caressing his heavy balls, taking great care that her nails did not scratch the sensitive skin. I was gently stroking my erection, seeking to prolong my pleasure when my eyes met his. I held his gaze for no more than three or four seconds, but it was more than enough time to realise that he understood everything.

He now took control, and told Jackie that he was going to fuck her. And he did too, in any number of positions before he finally got her to kneel on the sofa so that he could take her from behind. Her elbows were on the back of the sofa and her head was resting on her arms. He began to power into her and I had a great view of her tits bouncing from the impact as his hard muscular stomach drove into the soft yielding flesh of her buttocks. I reached up and placed my hand on hers. She turned her head to me but I did not see my wife. I saw a woman who looked like her, but this woman was focussed solely on the pleasure emanating from her cunt; this woman’s sole purpose in life was to be fucked, to be fucked hard and often. Dave increased his tempo. He was nearly there and was gripping her hips tightly with his fingers pressing hard into her flesh. And then the moment was on him; he was coming and his thick potent spunk was flooding into her.

As soon as he pulled out I took his place but to my great embarrassment I lasted no longer than a few strokes before I too was jetting into her core. The moment I withdrew, Jackie collapsed on her side facing the sofa. She adopted a *** position and seemed to be exhausted by the evening’s events.

As Dave was picking up his clothes he said that he would very much like a shower if that were possible. I told him to follow me. I gave him a fresh clean towel from the linen cupboard and showed him into the bathroom, telling him to help himself to anything of mine that he wanted. (He already had of course!) I went into the kitchen, poured out two cups of coffee and took them into the lounge.

Jackie had not moved. From her regular breathing I realised that she must have nodded off. I gazed at my relaxing naked beauty; at the tousled black hair, at the smooth white skin of her back, at her narrow waist and at the soft round contours of her buttocks. But my eyes were drawn inexorably to her swollen labia lips. I immediately noticed she was leaking and had been for some time judging by the growing dark patch on the light beige upholstery of the sofa directly underneath her.

I put her coffee down on the side table and touched her shoulder. She woke with a start and sat up at once. She asked me to pass her robe to her and she put it on straightaway. I put mine on too. We looked at each other over the rims of our coffee cups. We did not talk, both of us realising that words were superfluous. Five minutes later a freshly showered and fully dressed Dave appeared. I got him a coffee while he rang for a taxi. It may seem hard to believe but whilst waiting for it to arrive we were discussing our chances in the forthcoming World Cup

A toot outside signalled the arrival of his taxi and he got to his feet. He shook my hand and said that it had been pleasure to meet me. He went across to Jackie and thanked her for a truly fantastic evening. He kissed her on her cheek and said that he would see her at work on the Monday. His kiss was surprisingly chaste given the particular circumstances. Or would have been but for one minor detail. As he was kissing her chastely on her cheek, his hand was inside her robe fondling her bare breast.



Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Very good story and some really sexy photo's of Jackie as well.
Please do tell us more.........
Cuck who loves a creampie.


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Part 5,

Ten minutes later we were tucked up in bed. We were lying on our sides with my arm round her waist and my semi hard dick was resting against her pert little bottom. She said she was too sore for any more sex but that was not a problem for me. The fact was that I just wanted to hold her because I felt very protective of her. It did not take long for her to fall arelax, but it was nowhere near as easy for me because my mind was a whirl of conflicting thoughts. Why had I so wanted her to have sex with another man?

I knew she was sex mad from the first time we started dating. I loved it of course, but that did not stop me thinking about all the other guys she’d been with, especially Jim. I was jealous that they should all have had her, but even so, I was always wanking about it. Looking back over the three years we’d been together, I recognised that my solitary wanking had not been enough to satisfy me and that had led me to share the fantasy with her. But then the fantasy was no longer enough; I wanted it to happen in real life and had badgered her accordingly. Well, it had now been realised; she had finally been fucked by another man, and moreover, well-fucked to boot. There was no denying it had been an incredibly exciting event but would I live to regret it? The omens weren’t good when I thought about it. After all we had previously agreed it would not happen with anyone she knew. And who had she done it with? Only someone at her place of work, that’s all! And if that were not bad enough, he was her immediate boss!

I was awakened by the alarm clock. Although it was a Saturday morning I had to go in to the office. I glanced at the relaxing form of my wife. How lovely it would have been to have stayed in bed with her, to have shared the warmth of her body, to have cuddled up to her once she woke up and to have discussed the events of the previous night. But it was not to be; I had to go in. Twenty minutes later, having showered and dressed, I went downstairs to make myself a cup of tea. But Jackie had beaten me to it. She had already poured out a cup for me and was even buttering a slice of toast.

As soon as I sat down on the chair next to hers she plonked herself on my knee. Her robe was partially open and I could see her bare breasts; see the nipples that Dave had been teasing a few hours earlier. She kissed me and I gently caressed her hardening nubs as my tongue sought out hers. I was already erect when I asked her if she had enjoyed herself with Dave. She smiled at me before she told me it had been simply marvellous. And then she put the same question to me. How should I answer her? Right now, with an erection tenting my trousers the answer was obvious; of course I had enjoyed it. And the arousal more than compensated for any feeling of insecurity.

I asked her if she liked the idea of being fucked whilst I watched her. I was disappointed when she told me that she was so focussed on the act itself, it made no difference whether I was there or not. But the more I thought about it afterwards, the more I realised it was just another manifestation of how highly sexed she was. It was clear to me that when she was having sex, nothing else mattered, nothing else entered her conscious. When this was happening her whole being was centred on the cock that deep inside her and bringing such pleasure to her. I was really tempted to take her back to bed and to fuck her myself; to reassert my conjugal right to her delectable body. However I knew there was a pressing need for me at the office, and to my eternal shame I let that take precedence!

Alone at the office, having completed the task that had necessitated my attendance, I had time to reflect on what we had done. Had I pushed her into doing it? I had certainly encouraged her, but the final decision had been hers to make. And anyway, was last night their first time? There were certainly grounds for suspicion although I had no interest whatsoever in pursuing this question. And what difference did it make now? She had already done it. What did I mean she; we had done it. And it had been highly arousing, when all was said and done. I was again hard; indeed I had been in this state for most of the morning. I gripped myself through the lightweight material of my trousers. It was no good: I had to have a sexual release. I made my way to the gents and two minutes later had masturbated to a gloriously welcome conclusion.

Jackie had no contact whatsoever with Dave on the Monday or the Tuesday, but he had sent a note round to all the members of her department informing them that he would be talking to them individually on the Wednesday. I was not in the least bit surprised when she told me that she was due to be seen last. I was on tenterhooks when she left for work on that day and remained on edge until she returned home an hour later than normal.

It seems that she had spent over ninety minutes with him although the official business had taken no more than half an hour. The rest of the time had been spent discussing the events following the party. In answer to his questions she told him that she had really enjoyed herself and that at the time, I had too, although I was now having second thoughts. When pressed she told him that she thought I was a bit insecure and that him being her boss hardly helped matters. He told her that he could understand my concern and thought it would be a good idea if he and I were to have a chat. Much as he loved her company, he added with a smile, it might be better if he and I were alone for this meeting.

A couple of days later Dave and I were in a bar in the city centre sitting at a table in the corner. I had felt a bit tense when I first got there but the beer was helping me relax. We had chatted about a number of topics but not yet the one that had prompted our meeting. With the benefit of hindsight I realise that Dave had recognised my initial tension and decided to wait until after I’d had a couple of beers. I was halfway through my second pint and he must have felt I was now sufficiently relaxed because after a somewhat wordy preamble he asked me how I felt about what had happened. I more or less repeated what Jackie had said. He asked me if my insecurity only surfaced once I had ejaculated and I told that this was indeed the case. He smiled and told me that mine was a perfectly normal reaction. He must have noted the questioning look on my face because he went on to volunteer that although Jackie was the prettiest, the youngest and by a long way the sexiest woman he’d ever had, she was not the first wife he’d fucked in front of her husband. Just hearing him referring to fucking Jackie was causing my cock to stiffen.

And, picking up his glass, he went on to say that the other husbands all went through the same emotional turmoil because the first time was always the most difficult. He leaned forward and lowering his voice, he told me about a man who had actually seemed traumatised when it had happened the first time. Two months later, Dave continued a broad smile now on his face; you would not believe what he would do. I shook my head and pursed my lips; an unspoken invitation for him to continue.

He had a triumphant look in his face when he told me that this formerly traumatised man would now take every opportunity to go down on his wife after she’d been fucked by someone else, go down on her and lick out all the other man’s spunk! I could not believe my ears and Dave noticed my look of disbelief. He told me that the husband did it because it showed his wife in the most graphic way possible that he fully approved of her actions. The husband had also volunteered that cleaning her up made him feel incredibly close to her. My cock, which had just begun to soften, was again rigid. I could not understand why such a disclosure should have excited me and sought to change the subject. Knowing how difficult it had proved to find someone for Jackie, I asked him how he got to meet such people.

He then told me that he usually met them through classified advertisements in a men’s magazine, although he had no one on the go at present. The ones that particularly appealed to him were those where the couple were looking for another man to screw the wife. He wasn’t looking for romance, so these purely sexual encounters were ideal. I was quite fascinated to hear about his secret life as a sex swinger and we ended up talking about this topic for a couple of hours. He was more than happy to tell me about some of his experiences. He said that usually there would just be the three people involved but there had been one occasion when he had teamed up with another man and both had serviced a wife in front of her husband. Apparently this man was in a similar situation to Dave, in that his was a sexless marriage too. And it transpired that it was this same man from whom he could obtain the high quality porn. Dave told me that he had a few video cassettes and magazines himself and would be happy to lend them to us if we so wished. It may have been the holy water but I found myself suggesting that he bring some round on the following Friday evening.

Dave wound up by telling me that he would dearly love to screw Jackie on a regular basis and that he really hoped that this was what she and I wanted also. And, in an attempt to allay any doubts I might have entertained, he went on to say that he would quite happy if I wanted to be present. His voice now took on a tone of gravitas. He said that while he was sure we could make this work, if for any reamister this was not to be the case, he promised me that there would be no repercussions whatsoever; Jackie was a valuable employee after all. And it was the business aspect that prompted his parting words too; that whatever decision we came to, he trusted that he could rely on her discretion, just as we could certainly rely on his.

On the way home I could not stop thinking about the man who was prepared to clean up his wife after she’d been with some-one else. The idea seemed repellent and yet…

Jackie was interested to know how we’d got on and what we had talked about. I told her that he had been involved in a bit of swinging and had enjoyed a more active sex life than we thought, although he was currently without a sexual partner. I told her he’d said that he would very much like to continue screwing her. She looked quite serious as I informed her that he had said there would be no repercussions should we decide to go no further. But her frown changed instantly to a smile when I said that he was going to come round on Friday evening with some porn, anyway. A short while later we were in bed and having sex. She was just on the verge of her orgasm when she uttered the words I will never forget until my dying day. She told me that she was glad he was coming round because she wanted him to fuck her!

It was hardly a surprise that Dave permitted her to leave work an hour early on the Friday afternoon and she had already bathed and made herself up by the time I got home. She had informed me earlier of her intention to dress sexily and when I went in the bedroom I saw several items of discarded underwear and clothes that she had tried on and then rejected. It invariably excited me to see her getting dressed up but it seemed even more arousing when I knew that this was solely for Dave’s benefit. I looked at the clock and was surprised to see that he was due in less than thirty minutes. Nevertheless I had showered and dressed and was getting her a gin and tonic when the doorbell rang. Jackie was still in the bedroom, so I got him a beer and one for myself and we sat down in the lounge to look through his porn. The magazines were a mix of hard core and soft, the latter featuring lots of females in sexy undies. But there was a hard core one that really appealed to me. It contained high quality photos of two men and one woman and nothing was left to the imagination.

Jackie made her delayed entrance and I have to say she was well worth waiting for. Stunning would have been the appropriate term to describe her appearance although ‘highly fuckable’ was equally apt. Her dress was short but not excessively so. Her long lean legs looked fantastic in the stockings and heels. The bodice of the dress clung to her breasts and it was patently obvious she was not wearing a bra. And as she bent forward to kiss Dave, he was afforded the most delightful view. He told her that he’d missed seeing this lovely sight during this past week. Jackie smiled and said that she’d missed the excitement also. I gave her the gin and tonic as she sat down beside him and began to peruse the magazines he’d brought.

She carried on looking through them seemingly oblivious to the fact that her stocking tops were now on show. But it had not escaped Dave’s attention and he was already stroking the soft flesh of her upper thigh. She turned the page to see a close up of an attractive young blonde girl about to lower herself on a big black cock. Dave then whispered something in her ear and she turned to smile at him. The next moment she had parted her legs and his hand was under her dress cupping her mound.

I could no longer restrain myself, and putting my own magazine down, I took out my cock and began to stroke it. They both saw what I’d done and not surprisingly it spurred them on. They began to kiss ever more passionately and their hands were all over each other’s bodies. Dave soon had the top of her dress down to expose her hard elongated nipples and the undersides of her full round breasts. Her hand was busy too; fumbling at his zipper before she succeeded in freeing his fully erect cock. It was even more erotic to see them continuing to kiss as she stroked his rigid shaft while he gently squeezed and fondled the soft yielding flesh of her tits. They must have been kissing for well over a minute before she pulled away from him. The next moment she was going down on him and for the second Friday in succession, she was sucking his cock. She was side on as she did this and I got another perfect view. If this had happened in the age of the digital camera I would have recorded the scene for posterity on a memory card. However the image is forever ingrained on my natural memory and I only have to close my eyes for me to recall every single detail. By now I was so aroused that I had to stop stroking myself because I knew I would have to come.

She made it clear that she now wanted him to fuck her because she stood up and slipped off her panties before changing places with him. As she sat down she looked straight at me and I stared back at her through heavy lidded eyes. I must have been quite a sight as I sat there with legs apart, cradling my balls in the one hand and gripping the base of my cock with the other. It was only when Dave had fully penetrated her that she motioned for me to come over. I half knelt on the settee to present my cock to her and she took it in her mouth. I tried desperately to hold off but I could feel every powerful thrust of Dave as her body juddered under his onslaught. It appeared that he liked seeing her sucking cock because he was encouraging her to take in more and more. But when he sensed I was near he then told me to come over her face and tits. I pulled out of her mouth just as I began to ejaculate. I know I was excited but even so I never knew I was such a bad shot. Yes, the first jet hit her chin and dripped on to her tits, but the rest went everywhere. My second spurt missed her face altogether and arced on to the settee. Another strand fell into her hair and it was only the later less powerful emissions that landed on target. I must say that she looked even lovelier when she was covered in spunk. That would seem to have been Dave’s opinion too because I had no sooner finished than he started. And just as he was filling her with his male seed she was in the throes of her own orgasm.

He could not stay as long this time, and was already dressed by the time Jackie returned with the coffees. As I sipped my coffee I found myself wondering if Jackie inviting me to join them had been a spontaneous gesture, or whether she had been primed by Dave. Either way it had been another incredibly arousing evening and I knew it was going to be a regular occurrence. In fact we all did. The only topic to discuss was how to keep their liaimister secret. Whilst Jackie fully understood the need for the utmost discretion, she did state that it might attract more attention if she no longer flirted with him, so it would not be a good idea to change her behaviour. I assumed this meant she would just continue letting him look down her top now and again. Then it was time for him to go. It was strangely erotic to see a semi-naked Jackie showing him to the door. I heard it go quiet and I knew he was kissing (and probably fondling) her goodbye.

When she returned we sat together on the couch and looked at some more of the mags. They had the expected effect and before long we were kissing and fondling each other and I was once again fully erect. I ran my hand up her inner thigh, over her stockings before I encountered the smooth skin of her inner thigh. I felt for her pussy and my fingers bathed in a hot wetness. But there was a different texture to it and I realised I was feeling cum; his cum. Suddenly I was recalling Dave’s words about a man going down on his wife after she’d been with some one else. At the time I thought it repellent but nevertheless I had a compulsion to know what it would be like to lick my wife when she was in a similar condition. The next moment I was on my knees between her parted legs and my hands were cupping her buttocks, gently easing her towards me. I looked at her angry looking cleft, at her exceedingly wet entrance and at the traces of drying semen on her inner thighs. I lowered my mouth towards the wetness, towards the hotness and towards the source of the distinctive odour. I touched her opening with the tip of my tongue. I was immediately aware of a sharp almost bleach like taste. In truth it was not very nice at all but it had come from deep inside her and that made it seem like nectar. I realised she was pushing herself against me, grinding her labia lips on my face. I had often gone down on her in the past but I could not recall her being as aroused as she was at that moment. I tasted and was powerd to swallow more of the semen that was coming from her core.

I again found myself wondering if he had put her up to this too. But what if he had? The two nights had been the most exciting of my twenty years. I was assured it was a sexual liaimister bereft of any romantic connotations. Of course I wanted it to continue, but I had not yet ejaculated at that point. And when I did, some of my doubts returned. It was only some time afterwards I realised this time it had not seemed quite so bad!


Posts: 187
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Come on guys this is reality, i can hardly beleive the lack of response. Pics are real as is the situation.


Posts: 177
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Great Story well done keep on going!


Posts: 196
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It is up there with some of the best i have read. Please continue. You can't end it now, he just finished his first delicious creme pie.


Posts: 187
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I would like to say that my friend from this site has written the events of my progression in this cuckold situation so well that i would like to thank him here for making my revelations to him so well described and i do hope that some of you reading this will appreciate his efforts.

All comments are very welcome and i hope that you realise that this has been written from REAL events. Part 6 about to be posted.


Posts: 46
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This story continues to be top shelf, slippy. Your efforts are very appreciated, even from those of us fortunate to have some *adventures* of our own.


Posts: 187
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When Jackie came home I told her about Dave’s phone call and I sensed she was not that surprised. However I do not think she had any prior knowledge about his friend Bob, and seemed genuinely intrigued that a complete stranger knew everything about our situation and was keen to meet us. She sought my opinion and I had to admit to her that I found it quite a turn-on. However I made it clear that the decision was hers alone to make; I would not, and Dave should not, coerce her. She reflected on my words for a moment and then said that she would talk it over with him when she went to work the following day. The thought that they would be having a private discussion as to whether or not to let another man fuck her gave me an instant hard-on.

This thought (and attendant erection) remained with me for most of the following day. Even so I continued to ponder on the wisdom of what was now taking place on a fairly regular basis. It seemed unbelievable that a few short months ago this had been fantasy and it had looked increasingly unlikely ever to be more than that. And yet Jackie was now seriously considering having sexual relations with a second man. Where was this going to end up? It was both an arousing yet deeply worrying prospect. She had given me no cause to doubt her love for me just as I never missed a chance to show my affection for her, but could she really fuck someone regularly and remain emotionally detached? Her past history tended to support this view, but I could never be certain and that was the reamister for my concern. But an erect cock is a powerful counter to any rational argument and so I was prepared to travel further along this road.

Jackie and I went out to a local bar on the Friday night. Normally we would have gone clubbing but we did not want to be out late because Dave was due to visit us the following day. We got our takes and sat down at a table in the corner while she proceeded to tell me about her discussion with him earlier that day. He had asked her if she was interested in meeting his friend, going on to say that there would no obligation on her part whatsoever. If she liked him; all well and good, but if not, then that would be the end of the matter. When she said that she was not averse to meeting him, he had informed her that this friend Bob could join us this coming weekend if she so wished. However Jackie told him that in view of the time frame she would talk it over with me that night and call him in the morning. And talk it over is what we did for the next couple of hours. We did not need anything like that length of time to reach a decision; it was pretty clear that we both wanted it to happen, but we found it incredibly erotic just talking about such a scenario. In fact we were so aroused that we thought about going home early in order to get some much needed sexual relief. However she suggested and I reluctantly agreed that it might be even better if we saved ourselves for the following night.

I had to go into work on the Saturday but I cannot say I gave anything like my full attention to the various jobs that needed to be done. I thought constantly about the possibility of Jackie having sex with Dave and his friend. But despite these distractions I did eventually accomplish what I had set out to do and was getting ready to leave when Dave called me. He said that he had spoken to Jackie earlier that morning and she had brought him up to date with developments. He had since spoken to Bob and everything was now set up for a meeting that evening. Although Dave was sure that we would both like his friend, he felt it would be best that the initial introductions take place on neutral territory. That way there would be no problem if things did not work out as hoped. He told me that Bob had said much the same thing even though he was very much looking forward to meeting her. Dave said that Jackie also sounded very keen when he had called her to confirm the details. He then went on to say that he hoped I did not mind but that he had asked her to wear her little black dress for the occasion because being cut quite low, it showcased her tits beautifully. It was quite short too and promised the odd glimpse of stocking tops!

Did I mind? I told him that just talking about this had given me an instant hard-on. He laughed before telling me he was not yet in that condition himself, but he knew that he would be once he was with Jackie. I then asked him to enlarge upon exactly how much Bob really knew about what the three of us had been doing during the course of the past few months. Dave sounded slightly apologetic when he replied that his friend knew absolutely everything. He said that they each kept the other informed about their escapades and had done so ever since they had both teamed up to screw someone a year or so earlier. He said that he trusted him totally and assured me that I had no reamister to be concerned because Bob was the soul of discretion.

I could not understand why I should be so turned-on that a stranger knew so much about us and I was still hard when I got in the car to drive home. My mind was a whirl of sexual thoughts and I was surprised when I suddenly realised I was outside our flat. I had negotiated traffic lights, roundabouts and even joined a major road whilst totally preoccupied with Jackie’s impending sexual liaimisters.

Dave arrived at our flat in the late afternoon and was delighted to see that Jackie was wearing her little black dress as requested. In fact she had only put it on ten minutes before he arrived, having spent the previous two hours getting herself ready. Even though my objectivity is open to question I have to say that she did look fantastic and Dave said as much himself. I only saw the finished article, mind you. She had banned me from the bedroom while she was getting dressed because I would get too excited knowing that the sexy undies were for someone else’s benefit.

Dave told us that Bob had been delayed and would not now be at the bar until seven that evening. We decided to have a take and I went into the kitchen to fix them. I returned to find them sitting on the sofa and kissing passionately. He was feeling her tits, gently squeezing the one and then the other. I coughed lightly so as to announce my arrival and they immediately separated. Dave had a broad smile on his face as he took the glass from the tray. He told me that Jackie had really excelled herself and looked sexier than ever. It was obvious that the two of them wanted sex and there was no way they were going to wait for more than two hours. He suggested that she take off her dress so as to keep it nice for later. If she wanted she could put something else on in the interim.

I watched with bated breath as Jackie stood up and turned her back on Dave to allow him to unzip the dress. Having unzipped it he helped her out of it and then handed it to me. She looked incredibly sexy in her low cut bra, skimpy panties, matching suspenders, sheer stockings and strappy high heels. Dave was kissing her once more and his hands were again busy. Only this time they were undoing the clasp of her bra. He succeeded in his task and having removed it he then passed it to me. It was still warm to the touch. Jackie made no attempt whatsoever to shield her beautiful soft rounded breasts from his gaze. I felt very proud of her as I took both items through to the bedroom before carefully laying the dress on the bed. I was momentarily distracted by the other items of underwear that she had left lying around. I picked up her bathrobe and returned to the lounge to find that they had already started.

Dave was sitting on the chair naked, while my wife knelt before him. She was sucking his erect cock while he was cupping her tits, teasing her erect nipples with his thumbs. I sat down alongside him to watch them with the now familiar dryness in mouth and racing heart. Dave turned his head and stared straight at me as I unzipped my trousers and freed my hard-on from its confines. He was about to say something and I looked expectantly back at him, failing in my admittedly half-hearted efforts not to let Jackie’s bobbing head distract me. He said that she had been sucking his cock at the office a few days earlier but, he opined it was so much better when they could do it without clothing or fear of interruption. This was news to me; Jackie had only said she had been stroking it! Jackie turned to look at me. I felt she looked lovelier still with a face full of cock. Our eyes met as Dave informed me that not only had she been giving him oral but that she had also let him unload in her mouth. And then to cap it all she had swallowed it! I had to stop touching myself for fear that I was about ejaculate. I looked at her with a smile on my face. I again felt a surge of pride that Jackie was so sexy; indeed she was probably one of the sexiest women on the planet. And she was my wife! I wondered why she had not told me. Perhaps she felt she might have gone too far with him for my liking.

Dave said that he wanted to fuck her and she kissed the smooth crown of his cock one last time before getting to her feet. Now that she could talk, she told me that she felt she needed to apologise to me. She said that she had been so horny that day in the office she had wanted him to fuck her. As this was out of the question she had sucked him off instead. I did not ask her why she did not do what I would have done in such circumstances; namely repair to the toilet and masturbate. Instead I told her that whether she believed it or not, I adored her for having done what she did. And then I said to her that it was perhaps a bit rude of her to keep Dave waiting. She turned to him and mouthed the word ‘sorry’. She then spread her legs before kneeling over the sofa. Dave positioned himself behind her and gently eased her panties to the side before he slowly penetrated her with his thick cock. I was spellbound at Jackie’s blissful expression when she felt her labia lips parting and his male thickness pushing at her entrance.

Soon he was balls deep inside her. Apart from usual comments such as ‘Oh God I’m coming’ I don’t think they had conversed when they had previously fucked. But they certainly made up for it this time. He said a number of things to her about how sexy she was and how much he adored it when she was on the end of his cock. He also told her that she was ‘sex on legs’. She had her own words of praise for him, too. They were initially in answer to his prompting but before long she was volunteering that she loved the feel of his cock when it was deep inside her. I listened to them as I slowly stroked myself although I had to stop on more than one occasion because it was just so exciting.

Then Dave spoke in a rather more reserved manner. He told her that he did not want to shoot his load in her pussy because he wanted it to be in the most perfect condition for Bob. And Jackie was agreeing with him. To my great surprise she was agreeing to save herself for a total stranger! Shortly afterwards she was on her knees in front of him and sucking her feminine juices from this cock that she ‘loved to feel inside her’. It was enough to push him over the edge. She sensed his imminent release and clamped her lips around it as he began to ejaculate. This was all too much for me and in seconds I was firing big blobs of hot thick cum on my trousers and shirt. Dave did not have this problem; but this was not because he was already naked. No, the reamister was that my dear wife had again swallowed it all. I actually felt a pang of jealousy. She had occasionally swallowed my semen in the two years we had been married but she had twice swallowed his in less than a week!

When Dave went to the bathroom to freshen up I took the opportunity to kiss her. I pushed my tongue deep in her mouth as I tried to seek out his cum. I persuaded myself that I could taste him but I think it was just my imagination. However she agreed to my request not to brush her teeth when it was her turn to freshen up. By the time we had finished and dressed again, it was after six. We had time for one more take before setting off for the bar to meet Bob. Dave suggested that she leave her bra off. She initially affected reluctance but when he asked a second time and emphasised the word ‘please’ she agreed and took it off before our very eyes. And in return Dave magnanimously agreed that she could wear a coat, or at least she could until we got to the bar. I felt a slight degree of chagrin when I realised that neither of them had asked me for my opinion! I looked at my watch; it was time to phone for the taxi.


Posts: 25
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Wow Slippy,this is fantastic.There are some slight similaraties to my life with my first wife,which make this so real to me ...

Thanks and hope you keep writing...


Posts: 1972
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Posts: 16
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great love it
Like watching gf getting fucked


Posts: 46
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Yes, this is really great stuff. You do a great job of conveying the shifting of Jackie's perspective on this at it evolves from a sexy thrill with a work friend into a way of life--and a changed dynamic for your marriage. Please do continue.


Posts: 187
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I thank all for comments and have to say thatout with the help of my friend form this site that i could not have given such a detailed account of this.

I have conveyed the details to him and he has written about this in such a way that it is very much as it happened. The next part is particularly good, although i must say that so far he has been so helpful with this and i do hope that others realise the reality of it.

This has to be the ultimate in sex fun for some of us who visit here, for others it is a fantasy that their relationship has not allowed the reality to happen. Therefore i hope all have some pleasure in reading this, whether having any involvement or not, in real life.

What a great site this is for all, in my humble opinion.


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The taxi was due in a couple of minutes so Jackie took the opportunity to powder her nose. Dave told me where we were due to meet Bob; it was a bar that Jackie and I frequented. Considering the way she was dressed I wondered how she might feel if we should bump into anyone we knew and I said as much to him. He just smiled at me and told me that it would not worry her one jot; that I really ought to know by now that she loves showing off and adores the attention. I could not argue with him; in my heart I knew he was right.

We arrived at the bar a short while after seven. We chose to sit at the far end of the large lounge. Dave claimed the fixed upholstered bench seat that faced the bar so as to be able to spot Bob when he arrived. Jackie and I took the rather low free standing two-seater sofa opposite. Between the bench seat and the sofa was a glass coffee table. Dave asked us what we wanted to take and went off to the bar. It was the first opportunity that Jackie and I’d had to speak on our own since his arrival earlier that day. I told that I fully agreed with Dave; she really was ‘sex on legs’. I also said that I was genuinely delighted to hear that she had gone down on him in his office and that should it happen again, I hoped she would tell me. In response I got a glowing smile followed by an affectionate kiss. I asked her if she was still okay about things. She told me that she had really enjoyed herself so far but that she was a trifle apprehensive about meeting Bob. Funnily enough so was I.

As Dave returned with the takes, he overheard her last comment. He carefully placed her gin and my beer on the low table in front of us before taking his seat opposite. He tried to allay her concern and reaching across the table, took her hand in both of his. His eyes never left hers as he told her that he would never do anything that might jeopardise the existing perfect situation. If she did not click with Bob there would be no problem whatsoever; Bob was wise enough to recognise any negative vibes and would not hang around. She need not be anxious, he continued, because both he and I would look after her. He went on to suggest that she use her coat as a signal to us; that she only take it off if she liked the look of him. It was a good idea and it also showed him to be very considerate. And it certainly had the desired effect of lessening her anxiety.

I was about to get the next round in when Bob arrived. He was wearing casual clothes but they were very smart and it looked as if he took a real pride in his appearance. He had a ready smile on his face and he positively beamed when he was introduced to Jackie. He kissed her on her cheek and told her that having already heard so much about her, he was very pleased indeed to finally meet her. He was charm permisterified and Jackie was momentarily for lost words. I would have put him at about thirty, some ten years younger than Dave. He asked us what we were all takeing and promptly disappeared. I looked at Jackie and could tell at once that he had made a favourable impression on her.

When Bob came back with our round of takes, I thought I would give him and Dave a few moments alone with Jackie so I excused myself to visit the loo. On my return I was not really surprised to find that Bob was occupying the seat alongside Jackie. I sat next to Dave and by way of compensation was afforded a view of her stocking tops. Bob raised his glass to us and proposed a toast to ‘the lovely lady’ sitting next to him. Having taken a mouthful of beer, Bob put his glass down and turning to her, he offered to help her remove her coat. Thinking about this afterwards, I wondered if the idea of using her coat as a signal was a ruse that Dave and Bob employed in order to gauge Bob’s chances of success. Well, his chances were certainly looking promising because Jackie needed no second invitation from him. She immediately leant forward and shimmied; giving Bob the most perfect view of her braless breasts as he eased the coat from her shoulders. Her blatant provocative display gave me a full hard-on and this was now tenting my trousers. I tried to adjust myself as discreetly as I could, but I sensed that Dave was well aware of what I was doing.

The conversation which followed was incredibly arousing. Bob indicated that he knew quite a lot about our sexual adventures and that having now met Jackie he could well understood why Dave liked talking about her. He went on to say that his friend was a very lucky man and he made it quite obvious that he also hoped to be lucky enough to get inside her panties. Understandably enough Jackie was revelling in all the attention. She asked how the two of them had met and Bob told her that they had both been screwing the same woman and unbeknown to them, she had arranged that they should come round her house at the same time. They had both turned up and after the initial shock they had given the woman what she wanted. The two men had got on well and had therefore stayed in contact. Jackie was intrigued and asked if the two of them had been with any other women. Bob replied that they had been with two others which made three in all. He gave a brief and surprisingly humorous account of some of the things he and Dave had got up to. He concluded by saying that whilst these women were sexy none of them held a candle to Jackie.

She attempted to play down his comment but I sensed she was delighted at his words. What was perfectly clear was that she was really taken with his modesty, charm and humour. So much so in fact, that she let him run his hand over her upper thigh, and let his finger stray under the very edge of her short skirt to alight on the soft smooth skin above the stocking. I was not that surprised therefore, when she asked him if he would like to come back to our place. And judging by the knowing looks that passed between the two men it came as no real surprise to them either. It is hard to put into words the mixed emotions I experienced when I heard Jackie’s invitation to a man she’d only just met. Would he like to come back to our place? She might just as well have asked him outright if he would like to fuck her. I had that familiar pounding in my chest. How far was she prepared to go and where was this all going to end? But it was far too late to worry now and if it all ended in tears I only had myself to blame. Pandora’s Box was well and truly open now and I had been the one to press the key in Jackie’s hand.

Thinking we were about to depart I finished my beer but Bob then said that he was in no hurry to leave. He remarked that the evening was still young and he was enjoying sitting next to such a sexy girl. He volunteered to get one more round in but I pointed out that it was my shout. He insisted that he pay because, as he put it, he would probably have a take at our house. Dave must have felt that on that basis he ought to buy the round and accordingly reached for his wallet but his friend immediately stopped him. Bob now got to his feet and made as if to go to the bar but he suddenly stopped and said that he had a better idea. He handed me a ten pound note and suggested that I go to the bar instead. That way, he laughed, we can both be satisfied. It was only while waiting at the busy bar I realised he had a hidden agenda; he must have wanted some more time alone with Dave and Jackie.

I came back with the takes having been gone for a good ten minutes. I placed the tray on the low table and sat down again next to Dave. Jackie leaned forward to get her take and I copped a delightful view of her unfettered cleavage. Bob looked at me over the rim of his glass and asked if I had enjoyed watching Dave and Jackie earlier. I did not know if he was referring to their inconclusive fuck or her sucking him off, not that it really mattered. I was staring at Jackie when I told him that I had enjoyed it very much indeed and I saw a brief smile cross her face. I also noticed that his hand was again on her upper leg, only this time the hem of the dress was rather higher than before and I could see that he was actually stroking her flesh. They had their backs to the bar and were therefore not overlooked but I did wonder whether he could have kept his hands off her were that not the case. Jackie excused herself and went off to the loo. It was with genuine pleasure that I realised that Dave and I were not the only ones staring at her as she sashayed through the lounge in her short figure hugging dress.

Bob was smiling when he told me I was a really lucky man; that Jackie was an absolute stunner. He added that she seemed quite keen for us to go back to our flat. He lowered his voice when he leaned across the table and told me that if he did come back with us he fully intended to fuck her. He paused; it was clear he was waiting for my response. I took a deep breath and briefly glanced at Dave. He too was sitting on the edge of his seat and was all ears, as indeed was Bob. I swallowed and told him that I had no objection as long as it was what Jackie wanted. Bob smiled again and informed me that this was exactly what she wanted and moreover, she had told him she was looking forward to it. I must have looked askance at him because he added that she had said it while I was at the bar getting the last round. But that was not all she had disclosed. I still don’t know whether or not it was at Dave’s instigation but she told Bob she had sucked his friend off just before she’d left home to come out. And while that was sinking in Dave volunteered that she had also told Bob that she liked him. I turned to see Dave slowly shaking his head a bemused expression on his face. He said that she was one incredibly horny woman.

Just then the horny woman herself came back. Bob brought her up to date on the discussion we’d had during her short absence. While he was telling her this his hand was creeping up her leg. But it did not stop at her stocking top; it did not even stop when it encountered her silk panties. Taking full advantage of the fact that only Dave and I could see what he was doing he slipped his hand inside the waistband and eased it down inside the wispy garment so that he could finger her in comfort. I felt my rigid cock involuntary twitch when I watched her part her legs slightly so as to give him better access. I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye and I inwardly smiled when I realised that Dave must have had an erection too because he was also adjusting his trousers. Bob actually asked me if I liked watching him fingering her in public! I told him that it was incredibly erotic. But I also wondered if he might be doing it to show that he was in control.

Bob certainly took control when he told us that he thought it was now time to leave and that he was looking forward to fucking her when we all got home. He said that he intended to do it bareback so that he could leave a nice big load inside her. He told her that he knew I liked cleaning her up and he would hate to disappoint me. She did not say anything but her actions spoke louder than any words could have done. She just pursed her lips and kissed him on his cheek. An observer would have thought it was nothing other than a kiss between platonic friends. How could they have possibly imagined that it was her clear signal to him that he could fuck her and do anything else that he had a mind to do? As we got to our feet Bob said that he had his car with him so he could drive us all home. He also mentioned he had the porn videos in his car; something that I had completely forgotten about in the excitement of the evening!


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Great story! You write well and completely capture the moment. Thanks!


Posts: 611
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Terrific account of the making of a slutwife. It has the ring of truth and that makes it so much more exciting.


Posts: 581
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MMM that certainly has me going! Let's hear the continuation please and we'll give you a standing ovation!


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Again i thank you all for the comments posted and the aknowledgement that mist who have commented realise it is a true account.

The events developing as descibed above and what will follow are so vivid in my memory. I have to agree with the comment of cumhubby that this was the making of my wife as a slutwife, which i mean in the very best way. All four of us were very aware of this throughout this meeting in the bar, the looks exchanged between Dave and Bob, the looks exchanged between my wife and i, we all knew. It was just the way things were progressing naturally, we were fortunate to have found an ideal place to sit and experience the fun that was happening.

I can hardly describe how turned on and horny i was, i was very much aware of my feelings, as my wife was the centre of attention from these other men. The more suggestive and involved things became, the more i was loving my wife participating. Hearing the things Bob was saying now that he was more familiar with us, had me in a highly excited state.

I was left in little doubt, if any, that he was certainly going to have fun with my wife that night and that it was also the very same thought in her mind. There was also Dave, so i would be last in line for any involvenment with her but that thought was also highly exciting.


Posts: 3550
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Fantastic stuff slippy02


Posts: 187
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Thanks fo comments.

Any One think it interesting enough to continue?


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I'd very much like to hear the rest of the story. The writing is excellent and very erotic. It makes me wish my wife and I had met a "Dave" early on in our marriage. Instead we made our own way in this lifestyle and developed a dating wife, waiting husband type of hotwife/cuckold marriage. It works, and I love it, but sometimes I think it might be fun to participate, even just cleaning up.


Posts: 46
#29 · Edited by: Austin_hydecpl
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Worth continuing? You're kidding, Slippy, right? When I log on, I go and check the stories forum to see if you have posted a new installment in Beginnings and developments before looking around, every time. Just wish we'd met a Dave, too.


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Man PLEASE do continue, slippy02! This is one of the hottest things I've ever read. I particularly love the meetings and discussions between your wife's suitors and you, and how they are leading her.. and you.. down the most erotic of all paths. I'll be watching for continued posts!
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